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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Mike M

Nick N
That quote is just so freaky . . . it just really seemed like something a robot would say.

It was a really, really weird thing to say. I don't know if it was some kind of brain fart, or if it was one of those things that sound normal to him while everyone else gazes on in disbelieving horror, like his anecdote about the dog.


It was a really, really weird thing to say. I don't know if it was some kind of brain fart, or if it was one of those things that sound normal to him while everyone else gazes on in disbelieving horror, like his anecdote about the dog.

I think he knew it was the part of the speech where he was supposed to list why he loves Michigan, and that's what came out. It sounded like he was just cycling through the first things he thought of, then doing free associations. Trees.....right height! Cars...American cars!


Professional Schmuck
I think he knew it was the part of the speech where he was supposed to list why he loves Michigan, and that's what came out. It sounded like he was just cycling through the first things he thought of, then doing free associations. Trees.....right height! Cars...American cars!

To be fair, YOU try naming something about Detroit you like while standing in the middle of it. Fucking yikes.


I don't think this has been posted yet:

Michigan Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) holds a 21-point lead over her Republican challenger, former Rep. Pete Hoekstra, according to an NBC News-Marist poll released Wednesday.

Stabenow, a two-term incumbent, leads 53 percent to 32.

Republicans are hopeful that Stabenow will be vulnerable in a state with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, but the focus in February was primarily on a controversial ad the Hoekstra campaign ran during the Super Bowl, which featured an Asian woman speaking in broken English.

Republicans were looking at this race and the Sherrod Brown seat as potential flips. But that looks very unlikely now.

--- /// ---

Huntsman calls for a third party candidate:

Said Huntsman: "Someone's going to step up at some point and say we've had enough of this. The real issues are not being addressed, and it's time that we put forward an alternative vision, a bold thinking. We might not win, but we can certainly influence the debate."

He added: "All I can say is I'm looking at the political marketplace and the duopoly is tired and we're stuck in a rut."

Oh my lawd, I feel faint ..


Boehner retreating on the Highway Bill.

A Boehner spokesman, Michael Steel, said Thursday that GOP leaders were mulling “a revamped approach” that would shorten the length of the highway reauthorization bill from five years and scrap a proposal to remove transit funding from the highway trust fund.

The move would be seen as a dramatic retreat for the Speaker, who has trumpeted the $260 billion legislation as a jobs priority but was forced to postpone floor consideration last week amid resistance from Republicans and complete opposition from Democrats.
A central element of Boehner’s proposal would, for the first time, use royalties from an expansion of domestic energy production to finance infrastructure improvements. Yet critics of the bill pointed out that the revenues from oil drilling would cover only a small portion of the infrastructure spending, and the Congressional Budget Office projected the GOP proposal would bankrupt the highway trust fund within a decade.

Centrist Republicans getting very nervous this election year.


Republicans were looking at this race and the Sherrod Brown seat as potential flips. But that looks very unlikely now.

LOL.. the guy running against Sherrod Brown is my cousin. Before anyone asks me anything about him though.. I haven't seen him since we were 13.


It was a really, really weird thing to say. I don't know if it was some kind of brain fart, or if it was one of those things that sound normal to him while everyone else gazes on in disbelieving horror, like his anecdote about the dog.
It may sound weird to outsiders. But he's a true blue Michigander. We love the height of our trees. Not too tall. Not too short. Just right.
The direction of the economy in Q3 and Q4 will seal his fate. If it's still moving in the right direction, Obama will win a comfortable re-election despite the absolute state of it. I think demographic shifts are going to help offset any loss in enthusiasm (and I'm not expecting much loss on that front).

