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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Where did you meet him? I'm guessing he's back in state to do a little campaigning?

Yeah. With Mourdock hammering him for "globetrotting" in the primary, Lugar is really trying to hit that "6th generation hoosier" stuff. I talked to him about NDAA and I think he thinks I am a terrorist now. I'm probably on some watch list.
The National Retail Fuel Price Average for Regular gas was $1.84 per gallon in January 2009 when Obama took office. In February, 2012, it is now $3.60 a gallon.

What are the causes, and what, if anything, could have prevented it?


The National Retail Fuel Price Average for Regular gas was $1.84 per gallon in January 2009 when Obama took office. In February, 2012, it is now $3.60 a gallon.

What are the causes, and what, if anything, could have prevented it?

If you want more than a bumper sticker answer:

If you want a bumper sticker answer:
"Record profits don't come from nowhere." [US demand is flat, OPEC supply is at some potential risk due to Iranian sabre-rattling]

What could have been done to prevent it? We could have left Iraq alone in 2003 and they'd still be acting as a counterbalance to Iran and pumping much more into the global markets.
On the president’s efforts to boost college attendance, Santorum said, “I understand why Barack Obama wants to send every kid to college, because of their indoctrination mills, absolutely ... The indoctrination that is going on at the university level is a harm to our country.”
He claimed that “62 percent of kids who go into college with a faith commitment leave without it,” but declined to cite a source for the figure. And he floated the idea of requiring that universities that receive public funds have “intellectual diversity” on campus.



That girl in the bunny hat
The National Retail Fuel Price Average for Regular gas was $1.84 per gallon in January 2009 when Obama took office. In February, 2012, it is now $3.60 a gallon.

What are the causes, and what, if anything, could have prevented it?

Someone smarter than me should correct this, since it's just based on what I've pieced together, but this is what I think is the case:

-- Gas prices go pretty well in hand with crude oil prices. Crude goes up, gas goes up.
-- 2009 was the peak of this last recession, wherein there was a lot of market selloff, including the materials sector (which includes oil). Thus, cost per barrel of crude was much lower. I think it just recovered to pre-2009 levels.
-- Since then, we've been recovering (which would naturally draw up the price), and a lot of speculators are getting involved (which artificially draws up the price). See also gold.
-- Only other thing that can really affect oil price is supply, which is a really convoluted overall scenario but is probably remaining relatively stable? I don't know that part. I know the OPEC name isn't getting thrown around much and we're not as dependent on them as people think anyway.

So other than subsidies, blocking speculation, or otherwise fiddling with the crude market, not really a lot that can be done. But again, I'm not super-educated on the topic.
Yeah. With Mourdock hammering him for "globetrotting" in the primary, Lugar is really trying to hit that "6th generation hoosier" stuff. I talked to him about NDAA and I think he thinks I am a terrorist now. I'm probably on some watch list.
I was just talking to someone about this yesterday: although it's been a while since I've seen the ads, I do remember Lugar ads some time last year to curry favor in the primary. What I haven't seen? Any ads for the gubernatorial race. What the hell is going on?

PS. I can't see Lugar losing, even with the hammering going on.
So titles I've thought of. Your thoughts?

Grounded in Reality
American Faze
America Resolved
America in Construction
*...in Construction.

*Whatever the topic of the day goes in front of here. So if we are talking about say Obama's reelection campaign then the title of the day's episode will be "Obama's Reelection in Construction." Same if we were talking about Rick Santourum that week it will be "Santorum in Construction."

Israel isn't going to do shit. Relax.

People really do have goldfish memory. It isn't like Iran and Israel haven't been "aggressive" before.


Sounds like Jeb Bush wants to run as a moderate Republican for the 2016 presidency.

By that time he probably figures that the average American will have forgotten the Bush name.

As gas prices go up, I better gear up for the onslaught of dumbasses on Facebook who are going to be shouting and blaming Obama for them.


WH reporter attacks the Obama adminstration for prosecuting whistleblowers:

TAPPER: The White House keeps praising these journalists who are — who’ve been killed –

CARNEY: I don’t know about “keep” — I think -

TAPPER: You’ve done it, Vice President Biden did it in a statement. How does that square with the fact that this administration has been so aggressively trying to stop aggressive journalism in the United States by using the Espionage Act to take whistleblowers to court?

You’re — currently I think that you’ve invoked it the sixth time, and before the Obama administration, it had only been used three times in history. You’re — this is the sixth time — you’re suing a CIA officer for allegedly providing information in 2009 about CIA torture. Certainly that’s something that’s in the public interest of the United States. The administration is taking this person to court. There just seems to be disconnect here. You want aggressive journalism abroad; you just don’t want it in the United States.

That question is unanswerable, but see the transcript here as Carney struggles to provide a response while Tapper repeatedly insists on an actual answer.

A national security official essentially admitted to Lucy Dalglish of Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press that subpoenaing reporters is not really necessary in the era of smartphones:

She continued, paraphrasing the official: “We don’t need to ask who you’re talking to. We know.”


When was the president able to make laws? O thats right..... He cant.
I don't know what it has to do with the discussion at hand, but many presidents de-facto wrote laws and handed them to congress.

Obama may be able to win the GE without superpacs but senators and representatives are going to get destroyed by superpacs since they are the ones that can't raise as much money.
So that SuperPac is now going to help senate races?
I'm seriously asking.
Also, now getting Bob Casey, Jr. re-elected is more important that holding to your principles (and campaign promises)?

