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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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6 Hours remaining

Put me down for the great Donald J. Trump!

I think in the end, Rubio will surge as the top establishment candidate but Jeb's money and durability will split the vote in the key South Carolina primary. Rubio will lose and never recover.



They rode "you didn't build that" all the way to the election. Good luck with that, buddy.

President Obama passionately pleaded for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of yet another mass shooting Thursday. Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and others renewed their calls for stricter gun control measures.

But it's the more liberal Sanders who could find himself having to uncomfortably explain his past positions on gun control. Even though the progressive socialist is to the left of Clinton and his other primary competitors on nearly every issue, he's walked a delicate line as a lawmaker from Vermont, where 2nd Amendment rights are popular.

Sanders has had a mixed voting record on guns. He voted in favor of the 2013 universal background check bill and assault-weapons ban following the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre, and he's backed ending the so-called "gun-show loophole."

He has also voted to allow guns on Amtrak, against the Brady Bill and against legislation that would have allowed lawsuits against gun companies. In fact, the NRA even helped Sanders win his first race for Congress.

In June, just after the race-motivated shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., Sanders continued to sound a more muted tone on gun control reform than many of his Democratic colleagues were calling for.

"I think guns and gun control is an issue that needs to be discussed," Sanders said in an interview with NPR's David Greene. "Let me add to that, I think that urban America has got to respect what rural America is about, where 99 percent of the people in my state who hunt are law-abiding people."

The Last Thing Bernie Sanders Needs Right Now Is A Conversation About Guns


CNBC has announced the polling qualifications for the Republican primary debate it will host on October 28 in Colorado, and the network’s criteria could leave Rand Paul listening to the sound of his own voice during the “undercard” portion of the evening’s events.

Candidates will have to reach an average of 3 per cent support in polls released between Sept. 17 and Oct. 21 in order to qualify for the main event at 8:00 p.m. A 2.5 per cent average will be rounded up to 3, CNBC said Wednesday.

Those with at least 1 per cent will be invited to an earlier debate at 6:00 p.m.

The rules leave open the possibility that Paul, a Senator from Kentucky, could be alone on stage for what columnists have taken to calling the ‘kids table’ portion of the evening.

Paul is the only candidate averaging between 1 and 2.5 per cent in the six national polls released since Sept. 17, according to a running total maintained by Real Clear Politics.

His average sits at 2.3 per cent as of Wednesday afternoon.
pls print


Adrian Wyllie, chairman of Florida’s Libertarian Party, resigned his post Thursday to protest the party’s U.S. Senate candidate, accusing the rival of supporting eugenics and for being expelled from a cult group for “sadistically dismembering a goat in a ritualistic sacrifice.”

The Senate candidate, who goes by the adopted name Augustus Sol Invictus, counter-accused Wyllie of spreading “half-truths and lies” for political gain.

The dispute between the two has brewed for months, but finally came to a head after Wyllie was unable to persuade the Libertarian Party of Florida’s executive committee to publicly disavow Invictus, an adopted name that means something like “Invincible Sun Emperor.”

“I’m not making this up. It’s crazy, I know,” Wyllie, a Palm Harbor businessman who ran for governor in 2014 and received 3.8 percent of the vote, told POLITICO after announcing his resignation and levelling his accusations against Invictus in a Facebook post. “I resigned to draw attention to this, as a protest. I did this as a pre-emptive strike. I don’t want anyone to think this guy represents Libertarians. He doesn’t. Under the law, we can’t keep him from the ballot.”


Invictus, 32, is an adherent of a religion called Thelema, established in the early 1900s by occultist Aleister Crowley. Invictus was expelled from the religion’s fraternal organization, Ordo Templi Orientis, but denies Wyllie’s specific claim about dismembering a goat.

“I have never dismembered a goat in my life. I have performed animal sacrifices as part of my religion,” Invictus said. “I was expelled from the order for political reasons. And animal sacrifice was part of it. But that is a deliberate misrepresentation by Wyllie.”
I'm not a witch, I'm you.
And this right here is why I am so not on Bernie. It's also why he's going to have a hard time winning over minority voters. Gun control is a big issue in the big cities.

Bernie is the only candidate who can bring about the revolution to change congress to get any change to gun laws enacted.
And this right here is why I am so not on Bernie. It's also why he's going to have a hard time winning over minority voters. Gun control is a big issue in the big cities.

