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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Right. A DNC that has done everything it can to get a Clinton coronation wouldn't possibly blacklist Sanders on a technicality. It's inconceivable!

Yeah, they've done everything they can like allowing a non-Democrat run for the Democrat nomination!

And there's nothing like making sure Hillary wins the nomination like banning Bernie from debates because he partook in the same debate Hillary took part in!

You sound like a 9/11 truther right now. Like, sit down, take a breath, evaluate what you're arguing.

East Lake

RIP old tax havens.

Last September, at a law firm overlooking San Francisco Bay, Andrew Penney, a managing director at Rothschild & Co., gave a talk on how the world’s wealthy elite can avoid paying taxes.

His message was clear: You can help your clients move their fortunes to the United States, free of taxes and hidden from their governments.

Some are calling it the new Switzerland.

After years of lambasting other countries for helping rich Americans hide their money offshore, the U.S. is emerging as a leading tax and secrecy haven for rich foreigners. By resisting new global disclosure standards, the U.S. is creating a hot new market, becoming the go-to place to stash foreign wealth. Everyone from London lawyers to Swiss trust companies is getting in on the act, helping the world’s rich move accounts from places like the Bahamas and the British Virgin Islands to Nevada, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

“How ironic—no, how perverse—that the USA, which has been so sanctimonious in its condemnation of Swiss banks, has become the banking secrecy jurisdiction du jour,” wrote Peter A. Cotorceanu, a lawyer at Anaford AG, a Zurich law firm, in a recent legal journal. “That ‘giant sucking sound’ you hear? It is the sound of money rushing to the USA.”

Rothschild, the centuries-old European financial institution, has opened a trust company in Reno, Nev., a few blocks from the Harrah’s and Eldorado casinos. It is now moving the fortunes of wealthy foreign clients out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, subject to the new international disclosure requirements, and into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which are exempt.
Bernie was on fire tonight.

Also, Keith for veep. Dude is charming as hell.

I was in the overflow room and was quite surprised when he showed up there.

Also, he's really trying to lock in that youth turnout. The campaign staff literally asked (and waited for) everyone to take out their phones and enter berniesanders.com/mn into the address bar so that everyone there would pledge to commit to caucus.

There was a strong emphasis on voter turnout tonight and I really believe that if Bernie becomes president, he's going to get every Democrat possible to vote in the mid-terms. He's not fucking around.
Yeah, they've done everything they can like allowing a non-Democrat run for the Democrat nomination!

And there's nothing like making sure Hillary wins the nomination like banning Bernie from debates because he partook in the same debate Hillary took part in!

You sound like a 9/11 truther right now. Like, sit down, take a breath, evaluate what you're arguing.
Do you think that if Bernie wasn't challenging Hillary for the presidential nomination that the Democratic Party wouldn't welcome Bernie with open arms? He already caucuses with the Democrats in the senate.

And again, please remember that I am not a Democrat anymore. They aren't 'my team' and I don't necessarily give them the benefit of the doubt. This is politics, and if they didn't do some pretty shady shit, they'd get wiped out. So yeah, they are totally capable of shady and immoral behavior.

I'm not saying that the would do it. I'm saying that I'm not entirely convinced that they wouldn't do it.
There was a strong emphasis on voter turnout tonight and I really believe that if Bernie becomes president, he's going to get every Democrat possible to vote in the mid-terms. He's not fucking around.

If you really believe that then you haven't been following politics long enough.

I'm not saying that the would do it. I'm saying that I'm not entirely convinced that they wouldn't do it.

Is this some kind of spin on absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence?
If you really believe that then you haven't been following politics long enough.

Is this some kind of spun on absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence?

There was nothing controversial about what I said. Please re-read my post.


In case it wasn't abundantly clear, I'm saying that if it's possible for every voter that voted for him in the general to return to vote in the mid-terms, they will. Not because they're naturally proactively engaged in politics, but because Bernie is going to spend much of his presidency using tactics like he did tonight and compel his supporters to follow through on their pledge to support him.

