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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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What the hell is the Washington Times? Looks like a hack job.

It is like a Murdoch publication but even worse. It is run by the Moonies and commonly called the Moonie times.. It is basically a subsidized hard-right hack fest.

Jerry Brown smacked on down:
Reporter: So why is it then, that we’re seeing from the bankruptcy though…
Brown Spokesman Gil Duran: There is no bankruptcy. That’s a lie. You’re lying.
Brown: California has a $2-trillion economy.
Reporter: Why am I a liar?
Brown: [...] Are you a Moonie by any chance?


And that is pretty funny coming from someone once ridiculed as "Governor Moonbeam".


No Scrubs

They cannot be fucking serious.

It is like a Murdoch publication but even worse. It is run by the Moonies and commonly called the Moonie times.. It is basically a subsidized hard-right hack fest.

Jerry Brown smacked on down:
Reporter: So why is it then, that we’re seeing from the bankruptcy though…
Brown Spokesman Gil Duran: There is no bankruptcy. That’s a lie. You’re lying.
Brown: California has a $2-trillion economy.
Reporter: Why am I a liar?
Brown: [...] Are you a Moonie by any chance?


And that is pretty funny coming from someone once ridiculed as "Governor Moonbeam".

This is the feel good story of the day for me.


The Constitution of the United States does not grant the federal government and does not grant the federal courts the power to determine what is or is not constitutional; therefore, by virtue of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the power to determine constitutionality and the proper interpretation and proper application of the Constitution is reserved to the states and to the people,"
It's not so much an attack on the first amendment as it's an attack on judicial review.
As someone who is not really a fan of that concept but care immensely about the separation of church and state, I'm not sure I can handle the cognitive dissonance.
Whether doing it as a political stunt or not, they are planting the seeds for this to be taken seriously by the next generation. This sort of thing needs to be smacked down hard, lest it turn into a political movement in the future.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican nominee for governor this November, has filed a petition with the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals asking for a full review of a decision by a three-judge panel that threw out the state's sodomy law, the Washington Blade reported Wednesday.

The three-judge panel ruled 2-1 on March 12 that a section of Virginia’s “Crimes Against Nature” statute that outlaws sodomy between consenting adults, gay or straight, is unconstitutional based on a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2003 known as Lawrence v. Texas.

A clerk with the 4th Circuit appeals court said a representative of the Virginia Attorney General’s office filed the petition on Cuccinelli’s behalf on March 26. The petition requests what is known as an en banc hearing before the full 15 judges to reconsider the earlier ruling by the three-judge panel.

The case involves a man who solicited oral sex from a minor and Cuccinelli's office claims that the Supreme Court decision does not apply to cases involving minors. The majority opinion by the 4th Circuit panel stated that a new law outlawing sodomy between an adult and a minor would likely be constitutional.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe's campaign jumped on the news. "This is just another example of Ken Cuccinelli ignoring the economy and instead focusing on his divisive ideological agenda," McAuliffe spokesman Josh Schwerin said in a statement to TPM.

Cuccinelli's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Could this be his "legitimate rape" moment? Lets bring back sodomy laws!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
How's that communism thing working out in Cuba and North Korea? It just doesn't work.

The oil price thing was something that pushed them over the edge. They had been reliant on oil sales as a way to get hard currency and fund things. But when oil prices plunged, they could no longer keep up the charade.

What's the "jist" of communism anyway. Like if it was run perfectly how would the leader sell it to it's people? I understand socialism and why it exist in certain forms, but I could never understand communism.

"The Constitution of the United States does not grant the federal government and does not grant the federal courts the power to determine what is or is not constitutional; therefore, by virtue of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the power to determine constitutionality and the proper interpretation and proper application of the Constitution is reserved to the states and to the people," the bill states.


The bill goes on to say:

SECTION 1. The North Carolina General Assembly asserts that the Constitution of the United States of America does not prohibit states or their subsidiaries from making laws respecting an establishment of religion.

SECTION 2. The North Carolina General Assembly does not recognize federal court rulings which prohibit and otherwise regulate the State of North Carolina, its public schools or any political subdivisions of the State from making laws respecting an establishment of religion.




Remember that guy who'd come in here every couple months and ask if the US was about to have a civil war? Maybe he was right, wow. What is this shit.

