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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I've seen Ezra co-host. Don't think he's very good at it and he seems to have a lisp.

Just move Krystal Ball up. At least she's perdy.

It's weird, I remember when GAFers used to troll him on gamecube irc and accuse him of being a fatass with a lisp. They were half right!



I've seen Ezra co-host. Don't think he's very good at it and he seems to have a lisp.

Just move Krystal Ball up. At least she's perdy.

Alex should be moved up before Krystal, no contest. Ezra def has a lisp, doesnt matter though, his words are like wine.
MSNBC needs to dump Bashir, Shultz, and Al Sharpton. Matthews is a grumpy old man but he is tolerable. If MSNBC wants to be liberal, then they should at least get intelligent hosts so they don't give a bad name to liberals everywhere. Maybe move the Cycle into primetime, I like them.


So on Fox news they just brought up the $1 trillion coin idea, and essentially spent 5 min. laughing at how "silly" it was. They didn't actually name any reasons why it wouldn't work. Even more the reason why Obama should do this now, to make these guys look like buffoons.

It doesn't work because how the heck are you supposed to tip strippers then heh


Ezra is married btw



GAFers used to troll him on gamecube irc and accuse him of being a fatass with a lisp. They were half right!

say what?
Alex should be moved up before Krystal, no contest. Ezra def has a lisp, doesnt matter though, his words are like wine.

I have seen so little of Alex Wagner that I can't really comment.

Chris Hayes was a good mention but I think he's better with a panel show as he has now. But he's really likable and I could watch a show with him from time to time, especially if it's a 2-3 person panel (like him and Krystal).

Of course, they can always go with Biden's Bordello in 4 years.

Alex should be moved up before Krystal, no contest. Ezra def has a lisp, doesnt matter though, his words are like wine.

Ezra is good in a daily segment analysis role, not as a 1 hour host. He should just stick to like Ezra's Wonk Segment or something.


Ezra is good in a daily segment analysis role, not as a 1 hour host. He should just stick to like Ezra's Wonk Segment or something.

suppose youre right, but it's based on superficial factors.

Watch Alex Wagner though her show might honestly be the best of the bunch..
MSNBC would work perfectly for a (non-explicit) Real Time type show imo; I'd change The Cycle by getting rid of Toure, make SE Cupp the lead, and go from there. Especially with so many young congressmen and senators in the 113th congress, it would be an interesting way to give members of both sides a semi casual, semi serious outlet other than the Daily Show/Colbert/Real Time.

say what?

He used to post a lot on various gaming irc channels. Dude was a huge Ntard and I remember trolling him for defending the Gamecube early on lol. I wonder if there's a way to dig up some of that stuff, he was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy
He used to post a lot on various gaming irc channels. Dude was a huge Ntard and I remember trolling him for defending the Gamecube early on lol. I wonder if there's a way to dig up some of that stuff, he was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy

Boy, you sure showed him. Just look at him now.

And your contribution to society is what?

I kid because I love, PD.
Boy, you sure showed him. Just look at him now.

And your contribution to society is what?

I was a kid on irc, give me a break; I actually had a GC at the time, and was never "mean" on irc/aim/etc. He got shit from a lot of people at the time. It was a bad time for Nintendo fans


Isn't Christie really the new Giuliani? His leadership during crisis and seemingly reasonable mindset makes him appeal to some on both sides as well as moderates, but get him in the primary and he won't seem anywhere near crazy enough to win?

Giuliani wasn't crazy enough to win? Did you see hear or read any of his thoughts? He went batshit insane to appeal to the hard right.

That and 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I can't believe guys like Ted Cruz (he's on CNN right now).

Cruz- "I'd love to work with President Obama if he was reasonable like Pres. Clinton."

Wolf- "So you would have voted for the fiscal cliff deal?"

C- "No."

W- "So, you'd vote to raise millions of people in Texas's taxes?"

C- "Obama and Reid want to jack up taxes! We're gonna use the debt ceiling to break him!"

Cruz is a joke. A Joke. Wolf keeps pointing out that the Republicans are minorities of 2 of the 3 branches of gov't and he just won't acknowledge that. And he keeps referring to the fiscal cliff as "the default".

Wolf: "What would you do about immigration?"

Cruz: "Secure the border, lower taxes on legal immigrants".

Does he even understand how taxes work?
I wonder what Obama's lawyers have said about it. I get the impression they advised against the 14 amendment option in 2011
I believe you are correct . . . but that is because he's got a pussy administration.

If it were LBJ in office, you know he'd do it. Bill Clinton might have done it as well. You just do it and then say "see you in court" if they want to challenge it. Would it work? Who knows? But if the GOP is willing to bargain with the full faith & credit of the USA then Obama should be willing to bargain with the $1 Trillion platinum coin. It is all about leverage & brinksmanship.

Wolf: "What would you do about immigration?"

Cruz: "Secure the border, lower taxes on legal immigrants".
Wat? LOL!


I've never watched much MSNBC other than Maddow, who I like. I don't have a problem when Klein's hosting, but I don't think I need two shows like that. I think Maddow does a pretty good job of highlighting stories that I hadn't heard much about elsewhere.

