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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Tl;dr marxist/socialist lens vs more sociological/intersectional lens (idk the right word).

When really we should start all using the neuro lens and realize we shouldn't fight and come as one~
Ok good, was curious about the criminal justice stuff. I don't think shes horribly corrupt or even more corrupt than any republican, theres just some doubt about all the money she took for her speeches. I don't really care about what the republicans say to her, its the far more up to date alumni/students of my alma mater.
She took money from the private prison industry as well.
Tl;dr marxist/socialist lens vs more sociological/intersectional lens (idk the right word).

When really we should start all using the neuro lens and realize we shouldn't fight and come as one~
That's pretty similar to the socialist lens, quite frankly. Most socialist parties have their heads so far up their identity politics that it's detrimental.


I was referring to the list and the reasons people think we should vote for her.

On income inequality, Sanders wipes the floor with her. I knew about the minimum wage - I even commented on how she's not reaching high enough to be able to have room for bargaining if it is required. There is NOWHERE on income inequality where she's not to the right (|-|>) of Bernie Sanders.

What Bernie fans think will happen:

Bernie: let's raise the minimum wage to $15
Republicans: No
Bernie: ok we'll comprise and do $12
Republicans: ok deal

What would actually happen:
Bernie: let's raise the minimum wage to $15
Republicans: LOL
Bernie: ok we'll comprise and do $12
Republicans: No
Bernie: $11?
Republicans: Nope
Bernie: $9?
Republicans: Nope
Bernie: ok 10cents increase! Surely you can do that much!
Republicans: F*ck you
What Bernie fans think will happen:

Bernie: let's raise the minimum wage to $15
Republicans: No
Bernie: ok we'll comprise and do $12
Republicans: ok deal

What would actually happen:
Bernie: let's raise the minimum wage to $15
Republicans: LOL
Bernie: ok we'll comprise and do $12
Republicans: No
Bernie: $11?
Republicans: Nope
Bernie: $9?
Republicans: Nope
Bernie: ok 10cents increase! Surely you can do that much!
Republicans: F*ck you
Not really. What we think is that Hillary won't even attempt to get the minimum wage increased. It hurts the profits of Wall Street (it actually wouldn't, but Wall Street is against it for class reasons, not outcome reasons).
I was referring to the list and the reasons people think we should vote for her.

On income inequality, Sanders wipes the floor with her. I knew about the minimum wage - I even commented on how she's not reaching high enough to be able to have room for bargaining if it is required. There is NOWHERE on income inequality where she's not to the right (|-|>) of Bernie Sanders.
I don't think anyone is going to argue that Hillary is to the left of Bernie on many issues. But there is far more daylight between Hillary and her GOP opponents than there is between Hillary and Bernie. This "only slightly more progressive than Jon Huntsman" bullshit is just that.

Ironically, all the reasons people point to guys like Huntsman as "moderate" is because of what you deride as "identity politics." Yeah he said some nice things about gays once, who cares if he supported the Ryan budget?

By all means, vote for Bernie in the primary. I am! But don't sit here and pretend that Hillary isn't on the correct side of many progressive issues, even if sometimes she doesn't go far enough.

Smh "conceding" that child care and maternity leave are connected to the economy. All of this shit is connected. That's the entire point of Bernie's campaign right? Such ignorance.

Be honest and admit that you just don't trust her to pursue these things. Because her stated policy positions are fine.
I dunno, I happen to think that income inequality affects everyone, not just white men.

The political triangulation involved with courting specific communities while not addressing class issues is quite definitely 'Identity politics' - in that it uses issues of identity to distract from class struggle in order to maintain the economic status quo and the priorities of capitalism.

But when you focus on class issues at the expense of the concerns of outgroups like women and minorities then you see what happened in the 50's and 60's where the relatively privileged (ie white men) gain and others far farther behind. Southern blacks were left in crushing poverty and Hispanics faced mass deportation while the overall 'worker class' advanced.
I don't think anyone is going to argue that Hillary is to the left of Bernie on many issues. But there is far more daylight between Hillary and her GOP opponents than there is between Hillary and Bernie. This "only slightly more progressive than Jon Huntsman" bullshit is just that.

Ironically, all the reasons people point to guys like Huntsman as "moderate" is because of what you deride as "identity politics." Yeah he said some nice things about gays once, who cares if he supported the Ryan budget?