Obama's greatest accomplish might wind up being instigating the self destruction of the republican party.
I hope they don't burn themselves out on this stuff. Save enough hate for 2014 and 2016, please!
Definitely for national elections, but keep in mind the Virginia gubernatorial election will be this Fall, and coochie here's the likely republican nominee. Definitely not gonna help his chances in the general.


No Scrubs
What's the "jist" of communism anyway. Like if it was run perfectly how would the leader sell it to it's people? I understand socialism and why it exist in certain forms, but I could never understand communism.

Basically no one would need to worry about not having work or that they wouldn't make enough to survive. It's like Libertarianism, or a truly free market without the government at all, in that it sounds good in the abstract, but wouldn't work in the real world.




Yea, what a bunch of jokers. This'll get struck down by the courts and they won't do shit about it. Well, if they do it could very well end in the arrest of a state official but I doubt it.

Remember that guy who'd come in here every couple months and ask if the US was about to have a civil war? Maybe he was right, wow. What is this shit.

Obama's greatest accomplish might wind up being instigating the self destruction of the republican party.

LOL @ giving Somedude any sort of credit. As far as your second point, I could see that happening. They've just been going nuts lately.
All this crazy stuff is just the last hurrah of the old white men. They know they're losing a grip on "their country" so they're trying to double down to some things so they are harder to undo.

They are ignoring the 14th Amendment, as radical conservatives are wont to do. It accords with Justice Thomas's position on the matter.

They're ignoring Marbury vs. Madison as well.
All this crazy stuff is just the last hurrah of the old white men. They know they're losing a grip on "their country" so they're trying to double down to some things so they are harder to undo.

They're ignoring Marbury vs. Madison as well.

They're not ignoring it, they're saying the ruling was wrong, that the SCOTUS took authority with which it never had.


Basically no one would need to worry about not having work or that they wouldn't make enough to survive. It's like Libertarianism, or a truly free market without the government at all, in that it sounds good in the abstract, but wouldn't work in the real world.

I don't think this is fair. Communists have historically understood that what they want wouldn't work in the world as it is; that's not really a criticism. Dealing with that was the whole point of state socialism. Communists wanted a classless, stateless society, but they certainly didn't think it'd be a good idea for the state to just "get out of the way". Instead, their idea was to change the real world into the sort of world where communism would work. They wanted to achieve fundamental social and economic change via the state before allowing the state to wither away. Obviously proletariat revolutions and dictatorships of the proletariat don't have a great track record of achieving this sort of change, but one could make the argument that incremental socialism in Europe is still moving in this direction. The idea is much bigger in scale, but not all that different in quality, from the thinking behind something like affirmative action - Communists aren't falling into the trap of thinking that the way to stop having a state is to stop having a state.

Libertarians haven't thought things through to nearly the same extent. The libertarian equivalent would be to advocate massive state investment in genetic engineering or something with the aim of producing a society full of Randian ubermenschen who might actually all get along in a libertarian world.

User 406

Libertarians haven't thought things through to nearly the same extent. The libertarian equivalent would be to advocate massive state investment in genetic engineering or something with the aim of producing a society full of Randian ubermenschen who might actually all get along in a libertarian world.

I'm sure there's been plenty of libertarians that have thought up realistic steps that would slowly move things towards their ideal world, and then rejected them because it would require them to commit to working together on something more substantial than websites.


What's the "jist" of communism anyway. Like if it was run perfectly how would the leader sell it to it's people? I understand socialism and why it exist in certain forms, but I could never understand communism.

A Communist state would (in a strict sense) not have a leader. Everyone works for the betterment of society and their fellow man. I often think of the idealized world portrayed in Star Trek as such a place...as others have said, great on paper but not in reality.

Speaking of Cuba/North Korea...those are NOT communist states. They are dictatorships that use palatable labels like "The People's Republic" when in reality, the people have nothing to do with it.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I think the most you could hope for is for the 2016 nominee to have long enough coattails to get Democrats elected in districts that aren't on anybody's radar. We even saw this in 2012, where districts like FL-10 were kept within a few points that were generally regarded as likely or safe Republican seats. If Obama had a big blowout victory like 2008 it might have carried enough Democrats across the finish line in swing districts to recapture the House, but that was never going to happen.

