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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Junior Member
I wonder what those Obama numbers mean for the Democrat's chances in retaking the House and keeping control of the senate.

In Ohio, I'm hitting the "D" button (and a few "I's") up and down the ballot. Republican candidates aren't even a consideration.
Nothing happens alone. Reagan's Kenyesian policies contributed. But yes, cheap oil is a huge contributor that also helped a lot. The oil prices crashed in the 80s and that really helped the economy like crazy. Cheap oil also helped bring down the USSR since it was a big source for their hard currency.

So oil was to the USSR to what oil is to Venezula?

And yeah that makes sense. I remember my school book told me that oil prices role by TEN times in the 70's.

wow. Education system is so out of order in the US. Not even funny.

I thought you were from the US?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Wow, that 'Let Detroit go Bankrupt' meme is killing Romney in Michigan isn't it?

Is it possible for Romney to actually lose the nomination?
Honestly, I don't even know if I want to root for Santorum over Romney anymore. Because then I would blame myself if Santorum somehow ends up winning the general election. The best case scenario is that Santorum barely gets the nomination but loses to Obama by a landslide, which tells other republicans to move more towards the center.


It is a hard world to maintain faith in with all that modern science has shown us. But the golden rule at center of many faiths is as valid as ever. It is too bad though that much of what drives people politically with modern faith are those exceptions to the golden rule. Instead of treating people as you would like to be treated . . . being left alone to live as you choose, much of modern religion in politics is about forcing a religion's views (such as anti-gay) on others. That's not good.

This is the sad truth. Im still currently a believer but my faith has definitely been put to the test. I mean the fundamental aspect of Christianity is being good, loving your neighbors and helping people that need it and yet it seems Christianity is currently defined as being anti-gay, anti-abortion/birth control, and anti-poor which is support by fox news and the republican politicians.

Ya, I could never support politicians who feel that giving starving children breakfast before school is "spoiling entitled lazy leeches of society".

The lack of support or care by republicans for children in need is appalling.


Honestly, I don't even know if I want to root for Santorum over Romney anymore. Because then I would blame myself if Santorum somehow ends up winning the general election. The best case scenario is that Santorum barely gets the nomination but loses to Obama by a landslide, which tells other republicans to move more towards the center.

Agreed. Santorum is polling closer versus Obama than I am comfortable with. The last thing we need is a religious nut in the WH, especially with the Israel/Iran situation that's currently happening.
Honestly, I don't even know if I want to root for Santorum over Romney anymore. Because then I would blame myself if Santorum somehow ends up winning the general election. The best case scenario is that Santorum barely gets the nomination but loses to Obama by a landslide, which tells other republicans to move more towards the center.

Nah. Romney can win. Santorum can't. George W. Bush would have a better chance at winning than Santorum.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Romney is likely to take Arizona and Santorum is likely to take Michigan.

To me, this has "brokered convention" written all over it.

I cannot believe Santorum would have any shot at winning once the general public becomes familiar with his "states should be able to ban contraception" statements. That's insanity.

Mike M

Nick N
If Romney secures the nomination and loses, I wonder if that makes that make Santorum "Next in line" for 2016...

Ugh, the thought of this shit pile returning...


Obama should easily win any domestic car manufacturing states, especially given that Romney keeps saying how they should've went bankrupt, costing all those states a ton of jobs.


If Romney secures the nomination and loses, I wonder if that makes that make Santorum "Next in line" for 2016...

Ugh, the thought of this shit pile returning...

Its not like he is going to have a better chance at winning the election in 2016....... His crazy ideas are still going to be crazy.
If Romney secures the nomination and loses, I wonder if that makes that make Santorum "Next in line" for 2016...

Ugh, the thought of this shit pile returning...
I think we're likely to see a couple of characters from this election in the next go-round. If Perry isn't laughed out of office in his re-election campaign (is he running?) and he can spend some time hitting the books between now and 2016, I think he'll be back. I think Huntsman will be likely to give it another go as well, and if the hard-right fever has burned out by then, then he should be able to take a more reasonable shot--though I don't know how his temperamental moderation will play in an election where he's likely to be running against Christie.

As for Santorum, I think it's reasonable to expect some decay in his popularity as his exposure nationally increases. Hopefully enough that he begins to be viewed nationally with an appropriate sense of his toxicity.


Unconfirmed Member
Literally spent a grand. fuck. that. shit.
I am well over 1K also.

Since I am applying to a MArch and MA design programs they make me submit bound paper copies of a portfolio. Only two of the schools made you submit digital portfolio and wouldn't take paper.

The others wanted me to spend 15-30 a copy, Send them in 10$ covers, THEN send another 20 and a self marked envelope to amsend it back to me.

This of course is in addition to all app fees, GRE, transcripts etc.

We need a electronic school records requirement like we did for health care.
If Romney secures the nomination and loses, I wonder if that makes that make Santorum "Next in line" for 2016...

Ugh, the thought of this shit pile returning...

Would be the ultimate best case scenario for the Dems. The GOP could run Romney, lose, then say "He wasn't conservative enough!", and return with next-in-line hardcore conservative Santorum. The Dems couldn't ask for more than that.
I've been to a fair amount of political rallies.

This is the first one where a bishop blessed it right at the beginning and introduced the main speaker.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Haha, I love how selectively eliminating only one of the Circuit Courts (the one that they see as ruling against them most often) is somehow defending the Constitution.

Lol. Better be some homemade nonsense. Grammatical errors and I didn't even know Santorum was against the 9th circuit, just Gingrich.

Re: flying_phoenix,I am from America, and I wasnt being snarky or facetious. The American educational system is a joke on all levels.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Obama should easily win any domestic car manufacturing states, especially given that Romney keeps saying how they should've went bankrupt, costing all those states a ton of jobs.

