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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Trump has an ego. If he can get into the history books as a spoiler to the Republican Party I don't think he would mind. He loves the Clinton's. He is just lying to people.
Would anyone know who Ross Perot was if it wasn't for the '92 election? Yet he'll be discussed forever. I can see Trump wanting that recognition. And it doesn't hurt his branding at all.


I went to a candidate discussion forum tonight put on by the local Young Democrats. There was free pizza so a lot of people came.

It was an absolute, uncomfortable disaster. Three Bernie Sanders people came and hijacked the event, and the group's leaders who put on the discussion were too weak to stop them. They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first. Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them. Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.
I went to a candidate discussion forum tonight put on by the local Young Democrats. There was free pizza so a lot of people came.

It was an absolute, uncomfortable disaster. Three Bernie Sanders people came and hijacked the event, and the group's leaders who put on the discussion were too weak to stop them. They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first. Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them. Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.
So they not only disrupted the forum, but also stole the pizza? Grade A fucktards.
I went to a candidate discussion forum tonight put on by the local Young Democrats. There was free pizza so a lot of people came.

It was an absolute, uncomfortable disaster. Three Bernie Sanders people came and hijacked the event, and the group's leaders who put on the discussion were too weak to stop them. They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first. Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them. Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.

Sounds like they did learn something from BLM.


The loyalty pledge threat isn't against Trump, it's against anyone in the party who would follow him. They're the ones who can be identified and punished.
They have never done a type of pledge like that before.
It's usually not necessary because a candidate would have to self-fund, which Trump can do. But loyalty oaths/pledges are used all the time. It's usually done on voters or campaign event attendees as in 2004, 2008 and 2012. But when conventions mattered they tried, in both parties many times, to impose party loyalty oaths. Most famously in 1880:
The next morning, Conkling then submitted a resolution that bound every delegate in the hall to support the party's nominee. Conkling said that "no man should hold his seat here who is not ready so to agree." A voice vote was called, and the resolution received nearly unanimous delegate support. However, about a dozen or so delegates answered "no". Conkling was shocked. He asked, "[who] at a Republican convention would vote 'no' on such a resolution?" He then demanded a roll call to identify the dissenters. Most of the dissenters chose not to declare their disagreement in front of the thousands of spectators at the "Glass Palace". Only three delegates, all from West Virginia, voted "no" to the resolution, and were showered with a "storm of hisses." Conkling then issued another resolution to strip the three West Virginians of their votes and squash their voices at the convention. The West Virginians revolted against Conkling's resolution, and heavily criticized him for his motion. James Garfield, who was sitting at the Ohio delegation, stood up and tried to settle the matter. He stated that the convention would be making a big mistake if they approved Conkling's motion, and he asked the delegates for their time in order to state his case. Garfield argued that the three West Virginians should not "be disenfranchised because they thought it was not the time to make such an expression [about a candidate]." He stated that "there never can be a convention...that shall bind my vote against my will on any question whatever." Garfield had won the crowd over with his speech. Conkling did not particularly enjoy the situation. He scribbled a note to Garfield which read, "New York requests that Ohio's real candidate and dark horse come forward...R.C."
I went to a candidate discussion forum tonight put on by the local Young Democrats. There was free pizza so a lot of people came.

It was an absolute, uncomfortable disaster. Three Bernie Sanders people came and hijacked the event, and the group's leaders who put on the discussion were too weak to stop them. They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first. Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them. Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.

Yeah, his Stans are annoying.


I went to a candidate discussion forum tonight put on by the local Young Democrats. There was free pizza so a lot of people came.

It was an absolute, uncomfortable disaster. Three Bernie Sanders people came and hijacked the event, and the group's leaders who put on the discussion were too weak to stop them. They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first. Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them. Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.

Well I guess the internet is not a hoax after all. Any Hillary people by chance?


Actually, let's break this down.
They blocked the doors, interrupted every minute to tell how much Bernie was on every issue, took the pizza and pepsi and wouldn't give it to anyone unless they talked to them first.
Seized the means of production.
Halfway in they just moved to the front of the room and took over the event trying to get everyone involved with helping them.
Established the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Then everyone started leaving with the group's President apologizing as they left.
The state withered away.


