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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I remember some article about Businesses not wanting undergrad Business majors because the degree teaches them nothing, they'd rather have English and other liberal arts because they were learning skill such as writing and critical thinking that's actually useful.

Edit: here it is http://gawker.com/5984328/business-professor-dont-major-in-business it was a little bit different than what I remembered but still b-schools are weird. I don't know what you "learn"

I'm not surprised at all. I was actually pleasantly surprised that in my upper course English classes we dealt with stuff like neo-lib economics. Sure, they learn some forms of basic accounting and stuff like that, but not enough. Even accounting majors don't like most of what they teach.


We get it that you don't like the law. You voted some 35 times to repeal it.

But do you really want to bring up the images of the civil rights act? Are the Feds going to have to send in national guard members to help people into hospitals?

I can't remember the state, but I read recently of one that actually passed a law voiding the ACA, which a judge promptly threw out. Mind-boggling that they're wasting so much time on token, idiotic gestures.

Unrelated, but I got a kick out of Michael Steel's comments on the RNC's latest efforts at minority outreach: Good luck with that while you're trying to suppress their votes.

And fucking LOL at Reid's latest. Nothing will come from it.




Yeah, keep reminding people that you weren't tried for treason and maybe we'll eventually rectify that mistake.

Also, I don't think we should take cues from our broken justice system as to how to run a country.

This is why people hate lawyers.
This is why everyone hates lawyers.
Good thing we keep electing them into office.

Edit: gotta love internet comments -
"Mr. Yoo has me feeling pretty good about my bargain-basement degree from the University of Montana".



This is it. This is the worst argument you will ever see.

Some morning down the line, a vagrant will approach you and begin to weave a story of how the Freemasons stole his ability to work through the use of mind control in the New York Times crossword puzzle. And, for that reason, you should give him ten dollars to buy liquor.

His argument will be more valid than Yoo's.
I can't remember the state, but I read recently of one that actually passed a law voiding the ACA, which a judge promptly threw out. Mind-boggling that they're wasting so much time on token, idiotic gestures.

Unrelated, but I got a kick out of Michael Steel's comments on the RNC's latest efforts at minority outreach: Good luck with that while you're trying to suppress their votes.

Yeah, I gotta say that the number of pointless gestures by the GOP is hitting record numbers. Abortion laws that are on their face unconstitutional, repeatedly voting to repeal Obamacare when they know that would not get through the Senate nor whitehouse, transvaginal ultrasound requirements, an even more austere Ryan budget after they lost the election on that budget, a law about transgendered bathroom use . . . it is just a bunch of pointless nonsense that won't pass, is unconstitutional, or is just pointless.

I thought they hit a nadir when they were arguing flag-burning in the House, trying to get an anti-gay marriage amendment, and passing Terry Schiavo special legislation. But they've really been outdoing themselves is pointlessness.


That girl in the bunny hat
I thought they hit a nadir when they were arguing flag-burning in the House, trying to get an anti-gay marriage amendment, and passing Terry Schiavo special legislation. But they've really been outdoing themselves is pointlessness.

They either forgot they were doing stuff like that for electoral, rather than policy, reasons, or they figure the only reason it didn't work was because they weren't doing enough of it.
Yeah, I gotta say that the number of pointless gestures by the GOP is hitting record numbers. Abortion laws that are on their face unconstitutional, repeatedly voting to repeal Obamacare when they know that would not get through the Senate nor whitehouse, transvaginal ultrasound requirements, an even more austere Ryan budget after they lost the election on that budget, a law about transgendered bathroom use . . . it is just a bunch of pointless nonsense that won't pass, is unconstitutional, or is just pointless.

I thought they hit a nadir when they were arguing flag-burning in the House, trying to get an anti-gay marriage amendment, and passing Terry Schiavo special legislation. But they've really been outdoing themselves is pointlessness.

While I don't think either party has any real motivation to "legislate" I feel most of the rank-and-file GOP are caught up in some purity test game show where the most important thing is to show how staunchly conservative you are no matter what.

Even someone like Paul Ryan who people take "seriously" goes out and writes a conservative fanfic as his budget proposal. What is the point of that?


The Autumn Wind
Sure, lets put Zombie Saddam in power and watch the lols from here.
If I weren't on my phone, I'd be whipping up a "Weekend at Saddam's" poster right now.

While I don't think either party has any real motivation to "legislate" I feel most of the rank-and-file GOP are caught up in some purity test game show where the most important thing is to show how staunchly conservative you are no matter what.

Even someone like Paul Ryan who people take "seriously" goes out and writes a conservative fanfic as his budget proposal. What is the point of that?
Who takes Paul Ryan seriously?
On business schools:

Business undergrad and business grad schools are worlds apart.

A decent business undergrad will have a focus in finance, marketing, or accounting available (undergrad business management degrees are worthless) and will have a second major or minor in something else (STEM, economics, music, arts, ANYTHING) that will make them more well rounded and attractive for employment.

That said, the stuff that is taught there is incredibly basic. I'd argue a lot of it could be covered as a minor instead.

Business grad schools can also be very useful for learning how to parse data, apply organizational theory, and explain financing models that wouldn't really be readily grasped by undergrads. There is, of course, the networking opportunities available that come with going to a good grad school.

I did a business undergrad double major in International Business and Finance, and I recently finished a business class at the grad level (I'm not an MBA, though). This is just what my experience tells me.