Romney is now well exposed as a poor candidate. In particular, the hole Romeny is digging with Hispanics is a deep and costly one.
Precisely. Citing only a few statistics outside the proper context creates a distorted narrative. Obviously, unemployment remains high, but the trajectory takes precedence over the absolute level. Presently, the economy is experiencing some fairly robust growth. And Obama's prospects have correspondingly improved. If growth continues unabated, and the most recent data is positive, Obama would win irrespective of the Republican nominee.
Personally you can bank on the Youth coming out and ditto to minorities. It may not be as overwhelming as it was in 2008, but I don't think its going to go down nearly as much as you think.
The problem is not diminished turnout. That's mostly specious, and I wince when it's posited as a reason for Obama's demise. Youth turnout relative to other cohorts has been largely stable over the past few presidential elections; that is, as a proportion of actual turnout, the youth cohort has been fairly stable. Rather, the true problem for Obama is attracting a proportion of the youth vote comparable to his performance in 2008. And I doubt Obama will struggle with youth. As economic concerns predominate even for youth, I expected a shift towards the GOP. Although, less pronounced than other cohorts. However, social issues are more salient with youth. Thus, if the GOP makes reducing access to contraception a plank in its platform, they're gong to alienate the preponderance of the youth vote. And with the economy improving, I'd expect him to perform comparably to 2008.


under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.
under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.

Destroy the system. By overloading it.

It's all part of the plan.
under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.


Democrats and Obama have suggested a series of measures to rein it in. The Supreme Court and Republicans are not letting that happen.

At that point, you can't just let 700 million dollars worth of outside ads happen without being able to fight back. Let's recap:
Adelson - 100 million dollars
Koch Bros - 150 million dollars
Rove's SuperPAC - 280 million dollars
And all the other Republican backers have promised to spend money this general election through SuperPACs.

Until the CU decision can be overturned (not going to happen with Republican majority in House and current SC setup), Democrats have to play in this new playing field or get left behind.


Huntsman calls for a third party candidate:

Said Huntsman: "Someone's going to step up at some point and say we've had enough of this. The real issues are not being addressed, and it's time that we put forward an alternative vision, a bold thinking. We might not win, but we can certainly influence the debate."

He added: "All I can say is I'm looking at the political marketplace and the duopoly is tired and we're stuck in a rut."

Oh my lawd, I feel faint ..

Wasn't he just sucking off Romney a month ago? What a tool.

Not because he wants to or wants someone else to run third party, just there's something about him that pisses me off. It's like sporadic honesty/integrity. One moment he'll be acting like a moderate, the next he's saying the Paul Ryan budget is awesome. One minute he's saying climate change is real and we need to address it, the next spouting bullshit about the EPA's reign of terror. Now this; endorsing a man he loathes, then the next month saying all the candidates are awful and we need someone else.


under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.

Alternative is we let republicans dominate the TV and airwaves with hundreds of millions of dollars from the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson. Fight fire with fire and all that. Maybe after the election we can look at serious reform but Democrats can't just bend over and take it during the election.
Not that superPACs and Citizens United aren't bullshit, but Democrats shouldn't avoid them out of principle if Rove and Koch bros. are slamming them with millions of dollars of negative ads.

I like the idea of a constitutional amendment and I'd be surprised if there wasn't a major push for it, if there isn't already. You sure as hell aren't going to get anything like it passed with a Republican House, though.



Democrats and Obama have suggested a series of measures to rein it in. The Supreme Court and Republicans are not letting that happen.

At that point, you can't just let 700 million dollars worth of outside ads happen without being able to fight back.
Yes you can.
I think that keeping the sanctity* of our political system is more important than getting a Democrat in the White House.
And it's exactly that type of thinking, the notion that getting "your" party elected is the most important thing, that got us into this sorry state.

* sanctity, lol, that train has not only left the station, it probably never was in the station to begin with, but you get my drift.

Bill Maher gives 1,000,000 to Obama's super pac #1

He just said it live on his free comedy special. He also had a big check on stage. Its replaying now. check the link.


I just watched that special with my mom. AWKWARD! (Bill worked quite blue.) But it was a very partisan show . . . and then he capped it off with $1 Million check to the super-PAC. It was kinda surprising.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Yes you can.
I think that keeping the sanctity* of our political system is more important than getting a Democrat in the White House.
And it's exactly that type of thinking, the notion that getting "your" party elected is the most important thing, that got us into this sorry state.

* sanctity, lol, that train has not only left the station, it probably never was in the station to begin with, but you get my drift.

It's a perfect analogy for nuclear proliferation.
under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.

