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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues

If this is a legitimate path, republicans simply cannot nominate Romney. I can't possibly see how he could attack Obama on social issues given his record.
That would be by far the stupidest thing they could do. The economy seems to be getting better, but that could change in two months, it's that volatile. They are pretty much conceding the debate to the president when the election is months away.
That would be by far the stupidest thing they could do. The economy seems to be getting better, but that could change in two months, it's that volatile. They are pretty much conceding the debate to the president when the election is months away.

I wouldn't say they're conceding it- Romney is *trying* for the narrative that "I could have done it much faster", or "the auto bailout worked, but not the way it should have been done" etc.

the problem is that nobody's buying it.
"The man who fell of the pier with the silk hat" = economy when FDR took office. FDR saves the man from drowning (the Depression stopped from getting worse with the New Deal,), but the man, after being thankful initially is mad 3 years later because they couldn't save his silk hat (i.e., that the economy hadn't yet recovered to the level it was at before the Depression).
Makes sense, thanks.


Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues

If this is a legitimate path, republicans simply cannot nominate Romney. I can't possibly see how he could attack Obama on social issues given his record.

“Something tells me, that if the upcoming election could be decided on social issues, the Republicans could win that in a landslide, because we are on the right side of the culture war,” Limbaugh told listeners on Thursday. “The problem is, we’re scared to death of it. The Republican establishment wants no part of it.”

Ahahahaha, no. Wow that man is so insane... You put the election on social issues, especially the shitty ones put forth lately and the democrats are going to win in landslides. If they put Santorum up for election he would get spanked so badly it shouldn't even be funny. Obama would laugh his way into the white house.
Yes, but you said they planted in that soil. They didn't. They tested it and then conditioned the soil, which reduced the lead to 14ppm.

Oh. I have no idea. The whole thing was stupid.

On a more serious note, if Santorum wins the nomination I will be voting for Obama with a smile on my face. Never thought I'd say that. What the hell is going on in this country?


They want to continue down the path of doubling down on social issues as their main focal point in an election year? Rush is Pretty much the dominating voice in the party and if he really wants to drive them down that path, he's more than capable of doing so.



They want to continue down the path of doubling down on social issues as their main focal point in an election year? Rush is Pretty much the dominating voice in the party and if he really wants to drive them down that path, he's more than capable of doing so.


Maybe that is the point? If they would win it all, then who would listen to him? What would he talk about? His whole schtick is about the country goign to hell in a handbasket and that narritive does not work very well if the republicans hold all the cards.. does it?
Maybe that is the point? If they would win it all, then who would listen to him? What would he talk about? His whole schtick is about the country goign to hell in a handbasket and that narritive does not work very well if the republicans hold all the cards.. does it?

He didn't die out during the Bush years.
I'm beginning to think 2012 is in the bag, barring something absolutely catastrophic happening with the economy, or Obama caught in a sex scandal.

what about 2016? Biden will be pushing 75, and Hillary likely won't be in any shape to run either.

Who do the democrats have on deck that would be a strong candidate in four years? or do you think Biden steps down from the VP slot to make room for someone else?


I'm beginning to think 2012 is in the bag, barring something absolutely catastrophic happening with the economy, or Obama caught in a sex scandal.

what about 2016? Biden will be pushing 75, and Hillary likely won't be in any shape to run either.

Who do the democrats have on deck that would be a strong candidate in four years? or do you think Biden steps down from the VP slot to make room for someone else?

Biden will be VP. The GOP, as of today, has a much better crop of gov's to step up that can actually appeal to moderates. If 2012 is a big Dem win, i'd guess the GOP would marginalize the tea party into nothing, or implode on itself and get back into a sane party.


I'm beginning to think 2012 is in the bag, barring something absolutely catastrophic happening with the economy, or Obama caught in a sex scandal.

what about 2016? Biden will be pushing 75, and Hillary likely won't be in any shape to run either.

Who do the democrats have on deck that would be a strong candidate in four years? or do you think Biden steps down from the VP slot to make room for someone else?

