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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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1.Call it: The Political Gaffes

2. What campus is it on? Get on with the local NPR and get some free promo air time.

3. The year is 1941, the Japanese have just bombed Pearl Harbor. You are home alone with your naturalized Japanese wife and are not sure if she is either a spy. Nevertheless, in a short while, she will be sent to an internment camp. This is your story.

Now these are some badass suggestions.
So here are some titles I've thought of over the past thirty minutes:

“Super Politics Perfect”

“Glorious Talk of Politics with Great Great Talkshow Host and his Friends, Now Listen as They Conversate on World Issues, Thanks Okay Bye!”

“Everyday Life with Nader Omar”

“Grounded in Reality”


The hate for Rassmussen is crazy overblown here. Even if you think they give too much weight to evangelical Republicans, that is still a measurement that has value for analysis. But, this whole election season they have been in-line with just about everyone else. Sometimes they have even been ahead of the trends that come to light in other polls (Gingrich's initial surge being one).


Wow just read through the debate thread... would have been good to watch for laughs and maybe a drinking game, although a drinking game of any sort with them would likely lead to alcohol poisoning.


Oh, PD, You so Crazeh!

Not really. It's still February. GE hasn't even started yet. People will forget about all this stuff if he ends up getting the nom, and while Romney will have a bit of handicap because he lost a lot of independents, he'll still have plenty of opportunities to win some back. He's learning a lot of lessons right now that will help him should he be the nominee.


The hate for Rassmussen is crazy overblown here. Even if you think they give too much weight to evangelical Republicans, that is still a measurement that has value for analysis. But, this whole election season they have been in-line with just about everyone else. Sometimes they have even been ahead of the trends that come to light in other polls (Gingrich's initial surge being one).

I don't put a lot of weight on any one poll, but the hate for Rasmussen came from their performance the last cycle where they were among (the?) worst pollsters, and were found to have a measurable bias in their polling. I do check their polls as they come out, but always with the caveat that they can be very uneven. They had a good record in 2008 and a horrible one in 2010.

They do seem to have fallen in line with most of the other polling now, and don't appear to be the outlier that they were last cycle.
curious, how was Kerry doing at this point of the primary cycle? I was too young back to a give a shit back then and never really followed the races.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Not really. It's still February. GE hasn't even started yet. People will forget about all this stuff if he ends up getting the nom, and while Romney will have a bit of handicap because he lost a lot of independents, he'll still have plenty of opportunities to win some back. He's learning a lot of lessons right now that will help him should he be the nominee.

Wasn't it you and PD who kept posting polls that showed Romney beating Obama way back when as proof that Obama was fucked?

I thought the pre-primary meme was that Romney has been preparing jedi-like for the past 4 years or so and had learned from his mistakes of the past?
Not really. It's still February. GE hasn't even started yet. People will forget about all this stuff if he ends up getting the nom, and while Romney will have a bit of handicap because he lost a lot of independents, he'll still have plenty of opportunities to win some back. He's learning a lot of lessons right now that will help him should he be the nominee.

Romney has gone far right but the fact remains 13 million people are out of work, around 10 million are under employed. Gas prices are exploding. Greece/Eurozone aren't out of the woods yet.

The election is still Romney's to lose

Mike M

Nick N
curious, how was Kerry doing at this point of the primary cycle? I was too young back to a give a shit back then and never really followed the races.

Pretty sure he had it all locked up by this point, but really I only remember Kerry and Dean and how Dean was losing altitude heading into Iowa, then got raked over the coals for his "Dean Scream" incident after he lost.
Pretty sure he had it all locked up by this point, but really I only remember Kerry and Dean and how Dean was losing altitude heading into Iowa, then got raked over the coals for his "Dean Scream" incident after he lost.

oh man, I forgot about the Dean scream. I never understood why that was such a big deal.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
oh man, I forgot about the Dean scream. I never understood why that was such a big deal.

Democrats are supposed to be boring, inoffensive and cowardly. Dean was a little too excited and assertive as a candidate.


oh man, I forgot about the Dean scream. I never understood why that was such a big deal.

It really wasn't except that it fed into the perception that he was a hot-head. The real problem was that he finished well below where he was projected in Iowa (where he was an early favorite) and then he got smushed in NH, where Kerry had a built-in advantage. Dean wasted tons of money (30-40 million?) in those two elections and had nothing to show for it.

