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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Wow, i just heard about Obama's "polish death camps" gaffe a few minutes ago, and as a polish born i am outraged, truly outraged about it! How can a president be so ignorant and after this even so arrogant while trying to apologize?

Now all i can do is hope that the american people will kick his ass out of the office in November.

Oh fuck off. You think any of the Republican alternatives are expert historians? He made a mistake, he apologised, it's an ambiguous phrase, and certainly nothing to get "truly outraged" about in this day and age.


Oh fuck off. You think any of the Republican alternatives are expert historians? He made a mistake, he apologised, it's an ambiguous phrase, and certainly nothing to get "truly outraged" about in this day and age.

Rewriting historical facts and history itself, even through simple incompetence, should always be a matter for outrage and especially in this day and age.


Rewriting historical facts and history itself, even through simple incompetence, should be especially in this day and age a matter of outrage.

So then I assume you're calling for the Polish leader's ouster too.

Although....how was he arrogant when apologizing?
Rewriting historical facts and history itself, even through simple incompetence, should always be a matter for outrage and especially in this day and age.

Nobody is trying to rewrite History. But please, continue with your outrage.

Please also tell us about how outraged you are at Mitt Romney's lies and what is a historical historical rewriting campaign that he is running.
A death camp located in Poland isn't a Polish death camp?
Check out this tasty meal from this American McDonald's I went to once:


Rewriting historical facts and history itself, even through simple incompetence, should always be a matter for outrage and especially in this day and age.

I've never heard of a single person think the death camps were run by Poland itself. Everyone knows they were run by the Nazis who had invaded Poland. Nobody is rewriting your damn history.


Junior Member
I've never heard of a single person think the death camps were run by Poland itself. Everyone knows they were run by the Nazis who had invaded Poland. Nobody is rewriting your damn history.


It also doesn't help that so many Polish soccer fans do the Nazi salute during matches. Howabout the Poles get outraged about the thousands of Polish soccer fans saluting a regime that murdered them by the hundreds of thousands?

Check out this tasty meal from this American McDonald's I went to once:

lol! Perfect.


Wow, i just heard about Obama's "polish death camps" gaffe a few minutes ago, and as a polish born i am outraged, truly outraged about it! How can a president be so ignorant and after this even so arrogant while trying to apologize?

Now all i can do is hope that the american people will kick his ass out of the office in November.
As someone who lost about 80% of my family tree in Nazi death camps in Poland, fuck off with that faux outrage.
Sorry for the harsh language, but for the love of god, leave the Holocaust out of the horse race stupidity.
Hey the president said something true about my country, but phrased it differently so I demand his ouster and in his place put a two-bit loan shark whose entire party platform is founded upon distorting facts and has no vision for his country or my own
Wow, i just heard about Obama's "polish death camps" gaffe a few minutes ago, and as a polish born i am outraged, truly outraged about it! How can a president be so ignorant and after this even so arrogant while trying to apologize?

Now all i can do is hope that the american people will kick his ass out of the office in November.

I don't understand the outrage. Take his statement in context. I find it much easier to excuse ignorance than if he had said it with malice. Get over it. It was a simple mistake. He has said many more dumb things than this. And there are positives--We are all more educated as to how sensitive the polish are over this issue.


Professional Schmuck
I don't understand the outrage. Take his statement in context. I find it much easier to excuse ignorance than if he had said it with malice. Get over it. It was a simple mistake. He has said many more dumb things than this. And there are positives--We are all more educated as to how sensitive the polish are over this issue.

And sensitive for good reasons -- they have a very, very dark participatory past.

Btw, props for your moment of clarity and feeling the axis tilt toward Romney. I felt it too. We should both be scared shitless, you for what he'll do to the Republican brand, and me for what he'll do the Republican brand.
Walker by 2-3, Romney wins Wisconsin in November due to a completely demoralized and bitter democrat party in the state

Should have waited for a November recall


You guys crazy? Show me the map that elects Romney.
It's not the map, it's the lack of jobs and bad economic data all around.

