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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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So Emperor King Obama's usurping of the constitution tonight about immigration will not be televised on major networks.

MSNBC will broadcast, I'm sure c-span.org, and of course wh.gov and the youtube channel for the whitehouse. 8 PM EST


So Emperor King Obama's usurping of the constitution tonight about immigration will not be televised on major networks.

MSNBC will broadcast, I'm sure c-span.org, and of course wh.gov and the youtube channel for the whitehouse. 8 PM EST

So Obama's playing on Emperor difficulty? No wonder he's having it so rough..

Although I hear that on Deity difficulty, the opposition has fewer self-inflicted wounds.

(I'm so, so sorry.)
I pray nobody here voted for this asshole

On the morning of November 28, the day after Thanksgiving, while Americans across the country line up for Black Friday deals, a queue of a different kind was scheduled to form in New York City. At 5 a.m., the doors of Manhattan's massive Javits Center were to open, not for a tech expo or sneaker convention but to provide free health care to thousands of uninsured patients, courtesy of the organization Remote Area Medical.


The operative phrase here is now "would have been." The clinic was cavalierly canceled a mere two weeks before its scheduled date. The doors won't open at 5 a.m. or any other hour. The 500 dentists and 2,500 non-medical volunteers lined up months in advance can take their good will elsewhere. And, tragically, the estimated 7,000 patients from New York City, greater New York, New Jersey, and beyond who were expecting to receive much needed free treatment will just have to make other plans for their failing vision and rotting teeth. The clinic was cancelled so recently that it left RAM without ample time to pull together a backup plan. Who to thank for this disturbing display of good stopped cold? The office of Governor Cuomo.


Waiving this provision was entirely at the Governor's discretion. The offices of Senators Harry Reid, Tim Kaine (both of whom who have seen RAM clinics firsthand), and Chuck Schumer called Cuomo and the NY Public Health Department directly to petition for the clinic to go forward. The reason provided to RAM for the clinic being scuttled: New Yorkers have all the health care they need.

New Yorkers have all the health care they need. More likely New Yorkers have a governor with presidential aspirations that are, of late, more than a little bruised, and who is willing to make this ludicrous statement in order avoid publicly presenting the image of several thousand uninsured standing in a parking lot in the Big Apple.
In today's National Review is totally not racist news - rioting is black entitlement ya'll.
Sharpton and other black leaders should denounce such slow-motion lynchings. Ferguson’s business community will also be wounded for years. Sharpton could announce a “Buy Ferguson” campaign. And U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, before he leaves his post, could emphasize that America’s criminal-justice system is a model of fairness

Oh boy
So Emperor King Obama's usurping of the constitution tonight about immigration will not be televised on major networks.

MSNBC will broadcast, I'm sure c-span.org, and of course wh.gov and the youtube channel for the whitehouse. 8 PM EST
CNN will also broadcast. Foxnews will have the patriot sean hannity translate Obama's new shariah rules for us.


It's really odd that Jim Webb wants to run for President. He didn't run for re-election out of seeming disinterest and now wants the Presidency.

I'm not complaining though, even without Warren running if Bernie Sanders and maybe a couple of other has-beens or wannabes join the fray with Webb we could at least have some real primary debates.


So Emperor King Obama's usurping of the constitution tonight about immigration will not be televised on major networks.

MSNBC will broadcast, I'm sure c-span.org, and of course wh.gov and the youtube channel for the whitehouse. 8 PM EST

The White House didn't ask for the major networks to televise it. It'll be on Univision live plus the cable news networks, and the national newscasts on the West Coast.

The Washington press corps may be due for a few lessons from “Miss Manners.”

On Thursday, the Senate Periodical Press Gallery sent out an email reminding reporters of the general rules of etiquette while covering Congress, such as not taking pictures in the wrong places, not walking backwards and not being so absorbed in a phone as to run into people.

Then, there’s the issue of the impending visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, on Dec. 7 and 8. Our much more refined brothers across the pond are apparently worried that the American press corps, with our pride of the haggard and ill-dressed journalists, won’t be appropriately attired when interacting with the royals. So Buckingham palace sent out a directive at reporters wishing to cover William and Kate’s visit in early December, reminding them of the dress code rules that are also posted on the palace website.