By all means, vote for Bernie in the primary. I am! But don't sit here and pretend that Hillary isn't on the correct side of many progressive issues, even if sometimes she doesn't go far enough.

Smh "conceding" that child care and maternity leave are connected to the economy. All of this shit is connected. That's the entire point of Bernie's campaign right? Such ignorance.
There's daylight between Alien and Predator too...I don't see how that's relevant if you're trying to defeat both.
But when you focus on class issues at the expense of the concerns of outgroups like women and minorities then you see what happened in the 50's and 60's where the relatively privileged (ie white men) gain and others far farther behind. Southern blacks were left in crushing poverty and Hispanics faced mass deportation while the overall 'worker class' advanced.
Yeah but identity politics


Not really. What we think is that Hillary won't even attempt to get the minimum wage increased. It hurts the profits of Wall Street (it actually wouldn't, but Wall Street is against it for class reasons, not outcome reasons).

Small businesses are more against minimum wage increases than Wall Street is. Goldman Sachs supports it:
"Even Goldman Sachs Analysts Say A Minimum Wage Hike Wouldn't Be A Big Job Killer"

Of course that goes against Bernie populist propaganda that has Wall Street as the root of all evil
Hillary will appoint progressive SCOTUS justices. With any Republican president, the Scalia wing dominates the court for another 20 years.

That is all that should matter to any progressive.

East Lake

Small businesses are more against minimum wage increases than Wall Street is. Goldman Sachs supports it:
"Even Goldman Sachs Analysts Say A Minimum Wage Hike Wouldn't Be A Big Job Killer"

Of course that goes against Bernie populist propaganda that has Wall Street as the root of all evil
What a Goldman analyst says doesn't necessarily mean "Goldman" supports it. If there was a story saying they were actively lobbying for an increase that would be another thing altogether.
The main problem of Clinton seems to be or gives the impression of being corrupted by $pecial intere$ts, hence why her stances in climate change, prision reform, income inequality and income inequality are perceived as weak.

Some of you are painting Sanders as if he wasnt as liberal as Clinton in minorities issues. I guess young women, latinos and overall young minority democrats who overwhelmedly prefer Sanders are just privileged rich college kids? To hell with that.
I mean, I'm pretty far to the left of Bernie Sanders (I want a repeal of the Second Amendment, gun confiscation, nearly open borders, K-12 and HS education to focus intensely on anger management and making people less racism and sexist, hundreds of billions spent on mental health research and domestic violence prevention, hundreds of billions in foreign aid, low cost abortions... if those things were practical)... but I still think Hillary Clinton is a liberal :/.

Hillary is too much of the paternalistic and respectability focused liberal sometimes, but she's a liberal.
Without shades of gray and compromise, democracy doesn't work. You can't characterise everyone you disagree with as an enemy if you want to accomplish anything peacefully. I say this as a fan of Bernie.
It worked for Lenin.
Have you guys seen this email that the Hillary campaign sent out recently? Just terrible lmao.

Honestly looks like a long troll by a bernie bro plant.


Guys, it's time to understand that disastermouse is just the bizarro version of benji.

His position is wildly extreme and also laid out clearly -- the only thing that matters is the glorious communist revolution, and literally every other issue is a smokescreen created by the rentiers to distract the laboring class with internal conflict -- so there's probably no point in arguing with alternate versions of him that, say, have any political interests that don't involve productive labor.

At least he's not an accelerationist!
Also, this explains pretty much entirely why Sanders is struggling to connect with black voters:

Most white Americans (62%) say that your class has a bigger impact on your life in America than your race (19%), something black Americans definitely do not agree with. 67% of black Americans say that race is more important than class, something only 23% disagree with. Hispanics are split 41% to 41%.


Sanders is concerned about racial justice but obviously thinks that class matters the most out of anything.
Without shades of gray and compromise, democracy doesn't work. You can't characterise everyone you disagree with as an enemy if you want to accomplish anything peacefully. I say this as a fan of Bernie.
I didn't say that everyone with whom I disagree is an enemy. I said that Hillary Clinton is an enemy.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Honestly, here's why I'm supporting Hillary right now. Part of it is electability, for sure, but also if I'm being frank? The progressive stuff she is more explicit about supporting has more of a chance of actually happening. LGBT protections, access to healthcare, immigration issues hell maybe even gun control, a lot of that stuff you can make traction on using executive orders, as we've seen under Obama. Bernie's platform is built on stuff that requires congressional approval, you're just not going to see changes in taxation rates or fundamental activity on banking regulation without it.