Andrew Cuomo (NY Governor), Brian Schweitzer (Montana Governor)
Andrew Cuomo (NY Governor), Brian Schweitzer (Montana Governor)

neither one really has good national recognition, or appeal to southerners. New York is always going to be a lock for the democrats- why not someone from VA or NC (if obama carries those again?)

Maybe Jim Webb or Tim Kaine?

edit: Webb makes too much sense to not be the 2016 nominee. He's out of office now, but could easily lay the groundwork for a 2016 campaign if he chose to.
I'm beginning to think 2012 is in the bag, barring something absolutely catastrophic happening with the economy, or Obama caught in a sex scandal.

what about 2016? Biden will be pushing 75, and Hillary likely won't be in any shape to run either.

Who do the democrats have on deck that would be a strong candidate in four years? or do you think Biden steps down from the VP slot to make room for someone else?

Sherrod Brown
Sherrod Brown

Another excellent one. Long term senator from an important swing state- some national recognition..I could see this happening.

Is it wrong that I see "sherrod" and always think he's black though? what's up with that name

edit: I checked wiki, looks like limbaugh made the same mistake and got caught trying to play the race card against Brown. lol
Biden will be VP. The GOP, as of today, has a much better crop of gov's to step up that can actually appeal to moderates. If 2012 is a big Dem win, i'd guess the GOP would marginalize the tea party into nothing, or implode on itself and get back into a sane party.

If I had to guess, they will say that the reason they lost is they didn't nominate a hard conservative and we will see the ring-wing machine go into an even more powerful overdrive.
If I had to guess, they will say that the reason they lost is they didn't nominate a hard conservative and we will see the ring-wing machine go into an even more powerful overdrive.

this is the reason I REALLY want to see Santorum win the nomination. If Romney wins and loses, we'll just see a repeat of the tea party nonsense, and claims that the party needs to go further right.

If santorum wins and gets obliterated, there's no way anyone can complain that dude "wasn't conservative enough." Going full retard on the social conservatism and still getting obliterated JUST MIGHT knock that party back to sanity. maybe.


I'm beginning to think 2012 is in the bag, barring something absolutely catastrophic happening with the economy, or Obama caught in a sex scandal.

what about 2016? Biden will be pushing 75, and Hillary likely won't be in any shape to run either.

Who do the democrats have on deck that would be a strong candidate in four years? or do you think Biden steps down from the VP slot to make room for someone else?

I'm hoping and praying for Elizabeth Warren, but I'm told she would likely be a hard sell :(


neither one really has good national recognition, or appeal to southerners. New York is always going to be a lock for the democrats- why not someone from VA or NC (if obama carries those again?)

Who really needs Southern appeal as a Democrat? Better to lock up the Mountain West with an honest to goodness agribusiness Democrat.
Remember, demographics are going to make AZ and even TX swing states by 2016. Schweitzer/Gillibrand versus Bush/Rubio 2016 for great justice!


If I had to guess, they will say that the reason they lost is they didn't nominate a hard conservative and we will see the ring-wing machine go into an even more powerful overdrive.

i'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. If they lose the house along with the presidency, i think it may be enough to make them step back

Santorum To Make 'Major Campaign Announcement' At 2 PM ET

Rick Santorum will make a "major campaign announcement" at 2 p.m. ET in Columbus, Ohio, his campaign announced Friday. Santorum will speak at the Ohio State House.

Endorsements? Fundraising?

he's pushing for free asprins to put between your subservient woman's legs
Santorum To Make 'Major Campaign Announcement' At 2 PM ET

Rick Santorum will make a "major campaign announcement" at 2 p.m. ET in Columbus, Ohio, his campaign announced Friday. Santorum will speak at the Ohio State House.

Endorsements? Fundraising?

well, dropping out at this point would be beyond stupid, so I'm guessing it's an endorsement.

Maybe from someone who previously backed Gingrich (perry?), or Gingrich himself.


