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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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I was wondering if anyone could help me. I think I red a thread here about how you are inclined to agree with a subject not because of the subject itself but rather whom purpose it. I.e. if you are left and a left politician suggest something you think it's a good idea, but if a right politician suggests the same, it's a bad idea, and vice versa of course.

There was supposedly a study or report done. If anyone could help out, or at least confirm I haven't dreamt it, I would be very thankful.

I don't know which one you're referring to, but that sounds basically like what groupthink is.


mere: no more than, just, only, merely

I think you can very much characterize that as a critique the blacks should play a large part in leading their communities, organizing, creating businesses, being good parents, etc. and not just say give me money and leave it be. MLK constantly invoked the need for the Church and morality I don't see where he differed except on emphasis.

You can criticize that as an inaccurate characterization but don't do that while eliminating away important words which color the statement

I think this piece(with the added context from the two articles it's referring too) does a good job articulating why it's not quite the same thing when Obama or Bill Cosby do it compared to someone like Malcolm X or MLK.


No Scrubs
::Attacks Hillary Clinton via husband Bill for infidelity::

::Whines when people attack him for his father::

Rand Paul, Senate Dunce. Can't believe any of you *coughPDcough* think he's remotely close to a viable candidate.

Of course he feels this way, he rode his father's coattails to where he is now. No one would be giving him a second look otherwise.
DAYTONA BEACH, FL — A member of Congress is not your average voter. But in order to make a point about how Florida’s voter ID laws are not a burden, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) cited his own experience at the polls.

“I’ve always done photo ID when I voted and never had a problem with it,” DeSantis told the audience at a town hall Tuesday in Daytona Beach.


He's basically saying voter suppression isn't a problem because he's never had a problem voting.

East Lake

Q&A with Errol Morris about his Rumsfeld documentary.

Why do you think he agreed to chat to you?

Vanity, I suspect. People are surprised that he doesn’t react the way they think they would in that circumstance, but the scariest thing is that what you see here is what you get. There is nothing behind that façade, just endless quibbling about vocabulary. Hannah Arendt wrote about the “banality of evil”, that it’s not the presence of something but the absence of something that makes evil men. I feel in a way that I’ve made a horror movie.


Still, it must have been frustrating that he couldn’t see things from anyone else’s point of view.

Yes, it was very frustrating. There’s one moment when we looked at photos of when the US was evacuating Saigon at the end of the Vietnam war. There’s President Ford, Henry Kissinger and Rumsfeld himself, as chief of staff. I asked Rumsfeld his feelings about the war, such a terrible time in America’s history, and he just said: “Some things work out. This didn’t.” So vacuous, so empty. I asked him about the torture memos too and he said: “I never read ‘em". And here’s the worst part of it—I don’t think he’s even lying.


Decided to hate watch Atlas Shrugged tonight, lol at their lame excuse for them using trains.

Edit: actual quote in the first 2 minutes: "Mr speaker, we like to propose a law to make it illegal to fire employees from profitable corporations"

I can tell this will be good.
Yeah, that`s pretty much how he acted when he went to the Daily Show, completely disarmed John with quibbles about wording, kept smiling and took the lead.

Wonder how one with Cheney would go.

Showtime did a doc on Cheney last year called "The World According to Dick Cheney" which I think you could find easily on the internet.

Basically Cheney has no regrets so that might piss you off, but the doc does go into great detail about the disintegration of Bush and Cheney's relationship in the second term, so it's still an interesting watch.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Step aside Founding Fathers, here are the TRUE American heroes:

But Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) is willing to take his appreciation for the Koch brothers to a pretty extraordinary level, as evidenced by a town-hall event in Shreveport this week. American Bridge posted the above video, and for those who can’t watch clips online, the conservative senator told constituents:

“I think the Koch brothers are two of the most patriotic Americans in the history of the Earth. […]

“God bless the Koch brothers. They’re fighting for our freedoms.”
CHEEZMO™;105331760 said:
This is how Michigan should look; none of that peninsula shit. Get out of here with your gross borders, Michigan.
But upper Michigan is best Michigan. I'd be ok if Indiana takes away the lower part.
Looks like this calls for a Mount Rushmore photoshop. I'd nominate getting rid of Washington and Lincoln, since those two are clearly big government, pro-federal power communists.

