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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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All this arguing is kinda pointless. We know how shit's going down:

-Sanders loses Iowa, wins NH, puts up for a decent fight for a while, eventually dropping out in late spring.
-Republicans nominate someone.
-A minority of Sanders supporters throw their toys out the pram and don't vote, the majority do.
-Hillary wins the election.
-The long, slow march of progress continues.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
All this arguing is kinda pointless. We know how shit's going down:

-Sanders loses Iowa, wins NH, puts up for a decent fight for a while, eventually dropping out in late spring.
-Republicans nominate someone.
-A minority of Sanders supporters throw their toys out the pram and don't vote, the majority do.
-Hillary wins the election.
-The long, slow march of progress continues.

I wouldn't be so sure about Iowa; I think that's more or less a toss-up at this stage. Otherwise, yes.


No Scrubs
If he was doing any better than he is right now, he'd essentially be winning. You're even more confident about socialist appeal in the Democratic party than I am!

If he was doing better he'd be within striking distance nationally instead of like 20 points back and with no appeal to african-american voters. He's been acting like a one issue candidate this entire time when he's the only real challenger, Clinton's team has basically been hitting him with his own fist. Bernie hits himself in the face, when asked to clarify he does it again, and then Clinton's people grab his arm and make him hit himself a few more times for giggles. He's barely even challenging her, winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't change that. His campaign is too incompetent to take advantage of wins there because no one on his team has any idea how to appeal to african-american voters. He could actually challenger Hillary, but he isn't.

But yes, the dude with the most effective political ads (http://www.ibtimes.com/bernie-sanders-has-most-effective-political-ads-tv-2265338), most small fundraisers, most volunteers, etc has bad campaign staff.


Yes, they're bad because all they do is preach to the choir! He needs more than 18-24 year old white kids to win! He needs to be appealing to the Obama coalition and he refuses to do that.


I wouldn't be so sure about Iowa; I think that's more or less a toss-up at this stage. Otherwise, yes.

I'm pretty confident. If there's anything we learnt from the GE it's that pollsters always lie in favour of the socialist ;)


If he was doing better he'd be within striking distance nationally instead of like 20 points back and with no appeal to african-american voters. He's been acting like a one issue candidate this entire time when he's the only real challenger, Clinton's team has basically been hitting him with his own fist. Bernie hits himself in the face, when asked to clarify he does it again, and then Clinton's people grab his arm and make him hit himself a few more times for giggles. He's barely even challenging her, winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't change that. His campaign is too incompetent to take advantage of wins there because no one on his team has any idea how to appeal to african-american voters. He could actually challenger Hillary, but he isn't.

For all the hype I honestly would not be surprise if Sanders unperformed in IA.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty confident. If there's anything we learnt from the GE it's that pollsters always lie in favour of the socialist ;)

Not at all! The reverse happened in Spain and France (although admittedly the Socialists outperforming their polling in France is not a high bar).


Not at all! The reverse happened in Spain and France (although admittedly the Socialists outperforming their polling in France is not a high bar).

Didn't actually realise that happened in France, although that was probably, as you say, because the Socialists did so badly that it didn't really register as being an improvement!


If black voters had voted like demographically similar nonblack voters in the 2008 primary, Mr. Obama would have been crushed. He would have probably lost by at least 20 points in the overall popular vote, winning primaries in only six states.

To sum it up:

Bernie has not demonstrated sufficient support for the Democratic party despite the fact that the current Democrat establishment is weak and yet represents the only shot he truly has at implementing reforms immediately.

Hillary has.

The Republicans have been at their strongest in ages but their establishment is in disarray due to infighting of their own making. There is no unifying establishment candidate like Hillary for them, due to Citizens United making dragged out candidacies more viable. HAHAHA.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Sanders is obviously not going to take the time out to do an HBCU sweep when he's neck and neck in Iowa and not confident of winning there. Minority voters are 3% of the Iowa democratic caucus. Sanders isn't ignoring the need to do this, he's obviously realizing that he has only so many resources to do so many things and if he loses Iowa he has a 0% chance whereas if he wins Iowa he has a ~20% chance, so obviously he has to win Iowa. Like, that's strategy 101.


No Scrubs
For all the hype I honestly would not be surprise if Sanders unperformed in IA.

Unless his get out the vote is better than we've been hearing, I wouldn't be too shocked.

Where did you get this?

Sanders is obviously not going to take the time out to do an HBCU sweep when he's neck and neck in Iowa and not confident of winning there. Minority voters are 3% of the Iowa democratic caucus. Sanders isn't ignoring the need to do this, he's obviously realizing that he has only so many resources to do so many things and if he loses Iowa he has a 0% chance whereas if he wins Iowa he has a ~20% chance, so obviously he has to win Iowa. Like, that's strategy 101.

Given the fact he's made no inroads with the african-american community it's more like a 5% chance. He needs them to win the nomination and his team has no goddamned idea how to court them. Unless Hillary drops an n-bomb on stage there's nothing happening right now that will change the dynamics going forward. If Bernie can't do that then an Iowa win is useless.


Unless his get out the vote is better than we've been hearing, I wouldn't be too shocked.

Where did you get this?

