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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Dude Abides

In his haste for shameless pandering, Mitt Romney once again inadvertently comes off as an out of touch rich guy. His wife drives "a couple of Cadillacs", and he drives a Mustang and Chevy pick up. Okay Mitt...not everyone has 4 garages.

This guy is so hopeless.

Dodge is a Chrysler brand. Chevy is a GM brand. Go back to Russia.
Haha, just like the joke I made a page or so ago when I heard the apology news. These guys are so predictable I should become a psychic.

It's predictable because at his core, Newt Gingrich is a bigot and an anti-arab/islamophobe, and he secretly gets giddy and turned on at things like Quran burning. Therefore, when obama apologizes for something like this, it's absolutely infuriating to him, because at his core, he actually believes in it. he LIKES it. He thinks its GOOD. But he can't come right out and say it. The fact that Obama doen't share his islamophobia and bigotry makes hin incensed. He's transparent as fuck, and so many things he's said in the past make this blatant.


Professional Schmuck
Imagine what happens when we're having an actual oil crisis and there's no more oil to drill or frack out of the ground. Hope we have a backup plan.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If you want more than a bumper sticker answer:

If you want a bumper sticker answer:
"Record profits don't come from nowhere." [US demand is flat, OPEC supply is at some potential risk due to Iranian sabre-rattling]

What could have been done to prevent it? We could have left Iraq alone in 2003 and they'd still be acting as a counterbalance to Iran and pumping much more into the global markets.

Yeah but is global oil demand down or flat? Last I heard it was up.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
While acknowledging TA is right....

Okay thats fucking funny. That's a much worse photo. Why would they even let a photographer over there???

Again why would they have the even there? It's not like Romney had to agree to speak if he thought having the event there would make him look bad.

And why does only 1,200 people want to hear him talk?


Terrible optics for the twitter kiddies who tee-hee online at stills. Not bad optics for a 30 second shot on network or cable news which will have a shot of the audience along with Ford Fields high ceilings as Romney's backdrop.
Man, you're reaching. It's terrible optics - no two ways about it.
I'd have to say I'm definitely on TA's side on this. Sure, it's a funny picture, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation and among the things Romney has done or said that you can make fun of, I wouldn't rank this among them.


I'd have to say I'm definitely on TA's side on this. Sure, it's a funny picture, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation and among the things Romney has done or said that you can make fun of, I wouldn't rank this among them.

I think people are more laughing at the political ineptitude rather then it being a real issue. If you are going to have a 'fundraiser' event among selectively private group of people, don't try to make it a big campaign event, and definitely don't do it in a place where you can get this kind of result. A large theater or a convention center would have been better at minimum, or at least keep it a private gathering of donors rather then what looks like a campaign stop. In local politics there are events like this all the time, you have a dinner or social event that costs money but its all with the intention of donating money to the campaign and hearing the candidate try to speak for the audiences interests whatever it may be.

Furthermore whether intentional or not, if he had gotten a smaller venue no one would bat an eye, but he got a very recognizable and publicly used facility that likely has high rental fees. To pick a grand stage with so few people really, really doesn't help his "1%" issue. I personally don't care about it, but I do have to laugh at it regardless hehe.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Latest 538 updates:

Michigan -

These numbers look a little strange to me, since only 1 out of 5 polls that he is using in his estimation show Romney ahead???

Arizona -


BTW, I'm thinking the most likely reason/outcome of the Paul/Romney alliance is that it opens up a possibility of a Rand Paul VP slot.
I just watched the Santorum blurps about education and college being atheist indoctrination
LOL wut?

keep the people ignorant, easier to control


BTW, I'm thinking the most likely reason/outcome of the Paul/Romney alliance is that it opens up a possibility of a Rand Paul VP slot.
That would be a mistake for Romney.
Rand brings nothing to the table and his budget plan is not poplar with the public (and that's before the dems seriously had a go at it with negative ads).


BTW, I'm thinking the most likely reason/outcome of the Paul/Romney alliance is that it opens up a possibility of a Rand Paul VP slot.

It seems clear there is some kind of agreement between them, but I am dubious that is the specific agreement. Romney would be spectacularly dumb to promise it, and Paul should know better than to trust such an enormous promise.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
BTW, I'm thinking the most likely reason/outcome of the Paul/Romney alliance is that it opens up a possibility of a Rand Paul VP slot.

Impossible, Cabinet position of some sort for either one of them, I could see, but a low-level representative (no matter the name or lineage) is not going to get a chance at the VP slot this year.
Guys, I just got accepted into motherfucking grad school

Haha, I love the first two responses. But seriously, congratulations. That's awesome. I'll hopefully be in your shoes in a years time, so let me know how it goes. :p

So titles I've thought of. Your thoughts?

Grounded in Reality
American Faze
America Resolved
America in Construction
*...in Construction.

*Whatever the topic of the day goes in front of here. So if we are talking about say Obama's reelection campaign then the title of the day's episode will be "Obama's Reelection in Construction." Same if we were talking about Rick Santourum that week it will be "Santorum in Construction."

I still think the best suggestion was "Political Gaffes." But I'm a sucker for great puns.
Impossible, Cabinet position of some sort for either one of them, I could see, but a low-level representative (no matter the name or lineage) is not going to get a chance at the VP slot this year.

*Rand* Paul is a Senator, not a low level rep.

*Ron* Paul is the member of the house of representatives, though I wouldn't necessarily call him low level.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
*Rand* Paul is a Senator, not a low level rep.

*Ron* Paul is the member of the house of representatives, though I wouldn't necessarily call him low level.

