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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Romney really is a bad speaker. I'm watching his speech highlights on CNN and he just never seems honest and I think its directly tied to his speaking manner.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
...............State.................Gingrich......Paul..........Romney...........Santorum........... reporting
02/07........MO...................- ...............12.2%.......25.3%.............55.2%.................100%

Romney got whipped...by Ron Paul.

I didn't read any polls before this primary but did the Romney camp have any reason to expect this day to be so devastating? I mean, I didn't even know there was a primary today so when I saw the thread and the numbers, I just couldn't believe it.

Romney is probably still going to get the nomination, but he's going to be bloodied and bruised by the time the general election season rolls around.


Oh god, this is hilarious. Newt, please drop out!!

Seriously, last week I was wishing that Santorum would drop out so that Newt would have a better chance at sabotaging Romney. These results just shattered all of my expectations.
Ive been flabbergasted guys.

The big story of the night isnt just that Romney was DESTROYED, it was that Newt was a complete no show. He was the Huntsman of the west.

Thats devastating to him right now. He has zero momentum. None. Zip. Nada.

In Minnesota he came in 4th.

And for fucks sake, Romney came in 3rd.

Ron Paul votes = Romney + Newt COMBINED.

Then in Colorado, Newt beats Ron Paul by a grand total of 500 votes.

And In Missouri, he didnt even show up!

Thats one big storyline. Newt needs to drop out, and endorse the Rick. Im pretty sure that would mean every candidate that has dropped out, except Huntsman, would be endorsing Rick.

Then how about this one.

Colorado Population: 5,116,796
Colorado GOP votes: ~63,000

Seriously? I've seen the green party gather more votes together.

But wait, theres more

Minnesota Population: 5,344,861 (my mind was just blown that the state has more people than Colorado)
GOP votes: ~47,000

Even less votes!

Looks like the party of no said no to voting!

And really guys, did some idiot in the media say "two horse race" again, because thats one way to explain this Sntorumexplosion.

Oh, as for someone talking about how this shows money cant always buy votes...I agree. The Koch brothers learned that the hard way in 2010 when they spent millions trying to destroy California, and the voters said no.


Wow. Mittens got completely swept tonight. Santorum better be prepared for Mitt's Super Pacs. After tonight, they sure as hell is coming his way.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Wow. Mittens got completely swept tonight. Santorum better be prepared for Mitt's Super Pacs. After tonight, they sure as hell is coming his way.

lol the only thing they could spend the money on is running positive ads for Romney. Santorum has no skeletons, he's just crazy in the way that all evangelicals hope to be. I can't even imagine how confused the Romney headquarters are right now.
Wow. Mittens got completely swept tonight. Santorum better be prepared for Mitt's Super Pacs. After tonight, they sure as hell is coming his way.

I think the kind of people who would vote for old Ricky S will actually be more energized by attack ads.

Especially if religion is thrown into it.
If Romney's going to hit Santorum, it's going to be on electability.

Santorum didn't just lose in 2006, he got embarrassed. He made negative ads that were proven to be false, including one claim against a dead guy, and made his campaign about national security during a Pennsylvania senate race.

It may not have a ton of traction, but it's the best shot Romney has to kneecap Santorum. The story has to be about how a social issues politician can not beat Obama in an economy year.


lacks enthusiasm.
Well, tonight seems to show there's obviously some chaos amok in the GOP reality bubble. I almost feel sorry for Republicans right now.
Nah, never.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My favorite part of this whole Romney loss?

Donald Trump just endorsed him last week.

Hilarious. Have fun taking credit for this one, egomaniac.
If Romney's going to hit Santorum, it's going to be on electability.

Santorum didn't just lose in 2006, he got embarrassed. He made negative ads that were proven to be false, including one claim against a dead guy, and made his campaign about national security during a Pennsylvania senate race.

It may not have a ton of traction, but it's the best shot Romney has to kneecap Santorum. The story has to be about how a social issues politician can not beat Obama in an economy year.

Good luck with convincing republican pri,army voters to abandon social issues.

Especially since Romney is alreadynwhole hog against the gay marriage and contraceptive news of the week.
Also why did every other thread in community get a week or two title change in its original forum, warning everyone about its shift? Given all the non-insular people remarking about how hard this is to find, can mods admit there is a problem yet?


Unconfirmed Member
Also why did every other thread in community get a week or two title change in its original forum, warning everyone about its shift? Given all the non-insular people remarking about how hard this is to find, can mods admit there is a problem yet?