His efficacy won't be 100%, but if he can compel enough young voters to commit to caucuses in the primaries (something that almost never happens), he can do the same thing for the mid-terms.
There was nothing controversial about what I said. Please re-read my post.

Every President probably had grand plans about midterm turnout and not fucking around. But the old saying goes that everybody has a plan until they get punched. Look no further than Obama for a very recent and remarkably similar example. OFA was supposed to be the game changer, their campaign was using social media in ways no one had ever seen before, blah blah blah.

So if that edit is correct, you think he can push midterm voter turnout up to presidential election levels?
Im loling for real. Briainchild has had a long history of taking shit in this thread, doesnt post here for months, finally comes back and is immediately argued with once again.
Why cant my boy brainchild peacefully post without controversy, not even once

Im thrilled to see u back man, i love this shit. Kill him brainchild! Killem
Every President probably had grand plans about midterm turnout and not fucking around. But the old saying goes that everybody has a plan until they get punched. Look no further than Obama for a very recent and remarkably similar example. OFA was supposed to be the game changer, their campaign was using social media in ways no one had ever seen before, blah blah blah.

So if that edit is correct, you think he can push midterm voter turnout up to presidential election levels?

Realistically, I don't think turnout would reach presidential election levels, but I think he'd do better than any previous president. It's not just an additional aspect of his campaign, it's the crux of his campaign; his 'political revolution'.

So let me ask you a question. Do you honestly think that if Bernie was able to cultivate a high turnout for the youth demographic in the primaries, he wouldn't be able to do the same thing in the mid-terms? Both events typically have a low turn out for the youth demographic.

Im loling for real. Briainchild has had a long history of taking shit in this thread, doesnt post here for months, finally comes back and is immediately argued with once again.
Why cant my boy brainchild peacefully post without controversy, not even once

To be honest, I'm quite surprised myself. I did not say that Bernie would surely get every vote. I said every vote possible, which is as non-committal as it gets. But at this point, this is nothing new.

Anyway, good to see you still around these parts, Retromelon. It's been a while.
So let me ask you a question. Do you honestly think that if Bernie was able to cultivate a high turnout for the youth demographic in the primaries, he wouldn't be able to do the same thing in the mid-terms? Both events typically have a low turn out for the youth demographic.

Probably for the same reasons that Obama couldn't get minority voters out to vote for Corzine in New Jersey. Or why he couldn't get liberals in MA to pay attention to a special election in January on a snowy day. I could go on but you surely get the point.
Probably for the same reasons that Obama couldn't get minority voters out to vote for Corzine in New Jersey. Or why he couldn't get liberals in MA to pay attention to a special election in January on a snowy day. I could go on but you surely get the point.

You didn't answer my question.

Based on the tactics used at tonight's rally, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people in attendance will end up committing to caucus. I do not believe that would have been the case had there not been this specific initiative to get people to do so. In keeping with this strategy, Bernie may very well garner a higher than usual turnout for the primary caucuses.

Again, my question to you is, IF he ends up being successful with this strategy, do you believe that he could duplicate that success in the mid-terms? I definitely do, and following the logic behind my reasoning, I don't even see how my statements are even remotely controversial.
You didn't answer my question.

Based on the tactics used at tonight's rally, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people in attendance will end up committing to caucus. I do not believe that would have been the case had there not been this specific initiative to get people to do so. In keeping with this strategy, Bernie may very well garner a higher than usual turnout for the primary caucuses.

Again, my question to you is, IF he ends up being successful with this strategy, do you believe that he could duplicate that success in the mid-terms? I definitely do, and following the logic behind my reasoning, I don't even see how my statements are even remotely controversial.

My answers are satisfactory for your questions if you understand political history. Nothing you've described is different from Obama and we've seen how difficult it is to get your supporters to back some generic Democrat they've never heard of or have any attachment to. There is no controversy to your statements, just naive.
My answers are satisfactory for your questions if you understand political history. Nothing you've described is different from Obama and we've seen how difficult it is to get your supporters to back some generic Democrat they've never heard of or have any attachment to. There is no controversy to your statements, just naivete.

