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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Why is an AWB described as this? Society isn't being disarmed. More restrictions and certain weapons being banned doesn't even come close to the disarmament of soceity. What's with the hyperbole?
He pretends to be a conservative that looks at the facts, yet continues making statements like these. Right.


Why is an AWB described as this? Society isn't being disarmed. More restrictions and certain weapons being banned doesn't even come close to the disarmament of soceity. What's with the hyperbole?
I don't really see the point in passing a bill when the main weapon deaths are from handguns, not assault rifles. It's like putting a bandaid on your foot when you have a cut on your finger.
He pretends to be a conservative that looks at the facts, yet continues making statements like these. Right.
The only thing I have in common is guns, so I feel rather insulted.


Why is an AWB described as this? Society isn't being disarmed. More restrictions and certain weapons being banned doesn't even come close to the disarmament of soceity. What's with the hyperbole?

Doesn't the term 'disarmament' typically refer to thinks like eliminating nuclear arms and not gun control laws? An AWB is in no way a form of disarmament of American citizens.


Unconfirmed Member
It's to the point where I am not logging into Facebook because of thd ridiculousness. I was told Obama was "taking away our right to self defense" and pictures comparing him to hitler by using children as an excuse to "ban all guns" :/


This is pretty significant, I think. Obama for America has reorganized and is now an advocacy group called "Organizing for Action."

From Political Wire:

"Organizing for Action will be set up as a 501c4 group, but we are told the group will have full disclosure of its donors (either monthly or quarterly); setting it up a 501c4 (as opposed to a Super PAC) makes it easier to legally coordinate with the White House. But the Obama folks are conceding a big point here: They can't do the things they want to do (like the organizing, etc.) inside the Democratic Party. If this version of OFA is successful, we're also told then don't be surprised if this becomes Obama's personal vehicle post-presidency, a la Bill Clinton's Clinton Global Initiative."

It will function separate from the DNC entirely and use the Obama campaign's enormous amounts of data to organize people and support his second term agenda.
I don't really see the point in passing a bill when the main weapon deaths are from handguns, not assault rifles. It's like putting a bandaid on your foot when you have a cut on your finger.

This has nothing to do with what I said. Your description of added restictions on the types of weapons being owned isn't even close to a disarmament. You're speaking in hyperbole.


I don't really see the point in passing a bill when the main weapon deaths are from handguns, not assault rifles. It's like putting a bandaid on your foot when you have a cut on your finger.

As I posted about this a little bit ago, the point is that urban gun violence and mass shootings are different problems. Mass shootings involve different people shooting different guns at different other people for different reasons than everyday gun violence. We just had a pretty bad mass shooting, so it shouldn't be surprising that people want to do something about mass shootings. You might argue that this doesn't solve the problem of urban gun violence, but it's not like we were working hard on that problem before, so why would there be surprise that we're not working on it now? Honestly, if you really want to solve urban gun violence, we can do it in one step: expand welfare. (Maybe two steps, because you want to put money in schools too.)

A lot of the resentment probably comes from people who themselves didn't do good in school. I think it's kind of like a referee in a game. When you're doing well they're fine and part of the game. When your team is doing shitty, you tend to lash out and a lot of the time blame the refs. If you didn't do well, you're not going to understand the value, because you'll think of them as antagonists and unhelpful in the end. Then if you grow up and your kids do well I think sometimes you think it's just them, and they're doing well in spite of the teachers rather than possibly because of any of them, since your own personal experience with them wasn't great.

I think you're missing the elephant in the room: the Southern strategy, yet again. A reactionary strategy is an anti-public education strategy, and so is any strategy that seeks to maintain a permanent underclass. People didn't have this attitude about public education when schools were segregated! Or rather, they didn't have this attitude about white public education. But now that their tax dollars are paying to educate people of color, they'd just as soon take them out and establish private schools -- that people of color, by and large, can't attend. Part of that process is reviling public schools and public school teachers to make it easier to cut funding for them.


No Scrubs
This is pretty significant, I think. Obama for America has reorganized and is now an advocacy group called "Organizing for Action."

From Political Wire:

It will function separate from the DNC entirely and use the Obama campaign's enormous amounts of data to organize people and support his second term agenda.

Glad to see they've wizened up, they should have done it a lot sooner.


Man, the emails will never stop now!


Long time no see! Will you join Michelle and I for dinner? It'll be at the usual place.



I wonder how Obama's massive network will benefit or impact the Democratic nomination or support the nominee in 2016, if at all.


