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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Well guys I talked to the station manager today. I was going to originally have the show be at 12-1PM. However I didn't factor in that it would be too LOUD for anybody to hear the show (everyone's talking). So I can either do it 9-10am. Or we can prerecord and play the show at 2-3pm. Which do you guys prefer?



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Goddamn, man, we get it. You play fighting games.

Pfft, don't blame me for having efficient attention getters.

Besides you can never have too many sprites in a post.

Pre-recording it might give you some more flexibility in terms of having people on, depending on when you can do that.

Yeah. I'd prefer a live show, but is there anyone on here who would be willing to participate at 9am Central Time USA (Chicago)?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sounds as excitable as the Dog he kept caged atop his car... Definitely need to take the Rombot in for some tinkering, going a bit haywire there.

Anyway, just a concise piece on why the GOP's truly screwed, aside from their crappy candidates, their insatiably insane base.

Great article, but especially this part:

The standard journalistic trope the past few months has been to say that the Republican establishment would step in at some point and not let things get too out of hand. But that’s mostly nonsense. This GOP establishment is barely less loopy than the base. If the base is driving the party into a ditch, the establishment is riding shotgun holding a shovel.

Holy shit, THANK YOU for finally pointing this shit out.
All Romney has to do really is let Santorum flame himself out, not engage and he can win this. Just stay above the fray, and avoid suddenly trying to sound exactly the same -

Suikoguy's linked AP story said:
SHELBY, Mich. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Tuesday that President Barack Obama's administration has "fought against religion" and sought to substitute a "secular" agenda for one grounded in faith.

"Unfortunately, possibly because of the people the president hangs around with, and their agenda, their secular agenda — they have fought against religion," he said.

He also took questions on gay marriage, Supreme Court appointments and abortion — and when asked about whom he might select as his vice presidential running mate, he listed "pro-life" as the first credential he would look for.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
All Romney has to do really is let Santorum flame himself out, not engage and he can win this. Just stay above the fray, and avoid suddenly trying to sound exactly the same -


I'm pro-life and I still have no idea why republicans find it so important that a VP or a judge needs to be pro-life. There is almost zero chance they would ever deal with abortion. It makes absolutely no sense.


All Romney has to do really is let Santorum flame himself out, not engage and he can win this. Just stay above the fray, and avoid suddenly trying to sound exactly the same -


I hope Romney continues to imitate Santorum. Nothing like making yourself damaged gods.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Harry Reid Threatens Mass Recess Appointments because Senate Republicans are being dicks:

Last Friday, after Senate Republicans refused to allow the Senate to move forward with a vote on 90 pending nominees to federal positions, an exasperated Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) took to the Senate floor to suggest that drastic action might be necessary to meet this obstructionist force with equal force:

"I think that the president did the minimal with his recess appointments — the minimal. I think he’s waited far too long. If something doesn’t break here, I’m going to recommend to the president he recess appoint all these people — every one of them. "

Doooooooooooo itttttttttt!


I hope Romney continues to imitate Santorum. Nothing like making yourself damaged gods.
Yeah, the longer this goes on the further right he swings, and the less time he has to try and move back for the general. Hilarious.

Curious what to see from his new tax plan coming tomorrow. I'm guessing since he's still in primary mode, it goes even further than his current version, in terms of cutting for the rich.
I'm pro-life and I still have no idea why republicans find it so important that a VP or a judge needs to be pro-life. There is almost zero chance they would ever deal with abortion. It makes absolutely no sense.

Oh, it makes complete sense. Abortion is legal in the USA due to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. And honestly, it is based on a judicial sleight of hand. It could easily be wiped by another hardcore conservative justice.

But would they really want that? What would they campaign on then? I think the Wall Street part of GOP would really not like that although the fundamentalist part would.

Mike M

Nick N
Can't wait to see how he flip flops on this tomorrow

Why wait until tomorrow?

***UPDATE*** Romney spokesman Ryan Williams commented on the comments:

The governor’s point was that simply slashing the budget, with no affirmative pro-growth policies, is insufficient to get the economy turned around.  However, he believes that budget cuts – especially in the context of President Obama’s unprecedented spending explosion – are a step in the right direction.  As he made clear in his economic plan, he believes that spending cuts that reduce the size of government and balance the budget are crucial to economic growth and job creation.

Mitt Romney said Tuesday that cutting spending slows growth in the economy -- a rhetorical slip more akin to an argument a Democrat might make than a Republican.
. . .
"If you just cut, if all you're thinking about doing is cutting spending, as you cut spending you'll slow down the economy," he said in part of his response. "So you have to, at the same time, create pro-growth tax policies."

I like how telling the truth is viewed as such a terrible thing.


Passing metallic gas
Out of curiosity, does anyone think the GOP will ever ..how do i phrase this, not be batshit fucking insane again? And if so how long do you figure it will take before it happens?


Out of curiosity, does anyone think the GOP will ever ..how do i phrase this, not be batshit fucking insane again? And if so how long do you figure it will take before it happens?

Nope... when they lose in November, that base will just get even more fanatical. There's no turning back from where they're going.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I take it back, I don't want Santorum to win the nom. My friend dropped me home and as we were passing by the gas stations, I was floored to find that the prices ranged from $4.00 - $4.50. Hell hath no fury like an Amurkan pissed at high gas prices.
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