We're now seeing a dead heat in IA, NV, and CO. The states that helped make the claim that Obama was more electable than Hillary in 2008, remember?

If those are up for grabs, then he'll need PA + OH and/or FL to win which is basically 2004 all over again (actually, given the new electoral map based on the Census, would that still have Barack fall short? I have to check).

Er, yeah. If this happens we have a tie...


That is assuming of course that Obama can take WI, which I think he still would, even if Walker is victorious. But you never know.


Walker by 6, Obama wins the state by 11.

That Marquette poll PPP is talking about had Walker by 7. So "closer than that" is still a relatively comfortable margin.

edit: Ok, I'm upping my prediction to Walker by 8. Leftists are trying to push a story that Walker had a child out of wedlock 30 years ago. If they are that desperate, Walker must be destroying Barrett in internal polling.
Hilarious? Huh? More like depressing. It is what allowed Bush to become President. He's only the worst President of modern times and all.

I really don't see anything funny about that.
He only pays attention to politics for entertainment. It's all a joke to him. Don't even bother.


Eh...I don't think an EC tie is likely. Possible, but not likely. I can't see Obama lose NV, CO, and VA. I'm sure he's going to win at least one of them.

edit: In an event of an EC tie, wouldn't it be better for the person getting the most popular votes be declared the winner? The popular vote being the tie breaker makes sense, no?
A Romney map http://www.270towin.com/2012_election_predictions.php?mapid=mhX

If the Europe situation explodes, all bets are off. That being said, I don't think the country's demographics will allow a "big" Romney victory.

Nevada: polls are tightening, and it has one of the worst economies in the country already. Any national slump would be felt even harder there

Ohio: Another state where an economic downturn would have a big impact. And I will maintain Portman as VP would be effective. He'd literally just set up camp in the state from August to November

Virginia: The problem state for my map. Demographics lean heavily for Obama thanks to the urban areas. I'm curious how the gay marriage issue impacts the state.

Florida: I don't think Romney needs Rubio to win here. The voter purging plus elderly vote should do the trick

Colorado: Polls show Obama's 08 lead has vanished, and the state is becoming more conservative/evangelical

An Obama win map: http://www.270towin.com/2012_election_predictions.php?mapid=mia
And sensitive for good reasons -- they have a very, very dark participatory past.

Btw, props for your moment of clarity and feeling the axis tilt toward Romney. I felt it too. We should both be scared shitless, you for what he'll do to the Republican brand, and me for what he'll do the Republican brand.
That moment of clarity came from drinking 1/2 a bottle of 1800 tequila while reading the drudge report.


Just realized PoliGAF will likely be down due to E3 starting tomorrow. We're gonna miss out on the WI recall election, maybe even the HC ruling if the SC announce their HC ruling next week.


Hilarious? Huh? More like depressing. It is what allowed Bush to become President. He's only the worst President of modern times and all.

I really don't see anything funny about that.
While I do believe that the end result was tragic, this shit was hilarious, I mean -


Too bad the term derp had not been invented yet in 2000.
I'm gonna say Barrett wins by 17 and the blue wave in Wisconsin makes Russ Feingold win his Senate seat retroactively.

SCOTUS declares Obamacare unconstitutional... And replaces it with single-payer!

June adds 500,000 jobs and unemployment drops so hard that Romney concedes the election ahead of time.

Obama shows up at Nintendo's E3 conference and announces Final Fantasy VII remake for Wii U.
I'm gonna say Barrett wins by 17 and the blue wave in Wisconsin makes Russ Feingold win his Senate seat retroactively.

SCOTUS declares Obamacare unconstitutional... And replaces it with single-payer!

June adds 500,000 jobs and unemployment drops so hard that Romney concedes the election ahead of time.

Obama shows up at Nintendo's E3 conference and announces Final Fantasy VII remake for Wii U.

And you wake up and its Wednesday Morning.


Those predictions are better than your last attempt at Wisco predictions, Aaron!

Also, there is a Jesse Jackson rally for Barrett going on right now. Reportedly there are around 60 people there. Lolol
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