I forget which show it was (Either the Atheist Experience or the Nonprophets) or which episode but I remember Russel Glasser discussing the dangers of self-imposed rules your opponent doesn't follow in the context of Starcraft. You can call Zerg Rushes cheap, but there are counters to them and simply not using that strategy, expecting your opponent not to and bitching when he inevitably does is simply setting yourself up for failure. There are rules in place that you both have to follow and you shouldn't be imposing additional ones on yourself just because of your mindset.

Still, this definitely doesn't feel right.


Yes you can.
I think that keeping the sanctity* of our political system is more important than getting a Democrat in the White House.
And it's exactly that type of thinking, the notion that getting "your" party elected is the most important thing, that got us into this sorry state.

* sanctity, lol, that train has not only left the station, it probably never was in the station to begin with, but you get my drift.

Sanctity is great and all, but if they tie one hand behind their back and their opponent keeps beating them like a red headed step child with Super PAC money, they're never going to be able to overturn it.

They should use it to their advantage as long as they have the desire to get rid of it when they have the capacity to. I honestly don't know if they truly want to though, so...


We're so fucked.
under no circumstances is the continued encouragement of SuperPACs a positive thing, as it's an absolute corruption of the political process, so it's just sobering news all around. This is getting worse and worse.

You can't just do unilateral disarmament. Play within the rules while advocating for the rules to be changed.


Yes you can.
I think that keeping the sanctity* of our political system is more important than getting a Democrat in the White House.
And it's exactly that type of thinking, the notion that getting "your" party elected is the most important thing, that got us into this sorry state.

* sanctity, lol, that train has not only left the station, it probably never was in the station to begin with, but you get my drift.

No you truly cannot. With the republican pacs spending 100's of millions spreading lies your going to have to fight back with something. That's just how it is in American politics. Also nothing can be changed with republicans in control of the house and democrats aren't going to be able to change that without money.


Yes you can.
I think that keeping the sanctity* of our political system is more important than getting a Democrat in the White House.
And it's exactly that type of thinking, the notion that getting "your" party elected is the most important thing, that got us into this sorry state.

* sanctity, lol, that train has not only left the station, it probably never was in the station to begin with, but you get my drift.

I don't think this argument works on any level.

In realistic terms, an Obama re-election ensures that we maintain or improve the ideological makeup of the Supreme Court (with the significant likelihood of one liberal retirement and one Swing vote retirement). For campaign finance, this could not be more relevant.

In idealistic terms, what you're saying is akin to right-wing arguments against proponents of anthropogenic climate change: "They say they want us to stop using oil, but I see them riding on planes to get to their climate change meetings!" As if we should all move into huts in order to bring about alternative energy technologies.

And no, we didn't get to this specific campaign finance moment because we all voted for "our" party. We got here because of conservative Supreme Court rulings, achievable only after Republican Presidential victories and ensuing appointments. And because of cases brought and pushed by conservative interest groups.

While nobody is perfect, there remains a clear difference between the two "sides" on this issue and we shouldn't handwave that difference away.

Right on cue. He gave them some low-hanging fruit.

Seriously, I often wonder if these people have a shred of any positive traits or values. You know, like respect, dignity for others, humanity, etc. I can't see how someone can be so vicious, so hateful, so incensed about the President righteously portraying concern for something like the burning of religious texts. It's like they WANT the US to be viewed as an evil monster to the rest of the world and fucking get hard about the any possibility for anti-American sentiment, resenting anything that might attempt to quell it. Which makes it so fucking scary imagining someone like NG as President. So, so despicable.
Wow, Hillaryis44 is as bitter and nutty as ever.

I imagine the followers of that site are sexually frustrated, mentally deranged, 60 year old women? I can't understand how that site even still exists. I remember back when BO was campaigning, pretty much every single post was that he had absolutely no chance in hell to win the presidency. As soon as he won the nom, the site basically became a GOP mouthpiece and were in full support of McCain. What a bunch of fuckups.


I don't think this argument works on any level.

In realistic terms, an Obama re-election ensures that we maintain or improve the ideological makeup of the Supreme Court (with the significant likelihood of one liberal retirement and one Swing vote retirement). For campaign finance, this could not be more relevant.

