You're taking macro information and trying to pass it off as pertinent data. Atlanta and Detroit have taken decidely different turns in economic realities over the past two decades. Dayton and Charlotte. Erie and Scottsdale.
But you're just making word salad and passing it off as argument. Revenue streams?
Ahhh .. there IT is! Wash, rinse, repeat. Good work, jaydubya.
That's not an argument. And you look kind of stupid dismissing very basic Keynesian economics (i.e., non-heterodox economic thought). Explain why the federal government cannot or should not adopt countercyclical fiscal policies. I am amused that you are knee-jerk reacting so violently to mainstream economic opinion.
You say cuts, I say normalizing. Whatever.
What it really is is class warfare. Lowering government pay gives private employers more bargaining power.
I have no problem with the janitor in Wisconsin making 27k. It is his benefit package that is grossly out of wack with reality.
Based on, apparently, no information at all! Seriously, by what measure are you judging the benefits package? You think it's too generous. Why? Do you know what this janitor's pension would be? I can assure you it would not be more than the 27k per year he makes. Is that excessive? Why? Because private sector employers have sufficient bargaining power to deny the same benefits to private sector workers? I mean, it's weird to sit here, point your finger at another American who has worked his entire life, and say, you deserve
less benefits, even while you have articulated
no valid reason why that person must have less. You are, without any justification, directly attacking the standard of living of hard-working Americans in the country with the most absolute wealth in the world. It's obscene, anti-social, and totally intolerable.
In fact, the
Democrat candidate Tom Barrett agrees with me and had a plan to 'rightsize' the workers if elected in 2010.
You say that as though I would defend Barrett (or any other Democrat). Pointing at Barrett and saying, look, he
also wanted to hurt Americans for no good reason isn't a compelling argument.
No, just that economic realities change and people need to set aside their greed and stubborness and accept some small cuts in their life. Entitled people are the worst kind of people.
Word salad. No substance. If you can't articulate this argument and expand upon it--
what economic realities?--you've clearly been conditioned and are just parroting things you've read or heard.