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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The worst thing about this is that when Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, his campaign will argue it proves he's a resilient candidate who fought back from the brink. No, you torpedoed your opponents with unlimited ammo/money/ads...
The worst thing about this is that when Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, his campaign will argue it proves he's a resilient candidate who fought back from the brink. No, you torpedoed your opponents with unlimited ammo/money/ads...

Do you guys think Romney would be the front runner if all the republican nominees were guaranteeing equal footing regarding funding?
Guys, I just got accepted into motherfucking grad school

gonna just build on AniHawk's reply to this


But seriously, congrats.

Do you guys think Romney would be the front runner if all the republican nominees were guaranteeing equal footing regarding funding?

Depending on the actual level of funding, we'd probably still have a 7 to 10-way race (and it'd either be even more of a hilarious clusterfuck than it already is, assuming Huntsman would eat into Romney's moderate support, or Romney'd already be running away with it thanks to the conservative vote being split further).
Do you guys think Romney would be the front runner if all the republican nominees were guaranteeing equal footing regarding funding?

If it wasn't for Citizen's United he'd be financing his own campaign by now. The problem is that I'm not sure some of the other candidates would have lasted so long without PAC money. Gingrich would have surely faded after Florida for instance. Maybe Santorum would still be alive considering he didn't really have any PAC money until recently.

I still think Romney would have beaten Santorum without PACs, but he'd be in far worse shape
The worst thing about this is that when Romney wins Michigan and Arizona, his campaign will argue it proves he's a resilient candidate who fought back from the brink. No, you torpedoed your opponents with unlimited ammo/money/ads...
His opponent torpedoed himself by suggesting that we eliminate birth control because of out-of-wedlock kids and an old speech about how academia and protestant churches are controlled by Satan.

Oh, and Santorum recently spewed several complete lies about euthanasia in the Netherlands that basically were chain email level bullshit.
Here is a video

Washington Post fact checker:

Four Pinocchios

Maddow covered it Friday night better but you can't make a direct link to the video.

How the fuck do we have a leading candidate that is so fucking detached from reality that he'll spew such COMPLETE LIES?!?! That is so embarrassing for the country.


Maddow covered it Friday night better but you can't make a direct link to the video.
http://video.msnbc.msn.com/the-rachel-maddow-show/46520567#46520567 < Does this work for you as a direct link?

The whole thing is pretty funny by the way. People capitalizing on the ridiculousness already:

Oh, and I love how in the Maddow video, they basically cleaned up the headline from blog geenstijl.nl, the actual translation would be "Dutch elderly final solution according to Santorum", but instead they translated it to "Dutch euthanasia according to Santorum"


Do you guys think Romney would be the front runner if all the republican nominees were guaranteeing equal footing regarding funding?

Personally I don't think so, but I don't think the opposition would be Rick. If all of them had equal funding I'd guess that Bachmann would be in front. Yes she's crazy crazy, but she's pretty authentically crazy crazy, and she's a lot more likable than Santorum.
Live from Kalamazoo, it's Mitt Romney!

"We were in Detroit this morning, at the Detroit Economic Club, then through Mount Clemens, then drove here across the interstate. Drove past Brighton. My parents' grave sites are there," Romney explained. "My dad -- trust my dad. My dad is a very frugal man. He checked all over for where the best deal was on a grave site. And he found a place in Brighton -- because we didn't live in Brighton. It’s like, how did you pick Brighton dad? Well, best price I could find in the whole state. So if you're looking for the best deal on a grave site, check Brighton, they got a good spot you'll be near the former governor and first lady."


Also, no moonbase for Mitt:

"I know China is headed to the moon," Romney said. "They’re planning on going to the moon, and some people say, ‘Oh, we’ve got to get to the moon, we’ve got to get there in a hurry to prove we can get there before China.’ It’s like, guys, we were there a long time ago, all right? And when you get there would you bring back some of the stuff we left?"
Drove past Brighton. My parents' grave sites are there," Romney explained. "My dad -- trust my dad. My dad is a very frugal man. He checked all over for where the best deal was on a grave site. And he found a place in Brighton -- because we didn't live in Brighton. It’s like, how did you pick Brighton dad? Well, best price I could find in the whole state.
Oooh, I got in trouble of my wife driving two Caddies . . . . quick . . . massive flip-flop and talk about my dad being cheap ass buying his grave.

Ugh. Cringe-worthy.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Mitt really is a pretty damn awkward speaker. It is somewhat amazing that he was able to be such a successful businessman and governor.


Oh great, now conservatives all over will be pointing to this incident and saying, "See we told you Obama goes around apologizing all the time and this time to Muslim extremist!" I think he had to do it though.