In idealistic terms, what you're saying is akin to right-wing arguments against proponents of anthropogenic climate change: "They say they want us to stop using oil, but I see them riding on planes to get to their climate change meetings!" As if we should all move into huts in order to bring about alternative energy technologies.

And no, we didn't get to this specific campaign finance moment because we all voted for "our" party. We got here because of conservative Supreme Court rulings, achievable only after Republican Presidential victories and ensuing appointments. And because of cases brought and pushed by conservative interest groups.

While nobody is perfect, there remains a clear difference between the two "sides" on this issue and we shouldn't handwave that difference away.
I think without SuperPacs -
  • Obama still wins; seriously, he raised half a billion last time, and it's fucking Mitt "I like Lamp" Romney.
  • You have a much easier path toward overturning this crap.
  • Long term, voters will appreciate this.

Oh, and also, it's the right thing to do

Let's all stop act like Mitt Romeny is going to destroy America; such hysterics should be left to the GOP, they're experts.


The concept of the SuperPACs is abhorrent, yes. But to lament their fair/legal usage by Democrats while Republicans are quite literally kept afloat by them is short-sighted.

Remember this?
"[Russ Feingold] wrote the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee again this year asking that it not intervene on his behalf and told POLITICO that he would “absolutely” rather lose than see outside groups airing ads on his behalf."

Wisconsin U.S. Senate
Candidate Votes %
Feingold * 1,020,860 47%
Johnson + 1,125,637 52%
Taylor 23,349 1%
Key: * Incumbent | + Winner

Wishes granted!
I'm sure many of you would "absolutely" rather see a 7-2 Corporate SCOTUS for the next 20+ years rather than compromise your principled stances. Right?

Call them hypocrites now, hold them to account if they don't work toward reversal after they win.
And until then, defeat the adversary with the tools available.


I think without SuperPacs -
  • Obama still wins; seriously, he raised half a billion last time, and it's fucking Mitt "I like Lamp" Romney.
  • You have a much easier path toward overturning this crap.
  • Long term, voters will appreciate this.

Oh, and also, it's the right thing to do

Let's all stop act like Mitt Romeny is going to destroy America; such hysterics should be left to the GOP, they're experts.

When was the president able to make laws? O thats right..... He cant. Obama may be able to win the GE without superpacs but senators and representatives are going to get destroyed by superpacs since they are the ones that can't raise as much money.

BTW we still stop acting like Mitt Romney will destroy America when he stops putting forth ideas that are going to destroy America. Stop acting like Romney is some centrist when hes just as crazy as the rest of republicans. He would sign into law ANYTHING republicans put before him.


I forget which show it was (Either the Atheist Experience or the Nonprophets) or which episode but I remember Russel Glasser discussing the dangers of self-imposed rules your opponent doesn't follow in the context of Starcraft. You can call Zerg Rushes cheap, but there are counters to them and simply not using that strategy, expecting your opponent not to and bitching when he inevitably does is simply setting yourself up for failure. There are rules in place that you both have to follow and you shouldn't be imposing additional ones on yourself just because of your mindset.

Still, this definitely doesn't feel right.

I'm not saying there isn't a clear strategic bit of clarity here, I'm just saying it's wrong and fucked up and I'm not going to applaud when someone is contributing to these train wreck. This political financial gamesmanship is becoming an embarrassment for our democratic process in the highest order.

Haha, just like the joke I made a page or so ago when I heard the apology news. These guys are so predictable I should become a psychic.
I think without SuperPacs -
  • Obama still wins; seriously, he raised half a billion last time, and it's fucking Mitt "I like Lamp" Romney.
  • You have a much easier path toward overturning this crap.
  • Long term, voters will appreciate this.

Oh, and also, it's the right thing to do

Swiftboat Veterans for Truth

Let's all stop act like Mitt Romeny is going to destroy America; such hysterics should be left to the GOP, they're experts.

If he gets elected, I'm building a shack in Michigan around a bunch of trees.


"I used to be a conservative and I watch these debates and I'm wondering, I don't think I've changed, but it's a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people's fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective and that's kind of where we are."

-- Jeb Bush, quoted by Fox News
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