I think that what Hayes is doing is good and useful, but it's not something I'm at all interested in. While his show is way better than any other show I've seen with a similar format, it tilts much more towards editorializing rather than news or data analysis, so it necessarily spends a lot of time going over fairly obvious opinions.
So...lower taxes on everyone?


It was more along the lines of "celebrate illegal immigrants by making it easier for them to start businesses by lowering taxes". I paraphrased in my transcription (should have been clearer), but he just took the immigration issue and brought it back to the need to lower taxes. Kind of impressive, really.

It was just infuriating how when immigration came up, not a peep about anything that could be construed as DREAM-like came from him. It was all "build the fence, secure the border, celebrate legal immigrants and improve our party's relationship with the Hispanic community (in some nebulous, unspecified way)". I guess just saying "improve our relationship with them" will be substituted for actually doing anything.

edit: Also, really? REALLY?
Cruz Sworn In As Texas’ First Hispanic US Senator, Will Introduce Bill To Repeal ‘Obamacare’


I'm watching the West Wing for the first time. It is an excellent way to appreciate Obama's presidency for the breath of fresh air it really is. I can't stand any of these guys, and also they don't have Google yet so they look like idiots all the time.


So since Bachmann brought up repealing Obamacare... would there ever be a way to punish Congresspeople/Senators who bring up useless/guaranteed to be vetoed legislation?

Or do you just hope that the voters are smart enough to kick them out at the next election?


I'm watching the West Wing for the first time. It is an excellent way to appreciate Obama's presidency for the breath of fresh air it really is. I can't stand any of these guys, and also they don't have Google yet so they look like idiots all the time.
Let me know when you're done so I can give you my usual rant about how much I hate the west wing.
I think everyone else on this board is already tired of that shit, but you, you will listen!
So since Bachmann brought up repealing Obamacare... would there ever be a way to punish Congresspeople/Senators who bring up useless/guaranteed to be vetoed legislation?

Or do you just hope that the voters are smart enough to kick them out at the next election?

Well that would be unhelpful. Gerrymandering or otherwise, Bachmann does represent one of the nuttiest districts in America, and she is simply reflecting her constituents' moronic wishes. Not to disregard the fact that she is a complete nutjob herself.


I'm watching the West Wing for the first time. It is an excellent way to appreciate Obama's presidency for the breath of fresh air it really is. I can't stand any of these guys, and also they don't have Google yet so they look like idiots all the time.

How old are you? I first watched the west wing as a teenager just coming into awareness of politics in the midst of the Bush presidency and I loved the west wing. I watch it now and I find its overly idealistic, on the side of angels type talk unbearable.


Let me know when you're done so I can give you my usual rant about how much I hate the west wing.
I think everyone else on this board is already tired of that shit, but you, you will listen!

Does it relate to the fundamental idiocy of suggesting that the President would put a media consultant in charge of liaising on Ruby Ridge? I complained a lot to my wife about the fact that I haven't seen a single actual cabinet member yet. Also Sorkin probably subcontract all his female characters to somebody who knows some females.

How old are you? I first watched the west wing as a teenager just coming into awareness of politics in the midst of the Bush presidency and I loved the west wing. I watch it now and I find its overly idealistic, on the side of angels type talk unbearable.

30. I missed it during the Bush administration. I don't find these people idealistic at all. In fact, what I find most aggravating about it is that they keep claiming to be idealistic while offering singularly terrible arguments for mediocre ideals like the assault weapons ban. But in 1999, an assault weapons ban was apparently considered a huge liberal victory despite its completely ineffective nature. Et cetera.


Does it relate to the fundamental idiocy of suggesting that the President would put a media consultant in charge of liaising on Ruby Ridge? I complained a lot to my wife about the fact that I haven't seen a single actual cabinet member yet. Also Sorkin probably subcontract all his female characters to somebody who knows some females.
To put it short it's 3 main things -
  • It put a whole lot of emphasis for that stupid "respect the office" bullshit and the ceremonial aspects of the white house which I always hated (this is America dammit, we don't have kings, we have public servants).
  • The show REALLY quickly goes down the "fair and balanced" route which not only ruin the dramatic dynamics, but divorce it completely from anything resembles the political reality.
  • In classic Aaron Sorkin fashion, he makes everyone who disagree with him to be a stupid asshole, so on substance, this show is 90% strawmen by volume.
He's also wrong on countless individual issues and his approach to faith and religion is downright juvenile.


In fact, what I find most aggravating about it is that they keep claiming to be idealistic while offering singularly terrible arguments for mediocre ideals like the assault weapons ban. But in 1999, an assault weapons ban was apparently considered a huge liberal victory despite its completely ineffective nature. Et cetera.

I think it's more of an Aaron Sorkin thing rather than the zeitgeist of the late '90s. His movie The American President is exactly the same, with the emotional crescendo being that the President overcomes great personal and political odds to pass his amazingly brave liberal legislation... some weaksauce gun control bill to which no one then or now would give a second thought. Sorkin gets things right on occasion, but often enough he lives on another planet.