Given the fact he's made no inroads with the african-american community it's more like a 5% chance. He needs them to win the nomination and his team has no goddamned idea how to court them. Unless Hillary drops an n-bomb on stage there's nothing happening right now that will change the dynamics going forward. If Bernie can't do that then an Iowa win is useless.



No Scrubs
That article is from July.

Nothing in it has really changed though. Bernie still has made next to no inroads among the african-american or moderate dem votes. All his support is white college kids and independents, the latter of which can't even vote in most primaries and the former don't often show up. He needs to be diversifying his support and he's not been doing that, it's still just as white and young as back in July.
He should have never run under a Democrat, and now's not his time.


Given the fact he's made no inroads with the african-american community it's more like a 5% chance. He needs them to win the nomination and his team has no goddamned idea how to court them. Unless Hillary drops an n-bomb on stage there's nothing happening right now that will change the dynamics going forward. If Bernie can't do that then an Iowa win is useless.
The prob with sanders minority appeal is that Doing The Right Thing is only half the equation. You still gotta convince them that you >>> the other guy. Doing that without going negative? Good luck.
i repeat: wat

Do you WANT republicans to win?

As it stands, he is already splitting the Democrat vote. So why not?

If he really, truly believes he has a shot at winning, he wouldn't need the Democratic party's support. Grassroots would be enough.

As for the Republicans, well that's another story. But their party is rapidly coming to terms with the new reality, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them coalesce around Trump or Cruz.

But hey, Bernie or bust right?

That'd have been worse for everyone, well except the Republican candidate.

Well, the anti establishment fervor they whipped up already spread across the aisle. Whoever the Republican candidate is, they are dealing with the same problem right now.

We'll see who recovers first.


Fun quote from today's On The Media: "Bernie Sanders wants us to eat our vegetables. Donald Trump wants us to eat Cocoa Puffs."

Hillary fans will vote for Bernie regardless, because they are committed to the Democratic party and its ideals.

The same cannot be said of Bernie's supporters.

Dude, you are legit saying that bernie shoulda run independent because the dem side is actually having a conversation during a primary.

That's daniel b. level stuff. Heck, not even that, because at least that dude doesn't appear to despise the other side.
Just saw a commercial from Catholic Church stating that Catholic Church was started by Jesus. I bet they believe that too. #sad

Katrina Pierson wants to make the Klan great again?

I can't believe Trump has found a person worse than him to be his spokesperson.
Dude, you are legit saying that bernie shoulda run independent because the dem side is actually having a conversation during a primary.

That's daniel b. level stuff.

I'm saying he should HAVE.

As it stands now the clear choice is vote for anyone with a D behind them with the most support, whether it be the socialist or the republican lite if you don't want the Republicans to win.



Not me, U.S.

add a couple dots and shop out the blue and you have some pretty kitsch anti-Soviet propaganda


Bloomberg is a corrupt piece of shit. Bloomberg becoming president means Wall St becoming the president. He is walking, talking big bank. How would that be anything but good? Also in what scenario does he become the president?
Bloomberg is derpy but you have to admit, if he were ever president the whole country would be blanketed with health and wellness policies lol


No Scrubs
Bloomberg is derpy but you have to admit, if he were ever president the whole country would be blanketed with health and wellness policies lol

The man's also pretty hardcore when it comes to gun control. He'd likely be as corrupt as all holy hell, but he's still a better option than anyone the GOP is floating.

User 406

I'm saying he should HAVE.

Nah, Bernie isn't as crazy as his little segment of nutball supporters. He made it clear from the outset of his campaign that he would absolutely not run third party because he knew that would result in a Republican Presidency. He understands our electoral math very well.

I subscribe to the theory that others in here have professed, that Bernie started this campaign to try and pull the Democratic party leftward, and never expected to have this much success. Of course now that he's got some enthusiasm behind him, he's definitely giving it the old college try, but a lot of his campaign's decisions seem to reinforce the idea that they really just weren't prepared to go the distance.

In any case, we're still nowhere near PUMA levels of divisive asshattery.
I like how the starting point of the millenial generation has been getting pushed back steadily. When I was 24 in 2008, I was definitely considered a millenial. Now that I'm 32 in 2016, I'm not in the generation anymore. But they didn't move the Gen X end date forward, so I guess I'm a free agent.
This is the first time I've thought Trump is a Christian due to being able to speak paranoid delusional well:

"If I said that about Christians, and if I said 'banned,' I'm telling you I would have had less difficulty," Trump said Saturday. "And that's pretty sad, because we're Christians. I'm Protestant. I'm Presbyterian."

"The power of our group of people together, I mean, if you add it up, ... it could be 240, 250 million. And yet we don't exert the power that we should have. Now, I think some of the churches are afraid of their tax status, to be honest," he said.

"But you know the fact is that there is nothing the politicians can do to you if you band together. You have too much power. But the Christians don't use their power," Trump said. "We have to strengthen. Because we are getting — if you look, it's death by a million cuts — we are getting less and less and less powerful in terms of a religion, and in terms of a force," he continued.

He added: "Because if I'm there, you're going to have plenty of power. You don't need anybody else. You're going to have somebody representing you very, very well. Remember that."

Hmm, I'm willing to bring back fascist comparisons to be honest.

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