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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Wow, just watched Morning Joe and Franklin Graham is a partisan joke. Obama isn't a christian because of how he's lived his life but Gingrich is? What a disgrace to his father.

On a side note, Alex Wagner was looking pretty damn good.
Just when you thought they could not go lower . . .

During a campaign stop at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK, the trailing Republican candidate said, "Let me start from a simple premise that Oklahomans will understand: you cannot put a gun rack in a Volt,"

WTF? I'd be outraged if I were a GOPer and pandered to so shamelessly with stereotypes.

Would Obama say, "Let me start from a simple premise that Californians will understand: you cannot put a Triple-shot Venti in a Ford F150!"


Just when you thought they could not go lower . . .

WTF? I'd be outraged if I were a GOPer and pandered to so shamelessly with stereotypes.

Would Obama say, "Let me start from a simple premise that Californians will understand: you cannot put a Triple-shot Venti in a Ford F150!"

What the hell Gingrich, ha


Just when you thought they could not go lower . . .

WTF? I'd be outraged if I were a GOPer and pandered to so shamelessly with stereotypes.

Would Obama say, "Let me start from a simple premise that Californians will understand: you cannot put a Triple-shot Venti in a Ford F150!"

Is that a Gingrich quote? I'd say he's the most shamelessly pandering of all the three.


Yes, it's Gingrich.

He's in full spin-out mode now.

Defeating Barack Obama becomes, in fact, a duty of national security. Because the fact is, he is incapable of defending the United States."

-- Newt Gingrich, quoted by NBC News, adding the country is at risk "someday in your lifetime of losing an American city" from a terrorist attack.


Just when you thought they could not go lower . . .

WTF? I'd be outraged if I were a GOPer and pandered to so shamelessly with stereotypes.

Would Obama say, "Let me start from a simple premise that Californians will understand: you cannot put a Triple-shot Venti in a Ford F150!"

clinging to their guns and religion

Dead Man

Just when you thought they could not go lower . . .

WTF? I'd be outraged if I were a GOPer and pandered to so shamelessly with stereotypes.

Would Obama say, "Let me start from a simple premise that Californians will understand: you cannot put a Triple-shot Venti in a Ford F150!"

That's some high level shit there.
Apparently Girl Scouts are for teh gays and abortionz! Oh noes!

Nonetheless, abundant evidence proves that the agenda of Planned Parenthood includes sexualizing young girls through the Girl Scouts, which is quickly becoming a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood instructional series and pamphlets are part of the core curriculum at GSA training seminars. Denver Auxiliary Bishop James D. Conley of Denver last year warned parents that “membership in the Girl Scouts could carry the danger of making their daughters more receptive to the pro-abortion agenda.”

A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet “Happy, Healthy, and Hot.”
You're shitting me, right? Wow....
I think it's nonsense that Romney keeps trying to take credit for "jobs created by" Bain since his departure, but even so, I don't think everything they choose to do (or don't) should really reflect on him.
That's not the point. Romney's been saying that instead of the government financing (and such) the auto bailout, private companies should've stepped in to save the day. How can he continue to make this claim when the company he co-founded wasn't willing to step in and help finance GM's restructuring?


why? the longer I can go without having to watch/listen to record breaking amounts of negative advertising, the better.

This. I want the republican primary to go all the way up to their convention. The less I have to listen to the negative ads and outright lies on TV the better. I think once the general starts I'm going to stick to the Internet and DVR everything I want to watch. That way when I watch later at night or the next day I can just fast forward through the crap.
So, the Obama supporting SuperPAC raised only 59,000$ in January. This was the main reason Obama campaign decided to make itself available for SuperPAC fundraising.


Ouch.... Do we know how much the republican pacs raised?

Here's the article I think that came from.

Priorities USA raised a paltry $59,000 in January, Federal Election Commission filings showed, and that amount came almost entirely from one longtime Obama supporter, John W. Rogers, who donated $50,000.

The disappointing figures were a sharp contrast with the tens of millions of dollars raised by the political action committees, or PACs, that support Republican presidential candidates.
$59k vs. "tens of millions". Obama had no choice.


After the absolute drubbing SuperPAC's have taken from the left and liberal-leaning media over the past year, it's surprising anyone used them at all.
That's not the point. Romney's been saying that instead of the government financing (and such) the auto bailout, private companies should've stepped in to save the day. How can he continue to make this claim when the company he co-founded wasn't willing to step in and help finance GM's restructuring?
That's beside the point. It's clear that he was wrong about the private sector being willing to put up the funding; I'm just saying that unless he was being consulted about Bain's day-to-day operations, the fact that they decided to participate really shouldn't reflect on him, just like the "jobs created" since he's left shouldn't.