BTW we still stop acting like Mitt Romney will destroy America when he stops putting forth ideas that are going to destroy America. Stop acting like Romney is some centrist when hes just as crazy as the rest of republicans. He would sign into law ANYTHING republicans put before him.
In practical terms, what do you think he's going to do?
WH reporter attacks the Obama adminstration for prosecuting whistleblowers:
About time, I want to hear Obama address that issue.
His record on it is shameful.

Edit: video of the exchange here.
Jay Carney looks out of his league.

"TAPPER: So the truth should come out abroad, it shouldn't come out here?"
OrsonWells.gif Jake Tapper, OrsonWells.gif.


I'm not understanding Tapper's point though. What does feeling sorrow for a reporter dying have to do with prosecuting whistleblowers?

Sure you can have a legitimate argument about prosecuting sources for reporters, but it just seems that he's using the incident to make himself stand out.
Sanctity is great and all, but if they tie one hand behind their back and their opponent keeps beating them like a red headed step child with Super PAC money, they're never going to be able to overturn it.

They should use it to their advantage as long as they have the desire to get rid of it when they have the capacity to. I honestly don't know if they truly want to though, so...


We're so fucked.

And not doing anything about it would cement their influence and ability to entrench those interests further. Ginsburg being replaced by Justice Hardright isn't going to help the cause.


I'm not understanding Tapper's point though. What does feeling sorrow for a reporter dying have to do with prosecuting whistleblowers?

Sure you can have a legitimate argument about prosecuting sources for reporters, but it just seems that he's using the incident to make himself stand out.
I think the point he's trying to make that the US is praising freedom of the press abroad while fighting it at home.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For those of you supporting the notion that it's okay to fight fire with fire (re: superpacs) just cause it's legal, well I guess that means we can use waterboarding for our needs until we can overturn that law too, right? :smug
For those of you supporting the notion that it's okay to fight fire with fire (re: superpacs) just cause it's legal, well I guess that means we can use waterboarding for our needs until we can overturn that law too, right? :smug

... Does using waterboarding, or not using it, have a direct effect on your election prospects?
FP: Podcast Title ideas

The Stop Making Sense Podcast
The Political Speakeasy

I don't quite get what "*Blank* in Construction" is supposed to mean. I've never heard that turn of a phrase. I've heard of deconstructed or under construction, but not that.


For those of you supporting the notion that it's okay to fight fire with fire (re: superpacs) just cause it's legal, well I guess that means we can use waterboarding for our needs until we can overturn that law too, right? :smug

Not countering Super PAC spending with the same could result in horrific policy and damange done to the US and its populace. You can make a good moral argument for why the wholesale (attempted) purchasing of elections by corporations and a handful of super wealthy should be countered. There is no such counter argument for waterboarding.
Romney will end up being the nominee regardless.

Santorum is ruining himself, he just blew off his Michigan lead and Mitt will win there + early voting

Super Tuesday will be interesting though since it's multiple states on the same night


I think the real toll the primary is having on Romney is that he's actually having to spend money and time. Can't just bank it to the General like he was expecting. In a world without SuperPACs, he'd already have been out.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The direction of the economy in Q3 and Q4 will seal his fate. If it's still moving in the right direction, Obama will win a comfortable re-election despite the absolute state of it. I think demographic shifts are going to help offset any loss in enthusiasm (and I'm not expecting much loss on that front).

I think the direction of the economy in Q2 and Q3 matters more than 3 and 4?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Not countering Super PAC spending with the same could result in horrific policy and damange done to the US and its populace. You can make a good moral argument for why the wholesale (attempted) purchasing of elections by corporations and a handful of super wealthy should be countered. There is no such counter argument for waterboarding.


Dude Abides

For those of you supporting the notion that it's okay to fight fire with fire (re: superpacs) just cause it's legal, well I guess that means we can use waterboarding for our needs until we can overturn that law too, right? :smug

The electoral college is bad too. Should Dems stop focusing on battleground states?

Also, waterboarding is illegal already and was at the time.


Christ, I hate the internet sometimes. That Romney event was specifically cordoned off that way so he would be addressing one end of the stadium. Also, it was something ridiculous like 50 dollars for members and 100 dollars for non-members to attend.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Christ, I hate the internet sometimes. That Romney event was specifically cordoned off that way so he would be addressing one end of the stadium. Also, it was something ridiculous like 50-80 dollars a ticket to attend.


^last year in Detroit.


Yea, what did they charge to attend that rally you dipshit? Did you have to be a member of a club or know someone that was there?

Keep being an idiot clown who repeats everything you read on the internet.
Yea, what did they charge to attend that rally you dipshit? Did you have to be a member of a club or know someone that was there?

Keep being an idiot clown who repeats everything you read on the internet.

Romney charging people money to see him and getting low turnout is his own fault.


Romney charging people money to see him and getting low turnout is his own fault.

I though the Detroit Economic Club was hosting the event. How is Romney charging people?

Why the hell did they hold it in a stadium?

I don't plan large-scale events in that area. I imagine there are a number of factors involved when you are assembling that amount of people and security and media is also taken into consideration. Maybe Ford Field was the easiest (and most accessible) of buildings to make it easier once they exceeded their 700 person capacity?
Yea, what did they charge to attend that rally you dipshit? Did you have to be a member of a club or know someone that was there?

Keep being an idiot clown who repeats everything you read on the internet.

Easy on the personal attacks TA. Even if this was a paid event, inviting the press to a tiny gathering in a massive stadium is just not wise. At the very least they should have gotten rid of all the empty chairs if they had a good idea of attendance.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yea, what did they charge to attend that rally you dipshit? Did you have to be a member of a club or know someone that was there?

Keep being an idiot clown who repeats everything you read on the internet.

You seem angry for some reason.
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