Or a locked sticky thread with title and single post "PoliGAF moved to community forum"


Also why did every other thread in community get a week or two title change in its original forum, warning everyone about its shift? Given all the non-insular people remarking about how hard this is to find, can mods admit there is a problem yet?

Indeed. Also I can see the reason for the split but damn, during election season? "Banished" to the community board as if this was a Pony or KPop or random gaming thread? Eh, whatever.
I don't understand why Romney wouldn't contest these three states. All three are states he would love to win in November. Why miss this opportunity to build out your campaign organization? That's the only benefit of a long primary process and he ignored that?
Last night was great news, this primary has been great fun. The rest of the world is just going to laugh at us. That even some of us thought someone with a name Santorum, might be able to "run the free world".
Also why did every other thread in community get a week or two title change in its original forum, warning everyone about its shift? Given all the non-insular people remarking about how hard this is to find, can mods admit there is a problem yet?

because this was clearly a "punishment" for the SOTU business. swift and immediate.


because this was clearly a "punishment" for the SOTU business. swift and immediate.

Yeah, that's the only thing I can think of. Kinda harsh considering of all the super-threads that still exist in OT, Poligaf was the most relevant and meaningful and on-topic of them all. And to banish it to the most forgotten and desolate wasteland called the Community board (in my 4.5 years here I've clicked on this board maybe once) during election season is a complete and utter overreaction.

Not only will Poligaf receive no new members to the conversation, it'll lose out on a host of others who, like me, never venture into this cesspool.

Whatever, that's my $0.02. I'm hoping in a few months things can go back to normal...
Yeah, that's the only thing I can think of. Kinda harsh considering of all the super-threads that still exist in OT, Poligaf was the most relevant and meaningful and on-topic of them all. And to banish it to the most forgotten and desolate wasteland called the Community board (in my 4.5 years here I've clicked on this board maybe once) during election season is a complete and utter overreaction.

Not only will Poligaf receive no new members to the conversation, it'll lose out on a host of others who, like me, never venture into this cesspool.

Whatever, that's my $0.02. I'm hoping in a few months things can go back to normal...

Just switch to User CP.


I don't understand why Romney wouldn't contest these three states. All three are states he would love to win in November. Why miss this opportunity to build out your campaign organization? That's the only benefit of a long primary process and he ignored that?

Romney was trying to play the inevitable front runner angle, which means that he's not going to bother with certain low stakes contests. He thought he would coast to an easy victory in Colorado, at least show decently in MN, and at least hold a few counties in MO.

The results, however, were probably the worst possible permutation for him. It confirms that even though he may be the inevitable that he has trouble in contests where he doesn't commit in a way he can't afford to do in all areas.

(Well, maybe he can afford it, depends on how much money he gets for the general....)
Romney was trying to play the inevitable front runner angle, which means that he's not going to bother with certain low stakes contests. He thought he would coast to an easy victory in Colorado, at least show decently in MN, and at least hold a few counties in MO.

The results, however, were probably the worst possible permutation for him. It confirms that even though he may be the inevitable that he has trouble in contests where he doesn't commit in a way he can't afford to do in all areas.

(Well, maybe he can afford it, depends on how much money he gets for the general....)

All three states are high stakes in November though. What is he waiting for? Obama slaughtered McCain thanks to having well prepared campaign staffs in every swing state. Romney needs to win literally every swing state to win the general and he is lagging his preparations in three of them.
because this was clearly a "punishment" for the SOTU business. swift and immediate.

If Evilore wanted a thread for the SOTU address he should have made one himself. It isn't our job to make threads specifically to cater to him for his entertainment, nor is it our fault that there wasn't one. On the other hand, the CCommunity thread is almost as old as the OT thread before it was locked and just look at the difference in size. That loss of discussion is entirely his fault. This really is just his way of giving everyone in this thread the finger.
Not only will Poligaf receive no new members to the conversation, it'll lose out on a host of others who, like me, never venture into this cesspool.
Actually I rarely post in this thread but follow it religiously and I've noticed quite a few different people posting in here lately.
This really is just his way of giving everyone in this thread the finger.
Evilore = closet Republican confirmed.

I learned a long time ago to turn on auto-subscribe to threads I post in. Then I have three tabs always open: Gaming, OT, and Subscriptions. Problem solved.
I don't see why there can't be monthly threads over at OT like the ones wrestling uses. Each month the subtitle can be some twist on the important events coming-up that month (SOTU, certain primaries, battles over specific bills, etc.) It seems like a perfect compromise to me.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
NOW Romney is underperforming. Those three states were ultra-bungled, though, from the looks of it. Talk about wasting taxpayer money.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Then its Arizona and Michigan on the 28th. Should be interesting. Arizona is packed to the brim with crazies, and Michigan has "let the state wither and die, love Romney" factor.

