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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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ericbolling ✔ @ericbolling

Watched Pres tonight w/ sound muted. "blah, blah I'm Emperor..blah, blah, I'm rewriting the Constitution..blah, blah they'll vote D" right?

People only do this when they are sexually attracted to someone but don't want to ruin it with listening to what they say, right?


That was one of the better speeches Obama's given... really good.

Of course most people won't watch it unfortunately.
Yeah and none of the networks carried it. You know, i give Obama shit for not utilizing the bully pulpit effectively, but then when he at least tries to use it everyone in the media just ignores him or misconstrues him anyway.


We have such a brilliant President. It's a shame the Republicans want to deny him fixing the immigration system. He would be the most apt President to do it... and they know that. Really pisses me off.


We have such a brilliant President. It's a shame the Republicans want to deny him fixing the immigration system. He would be the most apt President to do it... and they know that. Really pisses me off.

They're going to back their entire party into a corner opposing him on this that is going to be really hard for their presidential candidates to get out of in two years without looking like garbage. Just sit back and enjoy their continued self-implosion at the national level.


I think tonight is the most high-spirited I've seen Democrats in a long time. The reactions on each side are almost completely flipped from what we saw on Election Night.

I hope it's a preview of the next two years, where Obama and the Dems toy with the GOP's tendency to overstep. Could be really, really fun to watch, and I can see a fair number of issues/opportunities to see this dynamic at work.


I think this is just really smart politics on Obama's part. The GOP base is going to be begging candidates to say that if they win in 2016 that they will get rid of this executive order, ensuring that whoever they nominate will have to defend whatever lawsuit/impeachment attempt for a completely legal move in swing states with significant numbers of Latino voters.


No Scrubs
I hope Obama gets impeached and removed

Then we get Uncle Joe

Do you promise?



We have such a brilliant President. It's a shame the Republicans want to deny him fixing the immigration system. He would be the most apt President to do it... and they know that. Really pisses me off.

Seriously, he's obviously a bright guy and if they gave him any latitude he could have done so much more. Which is probably why they haven't, can't have Obama going down as someone who was Lincoln or FDR level.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Seriously, he's obviously a bright guy and if they gave him any latitude he could have done so much more. Which is probably why they haven't, can't have Obama going down as someone who was Lincoln or FDR level.

His triumphs will be remembered in the same way we remember LBJ's.

Wait a minute...


Because I am an awful person who can't help but talk about an election that's two years away, I think that Joe Manchin is going to throw his hat in the ring for president. Earlier this year when asked about it he was coy, but said "I will always be interested in finding better ways to serve the great state of West Virginia and the American people. We will have to see what the future holds."

Lately, before and after the election, I've been getting a lot of emails from his campaign about issues that I never hear him talk about that are traditionally strong liberal ideas, such as holding Wall Street accountable, ending Citizens United, and talking about how important it is to combat climate change. He's even name dropped Elizabeth Warren and the like in the emails.

I don't think he's got a snowball's chance in hell of making it through a national democratic primary, but I could see him throwing his name out there for a potential VP slot so the top of the card can say they have a "moderate" on their team. His senate seat isn't up for election until 2018, so he wouldn't be losing anything.


No Scrubs
Speaking of good old Diamond Joe...

Biden Tossed Out Of Car Passing By White House


WASHINGTON—At approximately 2 a.m. Thursday morning, White House sources confirmed that Vice President Joe Biden was forcibly pushed out the rear door of a moving 1980 Lincoln Town Car onto the curb outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “Whoa, those hombres were not fucking around,” said Biden, assuring a small group of onlookers that he was fine as he climbed to his feet and dusted himself off. “Being in the hole 50-large ain’t no joke, but no need to worry about me. Not the first time I’ve had my ass in a sling. And if there’s anything Diamond Joe knows, it’s how to rake in some quick green.” At press time, witnesses confirmed seeing Biden walking out of the Oval Office with Rembrandt Peale’s 1823 portrait of George Washington tucked into his jacket.
Part of the problem is modern journalism's need for objectiveness and telling both sides of a story, not every story has two sides to it, sometimes one side is just wrong.