If you want to be facetious about it, then I suppose there's no reasoning with you.

For the record, I would still say the same thing about Obama today, despite his previous failures, because that's how internally consistent logic works. Had Obama brought about a high turnout in the primaries, then yes, I'd say he could do it again in the mid-terms. It's a hypothetical situation; it doesn't matter if he ACTUALLY did it or not. But thanks for your input.
If you want to be facetious about it, then I suppose there's no reasoning with you.

For the record, I would still say the same thing about Obama today, despite his previous failures, because that's how internally consistent logic works. Had Obama brought about a high turnout in the primaries, then yes, I'd say he could do it again in the mid-terms. It's a hypothetical situation; it doesn't matter if he ACTUALLY did it or not. But thanks for your input.

So you see no difference at all in getting people to vote FOR YOU in a primary vs getting them to vote for SOME OTHER GUY in a midterm?

Keeping in mind that some other guy is probably going to be a filthy corporate establishment moderate running. Somehow I have a really hard time believing a large number of Sanders supporters will be turning up to vote in a situation like that.
If you really believe that then you haven't been following politics long enough.

Is this some kind of spin on absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence?
No, it's just an expression of distrust. Just because it's the right thing to do doesn't mean that it's the right thing for thing for the Democratic Party. When in doubt, plan on uneven enforcement of written rules.
So you see no difference at all in getting people to vote FOR YOU in a primary vs getting them to vote for SOME OTHER GUY in a midterm?

Keeping in mind that some other guy is probably going to be a filthy corporate establishment moderate running. Somehow I have a really hard time believing a large number of Sanders supporters will be turning up to vote in a situation like that.
I think the idea is that a Bernie win would convince other left-leaning democrats to run. I don't know how feasible that is - I know it'd be a tough sell in conservative districts/states because some of those candidates won't want Bernie to campaign for them. Some of them aren't going to want 'He hugged the socialist' campaign ads against them.
It was him. It was Donald! He stood there in front of me, like a tall stallion. With his oily orange skin glistening in the sunlight as if he were a soggy cheeto, his hair unkept and messy, like a gorgeous rat's nest. He was beautiful.


The only thing I knew was that I wanted to ride the elevator to the top of his Trump Tower.
A couple excerpts from a literary masterpiece, Trump Temptations: The Billionaire & The Bellboy.

That ain't exactly news. We've been considering it for a while. States rights, yo!

And this is quite true of the mindset:
“I do not hear anybody saying, ‘I want to avoid taxes,’ ” Rokahr said. “These are people who are legitimately concerned with their own health and welfare.”

Rich af people seldom feel rich af. Even when they got a brand new cayenne parked in the garage.
(which is expensive as fuck in glorious thirdworldistan. fuck yall with your 77k msrp, thats the price of a 4runner here)

“We do not offer legal structures to clients unless we are absolutely certain that their tax affairs are in order; both clients themselves and independent tax lawyers must actively confirm to us that this is the case,” Rees said.



That tax havens article is more or less bullshit.

I work in legal/finance with hedge funds, and while its true, it oversimplifies so much/takes so much for granted.
That tax havens article is more or less bullshit.

I work in legal/finance with hedge funds, and while its true, it oversimplifies so much/takes so much for granted.

If you ever become a lawyer (or already are one), try to avoid almost all articles written about court proceedings in major newspapers.
Uhm hum...

In the interview on the plane, a leather-upholstered Gulfstream jet, during which he snacked on cheese wedges and kiwis, Mr. Sanders repeatedly returned to his description of his campaign as positive. Nonetheless, he questioned Mrs. Clinton’s acceptance of more than $600,000 from Goldman Sachs for giving three speeches.