You haven't been paying attention. Theodore Roosevelt is the one who started the whole progressive movement among presidents.
I was on Facebook and someone said hey hate liberals because they visited a Section 8 housing project that had a pool and spa. I initially laughed at it...until I looked it up myself and saw it was true, What the fuck!? Can somebody explain the logic behind this?
I was on Facebook and someone said hey hate liberals because they visited a Section 8 housing project that had a pool and spa. I initially laughed at it...until I looked it up myself and saw it was true, What the fuck!? Can somebody explain the logic behind this?

Those dirty poor and their Pools. They shouldn't be allowed to Swim! What is this communist Russia where we coddle the poor!

Should public housing be grey slabs of concret , no windows and with no recreation available?


Those dirty poor and their Pools. They shouldn't be allowed to Swim! What is this communist Russia where we coddle the poor!

Should public housing be grey slabs of concret , no windows and with no recreation available?

No refrigerators, telephones, TVs, microwaves, heat, air, or furniture. All occupants should have 3 jobs and work 7 days a week, 24 hours to day to make sure they don't receive any government assistance. They even encourage them to pay for their own bootstraps.



In an interview with TIME, the former Pennsylvania senator who finished second to Romney in 2012 says he's sure he would have defeated Obama had he won the GOP nomination. He also previews some of the themes he might emphasize should he run for president in 2016


It’s not only Barack Obama who has been advocating a more cautious foreign policy. It’s also Republicans.

Agreed. You’ve seen me out there taking on the Paul faction. I did during the campaign. I took on Ron Paul at debate after debate on Iran, on Pakistan. I see the Rand Paul wing of the Republican Party for what it is: allied with Barack Obama’s foreign policy. I think that’s a very serious threat to our own security.


Do you think you would have beaten Obama?

Without a doubt.


Because I would have been able to attract the voters in the states that mattered. Romney would probably do better than me in New Jersey and California and New York. But I’d do better in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Virginia—in the states that were going to decide the election. Look at how we did in Ohio in the primary. We got outspent by huge amounts. I didn’t run a single ad in the Cleveland market, and we still almost beat him in Ohio.


You know what, they can get to the top of the pack and fall too. One of the things I know is that when I got to the top of the pack I didn’t fall. I ran out of money, and I ran out of time. And the forces were against me. It’s tough running against City Hall.

The amazing thing, here we are looking at 2016, and many of the national polls don’t even put my name on the list. They review the candidates, and I’m not included on the list of people who they look at, which I sort of get a kick out of. It’s sort of been my strength over the course of my political career that I’m always underestimated. Always. The Democrats did that for a long time and I won four straight races. And now it’s happening on the Republican side.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is the third week that Bill Maher hasn't had a conservative on the panel. WTF? That's the main reason why I watch the goddamned show.
What is the average public housing project like? Anybody have experience with this?

Those dirty poor and their Pools. They shouldn't be allowed to Swim! What is this communist Russia where we coddle the poor!

Should public housing be grey slabs of concret , no windows and with no recreation available?
I admit that the pool is whatever (don't see it much different than having a basketball court) but a spa? I don't know anybody who lives in an apartment that has an onsight spa? Wouldn't it also be better for the government to spend those spa money dollars on building more public housing units because there is such a shortage of them?
I was on Facebook and someone said hey hate liberals because they visited a Section 8 housing project that had a pool and spa. I initially laughed at it...until I looked it up myself and saw it was true, What the fuck!? Can somebody explain the logic behind this?
You should visit it one day. Many projects have pools: trust me, they're nothing to envy. Over crowded and poorly kept. Dunno about the spa.

I'm not saying it's poorly kept because "lol section 8 people are dirty." It's because section 8 people are generally treated like shit by providers, land lords, etc. Not saying section 8 people are saints, obviously there are bad mothers and deadbeat dads in the mix, but the way they're treated is disgusting.
You should visit it one day. Many projects have pools: trust me, they're nothing to envy. Over crowded and poorly kept. Dunno about the spa.

I'm not saying it's poorly kept because "lol section 8 people are dirty." It's because section 8 people are generally treated like shit by providers, land lords, etc. Not saying section 8 people are saints, obviously there are bad mothers and deadbeat dads in the mix, but the way they're treated is disgusting.

How are you so familiar with this?
How are you so familiar with this?

