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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The 7-1 spending in WI should give Democrats pause for 2012. Between Citizens United spending, gerrymandering, and voter ID/voter suppression laws, GOP got this shit locked down, yo.

I try to remember that where people are informed, educated, and given the ability to vote, they vote Democrat. Want to beat them? Keep 'em ig'nant, stupid, and don't let 'em vote.

Don't informed, educated Americans have IDs? Like a birth certificate? Or a driver's license? Or a passport?
Disappointing result. The exit polls were all over the map as well: slim majorities supporting public Unions AND Walker's law. Our country seems to be moving swifter towards oligarchy each day, however. A greater women than you or I said,"Don't mourn, organize."


Professional Schmuck
The point being that more of it is worse. And impossible to reverse.

Clearly. I was pointing out that it's already pretty bad, and I don't think it can get much worse without catastrophic consequences. I mean, we're already seeing the endgame with citizens united and the Republican strategy of never taking blame for the economy.

I think I'm just in a moment of awe, that we can sit here little more than three years past the worst economic calamity in almost a century and not a single person went to jail, nothing has actually changed, and the public continues to buy the up-is-down worldview of unpatriotic tax-evading traitors hiding under the banner of individual rights. It makes me want to bathe.

I haven't felt like this since 2004, when the worst President since we had electricity was reelected. uggggggggggggggghtththththtthhfuckmeinthegoatasslakjflafjafafaj


Now that Walker's won again, if Romney ends up actually winning the presidency you can safely put me on suicide watch. Or move watch. I'm moving to wherever the hell isn't crazy if that happens. At least maybe I can get to a state that's better, even if I can't get to a country that's better...


Now that Walker's won again, if Romney ends up actually winning the presidency you can safely put me on suicide watch. Or move watch. I'm moving to wherever the hell isn't crazy if that happens. At least maybe I can get to a state that's better, even if I can't get to a country that's better...

so hollow


Moving is easy! I moved to Boston with a weeks notice. Just do it!

Don't kill yourself though.

Yeah, but both the wife and I do have jobs now. Moving now seems like a bad idea what with the hit or miss nature of jobs. And my student loans are way too high to be jobless for any amount of time at all. I was applying to careers in my field all over for a while, though. It's a bit too hard to get something across country, though, unfortunately. I feel like there's so much competition that they're not even going to entertain some guy half a country away because there are already people in their state qualified enough if not more than me. Oh well.

One thing I hope the country realizes is that Corporations are a lot bigger and more powerful than Unions.

This is the reason why I have to keep supporting unions. I realize there are some problems nowadays with some unions (note: SOME unions, not all). They're a key help in countering big corporations. They are obviously still overpowered, yes, but without them then what? Then nothing, really. Then it's just corporations running everything. It really frustrates me that people don't get this.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Now there's only another 1-2 weeks of incredibly boring WI fallout discussion on the talk circuit, hopefully. I could never get jazzed up about the recall, though I see a slippery slope from public unions to a right-to-work dystopia. Anyway.

Hold onto your hats. Healthcare ruling is next, and it's going to be terrible.

Seriously, if Obama gets reelected -- with this economy, with this unemployment, with this American population, with this media, with this Supreme Court, with everything that should be giving every sane Democrat red flags all over the place -- it will be a miracle. I don't want to see public opinions or electoral maps, I'm looking at the endgame. A fucking miracle.

It's all his fault, FWIW, but still.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, where is your Better-than-2008-percentage win, now? Buck up, little trooper, there is a long way to the election.


If you are informed enough to get yourself a proper ID and they let you vote, how would you be negatively affected?

Well, one quick example would be the new law that you have to have lived somewhere 28 days before you can re-register somewhere new. If you're an informed student of, say UW Madison but you lived in upper Wisconsin you may not have been able to vote today unless you drove all the way back down to Madison. That happened to some students today. They went home from college, and were likely registered in their college town, but couldn't re-register in their hometown to vote today.

Also funny: I talked to my dad tonight. He took tomorrow off because he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. He said he couldn't sleep during the primary. He is also convinced Romney needs to pick a VP that fires up the base and makes people like him happy. I explained to him why that would be a silly as hell decision.


I see PoliGAF has given up for the the 108th time.



I liked the college kid that was crying during his interview on CNN, saying "democracy has died."

I think he popped his political cherry, it was cute.


Professional Schmuck
Wait a damn second. You can't come in a thread that focuses on the day-to-day minutiae of the United States political scene and be surprised when a somewhat hyped election in a Presidential election year results in somewhat emotional responses.

Maybe they're over the top, but it is easy to lose perspective. We all know that. I think some of us, like me, are starting to see legitimate cracks that didn't looks so legitimate before.


This ID thing people are making fuzz about, not really sure I understand it; do you not need to prove your identity and be registered at the region/city were you are voting in America?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wait a damn second. You can't come in a thread that focuses on the day-to-day minutiae of the United States political scene and be surprised when a somewhat hyped election in a Presidential election year results in somewhat emotional responses.

Maybe they're over the top, but it is easy to lose perspective. We all know that. I think some of us, like me, are starting to see legitimate cracks that didn't looks so legitimate before.

I think a big part of it is that many people, especially those on the internet, cannot see just how lopsided 2008 was. You had a charismatic rockstar who promised to change the world, end the wars, close Gitmo, etc. On the other side, you had an old cranky, disheveled man with an absolute dolt as a running-mate. Couple that nonsense with the fact that the desperate old man was from a party who presided over impending doom, needless wars and spending, and oncoming plummeting employment numbers.

There isn't a republican dead or alive that would have won in 2008. Now, Republicans are fired up all over the country, the economy has recovered much slower than anyone wanted, and so on. Democrats are not hyped up for their rock star as much anymore, and republicans aren't as depressed as in 2008. I still think Obama wins by 3% or so, but not the way you were predicting.
gotcha. :p

Too little, too late. and I know that is a meme right now, so don't take that facetiously (I hate that shit)
It is a nice consolation prize, but it's true, it doesn't really change things. Walker's done everything on the Republican checklist save for right-to-work, but the odds of Democrats retaining the Senate majority are slim.

Just have to hope for the best I suppose.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
All my hopes now rest on Prop 29 in CA! Voted for that today, will be bummed if it doesn't make it.

I don't know how I feel about that. It adds a $1 to each pack of cigarettes and obviously that only hurts the poorest people. I don't expect them to quit cigarettes because of it though.

Here's a thought, what if the percentage you pay in these "sin" taxes is directly tied to your income level? You can still pay for things in cash even but every time a clerk sells you cigarettes or booze, even if you look way older than 21, they still have to swipe your driver's license through a card reader (it has a magnetic strip on the back) and that adds on whatever tax you would have to pay.

That way we get the money for research/health costs from the richest and don't punish the poorest disproportionately. You can even tie it to things like Google Wallet and high fructose corn syrup. In 50 years, they'll look at our sin taxes in disgust.
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