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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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America remembers the good days of Coolidge and Hoover and wants huge tariffs and over the top racism to be back in vogue.

I've been thinking, the GOPe needs a win in NH to have a shot against Trump and Cruz in the SEC primary so they need to start pressuring candidates to drop out right now. Should they be pressuring Rubio to drop out? The GOPe has nothing to threaten Jeb or Kasich with since their careers are over, but they could threaten Rubio...

I can see the GOP might try to get it through a convention and if that doesn't work shift focus on state and local elections while giving token support to Trump. They also might very heavily pressure him and since Trump would really want to be president at that point and gotten so far, it might work on him.


I would be upset even if Sanders won the general. I fear that he's too left-wing economically for someone like me centerish economic positions. I don't want the USA to become France.
Republicans will probably keep the House and every Senator is to his right.


I would be upset even if Sanders won the general. I fear that he's too left-wing economically for someone like me centerish economic positions. I don't want the USA to become France.

It will become Canada, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland more likely than France.

Republicans will probably keep the House and every Senator is to his right.

They'll keep the House no matter what. You'll be surprised that outside of some tax policies, many Dem Senators would tilt farther left if they could.

Single payer is almost universally supported among Dems behind the scenes. There would be a few truly ideological holdouts but they're a dying breed.


The DNC reminds me of Sean Bean's character in Ronin with a handful of money going into a dark tunnel saying how we should just do it and get it over with.

-Syrian red line
-Obamacare lies
-ISIS is the jv team and contained
-are you are afraid of women and children refugees? and then the guy's radical wife goes on a mass shooting trip with him.
-open borders and sanctuary cities
-the Iran deal
-spending 400 million to train 50 "moderate rebels" who only want to fight ISIS and not Assad.

Trump's going to have to look much more ridiculous this year in order for me to go out and vote for Hillary of all people.


Fox Business moderators announced. Fucked up my thread a bit.

Main segment: Neil Cavuto, Maria Bartiromo
Secondary: Trish Regan, Sandra Smith
Legendary: John Stossel
For anyone who thinks Trump has a prayer in the general here are some trials PPP did in New Hampshire for HRC. Clinton is the first number in all of these:

Rubio 45/42
Bush 46/40
Cruz 48/40
Carson 50/39
Trump 50/36

14 points!! In comparison Obama won NH by 9 in '08. If the national figures broke the same way that would give HRC a 10 - 12 point win nationally.


Don't count on it. Think early 2000s recession, assuming it happens at all, which it might not. The American economy is pretty stable, ceteris paribus.

I am not saying a depression is around the corner, but eventually we'll have to accept our current model produces so many problems and is so insoluble that it needs to be changed. Not this decade, but maybe starting the next one, for sure.

Then again, America.


Um, what? I assume you're talking about the San Bernardino terrorists? What do they have to do with refugees?

the talking point Obama uses to berate conservatives who are against allowing syrian refugees into the country, not the exact details of how that guy's wife entered the country.

"Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America," Obama said of Republicans. "At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me."
- Obama.
For anyone who thinks Trump has a prayer in the general here are some trials PPP did in New Hampshire for HRC. Clinton is the first number in all of these:

Rubio 45/42
Bush 46/40
Cruz 48/40
Carson 50/39
Trump 50/36

14 points!! In comparison Obama won NH by 9 in '08. If the national figures broke the same way that would give HRC a 10 - 12 point win nationally.

Sanders does better than Hillary against Trump. #electability

O´Malley may be left out of the next debate. I hope so, to be honest. He contributes nothing.
For anyone who thinks Trump has a prayer in the general here are some trials PPP did in New Hampshire for HRC. Clinton is the first number in all of these:

Rubio 45/42
Bush 46/40
Cruz 48/40
Carson 50/39
Trump 50/36

14 points!! In comparison Obama won NH by 9 in '08. If the national figures broke the same way that would give HRC a 10 - 12 point win nationally.

But how can you argue with these fine points?

The DNC reminds me of Sean Bean's character in Ronin with a handful of money going into a dark tunnel saying how we should just do it and get it over with.

-Syrian red line
-Obamacare lies
-ISIS is the jv team and contained
-are you are afraid of women and children refugees? and then the guy's radical wife goes on a mass shooting trip with him.
-open borders and sanctuary cities
-the Iran deal
-spending 400 million to train 50 "moderate rebels" who only want to fight ISIS and not Assad.

Trump's going to have to look much more ridiculous this year in order for me to go out and vote for Hillary of all people.


I bet that kid who Carson called dumb is going to hate himself for the rest of his life. Being called the dumbest kid in school by one of the dumbest presidential candidates this cycle. Might as well become an alcoholic and go into hiding.
the talking point Obama uses to berate conservatives who are against allowing syrian refugees into the country, not the exact details of how that guy's wife entered the country.

- Obama.

So we should prevent all refugees from entering the US from Syria or Iraq because of one shooting but not do anything about the other 30,000+ gun deaths that occur here each year?
the talking point Obama uses to berate conservatives who are against allowing syrian refugees into the country, not the exact details of how that guy's wife entered the country.

- Obama.

Because the whole thing was a clown act. People can get in this country in any number of ways as you yourself brought up with that woman who married her way in. Then you have the visitor visa for European citizens (do you remember how many Paris attackers were EU citizens) and you can see why it's total political theater to be passing legislation over Syrian refugees. Not like Syria is the only place either. Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, the list goes on. Where do you want it to stop?

Probably in favor of the muslim ban until we figure out what's going on policy.


I am not saying a depression is around the corner, but eventually we'll have to accept our current model produces so many problems and is so insoluble that it needs to be changed.