If 15 out of 16 candidates sign the pledge and Trump being the odd man out, it will allow other candidates to question his loyalty ("Why won't he sign the pledge???") and essentially try to ensnare him. This is just a triangulation effort by the RNC to put a dent on Trump's campaign by generating talking points against him.

This RNC gambit is dangerously close to the sun. Trump will bolt out the door as soon as RNC stops stroking his ego. If Trump decides to run a 3rd party bid, we all know the outcome of that.

They could do the same thing now. I mean literally you could just rewrite that sentence:

"9 out of 10 of the candidates said they would sign the pledge at the debate, and Trump was the odd man out."

How will it allow other candidates to question his loyalty any more than they already can?

This sounds more like they're panicking and actually want him to sign something. "Like for real Trump. Please sign. Please? Please...."


Well I guess the internet is not a hoax after all. Any Hillary people by chance?

Yes, one poor girl, a badly outmatched one, was trying to get some help with organizing for her.

Was there a Bernie supporter telling them they were pitiful, isolated individuals on the way out?

There wasn't. These Sanders supporters were "professional sit-ins" as they called themselves, not local people. Justice for Palestine was their main cause. They seemed very used to the disdain they were getting and pretty skilled at shouting down everyone with a big, boisterous voice.


Actually, let's break this down.

Seized the means of production.

Established the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The state withered away.

I'd want you (and Coriolanus) doing John Madden-style pause-n-play telestrator commentary during the political conventions & debates. I bet it'd be a hoot!


We were wondering when/if/how Trump would handle Carson, right? Here's our first teeny tiny clue.
Donald Trump On Ben Carson: Doctors Don’t Create Jobs

Donald Trump says he has great affection for Ben Carson, but he’s not so sure Carson has the right experience to be president.

The billionaire businessman and Republican presidential frontrunner explained why in an extensive interview with The Daily Caller that covered a wide array of subjects. The interview will be published in sections over the coming days.

A Monmouth University poll of Iowa released Monday showed Trump tied with Carson for first place — though Trump is quick to note that it was just one poll and that he leads the field, including Carson, in all the other recent polls.

But despite the rising threat of Carson in Iowa, Trump has not yet attacked the world-renowned neurosurgeon. Asked by TheDC whether being a doctor provides the necessary experience to be president, Trump said while Carson is “a wonderful guy,” he thinks it would be “very tough” for someone who spent his life as a surgeon to handle the job.

“I think it’s a very difficult situation that he’d be placed in,” Trump elaborated. “He’s really a friend of mine, I just think it’s a very difficult situation that he puts himself into, to have a doctor who wasn’t creating jobs and would have a nurse or maybe two nurses. It’s such a different world. I’ve created tens of thousands of jobs over the years.”

For Trump, that's a pretty gentle knock.


“This is the candidate America deserves,” said Jeff DeFlavio, 29, a small-business owner registered as an independent in the nearby town of Lebanon. He said he plans to vote for Trump in the primary, but adds, “His immigration policy is disgusting to me. It’s absolutely revolting … I really don’t want him to become president ever. Ever. He would destroy the world, which is what’s so wonderful about him.”

DeFlavio said he has enjoyed watching Trump exploit a presidential-selection process that rewards celebrity more than substance. “There is this kind of wonderful irony in it, which I feel myself wanting to partake in,” he said.

These Trump voters come from both ends of the political spectrum and from nowhere on it. Their motivations differ. But they are united by both antipathy and a lack of regard for the man they say has their vote.


Packer said the most committed of these Trump supporters he knows is a student in California. “He’s really into this one French philosopher [Jean] Baudrillard,” said Packer, explaining that the student plans to vote for Trump to validate Baudrillard’s idea that image has become indistinguishable from reality. “This kid is so left he’s not voting for Bernie [Sanders] because of Palestine,” Packer added, referencing the Vermont senator’s record of pro-Israel stances.

A former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server tried this week to fend off a subpoena to testify before Congress, saying he would assert his constitutional right not to answer questions to avoid incriminating himself.

The move by Bryan Pagliano, who had worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009, came in a Monday letter from his lawyer to the House panel investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

The letter cited the ongoing FBI inquiry into the security of Clinton’s e-mail system, and it quoted a Supreme Court ruling in which justices described the Fifth Amendment as protecting “innocent men . . . ‘who otherwise might be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances.’ ”
I actually believe it's extremely improper, and I'd argue that the continued existence of the Benghazi committee itself is far more corrupt than anything Clinton is accused of doing. Taxpayers are essentially funding a perpetual GOP presidential campaign arm.