I predict it will be a Mike Dewine endorsement or John Kasich.

Kasich and Mitt had a dustup last year when Mitt refused to endorse Kasich's SB5. Seems a little too early for the governor to endorse anyone at all, though.

Weird day to do it, too. Friday is usually the day you want to bury a news item.
I predict it will be a Mike Dewine endorsement or John Kasich.

Kasich and Mitt had a dustup last year when Mitt refused to endorse Kasich's SB5. Seems a little too early for the governor to endorse anyone at all.

Kasich is toxic in Ohio right now though, and Santorum is comfortably ahead. making a major announcement about that doesn't make any sense.

wait: doesn't santorum have a sick kid? what if he IS dropping out??


Kasich is toxic in Ohio right now though, and Santorum is comfortably ahead. making a major announcement about that doesn't make any sense.

Kasich is only toxic in the liberal blogosphere. Among the Ohio GOP (and specifically the hardcore of that base that will be voting in a few weeks), he is doing fine.

For Santorum, ANY endorsement is a huge deal.
Kasich is only toxic in the liberal and independent blogosphere. Among the Ohio GOP (and specifically the hardcore of that base that will be voting in a few weeks), he is doing fine.

For Santorum, ANY endorsement is a huge deal.

Fixed for you. And I agree; I think a Kasich endorsement for Santorum would still hurt him in the general, but in the primary, it would help. Oddly, I think it does nothing to help Mitt if Kasich comes out for him in either the primary or general.


I'm going to guess Palin is about to step in and endorse finally. Try to get back some of that lost ground with conservative women.

Or that'll work, a Romney endorser switching sides. That might help keep the momentum up for a little bit longer.
It's not Kasich, per the Columbus Dispatch. Might be AG Mike DeWine, former Senator and U.S. Rep from Ohio, which would make sense. Ohio Senate President Ton Niehaus' camp also denied comment to reporters, but given Santorum's positions and the bills Niehaus has been helping push through the state Senate recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it was BOTH of them. DeWine on his own is not really a big enough announcement for this.

EDIT: Oh, guess it is DeWine. Fun fact: his second cousin runs the Ohio GOP.


Could someone explain the use of the Roosevelt quote? I don't quite understand it.

It's like... suppose your Uncle Jack is really old, and his knees don't work so well. He likes to go riding, but one day he comes back to the stable, and he's having trouble getting down. Would you help your Uncle Jack off his horse?

I think that's the gist of it.
If the economy improving really has killed Romney's chances to run as the economy candidate, than Santorum really will win the nomination as the social issues candidate.

Romney must be raging so hard LOL

Interesting point. A temporary improvement in the economy may kill the GOP's chance of winning the whitehouse. With a temporary improvement of the economy, the focus switched to social issues, Santorum wins on those in the GOP and nabs the nomination while that is the focus, then even if the economy craters in the fall, the GOP is stuck running anti-birth control Santorum with his pack of outside-the-mainstream fundamentalist views.


If I had to guess, they will say that the reason they lost is they didn't nominate a hard conservative and we will see the ring-wing machine go into an even more powerful overdrive.
That could happen, although parties typically elect a more moderate nominee the longer they have been outside the White House. It's not a perfectly linear relationship. But it's fairly distinct. Still, if there's a party capable of bucking the trend, it's the current iteration of the GOP.
Sherrod Brown
He'd have ToxicAdam's vote.
Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues

If this is a legitimate path, republicans simply cannot nominate Romney. I can't possibly see how he could attack Obama on social issues given his record.
If the GOP were wise, they'd heed the advice of the strategist who suggested focusing on fiscal issues. Granted, it would fail to produce a victory. But it would not alienate the public. Homophobia and misogyny are not viable platforms.


Professional Schmuck
Interesting point. A temporary improvement in the economy may kill the GOP's chance of winning the whitehouse. With a temporary improvement of the economy, the focus switched to social issues, Santorum wins on those in the GOP and nabs the nomination while that is the focus, then even if the economy craters in the fall, the GOP is stuck running anti-birth control Santorum with his pack of outside-the-mainstream fundamentalist views.