“Journalists wishing to cover Royal engagements, whether in the United Kingdom or abroad, should comply with the dress code on formal occasions out of respect for the guests of The Queen, or any other member of the Royal Family,” the palace press office requests. “Smart attire for men includes the wearing of a jacket and tie, and for women a trouser or skirt suit. Those wearing jeans or trainers will not be admitted and casually dressed members of the media will be turned away. This also applies to technicians.”

screw off royals. there's a reason we ditched you
It's really odd that Jim Webb wants to run for President. He didn't run for re-election out of seeming disinterest and now wants the Presidency.

I'm not complaining though, even without Warren running if Bernie Sanders and maybe a couple of other has-beens or wannabes join the fray with Webb we could at least have some real primary debates.

this new yorker article by ryan lizza explains his reasoning


sounds good to me. WARNING: large blocks of text incoming

He laid out a view of Wall Street that differs sharply from Clinton’s.

“Because of the way that the financial sector dominates both parties, the distinctions that can be made on truly troubling issues are very minor,” he said. He told a story of an effort he led in the Senate in 2010 to try to pass a windfall-profits tax that would have targeted executives at banks and firms which were rescued by the government after the 2008 financial crisis. He said that when he was debating whether to vote for the original bailout package, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, he relied on the advice of an analyst on Wall Street, who told him, “No. 1, you have to do this, because otherwise the world economy will go into cataclysmic free fall. But, No. 2, you have to punish these guys. It is outrageous what they did.”

After the rescue, when Webb pushed for what he saw as a reasonable punishment, his own party blocked the legislation. “The Democrats wouldn’t let me vote on it,” he said. “Because either way you voted on that, you’re making somebody mad. And the financial sector was furious.” He added that one Northeastern senator—Webb wouldn’t say who—“was literally screaming at me on the Senate floor.”

When Clinton was a New York senator, from 2001 to 2009, she fiercely defended the financial industry, which was a crucial source of campaign contributions and of jobs in her state. “If you don’t have stock, and a lot of people in this country don’t have stock, you’re not doing very well,” Webb said.

As a senator, Webb frustrated some Democrats because he refused to raise individual income-tax rates. But as President, he says, he would be aggressive about taxing income from investments: “Fairness says if you’re a hedge-fund manager or making deals where you’re making hundreds of millions of dollars and you’re paying capital-gains tax on that, rather than ordinary income tax, something’s wrong, and people know something’s wrong. ”

The Clintons and Obama have championed policies that help the poor by strengthening the safety net, but they have shown relatively little interest in structural changes that would reverse runaway income inequality. “There is a big tendency among a lot of Democratic leaders to feed some raw meat to the public on smaller issues that excite them, like the minimum wage, but don’t really address the larger problem,” Webb said. “A lot of the Democratic leaders who don’t want to scare away their financial supporters will say we’re going to raise the minimum wage, we’re going do these little things, when in reality we need to say we’re going to fundamentally change the tax code so that you will believe our system is fair.”

Webb could challenge Clinton on other domestic issues as well. In 1984, he spent some time as a reporter studying the prison system in Japan, which has a relatively low recidivism rate. In the Senate, he pushed for creating a national commission that would study the American prison system, and he convened hearings on the economic consequences of mass incarceration. He says he even hired three staffers who had criminal records. “If you have been in prison, God help you if you want to really rebuild your life,” Webb told me. “We’ve got seven million people somehow involved in the system right now, and they need a structured way to reënter society and be productive again.” He didn’t mention it, but he is aware that the prison population in the U.S. exploded after the Clinton Administration signed tough new sentencing laws.

Although Webb is by no means an isolationist, much of his appeal in his 2006 campaign was based on his unusual status as a veteran who opposed the Iraq war. “I’ve said for a very long time, since I was Secretary of the Navy, we do not belong as an occupying power in that part of the world,” he told me. “This incredible strategic blunder of invading caused the problems, because it allowed the breakup of Iraq along sectarian lines at the same time that Iran was empowering itself in the region.”

He thinks Obama, Clinton, and Power made things worse by intervening in Libya. “There’s three factions,” he said. “The John McCains of the world, who want to intervene everywhere. Then the people who cooked up this doctrine of humanitarian intervention, including Samantha Power, who don’t think they need to come to Congress if there’s a problem that they define as a humanitarian intervention, which could be anything. That doctrine is so vague.” Webb also disdains liberals who advocate military intervention without understanding the American military. Referring to Syria and Libya, Webb said, “I was saying in hearings at the time, What is going to replace it? What is going to replace the Assad regime? These are tribal countries. Where are all these weapons systems that Qaddafi had? Probably in Syria. Can you get to the airport at Tripoli today? Probably not. It was an enormous destabilizing impact with the Arab Spring.”
this new yorker article by ryan lizza explains his reasoning


sounds good to me. WARNING: large blocks of text incoming

I was surprised to see Kos come out against him so hard today, solely over Webb's "bipartisan" language. Yea that shit is distasteful to me too, but substance wise Webb has some worth.