This isn't me saying "Bernie doesn't care about black people", he's had a lot of messaging issues but I do ultimately think he does care about minority issues on more than just economic terms, but I think Hillary's political experience and explicit language around those issues would be more productive
Also, this explains pretty much entirely why Sanders is struggling to connect with black voters:


Sanders is concerned about racial justice but obviously thinks that class matters the most out of anything.

one thing people need to realize is that uneducated blue collar whites who are struggling are a voting block that don't like to hear about political correctness or openness towards refugees. They see themselves to be left out of the equation and screwed in terms of shitty jobs, non-accessibility to go to college, bad housing, and etc.

IMO, the best way to treat it is not to complain about them being white and they have it better because that drives them towards the Trump camp.

the best way to deal with it is to stear the country further Left in terms of Maternity leave, equal pay, Single Payer, and cheaper affordable Colleges.

When educated Democrats turn a blind eye towards the working class whites just because "they don't have it as bad as minorities". That is when Republicans exploit that gap and attract a lower income voting block to vote Right Wing against their best interests baiting them into identity politics.


No Scrubs
one thing people need to realize is that uneducated blue collar whites who are struggling are a voting block that don't like to hear about political correctness or openness towards refugees. They see themselves to be left out of the equation and screwed in terms of shitty jobs, non-accessibility to go to college, bad housing, and etc.

IMO, the best way to treat it is not to complain about them being white and they have it better because that drives them towards the Trump camp.

the best way to deal with it is to stear the country further Left in terms of Maternity leave, equal pay, Single Payer, and cheaper affordable Colleges.

When educated Democrats turn a blind eye towards the working class whites just because "they don't have it as bad as minorities". That is when Republicans exploit that gap and attract a lower income voting block to vote Right Wing against their best interests baiting them into identity politics.

The problem is that they're also usually a bit racist as a voting block and want those things, but only if everyone else doesn't get them. You see it play out with things like medicare and social security; they like these things and want to keep them, but don't want to expand them to everyone.

lmao honestly. I can't comprehend how that came from Hillary's campaign.
What's with the tutu thing...wtf....

Honestly I don't think it did. It's a troll.
Guys, it's time to understand that disastermouse is just the bizarro version of benji.

His position is wildly extreme and also laid out clearly -- the only thing that matters is the glorious communist revolution, and literally every other issue is a smokescreen created by the rentiers to distract the laboring class with internal conflict -- so there's probably no point in arguing with alternate versions of him that, say, have any political interests that don't involve productive labor.

At least he's not an accelerationist!
I don't believe that there will be a glorious communist revolution, comrade.

I believe that there will be toeholds of economic democracy, based on co-ownership, that will eventually make us wonder why we've put up with economic dictatorship for so long.

I'm also not only concerned with economic equality. I'm pro-gun (not rabidly, I have no problem with increasing gun laws, but I don't want to abolish guns), pro-LGBT rights, pro-environment, feminist, and pro-BLM and de-militarizing police, anti-war, pro-choice, and pro-refugee.

I simply feel that many of these problems have their roots in capitalism, and that you can't solve many of them without addressing capitalism. It's not as simple as 'defeat capitalism and these other issues take care of themselves', however. Changing our economic system is necessary but not sufficient to fixing the other problems. But without addressing class and capitalism, we're unlikely to get very far on those other issues either.
I think it's pretty simplistic to act as if racism and colonialism were not fundamentally intertwined with capitalism's development and its continued operation. They're not dependent sub-issues, they work together (one existed before the other after all). Plus you've got inherent issues of equity vs. equality when trying to correct the system.

Not to mention the tenor of this discussion makes it sound like the reversal is right around the corner. Incremental change is how society works.


What a Goldman analyst says doesn't necessarily mean "Goldman" supports it. If there was a story saying they were actively lobbying for an increase that would be another thing altogether.

Guess who said these things:

"'There's no place for pure, unregulated capitalism'"

"We have to do a better job" of distributing wealth, he said. "Everybody has to join in."

"too much of the GDP over the last generation has gone to too few of the people."

"Income inequality is a very destabilizing thing in the country, a very polarizing thing in the country. In other words, it’s responsible for the divisions in the country. Those divisions could get wider. If you can’t legislate, you can’t deal with problems. If you can’t deal with problems, you can’t drive growth, and you can’t drive the success of the country."

