A South Carolina state senator who is looking to unseat current U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham this coming November claims that welfare programs are all about coveting what others have, and therefore, is all sin and legalized plunder.
Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) was speaking to an audience called the Summersville 912 Group, who according to their mission statement, is made up of freedom loving, God fearing Americans and wish to bring us all back to the place where we were on September 12, 2001, when he made his remarks.
He stated his support for a flat tax system and claims that our current tax system is all about controlling us.
The tax code is where they control us, Bright said. I mean, you can point it all back to the income tax for much of our problems. It plays on coveting, you know what I mean? It is all sin. I want what my brother has, so why dont I and my other brother get together and well vote away what my brother has. I mean, it is legalized plunder, it is theft. Thats what it is.
And this entitlement to other peoples property because you want their stuff is just wrong, he continued. And I think most of our problems in our country are spiritual problems, but there again it is about liberty. And liberty is just the right to keep what is yours. And when you raise taxes and put that burden on people you take away their freedom. And what they do is that is how they control us, with that tax code. I mean, it is obscene. And Im getting beat up on this and I actually made [Chris Matthews' show]. I made his show last Friday.
So his solution to this problem? Churches!
Bright has the not-so-bright idea that instead of government-implemented welfare programs, we should turn to churches and anyone who has a lot of money and wants to donate it to the poor to help those who live in poverty as well as those who are disabled and cannot work.
I would modify [my comment] and say churches and nonprofits, Bright said. You know, I dont think it has to be a church. It can be anybody that wants to donate to the poor. But it should be out of the kindness of our hearts, because the difference between charity and tyranny is charity is when you help the poor, tyranny is when the government comes by force and takes from you and gives to your brother.
Bright, who makes the very conservative Graham look like a flaming liberal by comparison, also believes that anyone who supports health care reform should go to jail, that immigrants should self-deport themselves back to where they came from (does that include him, since he isnt a Native American?), and that people who are able-bodied and able to work, but who are not, should not eat.
He believes that most of the people standing in the food stamp lines are folks with nice nails and nice cars who do not desire to work, because of their cushy lifestyles, courtesy of our tyrannical system of welfare, otherwise known as legalized plundering, according to him.