But I'd imagine his "women shouldn't serve on the front lines" comments will end his run.
I was surprised to see Kos come out against him so hard today, solely over Webb's "bipartisan" language. Yea that shit is distasteful to me too, but substance wise Webb has some worth.

But I'd imagine his "women shouldn't serve on the front lines" comments will end his run.

Kos 'comes out hard' against every one. He's the EE of the left. Any deviation from his desires is a 'betrayal'

He's response to Jon Tester voting against DREAM act, Net Roots in AZ, and 2014 elections are all childlike.
The White House didn't ask for the major networks to televise it. It'll be on Univision live plus the cable news networks, and the national newscasts on the West Coast.
Jim Webb running is great. He is the father of tea party in congress, and he will make the gop primaries a spectacle.
I was surprised to see Kos come out against him so hard today, solely over Webb's "bipartisan" language. Yea that shit is distasteful to me too, but substance wise Webb has some worth.

But I'd imagine his "women shouldn't serve on the front lines" comments will end his run.

Just went to Kos to check it out and....lol. What a child. Webb's email seems pretty boiler plate and if he wants to sustain a campaign in the eyes of the media, especially as the primaries move from invisible to out front and center, then no better way to ensure viability than to ruminate about bipartisanship. Of course, I have no doubt that Webb recognizes the practical reality of governing and how the system is basically parliamentarian now, but don't come out of the gate saying that stuff lest you'll be pigeonholed as some loony toon left, a la Kucinich and Sanders.

national review is pro-shutdown

One possibility would be to restrict funding for the president’s proposed order. House Republicans should consider a bill to fund the government except for Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS), the agency in the Department of Homeland Security responsible for implementing the president’s order, and perhaps a few other selected portions of the administration. They could then propose a bill funding these agencies, including in it a prohibition against executing the president’s amnesty. Democrats would have little excuse not to pass the former bill, and, were the president to sign it, both sides could proceed to a focused argument on immigration funding. If the president were to veto the larger bill, or Democrats to block it, a shutdown might occur — but the White House, or congressional Democrats, might end up shouldering the blame.



Hey man, when I see decades of skyrocketing prison population, disproportionate levels of black and brown incarceration, juveniles sent to adult prison, felony charges for low-level non-violent drug offences, and white collar crime going unpunished I definitely think "America’s criminal-justice system is a model of fairness".

It's like they've never read a single argument against one of their positions on this issuer ever.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't that the same general logic they tried last year? jeez...

You can't hold the government hostage, it never works. And the longer it lasts, the worst off your position becomes. NO ONE outside of the right believes the "Obama is shutting the government down" bullshit.
They might be able to get Obama blamed if they actually stuck to budget battles. But who's going to be fooled by "We can't pass this budget bill because Obama wont accept our immigration bill"?

Still, it would represent yet another year where democrats only ask for a clean budget bill, and not something like the repeal of the harmful sequester, because ask for just one tiny small thing and all of a sudden the shutdown's "both side's fault".

Hell, the obamacare repeal verses a clean budget bill was still even treated like "both side's fault" in most of the centrist media.


No Scrubs
They might be able to get Obama blamed if they actually stuck to budget battles. But who's going to be fooled by "We can't pass this budget bill because Obama wont accept our immigration bill"?

Still, it would represent yet another year where democrats only ask for a clean budget bill, and not something like the repeal of the harmful sequester, because ask for just one tiny small thing and all of a sudden the shutdown's "both side's fault".

Hell, the obamacare repeal verses a clean budget bill was still even treated like "both side's fault" in most of the centrist media.

Part of the problem is modern journalism's need for objectiveness and telling both sides of a story, not every story has two sides to it, sometimes one side is just wrong.


oh god, I'm listening to an episode of On Point from a couple days back, and there's a republican congressman on saying that the House was totally going to deal with immigration reform over the summer if it wasn't for the 'children at the border' crisis.