This neutralizes the euro-fears, Syrian War, Iranian threats, and Wall Street re-collapsing all in one fell swoop. Maybe Obama really is the messiah.


It's not Kasich, per the Columbus Dispatch. Might be AG Mike DeWine, former Senator and U.S. Rep from Ohio, which would make sense. Ohio Senate President Ton Niehaus' camp also denied comment to reporters, but given Santorum's positions and the bills Niehaus has been helping push through the state Senate recently, I wouldn't be surprised if it was BOTH of them. DeWine on his own is not really a big enough announcement for this.

EDIT: Oh, guess it is DeWine. Fun fact: his second cousin runs the Ohio GOP.
DeWine served with Santorum in the Senate. So his endorsement is not terribly surprising. Rather, that Santorum finally has an endorsement bespeaks the lack of enthusiasm for his nomination amongst party actors. They've had numerous opportunities to support his nomination. Only, it's been mostly crickets chirping.



So he is effectively endorsing the Catholic view on birth control as the moral and just one that should eventually be universially recognized by all?

Well he just gave who ever runs against him a campaign ad. Even a GOP primary opponent.
ITT, everyone getting way ahead of themselves salivating over a remote possibility that Santorum wins the nomination.

I'd call it unlikely, but not remote. Romney is still the favorite ATM.

However, wins in Ohio and Michigan (which are certainly not out of the realm of possibility by a long shot) COULD finish Romney's campaign no matter how much money he has.

Michigan is being built up as his home state, and Ohio is a "must win" swing state. The "mitt doesn't inspire anyone" narrative has been building for a long time now, and losing both of those contests to a candidate with literally no organization, no headquarters, and a shoestring budget means it's going to get a lot louder.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Seems like conservatives honestly think they can win a debate on social issues

If this is a legitimate path, republicans simply cannot nominate Romney. I can't possibly see how he could attack Obama on social issues given his record.
Rush Limbaugh said:
“Something tells me, that if the upcoming election could be decided on social issues, the Republicans could win that in a landslide, because we are on the right side of the culture war,” Limbaugh told listeners on Thursday. “The problem is, we’re scared to death of it. The Republican establishment wants no part of it.”

Again, as I mentioned yesterday, I completely see this election being marketed as "Obama vs. Christianity."


neither one really has good national recognition, or appeal to southerners. New York is always going to be a lock for the democrats- why not someone from VA or NC (if obama carries those again?)

Maybe Jim Webb or Tim Kaine?

edit: Webb makes too much sense to not be the 2016 nominee. He's out of office now, but could easily lay the groundwork for a 2016 campaign if he chose to.
Obama had no name recognition before the 2004 convention. He also is from Illinois, one of the most dependable blue states in any election. In addition to this, thanks to the demographic changes in the west, I don't think the south much matters to democrats at this point because Obama has shown you can win big without it.
Obama had no name recognition before the 2004 convention. He also is from Illinois, one of the most dependable blue states in any election. In addition to this, thanks to the demographic changes in the west, I don't think the south much matters to democrats at this point because Obama has shown you can win big without it.

You must admit though that Obama was an aberration. His personal narrative and background, combined with not insignificant oratory skill and a crapload of "getting lucky" allowed him to beat Clinton in the primaries. The guy came out of nowhere and had instant rockstar status. "The establishment" were backing Clinton before that happened- Clinton, which is probably the most recognized name in politics next to Bush.

That's...probably not going to happen again, and it's rare that the sitting party runs an absolute nobody when trying to retain the presidency.

Can Obama win big without the south? Probably. But Obama was able to put Virginia and North Carolina in play as swing states, which nobody thought possible- forcing the GOP to spread themselves thin and lessening the importance of Ohio and FL. I can see the Democratic party trying to build on and retain those states, rather than going back to the model that Gore, Kerry, and (to a large extent) Clinton were endorsing by turning out the votes in democratic stronghold states.
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