GOP eyes new election laws

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

BOSTON (AP) — After back-to-back presidential losses, Republicans in key states want to change the rules to make it easier for them to win.

From Wisconsin to Pennsylvania, GOP officials who control legislatures in states that supported President Barack Obama are considering changing state laws that give the winner of a state's popular vote all of its Electoral College votes, too. Instead, these officials want Electoral College votes to be divided proportionally, a move that could transform the way the country elects its president.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus endorsed the idea this week, and other Republican leaders support it, too, suggesting that the effort may be gaining momentum. There are other signs that Republican state legislators, governors and veteran political strategists are seriously considering making the shift as the GOP looks to rebound from presidential candidate Mitt Romney's Electoral College shellacking and the demographic changes that threaten the party's long-term political prospects.

"It's something that a lot of states that have been consistently blue that are fully controlled red ought to be looking at," Priebus told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, emphasizing that each state must decide for itself.

Now he can kindly fuck off again. As well as the whole GOP. Wouldn't this essential give power to the gerrymandered house districts and not the state as a whole?


GOP eyes new election laws

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Now he can kindly fuck off again. As well as the whole GOP. Wouldn't this essential give power to the gerrymandered house districts and not the state as a whole?

Are they going to keep him around this cycle? I don't understand why they'd kick Steele out after their huge wins in 2010 and keep this loser around after getting pummeled.


Honestly, if you really want to solve urban gun violence, we can do it in one step: expand welfare.
While I don't mind this, I know conservatives are going to hate this. They already complain about "useless people feeding on the system, on my tax dollars. get a job you bum". Though publicly they don't say it like that, that's what they mean if you speak to them about it.

As an aside, there's quite a few people on welfare who act entitled and it's very annoying. This is anecdotal.

I wish they'd increase funding for schools and decrease military funding. I wish we'd stop being so expansionist as of late, in terms of trying to get our influence into the middle east and spend it on ourselves instead. I'd really like to see 10 students per teacher, even in the bigger schools. Around 10 students is about the max for one teacher with no TA where they can help students individually during classtime, as well as after class.


Doesn't the term 'disarmament' typically refer to thinks like eliminating nuclear arms and not and not gun control laws? An AWB is in no way a form of disarmament of American citizens.
It's the new talking point from the right.
My guess is that it tested better than "assault rifle ban", same as "pro life" tested better than "anti abortion".

And generally, I think we should totally build our policies to accommodate people who are preparing to kill our troops.
GOP eyes new election laws

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Now he can kindly fuck off again. As well as the whole GOP. Wouldn't this essential give power to the gerrymandered house districts and not the state as a whole?

They are seriously considering adjusting the rules so they can win with a minority of the votes. The GOP hates democracy. Do they realize that they will ultimately implode if they go down that path?

They approve of apartheid in Israel, why not bring it here?



No Scrubs
GOP eyes new election laws

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Now he can kindly fuck off again. As well as the whole GOP. Wouldn't this essential give power to the gerrymandered house districts and not the state as a whole?

If there is any justice it will explode in their faces.

Are they going to keep him around this cycle? I don't understand why they'd kick Steele out after their huge wins in 2010 and keep this loser around after getting pummeled.

Preibus tricked Steel into losing his job using his powers from the 14th dimension, a void that Preibus turned into a living hellscape using his reality altering powers. So far the GOP has been unable to trick him into saying his name backwards in order to banish him back to the void from whence he came.


Preibus tricked Steel into losing his job using powers from the 14th dimension, a void that Preibus turned into a living hellscape using his reality altering powers. So far the GOP has been unable to trick him into saying his name backwards in order to banish him back to the void from whence he came.

I love the Onion.

The Senate’s No. 2 Republican is walking back his threat to use the debt ceiling and other fiscal deadlines to force President Obama to accede to deep spending cuts.

“We will raise the debt ceiling. We’re not going to default on our debt,” Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) said in an interview with the Houston Chronicle editorial board published Thursday. “I will tell you unequivocally, we’re not going to default.”

That’s a dramatic change in tone from just two weeks ago, when Cornyn wrote an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle pointedly threatening not to raise the debt limit or fund the government unless Obama agrees to scale back Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

“Republicans are more determined than ever to implement the spending cuts and structural entitlement reforms that are needed to secure the long-term fiscal integrity of our country,” he wrote. “The coming deadlines will be the next flashpoints in our ongoing fight to bring fiscal sanity to Washington. It may be necessary to partially shut down the government in order to secure the long-term fiscal well being of our country, rather than plod along the path of Greece, Italy and Spain. President Obama needs to take note of this reality and put forward a plan to avoid it immediately.”