That was a powerful speech, even if this won't do as much as people hope. Still giving people the ease of mind that their family won't be ripped apart is invaluable.

This could have energized parts of the base pre-election. I still think dems would get beaten bad, but perhaps it could have saved Udall...


Reason's why Jim Webb won't be the Democratic nominee, ya' know, putting aside the part of the reason he didn't want to run for reelection is becuase he hated raising campaign funds

Webb won by 9000 votes in a Democratic year, and only won because his opponent called someone a 'macaca.' Webb diminished the Tailhook scandal, creating an easy "war on women" attack against him. Webb on gays in the military: "When people ask me about gays in the military, my response is, Why don’t you people have the courage to talk about what is happening in the operating units with women?" His problem with women in the military is that it would impact "Loyalty, fairness, accountability—that’s what makes the military work."

I mean, Webb's a great candidate if we're still trying to win over Southern white voters and it's 1996.
Tune In to See the Constitution Destroyed! [AMNESTY by decree LIVE thread]

National Day of Reckoning! [Impeach Obama]


"If we had 15K riflemen that didn’t care about living, we’d stop this bull shit right now."



These people don't even like their own party members.

No wonder the GOP is batshit
Congress can pass all the laws it wants. Won't make much difference.
See the Democrats actually run Washington D.C. They fill the bureaucratic jobs, and they just keep on making a liberal interpretation of the laws that are passed.

So the Congress changes, but the career bureaucrats stay on and implement the liberal agenda.

NO it wont. Its a slick con run by the best. those who do predator politics 24/7 regardless of the tradeoff or consequences.
The regime has and will sell out any or all of its base to increase its overall numbers they just don't care who they screw over.

Blacks are basically helpless and hapless. They have no where to go.

They are hooked on free stuff, drugs,crime and their way of life. That type of existence will never fly with Republicans.The regime knows this basically the black community has no where to go.

All we get out of the deal is they will have little enthusiasm to vote so their numbers at the polls will undoubtedly shrink.

He sure doesn’t know what it is like to be American. His childhood was not in America. It was in Hawaii with communists and in Singapore and Kenya. The guy actually grew up hating America.

Sad he’s getting away with all of that and nobody absolutely nobody did anything to stop him. All we needed was one David one soul to stop this bastard and no one answered the call nobody!!!
Bull sh*t this little girl learned english from watching PBS. It was Dora the explorer.

Waaaah, people outside the border are huuuuuman, whooo knewwwww???sob

And she is working on her Third advanced degree????? Yeah what a life, free college forever!!!!!

Do we want this sweet little girl in our country???? Noooooooo we have enough sweet little poor girls who would like a chance HERE you piece of zero

:lol :lol :lol


Obama fucking killed it tonight.

I hope he continues to use his executive authority on everything from immigration to labor standards to heatlh care to reopening the government. Fuck the GOP.


The salty GOP:

Speaker John Boehner ✔ @SpeakerBoehner

This is not how American democracy works. http://j.mp/14TXemM #immigration #amnesty
8:30 PM - 20 Nov 2014

Speaker John Boehner ✔ @SpeakerBoehner

President Obama may have changed his position, but that doesn’t change the #Constitution. http://j.mp/14TXemM #immigration #amnesty

Ted Cruz ✔ @tedcruz

Together let's stand up and fight to #StopObamasAmnesty: http://www.StopObamasAmnesty.com https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152860271642464 …

Senator Rand Paul ✔ @SenRandPaul

RETWEET if you agree. @BarackObama has no legal authority to issue Executive Amnesty.

John McCain ✔ @SenJohnMcCain

#Immigration should be debated & decided by the reps of the people, not executive fiat. My stmt on #ExecutiveAction: http://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/...7-87b295c62e24 …

Rick Perry ✔ @GovernorPerry

.@BarackObama's decisions will lead to more illegal #immigration, not less.
8:18 PM - 20 Nov 2014

Laura Ingraham ✔ @IngrahamAngle

Obama predictably trots out immig sob stories--he NEVER speaks so empathetically abt millions of unemployed & underemployed Americans?

Ben Shapiro @benshapiro

So Obama is now magically able to identify those in the shadows who are the criminals and gang members. What's he been doing for 6 years?

ericbolling ✔ @ericbolling

Watched Pres tonight w/ sound muted. "blah, blah I'm Emperor..blah, blah, I'm rewriting the Constitution..blah, blah they'll vote D" right?
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