Plus, it was a slow week for news and the media (and comedy shows) ran with the Dean thing. No crazy Republican candidates to offset it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I didn't see the debate yesterday, but Romney actually accused RICK "LET'S PARTY LIKE IT'S 1299" SANTORUM of being too liberal on abortion? What the fucking what?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Romney has gone far right but the fact remains 13 million people are out of work, around 10 million are under employed. Gas prices are exploding. Greece/Eurozone aren't out of the woods yet.

The election is still Romney's to lose

- The stock market is at 13,000 now and was at 8,000 when he took office.
- Unemployment is at 8.3%, but was at 7.8% and growing when he took office.
- initial unemployment claims at 4 year lows.
- Car industry is at the top of their game for the first since the mid 90s.
- Bin Laden is dead.
- Gadaffi is dead
- DADT is done away with

I mean it's not like everything is negative.


Professional Schmuck
- The stock market is at 13,000 now and was at 8,000 when he took office.
- Unemployment is at 8.3%, but was at 7.8% and growing when he took office.
- initial unemployment claims at 4 year lows.
- Car industry is at the top of their game for the first since the mid 90s.
- Bin Laden is dead.
- Gadaffi is dead
- DADT is done away with

I mean it's not like everything is negative.

But he'll never be Hillary!
- The stock market is at 13,000 now and was at 8,000 when he took office.
- Unemployment is at 8.3%, but was at 7.8% and growing when he took office.
- initial unemployment claims at 4 year lows.
- Car industry is at the top of their game for the first since the mid 90s.
- Bin Laden is dead.
- Gadaffi is dead
- DADT is done away with

I mean it's not like everything is negative.

Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election. I still maintain that low minority and youth turnout will seal his fate as a disappointing one term president.
Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election. I still maintain that low minority and youth turnout will seal his fate as a disappointing one term president.

It doesn't matter whether the ecomony is completely improved, what matters is the direction the economy is going in.


Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election.

The problem is that he won't have an opposing candidate that can capitalize on it. In 1992, Bill Clinton was able to use anecdotals and tepid recovery stats to defeat Bush, but that's because it played into his core base and he hammered the message.

There is no way Romney can go out there and say "People are still struggling and I want to help them". Then list free-market friendly ideas and programs that back it up. "Oh by the way, my big plan is too cut taxes and cut spending to help those out of work and out of options." " You can trust me, because I made millions from closing blue-collar facilities all around the country during past recessions." He's exactly the wrong messenger this election cycle.

The Republicans need a Jack Kemp this election cycle, but they are stuck with Romney.


Professional Schmuck
The problem is that he won't have an opposing candidate that can capitalize on it. In 1992, Bill Clinton was able to use anecdotals and tepid recovery stats to defeat Bush, but that's because it played into his core base and he hammered the message.

There is no way Romney can go out there and say "People are still struggling and I want to help them". Then list free-market friendly ideas and programs that back it up. "Oh by the way, my big plan is too cut taxes and cut spending to help those out of work and out of options." " You can trust me, because I made millions from closing blue-collar facilities all around the country during past recessions." He's exactly the wrong messenger this election cycle.

The Republicans need a Jack Kemp this election cycle, but they are stuck with Romney.

There's a bigger problem and you know it, TA. There's no such thing as a Jack Kemp in the Republican party anymore, and the Jack Kemps of the world are now the despised Blue Dogs.

The truth is the Republicans need a sane, mid-western Republican from modest roots, that can point to hard work and a lack of social programs for his or her success. I was just about to write that it's merely the social nuts holding your party back, but the truth is your fiscal houses aren't so appealing either.

GOP needs a reboot, and hard. The social conservative side is simply insane, and shrinking, the hawkish side is diminished every day by a coherent strategy (and an extremely successful tenure by Ma. Clinton, btw), and the fiscal side looks like utter fools calling for the destruction of teachers and electricians and auto unions in one breath while defending wall-street excess in the other.

Simply put, there's three reasons to vote GOP: social values, fiscal conservatism, and overt militarism. And all three of them are being represented in your party in the worst possible way right now. So sad.
The problem is that he won't have an opposing candidate that can capitalize on it. In 1992, Bill Clinton was able to use anecdotals and tepid recovery stats to defeat Bush, but that's because it played into his core base and he hammered the message.