I dont think what he meant by bankrupt is what you think it means.

Lol. Better be some homemade nonsense. Grammatical errors and I didn't even know Santorum was against the 9th circuit, just Gingrich.

Re: flying_phoenix,I am from America, and I wasnt being snarky or facetious. The American educational system is a joke on all levels.

It's the flyer they're handing out at the Santorum rally right now and Paid for by Rick Santorum for President.
Can someone give me a list of all the really terrible stuff Santorum has said? My roommate loves him and doesn't believe me when I say he's a terrible person.


Why do young people get such a hard-on over Ron Paul again?

Because its easy to spout off a few sentences that make him sound AMAZING to young voters.

1. Anti-war
2. Anti-war on drugs.
3. Anti-government (which sounds great until you realize its actually a terrible idea)
4. Anti-torture/pro individual rights against dah police state.
5. A lot of people think hes pro gay rights

All of this sounds amazing until you really get down on what he believes and his outlandish beliefs.

Youthful ignorance.



Why do young people get such a hard-on over Ron Paul again?

Ignorance, "did it myself" attitude, and constant bombardment of literature. I don't know how it is now, but when I went to university there was a year-round presence of Ron's news letters.
Why do young people get such a hard-on over Ron Paul again?

My guess (someone 35 or older please confirm this for me)

Young people are new to the world in general. Unlike their parents who are so used to the bullshit in society, its all fresh to them. They truly believe that they can change it the nation whether right or wrong. Therefore these "radical" candidates attract them as they seem them as non-cookie cutter. Adults however are largely apathetic toward politics. Its hard to get enthusiastic after seeing the same bullshit for 20 years. And those who are enthusiastic probably actually believe these cookie cutter candidates.
He should have probably chosen a better title, but you're correct about common misconceptions about the idea.

It's not like they got bailouts from the Bush Administration or anything, though.

Methinks they need to find a more effective form of protest.

I read somewhere (maybe the Detroit Free Press?) that he didn't pick the title. The NY Times did. Don't know if it's true or not.
My guess (someone 35 or older please confirm this for me)

Young people are new to the world in general. Unlike their parents who are so used to the bullshit in society, its all fresh to them. They truly believe that they can change it the nation whether right or wrong. Therefore these "radical" candidates attract them as they seem them as non-cookie cutter. Adults however are largely apathetic toward politics. Its hard to get enthusiastic after seeing the same bullshit for 20 years. And those who are enthusiastic probably actually believe these cookie cutter candidates.
1) You're contradicting yourself.
2) If we were to judge by voting patterns alone, arguably one's interest in politics would increase with age.

To me, Ron Paul's appeal is very simple to explain. He says a lot of things that make sense (FP, WoD), and a lot of things that don't (economics). But fundamentally, he conveys a sense of intellectual honesty that most politicians do not, and I think a lot of people find him attractive for just that reason.

I read somewhere (maybe the Detroit Free Press?) that he didn't pick the title. The NY Times did. Don't know if it's true or not.
Checked DFP, didn't really see anything. The only place I can find a claim that:
*Often op-eds like these are given a title by the publication they appear in. For example, Mitt did not provide a title for the article above “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”. That title was chosen by the New York Times.

is at http://mittromneycentral.com/op-eds/: Promoting Romney for President in 2012.


Didn't see this posted, but I am so shaking my head at my damn state.

Va. House GOP Muscles Through Abortion Curbs

Some choice quotes:

A Republican supermajority has muscled two of the most restrictive anti-abortion bills in years through the Virginia House, including one that would all but outlaw the procedure in the state by declaring that the rights of persons apply from the moment sperm and egg unite.

The bills passed over bitter yet futile objections from Democrats. And one GOP delegate caused the House to ripple when he said most abortions come as "matters of lifestyle convenience."

The ultrasound legislation would constitute an unprecedented government mandate to insert vaginal ultrasonic probes into women as part of a state-ordered effort to dissuade them from terminating pregnancies, legislative opponents noted.

No comment provoked more surprise than that of Del. Todd Gilbert in diminishing the gravity of the decision to have an abortion.

"We hear the same song over there. The very tragic human notes that are often touched upon involve extreme examples," said Gilbert, R-Shenandoah. "But in the vast majority of these cases, these are matters of lifestyle convenience."

I wouldn't be surprised if there's probably Virginia GOP legislation waiting in the wings requiring vaginal ultrasonic probes in order to get unemployment insurance benefits . . . regardless of your gender.
Screaming about the 9th Circuit is really par for the course at this point.

It's the Supreme Court's stock in trade, too. The Ninth Circuit is by far the most (only?) rational part of the federal judiciary in our modern era, so it's kind of funny (and also sad) to watch the SCOTUS go apeshit over it (and even sadder to see some of the so-called liberal Justices go along with it). There are SCOTUS opinions that literally call the 9th Circuit out by name as if the judiciary were a political branch of government. But that's what happens when the Senate allows radicals like Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Alito on the bench.
1) You're contradicting yourself.
2) If we were to judge by voting patterns alone, arguably one's interest in politics would increase with age.

To me, Ron Paul's appeal is very simple to explain. He says a lot of things that make sense (FP, WoD), and a lot of things that don't (economics). But fundamentally, he conveys a sense of intellectual honesty that most politicians do not, and I think a lot of people find him attractive for just that reason.

Checked DFP, didn't really see anything. The only place I can find a claim that:

is at http://mittromneycentral.com/op-eds/: Promoting Romney for President in 2012.

I found where I read it. I have no idea why I was reading a detnews weblog, but somehow stumbled upon it.

"But the Times headline over the piece blared, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" - a statement over which Romney had no control and which has been continually used as the basis for criticism of him."
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