But it brings up a good question. WHY THE HELL ARE WE STILL THERE?!
I intended to post this yesterday before I tumbled down the Stata rabbit hole. Apropos to a previous post regarding Afghanistan's unsustainable budget and consequent inability to properly function as a state, we'll still waste an exorbitant amount funding their armed forces and national police. It's been estimated to cost a few billions dollars annually. Moreover, the legacy costs of caring for veterans, whom we are obliged to support, are considerable. Combat operations may end in the next few years, but the costs will perpetuate.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I intended to post this yesterday before I tumbled down the Stata rabbit hole. Apropos to a previous post regarding Afghanistan's unsustainable budget and consequent inability to properly function as a state, we'll still waste an exorbitant amount funding their armed forces and national police. It's been estimated to cost a few billions dollars annually. Moreover, the legacy costs of caring for veterans, whom we are obliged to support, are considerable. Combat operations may end in the next few years, but the costs will perpetuate.

10 years worth of combat. :(


Santorum said:
"[I'll] talk to minority communities not about giving them more food stamps and government dependency, but about creating jobs so that they can participate in the rise of this country," Santorum told the crowd. The line drew big applause from the overwhelmingly white audience.
That'll do the trick. I like that he's providing this line at the same time deriding education as snobbery.
"We were in Detroit this morning, at the Detroit Economic Club, then through Mount Clemens, then drove here across the interstate. Drove past Brighton. My parents' grave sites are there," Romney explained. "My dad -- trust my dad. My dad is a very frugal man. He checked all over for where the best deal was on a grave site. And he found a place in Brighton -- because we didn't live in Brighton. It’s like, how did you pick Brighton dad? Well, best price I could find in the whole state. So if you're looking for the best deal on a grave site, check Brighton, they got a good spot you'll be near the former governor and first lady."


Let me tell you something, Mitt. Unless you went WELL out of your way ... there's no way you could have gone from Mount Clemens to Kalamazoo and drove right past Brighton. Funny thing about that geography ...

Yes, Mitt. you probably drove right past it. If "right past" means 15 miles south of it or you went well out of your way to visit.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
That'll do the trick. I like that he's providing this line at the same time deriding education as snobbery.

Yeah, taking money out of food budgets is going to help these people a TON.

How stupid are these people? Even with jobs, which most of these people already have, without food stamps, they are going to have to devote large portion of their income to food costs. Even moreso when you factor in that most live by a convenience store, fast food place, or gas station, not a grocery store.


Fork 'em, Sparky!

Let me tell you something, Mitt. Unless you went WELL out of your way ... there's no way you could have gone from Mount Clemens to Kalamazoo and drove right past Brighton. Funny thing about that geography ...

Yes, Mitt. you probably drove right past it. If "right past" means 15 miles south of it or you went well out of your way to visit.

"drove past" and 15 miles are equatable. Like many have said, there are many things to knock about his mannerisms, talking points, positions, and anecdotes, but saying "drove past Brighton" and it only being 15 miles away from where he would have driven, or, heaven forbid, he did take a detour to see his parents' gravesites, but knocking about this is pretty damn petty and stupid.


I don't understand why it's so hard for him. It's pretty funny.
Romney should never have attempted to "connect" with voters. It's painfully contrived. He does not appear affable and personable. Rather, he appears wooden and disingenuous. It's vaguely analogous to Nixon's problem. His noisome personality simply repelled voters. Therefore, he highlighted the positive attributes which resonated with voters. That should have been Romney's strategy. Granted, it would have made little difference in his performance; his problems largely stem from a few notable instances of policy heterodoxy and his religion. Nevertheless, it would have made watching him slightly less annoying.
That'll do the trick. I like that he's providing this line at the same time deriding education as snobbery.
That dog whistle nearly blew my ear drums.

Let me tell you something, Mitt. Unless you went WELL out of your way ... there's no way you could have gone from Mount Clemens to Kalamazoo and drove right past Brighton. Funny thing about that geography ...

Yes, Mitt. you probably drove right past it. If "right past" means 15 miles south of it or you went well out of your way to visit.
Hahaha. Major gaffe. Is this his "I have a scream" moment?


That dog whistle nearly blew my ear drums.
Indeed. No way to try and sweep this one under by dismissing it as saying "blah people" this time.

Unrelated, I was just reading Calculated Risk's weekly summary, and wasn't really expecting it to be so upbeat; this was an intense work week for me and the only economic release I had read into was the weekly UI claims.

There were few economic releases last week, but once again most of the data suggested some increase in economic activity. Of course the better than normal weather helped again, especially for housing.

The key economic release last week was new home sales. Although the Census Bureau report showed a small decline in sales from December, this was because December was revised up from a 307 thousand sales rate (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate) to 324 thousand. After averaging a 300 thousand sales rate for the 18 months following the expiration of the tax credit, new home sales have averaged a sales rate over 320 thousand for the last 3 months. Not much of an increase from a historical perspective, but it appears new home sales have bottomed. Of course it is just 3 months of better sales, and the critical selling months are coming up.


Other positive data included another drop in the four week average of initial weekly unemployment claims, an increase in consumer sentiment, and another positive reading for the Architecture Billings Index, and for manufacturing, an increase in Kansas City (10th District) manufacturing survey showing faster expansion in February.
Still plenty of headwinds, but I'm encouraged that thus far, nearly all data is continuing to advance in the right directions. The rest of the post, with graphs, is here. It provides a good round up of the week.