I lived in a pretty bad area of Detroit as a kid, before my family's "movin on up" moment. Later I did Census work and a social work internship where I got to go to various projects and discuss dental care, benefits options, etc. You see walking stereotypes while working with section 8 people, but a lot of the people I worked with were trying to better themselves, go to school, and learn how to be better parents.

Most people who complain about poor people leeching off society have never stepped foot in a project. Talk to someone who literally eats potatoes or oatmeal every day, can't go to school because they have to take care of their siblings, gets laughed at or verbally insulted when they go to a medical or dental office, etc and then tell me with a straight face that those people are living it up.

One of the last things I did at my old job was have a meeting with some dentists who are currently securing a contract to treat large Detroit school. It's full of Hispanic and black kids with horrible family settings. I know for a fact that these dentists mistreated Medicaid patients in the past; one outright rejected/insulted them, the other instructed his hygienists to clean their teeth for 5-10 minutes at best. Obamacare increased Medicaid reimbursement rates so now dentists who once shit on those patients are trying their hardest to acquire them. But they're still going to give them shitty or insulting care - the difference now is that they get paid a lot more. Listening to these guys discuss potentially making nearly one million dollars off the 300 or so student patients they'll get, while providing bad service, made me want to throw up.
I lived in a pretty bad area of Detroit as a kid, before my family's "movin on up" moment. Later I did Census work and a social work internship where I got to go to various projects and discuss dental care, benefits options, etc. You see walking stereotypes while working with section 8 people, but a lot of the people I worked with were trying to better themselves, go to school, and learn how to be better parents.

Most people who complain about poor people leeching off society have never stepped foot in a project. Talk to someone who literally eats potatoes or oatmeal every day, can't go to school because they have to take care of their siblings, gets laughed at or verbally insulted when they go to a medical or dental office, etc and then tell me with a straight face that those people are living it up.

One of the last things I did at my old job was have a meeting with some dentists who are currently securing a contract to treat large Detroit school. It's full of Hispanic and black kids with horrible family settings. I know for a fact that these dentists mistreated Medicaid patients in the past; one outright rejected/insulted them, the other instructed his hygienists to clean their teeth for 5-10 minutes at best. Obamacare increased Medicaid reimbursement rates so now dentists who once shit on those patients are trying their hardest to acquire them. But they're still going to give them shitty or insulting care - the difference now is that they get paid a lot more. Listening to these guys discuss potentially making nearly one million dollars off the 300 or so student patients they'll get, while providing bad service, made me want to throw up.

This reminded me with my experience of working with the mental illness population. Many of them were "mild" in which they seemed fine on the outside but they had issues of depression, schizophrenia, etc. Coming out of there I was horrified by many of the things, but what bothered me the most was the fact that they had to still work. Now I'm sure most Americans would say "that's how it should be!", but not really. The thing is if I get a job at Burger King as a cook I'm not going to keep being a cook. I would eventually be promoted to a lead then a manager and then go somewhere else. This isn't the case for the mental illness population, they just stay a cook while living near or at poverty levels. What people don't tell you that even the ones that are abusing the system still suffer from it. Mass debt, losing their property, gas station food, etc. not saying that you aren't suppose to lose your house/apartment if you don't pay for it, but its not like there aren't any consequences to what they do.

I would like to add the facebook post ended with: "If you are white, a tax payer, and work for a living you get squat with your taxes"...seems to be very typical with these posts. The last post I saw from him was on a libertarian blog. I told him to stay far away from it and just go to BBC or Aljazeera for news instead but it looks like he didn't listen. I felt like commenting "You do realize that the top 1% pay around 1/3rd of all taxes while the top 10% pay almost three quarters of all taxes, so technically aren't they the oppressed tax payers?"

What percentage of people that would worked with would you say were a walking stereotype? And what percentage were people trying to better themselves?

Mike M

Nick N
What is the average public housing project like? Anybody have experience with this?

I admit that the pool is whatever (don't see it much different than having a basketball court) but a spa? I don't know anybody who lives in an apartment that has an onsight spa? Wouldn't it also be better for the government to spend those spa money dollars on building more public housing units because there is such a shortage of them?

"Spa" as in a facility where they do massages and mudbaths, or as in synonymous with a hot tub?

My apartment complex had a hot tub on site. It almost certainly cost less than the pool itself and I doubt excluding it would have gone a long way towards the builders being able to construct more units.
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