Modern Journalism is a sham and j-schools should be fucking bulldozed.

I say this as someone who was a journalism major in undergrad.

Objectivity shouldn't be about presenting both sides equally. It should be about telling the fucking truth.


Wow, I know I'm late to this one, but Cuomo is a shitstain for shutting down that free health clinic. He's reaching DINO status. How did the same guy who pushed hard for legalizing gay marriage end up doing something like this?

Mike M

Nick N
Wow, I know I'm late to this one, but Cuomo is a shitstain for shutting down that free health clinic. He's reaching DINO status. How did the same guy who pushed hard for legalizing gay marriage end up doing something like this?
What does one have to do with the other?


What does one have to do with the other?
It just seems completely out of place for a Democrat (especially one from NY) to so openly embrace and later pass legislation permitting gay marriage, but to then deny free health care to those who are among the most desperate for it after doctors and medical professionals prepared to help.


I hope Cuomo runs for President so he can get crushed in the primaries. He's too conservative for liberals to ever consider and Southern primary voting democrats aren't going to vote for some slick Northeastern guy.


aka andydumi
It just seems completely out of place for a Democrat (especially one from NY) to so openly embrace and later pass legislation permitting gay marriage, but to then deny free health care to those who are among the most desperate for it after doctors and medical professionals prepared to help.

I don't really understand it either, there's not even any great cost to the city/state. I guess the publicity is terrible when this happens in the south and rural areas, they don't want those to be equated to the "greatest city".
Dat resume

New Jersey's economy showed more cracks on Thursday as the U.S. state with the second-lowest credit rating in the country reported 4,500 jobs lost in October and an upward tick in its unemployment rate.

The latest bad news broke a streak of much-needed labor market improvement that had been slow but steady for the Garden State, and it came in advance of a planned $525 million state borrowing on Dec. 3.

The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 percentage point to 6.6 percent in October. More than half of the jobs lost were in the private sector, particularly in construction, preliminary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed.

A spate of casino closures in Atlantic City, which has suffered from increased competition in nearby states, also weighed on the state in October, as they did in September, said New Jersey labor spokesman Brian Murray.

Accommodation and food service jobs declined by 2,200 jobs in October, due in part to the closure of the Trump Plaza, he said.

The state has now recovered only 48 percent of the jobs it lost during the 2007-2009 recession, far less than New York and nationwide, according to the left-leaning research group New Jersey Policy Perspective.


The house files their lawsuit on obamacare.

House Republicans filed an anticipated lawsuit Friday against the White House alleging an abuse of power over the administration’s changes to Obamacare’s implementation, the latest attempt by the Republican Party to unravel the president’s signature legislation.


“Time after time, the president has chosen to ignore the will of the American people and re-write federal law on his own without a vote of Congress. That’s not the way our system of government was designed to work. If this president can get away with making his own laws, future presidents will have the ability to as well. The House has an obligation to stand up for the Constitution, and that is exactly why we are pursuing this course of action,” Boehner said in a press release.



The only person who thinks Tammy Duckworth shouldn't run against Mark Kirk is... Mark Kirk

“She has a very bright future ahead of her. After only one term … you know, when you run for the Senate, you have to give up your congressional seat. If she gives up her congressional seat and loses against me, that's a very sad ending to a bright career,” Kirk said about the congresswoman and potential rival.

“To fight and lose a Senate race against Kirk is a terrible start to a career,” the Illinois Republican said in a sit-down interview in his Senate office.
Yeah and I bet John McCain thinks Obama should have stepped aside in 08. Moron.


People say GAF is a hive mind, but it has nothing on the GOP. They're the fucking borg. As soon as Obama does anything, they are all on the same fucking page of hate and disrespect against him and his actions.

They are the Borg and Ted Cruz is the Queen.
People say GAF is a hive mind, but it has nothing on the GOP. They're the fucking borg. As soon as Obama does anything, they are all on the same fucking page of hate and disrespect against him and his actions.