Bernie enjoying fabulous wealth aboard a donor Gulfstream (probably the new 650, too. this guy) while criticizing First Lady, Senator, Secretary, and most importantly, mom and grandma Clinton for her alleged Wall $t ties


Such as??????

Basically, depending on the tax residence of the investors, there are still various withholding taxes that still might apply. FATCA is still a thing.

Also, CRS - which is what that article talks about- is so new, that the reporting obligations just started in Jan, but the actual reporting isnt due til next year. Basically my view is that while not necessarily "wrong", the article is waaay premature, as we don't know what kind of enforcement will be behind CRS. It doesnt look like withholding will be a thing, so its unclear if investors will even care that much (although our clients do hate some of the look through forced disclosures). We haven't seen guidance from Cayman yet, a critical jurisdiction.

Id wait til at least the second half of this year and come back to this point before writing something like that.

East Lake

Basically, depending on the tax residence of the investors, there are still various withholding taxes that still might apply. FATCA is still a thing.

Also, CRS - which is what that article talks about- is so new, that the reporting obligations just started in Jan, but the actual reporting isnt due til next year. Basically my view is that while not necessarily "wrong", the article is waaay premature, as we don't know what kind of enforcement will be behind CRS. It doesnt look like withholding will be a thing, so its unclear if investors will even care that much (although our clients do hate some of the look through forced disclosures). We haven't seen guidance from Cayman yet, a critical jurisdiction.

Id wait til at least the second half of this year and come back to this point before writing something like that.
Fair enough. When you do make a post in this thread. I'm slightly interested.

It might not matter after Bernie liquidates their assets to build the people's autonomous car though.

Hrm, that's the sole mention of the campaign having its own plane i could find on the web.

There was some concern trolling back in december when they used charter planes (apparently) 4 times, but that's about it.

So yeah.

Id wait til at least the second half of this year and come back to this point before writing something like that.
Write an article now, get hits. Write it again 6 months down the line, get more hits. win win.

East Lake

There's an abc article that says he's using a gulfstream 200, which is worth about 6 million. I imagine it can be rented for less than Hillary's speaking fees, not that Incognito was serious.
Cher charges $1.5M for an appearance. Step yo game up Madam Secretary.

The Obamas will make bank on memoirs and speaking fees too post-office, I imagine. Or maybe he'll sit on a board like Al Gore and make megabucks that way.


@MarkHalperin 1 scenario: Trump gauges reax to debate pullout; if bad, @ last minute, does debate, goes to vet funder after->discombobulates & dominates


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm not voting for wacky Bernie. I want a tax cut as I am one of the wealthiest and most fabulous Americans.

@MarkHalperin 1 scenario: Trump gauges reax to debate pullout; if bad, @ last minute, does debate, goes to vet funder after->discombobulates & dominates

Halperin can't be this big of a loser. If he enters the debate without a reason (something changing), he will look like he caved and is a phony. Ailes cannot give up on Megan jelly so I see no way trump can win this now if he shows up.


I'm not voting for wacky Bernie. I want a tax cut as I am one of the wealthiest and most fabulous Americans.

Halperin can't be this big of a loser. If he enters the debate without a reason (something changing), he will look like he caved and is a phony. Ailes cannot give up on Megan jelly so I see no way trump can win this now if he shows up.
Agree. I think this boycott is for real. He probably already had his event plans up his sleeve before announcing the boycott.

{*please let ratings crater.. pleeeeeeease..*}


Trump basically can't show up now without them changing moderators.

For better or for worse Fox called his bluff.

It's probably too late but I'm of a mind maybe trying to ignore him for once might be a good idea. Giving him more attention certainly hasn't been working.

East Lake

For the next debate thread I want virtually no text and a low res, low quality zoomed in picture of Trump's head, plus a link where I can stream it (if legal).


It kind of matters where the money comes from, not that money is spent. The man need not bedeck himself in sackcloth and ashes in order to be genuinely concerned about the working poor.

He's not taking money from Wall Street.
Sounds like another certain someone who flies a private jet and doesn't take money from Wall Street...
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