There is no way Romney can go out there and say "People are still struggling and I want to help them". Then list free-market friendly ideas and programs that back it up. "Oh by the way, my big plan is too cut taxes and cut spending to help those out of work and out of options." " You can trust me, because I made millions from closing blue-collar facilities all around the country during past recessions." He's exactly the wrong messenger this election cycle.

The Republicans need a Jack Kemp this election cycle, but they are stuck with Romney.

Totally agreed. Romney is no Bill Clinton or Reagan. Those two had you believe that they could feel the pain you were experiencing. That PBS documentary had a great moment from the debate when Bush couldn't understand the economic question put to him. Reagan benefited that taxes were higher before he came into office. Romney can't capitalize on that either.

And low youth turnout. If the Republicans keep pushing the anti-birth control message, you don't think young women will come out to vote to take them down? Also, the black vote will be out in full force. They won't let the first black president be a one term one. And how many Latinos are going to vote for Romney? The last Democrat to win the white vote was LBJ. Obama doesn't need them anymore. Southern strategy is over with and Republicans need to wake up to that fact.


Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election. I still maintain that low minority and youth turnout will seal his fate as a disappointing one term president.

The direction of the economy in Q3 and Q4 will seal his fate. If it's still moving in the right direction, Obama will win a comfortable re-election despite the absolute state of it. I think demographic shifts are going to help offset any loss in enthusiasm (and I'm not expecting much loss on that front).

Romney is now well exposed as a poor candidate. In particular, the hole Romeny is digging with Hispanics is a deep and costly one.
Wasn't it you and PD who kept posting polls that showed Romney beating Obama way back when as proof that Obama was fucked?

I thought the pre-primary meme was that Romney has been preparing jedi-like for the past 4 years or so and had learned from his mistakes of the past?

Apparently he decided to learn from the droids instead.


There's a bigger problem and you know it, TA. There's no such thing as a Jack Kemp in the Republican party anymore, and the Jack Kemps of the world are now the despised Blue Dogs.

The truth is the Republicans need a sane, mid-western Republican from modest roots, that can point to hard work and a lack of social programs for his or her success. I was just about to write that it's merely the social nuts holding your party back, but the truth is your fiscal houses aren't so appealing either.

GOP needs a reboot, and hard. The social conservative side is simply insane, and shrinking, the hawkish side is diminished every day by a coherent strategy (and an extremely successful tenure by Ma. Clinton, btw), and the fiscal side looks like utter fools calling for the destruction of teachers and electricians and auto unions in one breath while defending wall-street excess in the other.

Simply put, there's three reasons to vote GOP: social values, fiscal conservatism, and overt militarism. And all three of them are being represented in your party in the worst possible way right now. So sad.
The more I think about it, the more I think that the only way that the GOP will get sane is if the dems veer left.
The parties need to contrast themselves, that's how they get into that sweet sweet government job.
I mean, you can't win an election by saying "yeah, the president is doing fine, but pick me anyway!".
And when the democrats are effectively a center-right party, the GOP has to move to crazy town.
There is no way Romney can go out there and say "People are still struggling and I want to help them". Then list free-market friendly ideas and programs that back it up. "Oh by the way, my big plan is too cut taxes and cut spending to help those out of work and out of options." " You can trust me, because I made millions from closing blue-collar facilities all around the country during past recessions." He's exactly the wrong messenger this election cycle.

Yeah . . . I just can't see him as the messenger. "Hey, we have a $1 Trillion deficit . . . but even though I only paid 13.9% on the millions I made for just sitting on my ass, I think we should cut my taxes more!"

Really? Way to sacrifice for the country there, Mitt. You really seem to care. Good luck with that.


The problem is that he won't have an opposing candidate that can capitalize on it. In 1992, Bill Clinton was able to use anecdotals and tepid recovery stats to defeat Bush, but that's because it played into his core base and he hammered the message.

There is no way Romney can go out there and say "People are still struggling and I want to help them". Then list free-market friendly ideas and programs that back it up. "Oh by the way, my big plan is too cut taxes and cut spending to help those out of work and out of options." " You can trust me, because I made millions from closing blue-collar facilities all around the country during past recessions." He's exactly the wrong messenger this election cycle.

The Republicans need a Jack Kemp this election cycle, but they are stuck with Romney.

Exactly, not to mention the way PhoenixDark is painting it Romney can use the economy to offset him Romneyness. His own party loathes him and you think that is going to siphon enough moderate and independents if things stay as they are now?