I wish it were possible to get a court order to shut the whole thing down.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump is gently slamming Carson. Hilarious.


Wake up sheeple, the Clinton machine has all these pollsters in their pocket. If you unskewed the polls the real state of the race would be more evident. Just look at the crowds.

Have you seen the crowds???


If the trend in the aggregate since April holds, the final Iowa result will be:
Bernie: 46%
Clinton: 34%
Biden: 16%

And since trends continue until they stop, I think Bernie has got this one all wrapped up.



This is me so bad. I have a terrible nihilistic streak that's difficult to suppress, no one enjoys a shit show or quite thrives under one like me. I genuinely miss the depths of the Great Recession and soaking in the misery at the $5 KFC buffet. Bad times focus the mind.

I have extensive plans if Trump gets elected with a Republican Congress. After he legalizes gambling nationwide I'm opening up a series of luxurious Thai casinos designed upon and named after famous naughty Thai cities, "Pattaya", "Phuket", "Bangkok". Once I have my fortune I'm going to take control of the underworld by starting a crime syndicate named the 'Africans', the leader (me) wears a lion necklace, with my talented lieutenants wearing jackal necklaces. If America is going to become like alternate 1985 in Back to the Future II then I'm going to rule it from the 27th floor of Bangkok Tower. The way I see it at the casino tables or the back rooms everyone is entitled to a happy ending in Trump's America.


Kills Photobucket
How does the Benghazi panel have authority to investigate the email server?

She's said she used the server for all her email. I imagine that makes it fair game.

I don't expect there to be a smoking gun on Benghazi, but I do think she probably sent/received classified data on it. She's clearly lying and I think it's incredibly likely she used it to avoid any oversight. If Clinton isn't lying, she never received a single classified email while Secretary of State. I have no problem with this continuing to be brought up and ruining her campaign.


This is me so bad. I have a terrible nihilistic streak that's difficult to suppress, no one enjoys a shit show or quite thrives under one like me.
As much as it appeals to me, I'll probably just wind up voting for Rand if he's still around. (Or Joe. Or Bernie.)

Okay, I probably won't actually vote at all, but in theory if I were to vote.


She's said she used the server for all her email. I imagine that makes it fair game.

I don't expect there to be a smoking gun on Benghazi, but I do think she probably sent/received classified data on it. She's clearly lying and I think it's incredibly likely she used it to avoid any oversight. If Clinton isn't lying, she never received a single classified email while Secretary of State. I have no problem with this continuing to be brought up and ruining her campaign.

This panel is nothing but a witch hunt and is exploiting the lives that were lost in Benghazi. As for the emails? lol


Jim Webb should go scorched earth in the first debate and ask Hillary if she made sure to delete the e-mails that contained evidence of her agreeing to cover up the Benghazi crimes for the White House.

Or if they did that all in person so it wouldn't be recorded.


If Clinton isn't lying, she never received a single classified email while Secretary of State.

Well, yes, right.

See, the thing about classified information is that it's supposed to be kept secret. That's why it's called classified, because it's been placed in a class of documents with special control restrictions.

One of those special control restrictions is, you know, that you shouldn't put classified information in emails.

So it would not be surprising to learn that Clinton did not receive emails containing classified information, because that would be a pretty dumb thing to do from a security standpoint.


Republican presidential candidate and current Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was asked by a member of the work/family policy organization Make It Work about paid family leave at the Iowa State Fair. In response, he said that while he values paid leave, he doesn’t support any requirement that companies actually offer it to workers.

“I think maternity leave and paternity leave are wonderful things. I support them personally,” he said in remarks released in video on Friday. “But I don’t think the federal government should be in the business of mandating them.”

Yet without a mandate, more than 70 percent of employers offer no paid maternity leave and more than 80 percent don’t offer paid paternity leave. That leaves 88 percent of the workforce without paid family leave if they have a new child.

Would be one of the first things on the chopping block of employee benefits by certain companies if not mandated by the federal government, I am sure.

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