Then its Washington and then its SUPER TUESDAY

Romney suggested many things that were eventually used in the actual bankruptcy/bailout. He just didn't want people getting handouts for bad behavior/management. He wanted to let labor contracts be dissolved and the companies be freed from crazy and untenable pensions, healthcare costs, and wages that far and away exceed anything in any similar manufacturing segment. The way the government did it is working for now, but, in his opinion, allowing private companies to come in instead of the government would have been better.
Romney suggested many things that were eventually used in the actual bankruptcy/bailout. He just didn't want people getting handouts for bad behavior/management. He wanted to let labor contracts be dissolved and the companies be freed from crazy and untenable pensions, healthcare costs, and wages that far and away exceed anything in any similar manufacturing segment. The way the government did it is working for now, but, in his opinion, allowing private companies to come in instead of the government would have been better.

Makes it an issue of how effectively someone can present negative ads around the nuance of his suggestions. Showing the title of his op-ed will probably get enough people pissed who won't read the op-ed.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Makes it an issue of how effectively someone can present negative ads around the nuance of his suggestions. Showing the title of his op-ed will probably get enough people pissed who won't read the op-ed.

That is the true issue at hand. His suggestions were nuanced and well-reasoned in most respects, but his title was a real killer. Obama's PACs are going to just use the title in black and white with sad violin music to vilify his position.
That is the true issue at hand. His suggestions were nuanced and well-reasoned in most respects, but his title was a real killer. Obama's PACs are going to just use the title in black and white with sad violin music to vilify his position.

Yep, though I'm not all that sympathetic towards him, because I think he likely knew the administration was looking at similar measures with only a nuanced difference. His title will be used against him to strip nuance from his position, as his op-ed title was originally used to strip nuance from Obama's position.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yep, though I'm not all that sympathetic towards him, because I think he likely knew the administration was looking at similar measures with only a nuanced difference. His title will be used against him to strip nuance from his position, as his op-ed title was originally used to strip nuance from Obama's position.

I agree. Well put.


I just don't see how Romney will be able to use negative advertising against Santorum. Its not like he tries to hide the crazy and to attack him is basically attacking the "core" of faith voters that make up a large part of your primary groups for the GOP.

Romney also can't suddenly become religious, he tries to suddenly act super religious and faithful its just going to catalog more footage for Obama in the general to show that Romney says whatever you want to hear...add to the fact he is Mormon and some Superpac with no scruples is going to hammer him hard


Santorum is the right kind of crazy for a GOP primary. It would be a problem for him in the general, so I can imagine Romney's only
line of attack can be electability. Even so, that line from him is losing weight as each day passes. If Romney is electable, then why is his "inevitability" collapsing?

This election is a mess.


Romney suggested many things that were eventually used in the actual bankruptcy/bailout. He just didn't want people getting handouts for bad behavior/management. He wanted to let labor contracts be dissolved and the companies be freed from crazy and untenable pensions, healthcare costs, and wages that far and away exceed anything in any similar manufacturing segment. The way the government did it is working for now, but, in his opinion, allowing private companies to come in instead of the government would have been better.

The problem was, the private backing just wasn't there. That's why the government needed to step in. It was high risk enough, and still in the midst of the credit crisis, that the government was the only viable fallback. And given that reality, it has played out about as well as it possibly could have. Without the government's role in the bankruptcies, they would not have happened. Romney refuses to acknowledge this.


Santorum is the right kind of crazy for a GOP primary.

This election is a mess.

This Santorum success is really so far from conventional wisdom, it's crazy. 99/100 prognosticators would have said he would suffer the same kind of fate Pawlenty or Bachmann did. But, here he is, looking like the defacto choice for social conservatives all the way until the convention.

You have to think someone like Palin is now kicking themselves for not running. She probably would not have won, but she could have greatly increased her power base in the party. Maybe she just doesn't care about that and would rather be a talking head, making 7 figures a year.
I just don't see how Romney will be able to use negative advertising against Santorum.
It doesn't matter. Santorum is not the threat. The three races last night don't matter. Romney has to defend against Newt in the Super Tuesday states, that's why Santorum was able to win these three, because they're not important to Romney or Newt.

Santorum also just lacks the capacity to campaign in a Super Tuesday scenario, where there's so many states at stake at the same time.

This is still a Romney/Gingrich race.
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