No Scrubs
Dunno if this has been posted yet, but have a good laugh. Biden continues to be more awesome than his Onion counterpart.

'Welcome to the station that should be named after me'

Vice President Joe Biden opened his remarks at a Union Station reception on Thursday with something of a joke.

"Welcome to the station that should be named after me," he said.

Biden went on to explain that he commuted to the station by train from his home in Delaware for the 36 years he was in the Senate, racking up thousands of round trips.

"I spent more time here than I did in the Senate, just going back and forth," he said. "So hopefully you enjoy the station."



Connoisseur Of Tedium
It was more along the lines of "celebrate illegal immigrants by making it easier for them to start businesses by lowering taxes". I paraphrased in my transcription (should have been clearer), but he just took the immigration issue and brought it back to the need to lower taxes. Kind of impressive, really.

It was just infuriating how when immigration came up, not a peep about anything that could be construed as DREAM-like came from him. It was all "build the fence, secure the border, celebrate legal immigrants and improve our party's relationship with the Hispanic community (in some nebulous, unspecified way)". I guess just saying "improve our relationship with them" will be substituted for actually doing anything.

edit: Also, really? REALLY?
Cruz Sworn In As Texas’ First Hispanic US Senator, Will Introduce Bill To Repeal ‘Obamacare’

Whatever you do don't read the comments. Its pretty infuriating. Being from Texas and knowing this retard will be there for awhile sickens me.
I think it's more of an Aaron Sorkin thing rather than the zeitgeist of the late '90s. His movie The American President is exactly the same, with the emotional crescendo being that the President overcomes great personal and political odds to pass his amazingly brave liberal legislation... some weaksauce gun control bill to which no one then or now would give a second thought. Sorkin gets things right on occasion, but often enough he lives on another planet.

I completely agree. I find it to be very inconsistent in quality, writing wise but in timing and flow it's pretty good. I also watched it as a teenager so, it's interesting to re-watch it. Just finished Season 1.
Whoa. That was kind of a mind-blowing article.

No kidding. Lead? of all things? Something I would've never saw coming. And to think we spent all this time writing boks with several hundred theories on American crime and the psychological reasons for it and it all comes down to an element on a periodic table.

Goddamn, science.
Best Facebook argument ever happened today. A friend posted some
Bullshit from Americans for prosperity. I told him what a shitty group they were and one of his friends proceeds to post

"Before you guys go hawking the Fed's efforts on behalf of disaster victims, you might want to do some investigating on how well government assistance actually works. I would post a few links, but then I'd be giving handouts to folks who really should be learning to do their own research. Like that's gonna happen. At least I can say I tried, even if it is for naught."

... So he basically wants me to look up shit to support his argument because he doesn't want to make it? ...wtf? Then he says he tried but he didn't do anything.

The handouts thing killed me. It's not a fucking candy bar or a 20 dollar bill.
Best Facebook argument ever happened today. A friend posted some
Bullshit from Americans for prosperity. I told him what a shitty group they were and one of his friends proceeds to post

"Before you guys go hawking the Fed's efforts on behalf of disaster victims, you might want to do some investigating on how well government assistance actually works. I would post a few links, but then I'd be giving handouts to folks who really should be learning to do their own research. Like that's gonna happen. At least I can say I tried, even if it is for naught."

... So he basically wants me to look up shit to support his argument because he doesn't want to make it? ...wtf? Then he says he tried but he didn't do anything.

The handouts thing killed me. It's not a fucking candy bar or a 20 dollar bill.

I wonder if these morons realize:

  • We Spend more money on Corporate Welfare than traditonal welfare by several fold
  • 70 percent of all handouts go towards White People not minorities like its claimed
  • More than 90 percent of the population will recieve some form of government assistance in their life and soon that number will grow to 100 percent
  • Most people on Welfare don't stay on it for longer than three months, if they do, almost ALL are off it after 18 months. You literally CANNOT live off welfare. It's practically impossible.
  • Welfare makes up a small part of the budget.

Fucking A.


Kevin Drum's mojo piece on lead is excellent.


Strongly recommended. Classic low hanging policy fruit here. Argues 10-1 return on investment to additional abatement programs.
Really good read.
Although I'm always wary of almost-too-good-to-be-true claims that are not accepted by the discipline's mainstream, they're usually (though not always) not accepted for a reason.
But then again, I know shit and all about criminology; it always struck me as one of those "Regression analysis? sweeeeeeeeeet!! let's (mis)apply it to EVERYTHING!" disciplines, you know, like economics.

Christie has raised 2mil since announcing his re-election bid five weeks ago. Booker would be a fool to challenge him, I'm glad he seems to have decided on a senate run instead


No Scrubs
Christie has raised 2mil since announcing his re-election bid five weeks ago. Booker would be a fool to challenge him, I'm glad he seems to have decided on a senate run instead

Did Romney's campaign show us that money isn't everything? I think Booker could beat Christie, but you can't make that statement either way right now since Sandy is still so fresh. If Christie can stop himself from berating people on the boardwalk like he did this summer then yea he's got this all sown up.
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