If he can't connect with the voters and the economy stays level he is done, he is not Bill Clinton, George W Bush or Barack Obama.


I don't know if this is the proper thread, but I just saw the story about Korans being burned in Afghanistan and Obama's apology.

is there a dedicated thread to this?

Anyways, my one friend is going off in emails about how Obama is a piece of shit for apologizing while U.S. soliders are getting killed over this.

1. I just read it was NATO soldiers that were killed. Were they American?

2. Should Obama have apologized?

3. Bush had to have apologized at some point over something similar during his presidency. Any examples?

4. Who are the dumbfucks who burn Korans in Afghanistan after the passed 10 years of our occupation there? The absolute best case scenario from burning Korans over there has GOT to be "zero people killed, millions enraged." Obviously were passed the best case scenario at this point.

just ignore this if this is an old story and I missed the train by a week hehe.
I don't know if this is the proper thread, but I just saw the story about Korans being burned in Afghanistan and Obama's apology.

is there a dedicated thread to this?

Anyways, my one friend is going off in emails about how Obama is a piece of shit for apologizing while U.S. soliders are getting killed over this.

1. I just read it was NATO soldiers that were killed. Were they American?

2. Should Obama have apologized?

3. Bush had to have apologized at some point over something similar during his presidency. Any examples?

4. Who are the dumbfucks who burn Korans in Afghanistan after the passed 10 years of our occupation there? The absolute best case scenario from burning Korans over there has GOT to be "zero people killed, millions enraged." Obviously were passed the best case scenario at this point.

just ignore this if this is an old story and I missed the train by a week hehe.

Thread here.

Often the 'NATO soldier' is American because we make up the vast majority of the NATO force there.

What is wrong with apologizing? He's not apologizing for any official intended government policy . . . just for a regrettable inadvertent error. I fail to see any problem with that. Is it better for the USA to say . . . "Yeah, we burned your holy book . . . we are NOT sorry!"

Who ever had the books burned was a dumbfuck . . . it has been 10 years since 9/11 . . . I think we all know how bent out of shape they get over nothing. So don't be stupid and make yourself a target.
- The stock market is at 13,000 now and was at 8,000 when he took office.
- Unemployment is at 8.3%, but was at 7.8% and growing when he took office.
- initial unemployment claims at 4 year lows.
- Car industry is at the top of their game for the first since the mid 90s.
- Bin Laden is dead.
- Gadaffi is dead
- DADT is done away with

I mean it's not like everything is negative.

you forgot about Infanticide! This year's death panels


Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election. I still maintain that low minority and youth turnout will seal his fate as a disappointing one term president.

Like others have said its not about how much the economy has improved, but how much it is improving leading up to the GE. For instance lets say hypothetically unemployment was 6% right now, but it climbed to 7.8% by the general election. Despite that unemployment % being lower then we have right now, Obama or whoever had to suffer through such a change in percentage would be well on his way out the door. Its the Shock economy and people will want to change stuff if they feel its only going to get worse.

Secondly I don't believe for a sec the lower turn out for youth and minorities, especially minorities. Every poll I have seen lately in regards to enthusiasm has them pretty high up there, we have the GOP state legislatures and GOP primaries to thank for that. In regards to youth vote, it could be 'down' from 2008, but not where near as down as you might think. Youth vote is a very special bracket because it has a voting block that is filled with first time voters. When I was in High School my 18th Birthday landed 4 days after the 2004 GE, I had lots of HS friends that were voting, but I couldn't vote and I was pissed. And that was for Kerry vs Bush, an election that was no where near as momentous as 2008 and yet I and lots of people wanted to vote but couldn't, it was our 'first time.' There are a lot of others just like that who couldn't vote in 2008 presidential election that will turn out for the first time to vote in 2012. The youth vote will come out but who will they vote for? Its not like they have the stigma of disappointment, they have to go with the candidate they most admire/share beliefs with and I just don't see them going to Romney (Or Gingrich or Santorum for that matter, actually Gingrich might be the only 'likely' one GOP could steal away some youth vote because of his outlandish ideas and his "America can do no wrong". Youth like positive candidates.)