However I'm curious as to what effect OFA's microtargeting efforts will have on the 2014 races. If Obama puts as much muscle into the House races as he did in his own re-election, that could make a profound difference - it doesn't seem like he was interested in jockeying for House seats in 2010 or 2012, but I think he's realized he's not going to get to add much to his legacy with a Republican House.

I really hope the DCCC invests in this race. Before 2012 I didn't think it was winnable for the usual reasons (deep red district, Bachmann's fundraising is through the roof, etc.) but Graves kept it close despite being outspent 20 to 1. If he'd cut that gap even by half he'd probably be a sitting Congressman by now. I hope he gives it another run. Everything he's said since the election indicates he will.

That being said, MN-02 might be a more enticing target. There's rumors that John Kline might be leaving to challenge Franken, and Obama won the district both times.

John Kline is a terrible rep. Especially having moved to his district from Keith Ellison's.

Kline is truly a pathetic excuse for a human being, just like Michelle Bachmann.
Glee has a trans girl character they don't handle all that well. Why do you ask?

Probably because this is yet another instance of the "homosexual lobby" (scalia's words, not mine) abusing the levers of cultural power in an attempt to sway public opinion. Not too long ago it was Will & Grace, Ellen, and so forth. Now shows such as Glee exist. What will Hollywood think of next to turn 2,000 years of tradition and morals on its head while at the same time accusing opponents of holding bigoted views? Jeff and his dog Sparky? I mean, where does it end? The battle for equal rights should be in the state legislature, not broadcast on our teevee.


Reading the “Wages stink at America’s most common jobs” thread and others like it over the last few months on GAF has got me down on the attitudes that some people have for those at the lower rungs of our society.

The pervasive attitude that if you work a low-skilled job or don’t have a tertiary education means that you deserve to live a life of little economic security or comfort has to be the most damaging one in society. It dehumanises those who may not have had the same advantages as others growing up, and looks down at people who have made mistakes in their life and use that as justification to keep them on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.

At some point the country needs to revisit their view on what it means to have an economic system and what purpose should it serve. If the economic system doesn’t provide some level of security for the mass of people, then what’s the point of it?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I found myself flashing back to Diablos' drunken catharsis on election night for some reason this afternoon. Good times.

I love the implication that somehow the whole debt is Obama's fault.


So how do conservatives say that Obama has racked up record spending when the Republicans have effectively captured the legislature since 2010?


At some point the country needs to revisit their view on what it means to have an economic system and what purpose should it serve. If the economic system doesn’t provide some level of security for the mass of people, then what’s the point of it?

I feel that people are under the impression that this is all there is. That we have no control over an economic system because God, or The Hand, or whatever is in charge and it is beyond humans, not an invention of humans. How we got to this place, I do not know.
John Kline is a terrible rep. Especially having moved to his district from Keith Ellison's.

Kline is truly a pathetic excuse for a human being, just like Michelle Bachmann.
all the gop reps in minnesota are uniformly awful, bachmann's just the only one who gets attention because she's literally insane


I feel that people are under the impression that this is all there is. That we have no control over an economic system because God, or The Hand, or whatever is in charge and it is beyond humans, not an invention of humans. How we got to this place, I do not know.

Yeah, far too many people just think that's how it is and we can't interfere, because then we lose freedom. Like some nebulous idea of freedom is better than actual security (and real freedom for some people). They think too much that the system actually works and makes the best rise to the top. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
Since the public sector's debt is the private sector's savings, I'd say debt ought to be celebrated as in the picture.
Did you happen to see the quote I posted about how the money that is being funelled to tax havens in order to avoid taxes is lent back to governments who run deficits because they can't get enough tax revenue because companies use tax havens? Is that a correct assessment of the situation you think?
Did you happen to see the quote I posted about how the money that is being funelled to tax havens in order to avoid taxes is lent back to governments who run deficits because they can't get enough tax revenue because companies use tax havens? Is that a correct assessment of the situation you think?

No, I didn't see it. Can you link to it?

But generally a monetarily sovereign government's spending is never financially constrained by its revenue (or lack thereof). In other words, "getting tax revenue" is not something these governments are in need of doing in order to spend, because they are themselves the source of money. Spending precedes tax collection, and tax collection is just the collection of previous spending.
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