Basically. It's sad where money and family can get you.

What I would love to see are studies on the lineages of all the politicians. We talk (this thread at least) a fair about class mobility between the rich, poor, and middle classes, but never about the mobility of the political/senatorial/gubernatorial class. What's going on there? Why have we had so many politicians descendant from other politicians? Why does no one see this as a problem?

Edit: Shit, got the bottom of the page.

Angry Fork

Hitchens used to use the same bullshit argument about 'if you don't want war, then you want Sadaam'. And he would lump Michael Moore liberals with people on the far left, as if they both had the same arguments/complaints.

I love Hitch but have no clue what 9/11 did to him to make him think full scale invasion of every despotic country would fix things.
Hitchens used to use the same bullshit argument about 'if you don't want war, then you want Sadaam'. And he would lump Michael Moore liberals with people on the far left, as if they both had the same arguments/complaints.

I love Hitch but have no clue what 9/11 did to him to make him think full scale invasion of every despotic country would fix things.

Yeah, Hitch had some specious arguments regarding Iraq. He got suckered by some members of the Iraqi exile community.

One of his worst arguments was how Saddam was a theocrat. Oh come the fuck on. Saddam didn't give a shit about Islam, he just played it up as a politician.


On business schools:

Business undergrad and business grad schools are worlds apart.

A decent business undergrad will have a focus in finance, marketing, or accounting available (undergrad business management degrees are worthless) and will have a second major or minor in something else (STEM, economics, music, arts, ANYTHING) that will make them more well rounded and attractive for employment.

That said, the stuff that is taught there is incredibly basic. I'd argue a lot of it could be covered as a minor instead.

Business grad schools can also be very useful for learning how to parse data, apply organizational theory, and explain financing models that wouldn't really be readily grasped by undergrads. There is, of course, the networking opportunities available that come with going to a good grad school.

I did a business undergrad double major in International Business and Finance, and I recently finished a business class at the grad level (I'm not an MBA, though). This is just what my experience tells me.
I think the problem is deeper.
I don't buy that "business" is a skill, I think running a business require understanding of that business much more than a cursory knowledge in finance or organizational theory (and at least in my experience, most of the organizational theory stuff is a waste of time).

If you want to run a car company, I will send you to learn about cars so you can make good decisions about cars, you can (and should) hire a CPA for finance and a lawyer to run your council, maybe even get an MBA to run your HR department, just don't let them make important business decisions.
Why does this sound so difficult, yet conservatives constantly make it seem so God damned easy.
Any way you cut it, getting a Harvard degree summa cum laude requires a lot of hard work.
And yes, now would be the time to ask yourself what are college rankings and Latin honors really worth.


One of my fiancée's friends is earnestly opposed to raising the minimum wage because businesses will raise prices and cut benefits to retain their profit margins.

She works two jobs, a waitress at Denny's and a clerk for a fabric store.

It's Stockholm Syndrome.

From two pages ago, but we already have a term for this. It's just false consciousness.

In its current form, the compromise bill would lock in $984 billion in spending -- a notable drop from the $1.043 trillion initially approved before the forced sequestration cuts took effect.

My memory was off, sequestration this year is $85 billion. So this is $59 billion difference, or $26 billion less. Of course, some of that might not include this month.

But at the very least it looks like $20 billion of sequestration has been repealed, no?
My memory was off, sequestration this year is $85 billion. So this is $59 billion difference, or $26 billion less. Of course, some of that might not include this month.

But at the very least it looks like $20 billion of sequestration has been repealed, no?
The continuing resolutions only last six months, the rest of the cuts probably come in oct-dec



Senators are unlikely to enact filibuster reform because it takes away their own individual power.

Also Harry Reid is on record for saying things like this when he was minority leader

Harry Reid said:
The filibuster serves as a check on power and preserves our limited government. Right now, the only check on President Bush is the Democrats ability to voice their concern in this body of the Senate. If Republicans rollback our rights in this Chamber, there will be no check on their power. The radical, right wing will be free to pursue any agenda they want.

I have no doubt that Republicans could roll back filibuster provision the day their take control of the senate. Democrats don't have the balls to be the one to pull the trigger first.


The Autumn Wind
Most of us are not saying to get rid of the filibuster, just make it the way it was before (talking filibuster). The way it exists now, it's ridiculously abused and pretty much stops anything from getting done.


Obsidian fan

Senators are unlikely to enact filibuster reform because it takes away their own individual power.

Also Harry Reid is on record for saying things like this when he was minority leader

I have no doubt that Republicans could roll back filibuster provision the day their take control of the senate. Democrats don't have the balls to be the one to pull the trigger first.
Ok honestly though, if you agree with "the majority should be able to pass legislation" then that should hold true whether Republicans or Democrats hold the Senate. If a party won a majority... well, it was for a reason.


Unconfirmed Member
Sure, I have no problem with that solution. As long as while we're at it, we bring all those who died, both soldiers and civilians, back to life; magically restore lost infrastructure and other damage; get back the piles of money spent on this boondoggle and related nonsense; and, of course, get back all the good will that we blew.

Oh, what's that, Mr. Yoo? It can't be done? Then maybe you should shut the fuck up. Shut. The fuck. Up.
Thank you for this. Don't think I could have put it better :(
Was he actually close to having a bullet inside of him or was there just a gun that accidentally discharged when he was nearby? Sounds like "Ahmadinejad almost shot" is a misleading headline.
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