Meh. He's done. It doesn't matter if there is a smoking gun connecting him. It is bad enough to say that he hires sleazy people that do terrible things and he has no idea what they are doing. And the Dems won't be the ones to kill him off, it will be other GOPer presidential candidates that will knife him during the primary.Not surprising given the nonstop media onslaught. There's still no smoking gun, however it won't matter if we get more months and months of drip drip drip (and conjecture).
There's still no motive for any of this, which makes it even more baffling. A few weeks ago I assumed Wildstein would be dropping bombs to get immunity yet that didn't happen. Kelly isn't talking either. So yeah...
My Clinton analogy continues to grow. The Comback Kid, 2016.
And besides the bridge story, there are Sandy Money stories, using the Port Authority as a slush-fund & patronage employment place, his brother's magical real estate wins, etc.
There is just too much there to ignore.