The shift comes amid a dramatic sea change in elite conservative and GOP opinion about the need to raise the debt ceiling by early March or default on the country’s obligations. With President Obama and Democrats holding firm in their refusal to make any concessions, Republican leaders and influential conservatives increasingly see their posture as infeasible, if not dangerous to their party’s viability.

At the House GOP’s annual retreat this week, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was urging members to “recognize the realities” of divided government.

Asked about the op-ed and his apparent change of heart, Cornyn told the Chronicle editorial board that it was simply a negotiating stance.

“You sometimes try to inject a little doubt in your negotiating partner about where you’re going to go,” he said, “but I would tell you unequivocally that we’re not going to default.”

DAMN if Obama didn't play this whole thing perfectly. Time and time again, when the pressure falls on the GOP they break like the Boehner's tear-ducts at a presser.


I'm on the verge of deleting my Facebook account. The amount of ignorance regarding the payroll tax increase coupled with "Obamas gonna take ma gunzz!" Is starting to become too much for me.

How the hell does it not make you guys angry?
I'm on the verge of deleting my Facebook account. The amount of ignorance regarding the payroll tax increase coupled with "Obamas gonna take ma gunzz!" Is starting to become too much for me.

How the hell does it not make you guys angry?

It entertains me, honestly. The idiots will die out... they always do.

But PD told me Obams was a secret Republican who would cave at first chance.

Fixed and it's obviously Malia and Sasha who are making the decisions. Right PD?
This is pretty significant, I think. Obama for America has reorganized and is now an advocacy group called "Organizing for Action." It will function separate from the DNC entirely and use the Obama campaign's enormous amounts of data to organize people and support his second term agenda.
Is this where I link to an old post of mine where I said this was going to be a big thing for the 2nd term? HowdoesIPoligaf.gif

The only thing I have in common is guns, so I feel rather insulted.
Oh right, you're not a conservative who doesn't look at the facts, you're just a guns rights advocate who doesn't look at the facts.
I'm on the verge of deleting my Facebook account. The amount of ignorance regarding the payroll tax increase coupled with "Obamas gonna take ma gunzz!" Is starting to become too much for me.

How the hell does it not make you guys angry?

I hear stories like this and it makes me happy I've never joined.


Yeah, I'm starting to get a lot more veiled statements about "No tyrants better take my guns". It's weird, but I just stay out of it.


Yes... well, if sanity means short debt limit increases instead of a one year or more increase...

If they assure people that we absolutely won't default, then it doesn't matter. I mean, I guess it's silly, but logically there isn't much of a difference.

Wall Street is going to lose a lot of money even on a short default/shutdown.
Money talks.

Yep, that's why I wasn't terribly worried about it.

Yeah, I'm starting to get a lot more veiled statements about "No tyrants better take my guns". It's weird, but I just stay out of it.

That's a veiled statement?


GOP eyes new election laws

He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Now he can kindly fuck off again. As well as the whole GOP. Wouldn't this essential give power to the gerrymandered house districts and not the state as a whole?

Do they need 2/3 votes or just a simple majority to change voting laws? I don't know if they have filibusters in state senates. What are the odds of this? I still think it is low right now but if they lose another presidential election.....


No Scrubs
Do they need 2/3 votes or just a simple majority to change voting laws? I don't know if they have filibusters in state senates. What are the odds of this? I still think it is low right now but if they lose another presidential election.....

Messing with election law is like wiring your house, if you try and do it odds are you'll get shocked. The push back if they do this will be bigger than when they were trying to get voter ID laws on the books.


Messing with election law is like wiring your house, if you try and do it odds are you'll get shocked. The push back if they do this will be bigger than when they were trying to get voter ID laws on the books.
It's more than that, in the long term, a strategy which is built around winning with the minority of the votes is a losing one, pretty much by definition.


I'm on the verge of deleting my Facebook account. The amount of ignorance regarding the payroll tax increase coupled with "Obamas gonna take ma gunzz!" Is starting to become too much for me.

How the hell does it not make you guys angry?

If you don't laugh at our political process and discourse you will go insane, so it's best to approach things like that lightly.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I just heard David gregory say the dumbest shit on Morning Joe


At some point Obama needs to do something about entitlements in order for this economy to be unleashed.