Personally you can bank on the Youth coming out and ditto to minorities. It may not be as overwhelming as it was in 2008, but I don't think its going to go down nearly as much as you think.
you forgot about Infanticide! This year's death panels
Yeah, what the hell? That right-wing conspiracy canard gets brought up in a debate?
I'm visiting my parents so while lying by the pool, I listened to some Rush & Hannity.
Man, those shows are dull. So many ads. And often there is one thought and it take them 5 minutes to keep saying the same thought over and over again. But that "Barack Obama supports infanticide" meme was quite popular amount the far-right. Never mind that it get dismissed as trumped-up dreck by objective folks fact-checking.

GINGRICH: "If we're going to have a debate about who the extremist is on these issues, it is President Obama, who as a state senator voted to protect doctors who killed babies who survived the abortion."

THE FACTS: As an Illinois state senator, Obama voted against legislation promoted by anti-abortion activists that would have conferred protection to fetuses showing any signs of life after an abortion, even if doctors did not believe the fetus was viable. Obama pointed to an existing Illinois law requiring doctors to protect fetuses they believed were likely to survive after an abortion, and said he was concerned the proposed new law was so broad it could interfere with routine abortions. Obama said he would have supported federal legislation President George W. Bush signed in 2002 that would protect a viable fetus but reaffirmed a woman's right to an abortion.

I heard some guys argue about oil on a Hannity program. One rational guy and one far-right extremist. Hannity basically refused to believe facts presented by the rational guy. And extremist guy was alleging that the Dems must love Putin & Hugo Chavez since they just want to keep us addicted to foreign oil instead of setting ourselves free with our own resources. WTF? Really? We've been in decline since 1970. 19-fucking-70. I guess Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2 have been in on this evil plan too?

I think facts are big problem with polarization issue. We can't even agree upon basic facts.


Personally you can bank on the Youth coming out and ditto to minorities. It may not be as overwhelming as it was in 2008, but I don't think its going to go down nearly as much as you think.

The African American and Latino vote will come out and strong, you can bank on that. The GOP has spent the last 2 years basically taking a massive shit on immigration, Obama was easily able to hook them in 2008 and given Romney's inability to connect with the immigration issue and his party being on the absolute wrong and somewhat racist side of the equation will probably increase that.

Youth will come out if given a reason to, the threat of a GOP controlled anything coupled with the Presidential Election (which always has a much higher youth turnout vs midterms) will help

The idea that Romney is going to win the nomination and people will stay home on the Democratic side just does not seem plausible. If anything the youth vote will come out and go for a 3rd party (like a Nader) and that in itself will spoil Romney's plans just like it tanked the 1st George Bush and Gore in 2000 (well in addition to having the election stolen from him, Nader did not help)
Everything isn't negative, he has done a couple good things. My argument remains that the economy hasn't improved enough to make this a safe election. I still maintain that low minority and youth turnout will seal his fate as a disappointing one term president.

"Not yet a safe election" isn't nearly the same thing as "Romney's to lose". Of course it's not a safe election for Obama; it's February. Anything can happen. But the idea that the election is Romney's to lose, especially right now, is completely absurd. Romney looks so weak at this point that I can't confidently say he'd win even if the economy went back into the shitter. It would be a choice between a "shitty president who didn't fix the economy" and a completely uninspiring, desperately pandering, double-talking candidate who has said something at one point or another to annoy every single voting bloc in the country. He looks terrible.

But yes, a bad economy in the fall still makes it anyone's election. It just really seems like you personally dislike Obama more than just "he's sorta OK but I'm not thrilled with him". I don't know how you could look at the political picture right now and think it looks good at all for Romney.


There's a bigger problem and you know it, TA. There's no such thing as a Jack Kemp in the Republican party anymore, and the Jack Kemps of the world are now the despised Blue Dogs.

It's true. I can't argue.

GOP needs a reboot, and hard. The social conservative side is simply insane, and shrinking, the hawkish side is diminished every day by a coherent strategy (and an extremely successful tenure by Ma. Clinton, btw), and the fiscal side looks like utter fools calling for the destruction of teachers and electricians and auto unions in one breath while defending wall-street excess in the other.

Simply put, there's three reasons to vote GOP: social values, fiscal conservatism, and overt militarism. And all three of them are being represented in your party in the worst possible way right now. So sad.

Well, it's also true that they need a reboot (in the long term), but they could have won this election with a Scott Brown or Chris Christie-type of candidate. Someone that still (mostly) follows the party line, but doesn't have the baggage of the current crop of candidates. Although it's doubtful that the electorate would reward a newcomer in his first shot at the nomination. They never have in the recent past.
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