Then again, America.
We're doing pretty damn well compared to where we've been. The 19th century was one financial disaster after another - bigger and more frequent than the 20th and 21st centuries.

Anyway, recessions are just a slowdown in economic output. Socialism or whatever isn't going to prevent that. If you want proof, just look at European economies - total disaster from a growth perspective.


What are Obamacare lies? The death panels didn't come to fruition. I guess that was a lie.

How about the insane wait-lines excuse?

Forget the fact that you need to make appointments for a doctors visit (a wait itself in the current market) instead of just showing up (and having to wait).

Forget the fact that once you get there you have to wait for the doctor to see you if he's busy with the previous patient....but to ease your passage and make you feel like a total king, please fill x number of insurance forms in the meantime (once you're done, I'll let him know you're here)....sometimes the forms are books in itself..... the illusion of no wait-lines™. Cut that crap, no insurance, no insurance form and all of the "processing bs" - less administrative staff too, lower cost, less everything more or less.

The propaganda is really astonishing and people just eat it up.


So do conservatives always talk about a slippery slope we are on that is taking us away from the good old white Christian traditional great America days?
Sanders does better than Hillary against Trump. #electability

O´Malley may be left out of the next debate. I hope so, to be honest. He contributes nothing.
New Hampshire is probably one of the only swing states where Sanders would do measurably better than Clinton in, and the difference in that poll is so gaudy I would have a hard time believing it would actually hold.
For anyone who thinks Trump has a prayer in the general here are some trials PPP did in New Hampshire for HRC. Clinton is the first number in all of these:

Rubio 45/42
Bush 46/40
Cruz 48/40
Carson 50/39
Trump 50/36

14 points!! In comparison Obama won NH by 9 in '08. If the national figures broke the same way that would give HRC a 10 - 12 point win nationally.

These types of match-ups are useless this far out.


Because the whole thing was a clown act. People can get in this country in any number of ways as you yourself brought up with that woman who married her way in. Then you have the visitor visa for European citizens (do you remember how many Paris attackers were EU citizens) and you can see why it's total political theater to be passing legislation over Syrian refugees. Not like Syria is the only place either. Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, the list goes on. Where do you want it to stop?

Probably in favor of the muslim ban until we figure out what's going on policy.

I'm not sure what i'm in favor of, the muslim ban sounds ridiculous and Trumpish, but i'm also not sure the west allowing in millions of refugees is a good idea.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Just for the record, if Sanders somehow got the nomination, I wouldn't be happy. I'd accept it, but I wouldn't be happy about it. I'd still vote for him, of course. That was never in doubt.

Really? I never would have guessed. Why, I'm in legit shock, literally reeling at the prospect you might not be happy about that situation. Goodness me.
I'm not sure what i'm in favor of, the muslim ban sounds ridiculous and Trumpish, but i'm also not sure the west allowing in millions of refugees is a good idea.

Every western nation is not in the same situation. What the US does regarding refugees and what Germany does are worlds apart. We don't have hordes of people crossing borders in Turkey to come here easily, or boats washing ashore with people in them. It's not comparable.
Really? I never would have guessed. Why, I'm in legit shock, literally reeling at the prospect you might not be happy about that situation. Goodness me.

You don't wear sarcasm well. My point was that I wouldn't refuse to support the nominee whoever that happens to be.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You don't wear sarcasm well. My point was that I wouldn't refuse to support the nominee whoever that happens to be.

I know your point, adam. It was merely a jocular comment intended to provoke a moment of levity. Forgive my British sense of humour. ;)
Sanders does better than Hillary against Trump. #electability

O´Malley may be left out of the next debate. I hope so, to be honest. He contributes nothing.

The only state in the country in which Bernie is either ahead (within the MoE) or behind (within the MoE) is supposed to tell us who would do better in a GE campaign? Last I checked, most states don't look like NH demographically.
I know your point, adam. It was merely a jocular comment intended to provoke a moment of levity. Forgive my British sense of humour. ;)

Hahah. It's all good.

And the fact that you're British makes you one of my new favorite people. I'm probably one of the few Americans who religiously follow British politics. If I don't get my weekly dose of HIGNFY, among others, I go crazy. :)


Every western nation is not in the same situation. What the US does regarding refugees and what Germany does are worlds apart. We don't have hordes of people crossing borders in Turkey to come here easily, or boats washing ashore with people in them. It's not comparable.

Not to the current extent of what Europe is facing today but we do have that...all of it.


Nobody should refuse to support the nominee if you have any sense of empathy for your common citizen who would be hurt by the policies being proposed.

and Republicans feel the same way toward Hillary btw. I know we all think Democrats are the good guys who want to help everyone including people(Republicans) who don't realize it due to x factors like racism, ignorance etc but lets not forget that fact. The flipside of that is that we want some Republicans to not support their nominee(Trump) and cross party to Hillary if possible or cynically stay home.

As to Crab: Of course I'd be angry if he became the nominee but I'd get over it. Now if he went on to lose I would explode.


The magnitude is what matters. How many people wash ashore on boats in the US compared to Europe?

I agree on that. The magnitude is just not close.

As for the numbers...not sure but Cubans still cross in Boats. These days less of them capsize but some still do. Google search some..

And there have been specific waves which have been big...1994, Mariel...et al.


I just....he's just shit at this, isn't he? I've been willing to blame his campaign for 90% of this, but maybe he deserves more than 10% of the blame.
I don't think he understands how to win a national Democratic primary, because it's not by attacking the most respected former President from said party or ignoring to help in the downballot in any way possible.
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