Dude Abides

Mitt is fucked. His perception as an awkward fake bullshitter is being written in stone. I wonder what will be his "I invented the internet."
I disagree on Nixon. While he did repell half the country at times it was largely due to his participation in communist witch hunts and the perceived hypocrisy of alleged gifts/bribes. Nixon was the product of quite modest means, worked hard all his life, and was very talented politically; that fact is forgotten because he's forever compared to Kennedy.

Romney has nothing going for him in terms of identifying with voters, he can't even tell a personal story. Whereas Nixon had no problems in that regard. Hell, you don't get elected president three times without appealing to people effectively
Hahaha. Major gaffe. Is this his "I have a scream" moment?

Oh, I doubt it. He's had some worse things in Michigan already, like his "trees" quote.

The problem is, like Dude says, he's not being stereotyped as Gordon Gekko ... but as Gordon Gekko PLUS a massive panderer. That's been the underlying narrative on Romney the entire primary: he does one thing, then suddenly, he's saying we should do the opposite (see: Romney's entire governorship vs. what he says is best now).


I agree with Romney on the moon. No point in borrowing money from China to beat them to the moon again
I can't tell if you're serious, but are you actually buying into the framing that government spending = getting a loan from China?

Also, I think that a manned space program is a good thing.


I disagree on Nixon. While he did repell half the country at times it was largely due to his participation in communist witch hunts and the perceived hypocrisy of alleged gifts/bribes. Nixon was the product of quite modest means, worked hard all his life, and was very talented politically; that fact is forgotten because he's forever compared to Kennedy.

Romney has nothing going for him in terms of identifying with voters, he can't even tell a personal story. Whereas Nixon had no problems in that regard. Hell, you don't get elected president three times without appealing to people effectively
Those are endogenous to the public's negative evaluations of his personality. Nixon may have came from modest means, but he did not connect with voters. He was perceived as dour and untrustworthy. Nixon kept records of extensive private opinion polling during his political career. Whenever he emphasized his personality, voters responded negatively. Nevertheless, I agree. One must appeal to people. But candidates can appeal without "connecting" or "identifying." Nixon was successful despite his unappealing personality. Romney could be successful without his contrived attempts at being amiable and dynamic.
Oh, I doubt it. He's had some worse things in Michigan already, like his "trees" quote.

The problem is, like Dude says, he's not being stereotyped as Gordon Gekko ... but as Gordon Gekko PLUS a massive panderer. That's been the underlying narrative on Romney the entire primary: he does one thing, then suddenly, he's saying we should do the opposite (see: Romney's entire governorship vs. what he says is best now).
I was kidding. I didn't think it warranted a "HOLY SHIT."


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Ann Romney laying shit down at an event in Michigan, says "No more debates. If we're going to do another debate, he's going to sit in the audience and watch ME."



But I love watching debates. For Romney, it seems like the last few debates have all helped him. It is the easiest way for him to show the country how (more) incompetent his opponents are. And he doesn't have to drop millions doing so. :p


Your wit can be so exceedingly desicated, I'm not surprised people have difficulties.
The driest.
Thank goodness. You are exceedingly grounded and reasonable, with your previous statement, I could swear that you were siding on the illogical interpretation on an otherwise normal anecdote.
Yeah. I don't care to debate what qualifies as "drove past," but this case was hardly egregious. Now, if you'll excuse the pettiness of my subsequent post.
Ann Romney laying shit down at an event in Michigan, says "No more debates. If we're going to do another debate, he's going to sit in the audience and watch ME."

Speaking at an Americans for Prosperity event in Michigan on Saturday, Ann Romney introed her husband to the stage, as she often does. But she also added that Romney won't be attending any more debates, if they are scheduled.

"I've also decided no more debates," she said. "If we do another debate, he's going to sit in the audience and watch me."
Why not use introduced?


Ann Romney laying shit down at an event in Michigan, says "No more debates. If we're going to do another debate, he's going to sit in the audience and watch ME."


This is her saying it's about time to wrap up this process. She's right in the sense that the general is getting close and if I were her I'd want him to be done so that he can rest up for the big fight. Of course that's coming from her point of view. I still have an interest in letting this drag out as long as possible since it's entertaining.

But I love watching debates. For Romney, it seems like the last few debates have all helped him. It is the easiest way for him to show the country how (more) incompetent his opponents are. And he doesn't have to drop millions doing so. :p

for real, the more Santorum gets the spotlight to explain himself, the bigger damage he does to himself when Romney + Paul tag team against Santorum

yes, Paul has been helping Romney against Santorum


Passing metallic gas
Holy hell id say romney is the most awkward human in existance but nothing ive seen points to him being an actual human


God I hope she get slammed for this.

Yeah, you disagree with the president politically, but do you really think the way to move this country forward is to both parties to talk with each other even less?

Heh. Her book is probably going to sell a shitload over this bullshit again.
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