They are the Borg and Ted Cruz is the Queen.

Well . . . they are on the same page in that they all hate him. But they are certainly not on the same page when it comes to how to attack him.


Well. They've filibustered nearly everything, they've voted against their own legislation after he endorses it, they've shut down the government, they've sued him . . . they are running out of options. Perhaps they shoot spitballs at him next.

And they lack the balls to impeach him.

Really? I think they'll do it. They have more balls now than they did during Clinton, and they impeached him.
Really? I think they'll do it. They have more balls now than they did during Clinton, and they impeached him.

If it weren't for the fact of that Clinton impeachment, this one would certainly happen. But I think a lot of them know it would backfire.

Then again . . . many don't care if it backfires. For the people in nutty districts, voting for impeachment will help protect them from being primaried out.


Read any of the many, many articles on the Benghazi report and you'll find something like this from NBC
The Republican-led House Select Committee on Intelligence on Friday released its report on the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and it found that the military and the Central Intelligence Agency responded appropriately during the attacks.

The investigation, which took nearly two years and thousands of hours of work, found the CIA had "ensured sufficient security" and "bravely assisted" the night of attacks that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The panel also found no intelligence failure prior to the attacks.

The committee said bit found no evidence that the military was ordered to "stand down" during the attacks in Benghazi, as some had claimed, and that "appropriate U.S. personnel made reasonable tactical decisions that night." It also found no evidence of similar claims that the CIA was involved in arms shipments or other unauthorized activities.

The report did say that the initial narrative by the White House that the attack stemmed from a protest was not accurate, but it blamed that on contradictory intelligence assessments in the attack’s aftermath rather than an effort to obscure the truth. The committee said it found "no evidence that any officer present during the attacks was intimidated" to prevent them from addressing Congress or revealing what they witnessed.

Then you can go over to Fox...

The report described the attack as "complex" with the attackers affiliated with Al Qaeda. It also said the initial CIA assessment concluded there were no demonstrations outside the State Department Consulate in Eastern Libya.

Referring to the House Select committee Chairman, and the Democratic ranking member, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, said the current House investigation should be expanded.*

"Number one, Mike Morrell misled three senators," Graham said of their November 2012 meeting on Capitol Hill, where Morell accompanied then UN Ambassador Susan Rice to explain her flawed explanation on national television five days after the attack.

"I think it's important that for future CIA personnel to understand, that if you come to Congress and you’re asked a question and you give a deceptive answer, you tell half the story, not the entire story, you play word games, it will follow you and will be unacceptable," Graham said.

Fox News was first to report on September 17, 2012, one day after Rice's controversial Sunday talk show appearances, that there were no protests when the attack unfolded.

"One day after the assault, on 9/12/12, the first CIA assessment about the attacks, a September 12th Executive update, said ‘the presence of armed assailants from the incident’s outset suggests this was an intentional assault and not the escalation of a peaceful protest,” investigators found. And while intelligence gaps remain, "No witness has reported believing at any point that the attacks were anything but terrorist acts,” the report added.

*yes, you heard that right, there is still another investigation going on. Not only that, this was the 7th and that one is the 8th.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So Tucker Carlson thinks Obama has no right to quote scripture to defend his immigration actions because he supports abortion.

Since when did Jesus ever talk about abortion?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Chris Hayes looks like he wanted to punch this Repubplican congressman.

Haha, that dipshit said Clinton twice when Hayes pointed to Reagan. Wish he called him out on it.

Speaking of which, that interview is emblematic of something I noticed with journalists, even liberal ones. Whenever the subject of compromise is brought up, nobody ever bothers to ask the Republican what THEY will be willing to compromise on. It shouldn't be that hard.
So Tucker Carlson thinks Obama has no right to quote scripture to defend his immigration actions because he supports abortion.

Since when did Jesus ever talk about abortion?

In all fairness, if you believe (as he does, but I don't) that life begins at conception, then abortion == murder, which is proscribed somewhere in there. So the logic follows.
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