Goldman Sachs CEO himself:

Of course that hasn't stopped the Bernie demonizing:
"On “With All Due Respect,” Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses his speech on financial reform. When asked for an example of Wall Street greed, the Vermont senator says Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein makes huge amounts of money “after destroying the economy.”
Guess who said these things:

"'There's no place for pure, unregulated capitalism'"

"We have to do a better job" of distributing wealth, he said. "Everybody has to join in."

"too much of the GDP over the last generation has gone to too few of the people."

"Income inequality is a very destabilizing thing in the country, a very polarizing thing in the country. In other words, it’s responsible for the divisions in the country. Those divisions could get wider. If you can’t legislate, you can’t deal with problems. If you can’t deal with problems, you can’t drive growth, and you can’t drive the success of the country."

Goldman Sachs CEO himself:

Of course that hasn't stopped the Bernie demonizing:
"On “With All Due Respect,” Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses his speech on financial reform. When asked for an example of Wall Street greed, the Vermont senator says Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein makes huge amounts of money “after destroying the economy.”

Are you arguing the Lloyd doesn't make a ton of money because of the current state of capitalism here? The problem isn't that anyone in any system is intrinsically evil, its that the incentives that our brains respond to lead to people getting screwed.


The problem is that they're also usually a bit racist as a voting block and want those things, but only if everyone else doesn't get them. You see it play out with things like medicare and social security; they like these things and want to keep them, but don't want to expand them to everyone.

Honestly I don't think it did. It's a troll.

Reddit is saying that it's confirmed to have come from Hillary's campaign.


But Reddit is very largely for Sanders. I don't know how they verified it. In the comments they go into it a bit more.
Genghis Khan killed 10% of the world's population, what the fucking god.

You forgot that Khan's massacres were even more improbable and horrible than Mao's when you forget how small the human population used to be.


Are you arguing the Lloyd doesn't make a ton of money because of the current state of capitalism here? The problem isn't that anyone in any system is intrinsically evil, its that the incentives that our brains respond to lead to people getting screwed.

No, I am saying that Wall Street isn't actually against minimum wage increases and Bernie and his supporters blaming them for EVERYTHING is ridiculous.
I think it's pretty simplistic to act as if racism and colonialism were not fundamentally intertwined with capitalism's development and its continued operation. They're not dependent sub-issues, they work together (one existed before the other after all). Plus you've got inherent issues of equity vs. equality when trying to correct the system.
No, I don't think that Capitalism caused racism or colonialism. I think that it is an expression of those things, as any system of coercion is. It's much less an expression of them than what came before.

i don't think that any serious opposition to those problems can be mounted from within an economic system that requires losers, from a resource allocation standpoint. Because Capitalism is better than previous coercive economic systems, it has helped provide more advancement than have systems that came before, but it still remains a block to further or complete advancement.
Reddit is saying that it's confirmed to have come from Hillary's campaign.


But Reddit is very largely for Sanders. I don't know how they verified it. In the comments they go into it a bit more.

Reddit has gone wholly and completely Sanderscrazy. Like, not just the subreddit being nuts or even the whole site generally leaning towards him. The Clinton email story yesterday was at the top of r/news and on the front page and every comment noting nothing was classified at the time was down voted into oblivion.

East Lake

Guess who said these things:

"'There's no place for pure, unregulated capitalism'"

"We have to do a better job" of distributing wealth, he said. "Everybody has to join in."

"too much of the GDP over the last generation has gone to too few of the people."

"Income inequality is a very destabilizing thing in the country, a very polarizing thing in the country. In other words, it’s responsible for the divisions in the country. Those divisions could get wider. If you can’t legislate, you can’t deal with problems. If you can’t deal with problems, you can’t drive growth, and you can’t drive the success of the country."

Goldman Sachs CEO himself:

Of course that hasn't stopped the Bernie demonizing:
"On “With All Due Respect,” Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses his speech on financial reform. When asked for an example of Wall Street greed, the Vermont senator says Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein makes huge amounts of money “after destroying the economy.”
You'll find similar quotes from the largest energy corporations about climate change as well, but what he said again doesn't mean Goldman actually supports these things. Lloyd also doesn't unilaterally control the bank either, he answers to his shareholders.
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