The same could be said about all the troubling laws Clinton voted for or instigated during her tenure in the Senate. Is not like Sanders havent "softed" his position on gun control.

I feel like I want to switch my vote to Rubio but...no, the Trumpening cannot be stopped, so I am sticking with The Donald.


No Scrubs
Bernie is the only candidate who can bring about the revolution to change congress to get any change to gun laws enacted.

I know you can't see me so I'll tell you straight up, I just rolled my eyes.

The same could be said about all the troubling laws Clinton voted for or instigated during her tenure in the Senate. Is not like Sanders havent "softed" his position on gun control.

I feel like I want to switch my vote to Rubio but...no, the Trumpening cannot be stopped, so I am sticking with The Donald.

Sorry, but everyone has that issue and gun control is it for me.


I know you can't see me so I'll tell you straight up, I just rolled my eyes.

Sorry, but everyone has that issue and gun control is it for me.

I can't see many Democrats supporting Hillary over Bernie due to gun control but maybe I am wrong about that. I kinda expected economics to trump all else for some of his supporters.

Bernie is the only candidate who can bring about the revolution to change congress to get any change to gun laws enacted.

If you believe hard enough he will get there.


No Scrubs
I can't see many Democrats supporting Hillary over Bernie due to gun control but maybe I am wrong about that. I kinda expected economics to trump all else for some of his supporters.

For Bernie's supporters sure, I can see the economics trumping all but you never know. It might just well make winning over minority voters that much harder for him.


Unconfirmed Member
Still feeling good about Kasich.

When December comes and Trump's still ahead of Rubio, after Rubio's been under fire for a lot of dumb things he's said, everyone's gonna start hitting the panic button on Rubio, and only Kasich will be left to take the reigns.


No Scrubs
Still feeling good about Kasich.

When December comes and Trump's still ahead of Rubio, who's been under fire for a lot of dumb things he's said, everyone's gonna start hitting the panic button on Rubio, and only Kasich will be left to take the reigns.

This assumes Kasich will survive that long.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Kasich is the best choice for the GOP...so naturally it is going to be Rubio.

Trump will make it to the primaries, but Rubio will garner more support despite being totally unelectable (as are all current GOP candidates, although Trump without his foot in his mouth sounds borderline reasonable sometimes, he can't win, either)

Here's betting on Rubio/Kasich ticket. Put all your eggs in the two most important swing states, GOP, come on, do it. lol


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Rubio and Kasich on a faux moderate ticket would be pretty scary.

Kasich talks the talk unless someone mentions Planned Parenthood. He sounds like Huntsman of the last election cycle. If the GOP electorate weren't deluded into thinking the general populace wants a racist, misogynist, evangelist, they would be pushing hardcore for someone who has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the general election.

Instead, it will probably be the most right-wing conservative possible (Carly and Cruz come to mind).
I think people are overestimating democrats in 2016. Rubio can best Hillary if things fall his way. I don't see Hillary dominating him among Hispanic voters. He could win just enough to swing a state like Colorado.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I think people are overestimating democrats in 2016. Rubio can best Hillary if things fall his way. I don't see Hillary dominating him among Hispanic voters. He could win just enough to swing a state like Colorado.

PD, stop dude. Tell me in what world does Hillary lose to Rubio? What kind of scandal will she have to not make this a bigger blowout than the past 2 elections?
I think people are overestimating democrats in 2016. Rubio can best Hillary if things fall his way. I don't see Hillary dominating him among Hispanic voters. He could win just enough to swing a state like Colorado.


Whatever you're smokin', pass that shit over here RIGHT NOW!!
I'm sticking with Cruz. Goldwater redux.

AB: Hillary is a bad campaigner, her numbers are bad, and she'd look terrible on a stage with young dashing Rubio. It would be 2008 all over again as grandma Chillary tells everyone for the 138849th time that she's a grandma and doesn't know how to use a wireless printer.

Obviously Rubio isn't a sure win. Like I said he needs a perfect storm to win, in terms of an economic downturn and increased global insecurity.
To be fair general election polling so far shows Rubio beating Hillary rather consistently no?

I think Hillary would win, but it will be a 2004 like close election.

Absolutely not


Listen, individual polls are nice and all, but in order to do the kind of predictive analyses that you're talking about, you need a good statistical model based on comprehensive data. I've provided such a model above.

The Huffpost Model estimates that the probability that Clinton leads Rubio is 99%.

Not in the seven blue hells will Rubio defeat Hillary. It's not happening.
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