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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Somebody help me out - the bitter tears are filling up this thread!

I can't believe people are apoplectic over a governor getting voted right back in by the same people who put him there and want him to continue doing his job. If public sectors unions thought they were getting fucked before, the next two years should be fun to watch.


Democrats use to be against public employee unions. I think even FDR often spoke out against them, because he believed they would spell the end of his welfare state.

So my question is when did this change?


Democrats use to be against public employee unions. I think even FDR often spoke out against them, because he believed they would spell the end of his welfare state.

So my question is when did this change?

Probably about the time unions started becoming THE major donors for Democrats.
I don't think the result will change but the gap keeps narrowing as more precincts come in. Started at 61/38, now 55/44.
Dane County (Madison) has only reported 3% of the votes.

The result won't change, but it sure would be great if it did!

I heard people are still voting in Madison, Milwaukee, and Detroit...


Uh, Dane has reported 77%. Maybe Madison is only at 3%? Last ballot in Milwaukee County was cast at 9:30 CST

I don't think the result will change but the gap keeps narrowing as more precincts come in. Started at 61/38, now 55/44.

It'll end up 6-10% loss. Milwaukee will go about 65-35 for Barrett.


Walker win isn't really surprising. I knew he was going to. You don't spent and get as much money as he did and lose. He's the republican jesus here. It's going to take an actual charismatic and invigorating democrat to take him on.




Professional Schmuck
Now there's only another 1-2 weeks of incredibly boring WI fallout discussion on the talk circuit, hopefully. I could never get jazzed up about the recall, though I see a slippery slope from public unions to a right-to-work dystopia. Anyway.

Hold onto your hats. Healthcare ruling is next, and it's going to be terrible.

Seriously, if Obama gets reelected -- with this economy, with this unemployment, with this American population, with this media, with this Supreme Court, with everything that should be giving every sane Democrat red flags all over the place -- it will be a miracle. I don't want to see public opinions or electoral maps, I'm looking at the endgame. A fucking miracle.

It's all his fault, FWIW, but still.
Not surprised Walker won but the margin was bigger than I expected, not sure whether this will put Wisconsin into play but this will give the GOP much more momentum in the swing states.


This may just be delusions from DU, but are there really Obama/Walker voters in WI? That is, voters who would vote for Obama and Walker. Any insight, eznark?


This may just be delusions from DU, but are there really Obama/Walker voters in WI? That is, voters who would vote for Obama and Walker. Any insight, eznark?

The closest I can come to figuring this out is that there are quite a lot of people that are "sick of the elections" and dislike the recall altogether and really bought the argument that our tax dollars are all being wasted on this recall, and so they went to go vote Walker.


Professional Schmuck
Side-side-note: What if Romney actually is a moderate keynesian, doesn't fight gay marriage or the DOMA repeal, and pulls out out of Afghanistan on schedule?

I dunno. Maybe he's only lying about the stuff I don't like.
Side-side-note: What if Romney actually is a moderate keynesian, doesn't fight gay marriage or the DOMA repeal, and pulls out out of Afghanistan on schedule?

I dunno. Maybe he's only lying about the stuff I don't like.

every time you start to think president romney wouldn't be too bad, two words should pop into your head: supreme court.


Professional Schmuck
The 7-1 spending in WI should give Democrats pause for 2012. Between Citizens United spending, gerrymandering, and voter ID/voter suppression laws, GOP got this shit locked down, yo.

I try to remember that where people are informed, educated, and given the ability to vote, they vote Democrat. Want to beat them? Keep 'em ig'nant, stupid, and don't let 'em vote.


Professional Schmuck
every time you start to think president romney wouldn't be too bad, two words should pop into your head: supreme court.

What's he gonna do, appoint someone that thinks corporations are people, thinks the government doesn't have a right to care for those that care for themselves, and is against civil rights for all while picking winners and losers along ideological lines on every single issue?
We already have that.

What's he gonna do, appoint someone that thinks corporations are people, thinks the government doesn't have a right to care for those that care for themselves, and is against civil rights for all while picking winners and losers along ideological lines on every single issue?
We already have that.

The point being that more of it is worse. And impossible to reverse.


Professional Schmuck
You're right. Here's the post without the phrase that offended you so badly that you chose to post for the eighth time in this massive thread. oh dear me

The 7-1 spending in WI should give Democrats pause for 2012. Between Citizens United spending, gerrymandering, and voter ID/voter suppression laws, GOP got this shit locked down, yo.

I try to remember that where people are informed, educated, and given the ability to vote, they vote Democrat. Want to beat them? Keep 'em ig'nant, stupid, and don't let 'em vote.

now please, respond with dignity or gtfo
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