OKAY. So if the military won't fire on US citizens, and even if they do, they have planes that can drop bombs and a whole other assortment of fancy equipment that makes owning a gun useless, why do people need guns? What "right" is there? Do you need to own a gun just to have it? Why do people feel the need to own something designed to kill other people?

I don't get it.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I just heard David gregory say the dumbest shit on Morning Joe


At some point Obama needs to do something about entitlements in order for this economy to be unleashed.


Simple. By reducing the ability of a population to spend, retire, be healthy or be educated, you massively increase the momentum of an economy.


I'm on the verge of deleting my Facebook account. The amount of ignorance regarding the payroll tax increase coupled with "Obamas gonna take ma gunzz!" Is starting to become too much for me.

How the hell does it not make you guys angry?

During election season, I'd hide most of the people who made irritating political posts. Afterwards, I added them back and since then, only my father-in-law has made some remark I glazed over, I just know it had the word Obama in it.

Although I have many conservative relatives and some friends, none of them talk about guns much save for one who is not conservative in general.

He is a gun advocate, but he is in favor of the type of control that involves psychological tests and tiers for what they can get. However, he is on "Only Important" updates because 99% of his posts are just picture shares.


OKAY. So if the military won't fire on US citizens, and even if they do, they have planes that can drop bombs and a whole other assortment of fancy equipment that makes owning a gun useless, why do people need guns? What "right" is there? Do you need to own a gun just to have it? Why do people feel the need to own something designed to kill other people?

I don't get it.
Because some people feel like they can't defend themselves without guns.
Back home we used to call them pussies, but nothing demystifies guns like mandatory military service.


OKAY. So if the military won't fire on US citizens, and even if they do, they have planes that can drop bombs and a whole other assortment of fancy equipment that makes owning a gun useless, why do people need guns? What "right" is there? Do you need to own a gun just to have it? Why do people feel the need to own something designed to kill other people?

I don't get it.

You don't recognize self defense as a legitimate reason to want to own and keep firearms legal?
OKAY. So if the military won't fire on US citizens, and even if they do, they have planes that can drop bombs and a whole other assortment of fancy equipment that makes owning a gun useless, why do people need guns? What "right" is there? Do you need to own a gun just to have it? Why do people feel the need to own something designed to kill other people?

I don't get it.

The second you engage a conservative in a hypothetical argument about fighting against an imaginary tyrant, you've already lost because you are arguing against a strawman. Nobody is proposing confiscating guns, or making gun ownership illegal.

Instead, the argument is about where to draw the line. For instance, nobody believes citizens have the right to own tanks, jets, rocket propelled grenades, etc. If you get the conservative to follow his logic consistently to the conclusion that citizens ARE entitled to tanks and jets (to be able to fight against the military), then you have won the argument by making him look ridiculous. If you get him to admit that the only real issue is line-drawing, then you have elevated the discussion and can have a sane discussion without all the tyrant talk.

As a general matter, I've noticed that reductio ad absurdum is a great technique to use against conservatives, because they like portray complicated issues as having simple solutions usually stemming from emotions. These kinds of emotional views are easily taken to the extreme. The argument technique does not completely defeat the conservative, it just gets them to argue better. For instance, if someone says "government should stay out of private industry" it is easy to just list all the horrible consequences that would result (ie. no inspection of food or drugs, no licensing of doctors, tolls on every road, no government contracts for private companies, etc.). This shifts the conversation into the more nuanced and liberal-friendly "how MUCH government should be involved in private industry?" or "how MUCH regulation is necessary?"

Almost all of policy-making is just finding the right way to draw lines between competing interests. Conservatives hate portraying issues that way. As a side note, I'm obviously only talking about extreme conservatives. There are plenty who you can past the absurdum argument and go straight to a reasonable discussion. I've noticed the gun issue makes them all kind of nuts though.


OKAY. So if the military won't fire on US citizens, and even if they do, they have planes that can drop bombs and a whole other assortment of fancy equipment that makes owning a gun useless, why do people need guns? What "right" is there? Do you need to own a gun just to have it? Why do people feel the need to own something designed to kill other people?

I don't get it.

From conversations held long ago among friends:

(1) Hunting, keeping deer population in check
(2) Protection in case someone breaks into a house
Dutch news is calling out the Republicans' plan to change voting in blue states as bullshit. I'm assuming other countries and news sources are calling it what it is too. If it's already hitting international news, I can't imagine they're not going to get a crazy amount of backlash at home too.
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