LOL. Yeah, I flipped that around. Junior Senator. with some odd ideas. This isn't the time to picka divisive VP runningmate. Romney NEEDS a Christie, Daniels, etc.
LOL. Yeah, I flipped that around. Junior Senator. with some odd ideas. This isn't the time to picka divisive VP runningmate. Romney NEEDS a Christie, Daniels, etc.

hmm..yeah, I'd probably agree with you. Either paul as a VP doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Personally I think Christie is overrated as well. besides being a confrontational jackass, he doesn't bring a lot to the table, and he isn't really all that popular. There is zero chance of carrying Jersey with him on the ticket, so why bother?


LOL. Yeah, I flipped that around. Junior Senator. with some odd ideas. This isn't the time to picka divisive VP runningmate. Romney NEEDS a Christie, Daniels, etc.

Would really buck up his conservative bona fides. And really can't hold the Junior Senator against him when he's been in the Senate just a little less than the current President.

I dunno, only thing that would make sense about this whole thing.
So Romney said the 'trees are the right height' AGAIN?

I assumed it was a silly brain fart the first time. But I guess he decided it was a good line? I just . . . . . Weird.

Also, some needs to photoshop his wife standing on two Caddies driving them simultaneously.


So Romney said the 'trees are the right height' AGAIN?

I assumed it was a silly brain fart the first time. But I guess he decided it was a good line? I just . . . . . Weird.

Also, some needs to photoshop his wife standing on two Caddies driving them simultaneously.

It's an ok line, but I think he delivers it wrong. It's supposed to be a nostalgic thing, like memories of childhood. Like The Wonder Years or "as American as apple pie" -- in contrast Romney delivers it like a amnesiac.


Latest 538 updates:

Michigan -

These numbers look a little strange to me, since only 1 out of 5 polls that he is using in his estimation show Romney ahead???

Arizona -

I think there are 2 polls that came out after the debate that both show Romney in the lead. Nate has stated that his forecasting factors momentum greatly -- it tends to look for any acceleration in the trend lines and weights them much more favorably than polls that don't confirm a trend, or older polls.
Guys, I just got accepted into motherfucking grad school
Congrats, what for? We should totally coordinate our acceptances if we applied to any of the same places, we can be best friends for life!!!11

Latest 538 updates:

Michigan -
These numbers look a little strange to me, since only 1 out of 5 polls that he is using in his estimation show Romney ahead???
Arizona -
I believe when the polls were conducted is considerably more important than how many of them there are.

So titles I've thought of. Your thoughts?

Grounded in Reality
American Faze
America Resolved
America in Construction
*...in Construction.

*Whatever the topic of the day goes in front of here. So if we are talking about say Obama's reelection campaign then the title of the day's episode will be "Obama's Reelection in Construction." Same if we were talking about Rick Santourum that week it will be "Santorum in Construction."
"Santorum in Construction" makes no sense whatsoever. "Under Construction" would be a better title, if that. I think you should keep working on titles, though, none of those really grabs me.

Given your fascination with dictators, here's one for you:
"Looking at Things" with (whatever your name is). Additionally, make your stage name K.J. Deuce.


Heh, did anyone read the Guardian article that eviscerated Romney's speech?
warning to TA: they go all in on the empty stadium meme.

Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney's much-heralded economic speech flopped Friday, overshadowed by a gaffe over luxury Cadillacs and his choice of an over-ambitious venue, the Detroit Lions' football field.

Romney opened himself up to derision for choosing a 70,000-seat stadium which attracted just over 1,000 people, many of them school children bussed in to help fill out the crowd, tucked into a corner of the astro-turf pitch.

The small crowd underlined again his inability to draw large numbers of supporters and to excite the conservative base.

The speech too turned out to be a flop. Having been hyped by his campaign staff all week, Romney had little new to say, particulary about how he planned to pay for the 20% tax cuts he announced earlier in the week.

It will be the picture of the near-empty stadium, contrasting with a much fuller one when Barack Obama was campaigning in February 2008, that will be remembered.

The organisers, defending the venue, said that the original location had been filled within 90 minutes of the speech being announced so they had looked for an alternative, opting for Ford Field.

Romney commented on the vast stadium as began his speech. "I want to thank the folks at the Ford Field for making this space available for us," he said. "I guess we had a hard time finding a large enough place to meet and this certainly is."

Highlighting the smallness of the crowd, his words echoed round the empty stadium seats. He was not helped by the near-silence, winning only an occasional round of applause. At one point, having made a joke about the reluctance of children to leave home, only a handful of people in the audience laughed, an embarrassing response that the empty stadium amplified.

Political opponents quickly waded in. Obama's campaign adviser, David Axelrod, in a tweet, wrote: "Judging from pictures, looks like Mitt pinned himself in inside the 20."

After delivering his speech, Romney made a throwaway remark about cars that will be replayed when the speech itself will have been long forgotten.

In an attempt to ingratiate himself in the motor capital of America and undo some of the damage caused by a call in 2008 to let the car industry go bankrupt rather than be bailed out by the federal government, he listed cars owned by himself and his wife Ann.

He would be a president who loves cars, he said. "I like the fact that most of the cars I see are Detroit-made automobiles. I drive a Mustang and a Chevy pick-up truck. Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually. And I used to have a Dodge truck, so I used to have all three covered."

The remark, in an unscripted moment, will add to the image of Romney as so wealthy he can talk casually about his wife having not one but two Cadillacs. Although two cars are not unusual in American homes, two luxury Cadillacs, which range in price from $35,000 upwards, are not.
###more at the link

I can almost see the ads: "Empty stadium. Empty words."
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