After the absolute drubbing SuperPAC's have taken from the left and liberal-leaning media over the past year, it's surprising anyone used them at all.

I think Romney's results speak to how effective they can be. Without them, he would not be in the position he is in, and his campaign would be out of cash. He needs the thick bubble of media to protect him; he'd have lost Florida for certain without them.

I think Santorum's declining position in Michigan is in part due to Santorum doing his thing, but he's getting outspent more than 3:1 because of the Super PACs.

The liberal-leaning media can trash them all they want, that is more than outweighed by the impact of the PACs themselves. Money talks.


I think Romney's results speak to how effective they can be.

But, there's no stigma attached to them with the right. Especially in support for a candidate who says, "Corporations are people, my friend."

My point was that those that are most likely to be Obama supporters have read a calvacade of negative press about them as vehicles for fundraising. So, there's going to be this huge built-up resentment in using them initially. That may change.


But, there's no stigma attached to them with the right. Especially in support for a candidate who says, "Corporations are people, my friend."

My point was that those that are most likely to be Obama supporters have read a calvacade of negative press about them as vehicles for fundraising. So, there's going to be this huge built-up resentment in using them initially. That may change.

Probably right. The fact that the Dem PACs were raising so little proves your point. It will be interesting to see how that shifts now that Obama has embraced them.
only 59k?

yeah them superpacs aint going no where, the game is dirty donno why many libs were against it

It's obvious why liberals don't like it- it allows a few well moneyed billionaires to basically fund candidates to represent their interests.

Republicans might be re-thinking this one after the campaign as well- this damaging, drawn out primary season is due ENTIRELY to superpacs keeping people like Gingrich in the race when they should have been out ages ago.

Probably right. The fact that the Dem PACs were raising so little proves your point. It will be interesting to see how that shifts now that Obama has embraced them.

I don't see it changing too much. It will go up, but the majority of Obama's donations came from small donors- not a few billionaires giving hundreds of thousands or millions at a time. Those individuals are going to back pro-business republicans, for obvious reasons.
I don't see it changing too much. It will go up, but the majority of Obama's donations came from small donors- not a few billionaires giving hundreds of thousands or millions at a time. Those individuals are going to back pro-business republicans, for obvious reasons.

I see it changing once the Republican Primary is over. Obama has millionaire and billionaire backers too, but they might not see much reason to donate right now. Obama campaign isn't in full swing mode.

As per the TPM Article (Thanks for linking it Ghaleon!), they have already seen enthusiasm go up since Obama campaign made the decision to support Super PACs.

I expect Dem SuperPACs to rely on Hollywood Moguls and New York Area.

In other news, Billy Graham's Son continues to be an idiot:

“(Obama’s) said he’s a Christian, so I just have to assume, you know, that he is,” Graham said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, adding that he doesn’t know whether Obama has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior. Then Graham repeated his claim that Obama’s father was a Muslim and therefore the “Muslim world sees (Obama) as a son of Islam.”

Also, Adelson may spend up to 100 million dollars for Presidential Campaign to defeat Obama:


But, there's no stigma attached to them with the right. Especially in support for a candidate who says, "Corporations are people, my friend."

My point was that those that are most likely to be Obama supporters have read a calvacade of negative press about them as vehicles for fundraising. So, there's going to be this huge built-up resentment in using them initially. That may change.

i'm just shocked that it actually happened. I didn't expect principle to extend beyond when Obama said it was ok
That's beside the point. It's clear that he was wrong about the private sector being willing to put up the funding; I'm just saying that unless he was being consulted about Bain's day-to-day operations, the fact that they decided to participate really shouldn't reflect on him, just like the "jobs created" since he's left shouldn't.
How is it besides the point? You're reading too much into my "lulz" comment. It's just funny, given what Romney said, that the private sector wasn't willing to step in to help GM and the others, including his former company.

A slight chuckle. That's it. I'm not saying it reflects on him, I'm merely laughing at the connection. That's all.


If a base conservative candidate had managed to unite the vote while being decently electable, Romney would be fucked. Romney will be the least liked nominee of a party since Dukakis

I agree he's lost a lot of steam, but c'mon now.

But, there's no stigma attached to them with the right. Especially in support for a candidate who says, "Corporations are people, my friend."

My point was that those that are most likely to be Obama supporters have read a calvacade of negative press about them as vehicles for fundraising. So, there's going to be this huge built-up resentment in using them initially. That may change.
It better change. To say 59k vs "tens of millions" is being put at a disadvantage is an understatement.

And to think, we're not even in the GE yet...

The SCOTUS really sucks for allowing this insanity to become law.


It better change. To say 59k vs "tens of millions" is being put at a disadvantage is an understatement.

I don't really see it this way. Money advantages are largely overblown in politics. We have seen this dozens of times in recent elections.

If anything, having an over-reliance on SuperPACS is only going to feed into the perception that you are in it for corporate interests. It's a poison pill.

Name one that garnered less enthusiasm from his party plz. Kerry had the war hero/war protester thing going for him, McCain was a war hero, HW Bush was well liked overall, etc.

Yea, you'd have to go back to Dukakis.
I think Romney's results speak to how effective they can be. Without them, he would not be in the position he is in, and his campaign would be out of cash. He needs the thick bubble of media to protect him; he'd have lost Florida for certain without them.

I think Santorum's declining position in Michigan is in part due to Santorum doing his thing, but he's getting outspent more than 3:1 because of the Super PACs.

The liberal-leaning media can trash them all they want, that is more than outweighed by the impact of the PACs themselves. Money talks.

This article argues that Romney doesn't have the nomination yet because of SuperPACs

I don't buy the argument that Super PACs are ok because of this, but I do find it interesting that they aren't necessarily operating in such a sinister fashion.


A few polls released day indicate Romney's position is improving; rather, his opponents' positions are deteriorating. He only needs to perform competently at the debate to avoid a deluge of negative press. A new Mitchell poll estimates he's leading Santorum 32-30 in Michigan; obviously, it's a statistical tie. We Ask America estimates he's leading Santorum 37-27 in Arizona. Finally, and this was the most surprising of the three, InsiderAdvantage estimates he's in second place in Georgia in an incredibly tight race:

  • Newt Gingrich 25.9%
  • Mitt Romney 23.9%
  • Rick Santorum 22.8%


A few polls released day indicate Romney's position is improving; rather, his opponents' positions are deteriorating. He only needs to perform competently at the debate to avoid a deluge of negative press. A new Mitchell poll estimates he's leading Santorum 32-30 in Michigan; obviously, it's a statistical tie. We Ask America estimates he's leading Santorum 37-27 in Arizona. Finally, and this was the most surprising of the three, InsiderAdvantage estimates he's in second place in Georgia in an incredibly tight race:

  • Newt Gingrich 25.9%
  • Mitt Romney 23.9%
  • Rick Santorum 22.8%

because, unlike Newt and Rick, Mitt stays quiet and lets the stupidity flow from others. I do really enjoy this primary season though as I never thought Mitt would have this much trouble


because, unlike Newt and Rick, Mitt stays quiet and lets the stupidity flow from others. I do really enjoy this primary season though as I never thought Mitt would have this much trouble

The general is going to be great because he won't be able to hide behind the stupid people in his party. He's going to have to be out there in the news every day and talking. When Romney talks, he inevitably says something very stupid. His campaign is living almost entirely off of Super PACs and while they'll have an impact for him in the general, he's not going to be able to hide from the news like he is now. The more people see of Romney, the less they like him.
Yeah, it was Newt.

And apparently you CAN put a gun rack in a Volt.


Name one that garnered less enthusiasm from his party plz. Kerry had the war hero/war protester thing going for him, McCain was a war hero, HW Bush was well liked overall, etc.
I'd like to think it's more fair to say he is the Republican John Kerry. And that's what I see him as, at best, currently -- someone who will either lose or defeat Obama by one or two states.

He has image problems right now, but if he learns his lessons and works hard enough during the GE (assuming he gets the nom) he could probably get his numbers with independents close to what they were with Kerry. Frankly I would not be surprised if you see Romney start to act like a true moderate if the all out conservative strategy would not bode well for him during the GE. If he can get moderate Republicans and centrist voters to pay attention that's all he'd need. I can easily see him telling the far right to gtfo behind closed doors, because he's smart enough to realize he wouldn't need them at that point if he can figure out a way to recapitalize on his moderate appeal.

Also the war hero/protester thing did not work out too well for Kerry after he got Swiftboated.


I see it changing once the Republican Primary is over. Obama has millionaire and billionaire backers too, but they might not see much reason to donate right now. Obama campaign isn't in full swing mode.

As per the TPM Article (Thanks for linking it Ghaleon!), they have already seen enthusiasm go up since Obama campaign made the decision to support Super PACs.

I expect Dem SuperPACs to rely on Hollywood Moguls and New York Area.

In other news, Billy Graham's Son continues to be an idiot:

Also, Adelson may spend up to 100 million dollars for Presidential Campaign to defeat Obama:
Well it's a good thing that adelson has effectively thrown away 10 million already. Only 90 million more to go for the primary season!
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