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I really am getting tired from hearing from the likes of Fuckabee and Carson turning the Oregon shooting into a religious debate and completely mouthing off against Obama calling him out for politicizing these events.

Just glad that we won't have to hear much from Fuckabee in a while because he won't last much longer in this primary.


Anyone see that poll that shows Carson +7? Obviously an outlier but still gonna give the media something to milk.

And you know all of Trump's voters are going straight to Carson once he drops out. Now all he has to do is drop out...

Edited: I was looking at the wrong numbers. +7 is probably too good to be true :(
aaron and I look forward to seeing the cruz folks sink to the sea floor with us. Well i assume he does, i am just speaking for myself.
A beautiful wife and kids, and the comforting knowledge that he did what he thought was right for the state of louisiana
If ted cruz becomes a supreme court justice one day i will suck all the dicks available. And then leave the country

If i were in a betting mood i'd be relatively confident that biden declines to run. It's clear he's thinking about it.


Joe Biden could decide presidential run in the next week
Vice President Joe Biden is nearing a decision on whether to run for president, and it could come as early as within the next seven to 10 days, according to three people familiar with his deliberations.

Two of those people said he is leaning toward entering the race. Still, they caution that family considerations remain the overriding concern and would be the reason he doesn't run. His wife, Dr. Jill Biden, has said that should the vice president launch a bid for the Oval Office, "of course" she would "be on board."

Even if Biden decides to seek the Democratic nomination before the party's first debate on Oct. 13, he likely would not participate, sources told CBS News.

They said he'd need time - perhaps a couple of weeks - to put together the foundations of a campaign and raise money looking ahead to several ballot deadlines. States like New Hampshire, Texas and Florida have deadlines beginning in November.


One source said that by the second half of October, Biden will have definitely made up his mind.

"He's super gonna do it, for real."
Like your Governors and senators are any better. :)

If anyone wants to avatar bet with me, I'm willing to bet that Joe declines to run.
You can do that now. But yeah, you'd probably have to leave once he declares all dick-sucking unconstitutional.
Right now he's just a nuisance. If he reaches the level of sc justice he'd be a national nuisance. Scalia is humorous at least
I think so too.
But then again, what if he's thinking about emailghazi weighing her down, and how nobody really likes her that much, and how he could be the only viable establishment not socialist democrat in the race.
It's not a safe bet for me to make but that's the excitement of it.


If ted cruz becomes a supreme court justice one day i will suck all the dicks available. And then leave the country

You can do that now. But yeah, you'd probably have to leave once he declares all dick-sucking unconstitutional.

If i were in a betting mood i'd be relatively confident that biden declines to run. It's clear he's thinking about it.

I think so too.


I think Biden knows that while he'd be able to raise enough money, he can't catch-up in building the type of campaign infrastructure that'd be necessary to be competitive.
Seems like an outlier for now. Trump's position in other polling isn't as commanding as its been in the past but still firm. I'll have to wait to see if any other polls confirm it before drawing any broader conclusion.

Um, though... Ryan? Are they including Paul Ryan? Or is that a slip and they meant to put Paul?
Why is Joe waiting so late to jump in? The only excuse I heard is that in case Hillary implode or something, but sources don't have to beat around the bush .


Why is Joe waiting so late to jump in? The only excuse I heard is that in case Hillary implode or something, but sources don't have to beat around the bush .

He's polling pretty well already. And apparently he's not too interested in jumping into that first debate.


I think Biden knows that while he'd be able to raise enough money, he can't catch-up in building the type of campaign infrastructure that'd be necessary to be competitive.

His advisers seems to think otherwise. Biden and Hillary are identical on most positions.
Trump: Most Refugees Are Men, Why Are They Not Defending Their Country?

Trump, speaking from a campaign rally in Tennessee, addressed President Obama's plan to allow Syrian refugees into the U.S.
"I'm looking the other day and other people have noticed this too. And they're all men. It's like, where are the women? Now, Not all, but they're mostly men. Right? And they're also very strong men," Trump said. "These are not people. The first thing I said is, 'these are men strong, strong men. Why are they not back fighting for their country?'"

"If you look at a random sampling, you'll see tremendous numbers of young, strong men," he continued. "So, I don't want to say that it's for sure. And probably it's not. That could be ISIS. That could be the enemy."
Seems like an outlier for now. Trump's position in other polling isn't as commanding as its been in the past but still firm. I'll have to wait to see if any other polls confirm it before drawing any broader conclusion.

Um, though... Ryan? Are they including Paul Ryan? Or is that a slip and they meant to put Paul?

you beat me to it. That doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence that this isn't just a shoddily run poll.

A beautiful wife and kids, and the comforting knowledge that he did what he thought was right for the state of louisiana
If ted cruz becomes a supreme court justice one day i will suck all the dicks available. And then leave the country

If i were in a betting mood i'd be relatively confident that biden declines to run. It's clear he's thinking about it.

I'd say the same. A lot of the "will biden run" discussion completely glosses over the man's age. If he ran and won he'd be 74 when being sworn in, and eighty-fucking-two if completing two full terms. if he did run the chances he'd die in office are astronomical. Let him leave office and enjoy retirement. he's earned it.


you beat me to it. That doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence that this isn't just a shoddily run poll.

I'd say the same. A lot of the "will biden run" discussion completely glosses over the man's age. If he ran and won he'd be 74 when being sworn in, and eighty-fucking-two if completing two full terms. if he did run the chances he'd die in office are astronomical. Let him leave office and enjoy retirement. he's earned it.

McCain and Grassly are 86 and 88 if they win/complete another term.


Why is Joe waiting so late to jump in? The only excuse I heard is that in case Hillary implode or something, but sources don't have to beat around the bush .

he's probably angling for a position in the next administration by keeping his name in the picture. whether it be for SoS, VP, or whatever. usually that's why candidates jump in the race when their chances aren't too favorable (worked for joe last time, he probably wouldn't be VP without entering the 2008 race)

given his situation he can do that without actually entering the race. that isn't to say he genuinely hasn't been considering it to some degree though


he's probably angling for a position in the next administration. whether it be for SoS, VP, or whatever. usually that's why candidates jump in the race when their chances aren't good (worked for joe last time, probably wouldn't be VP without entering the 2008 race)

given his situation he can do that without actually entering the race. that isn't to say he genuinely hasn't been considering it to some degree though

I think he'd probably just retire if he's not running again. Write that memoir and chill in the northeast.


No Scrubs
he's probably angling for a position in the next administration by keeping his name in the picture. whether it be for SoS, VP, or whatever. usually that's why candidates jump in the race when their chances aren't too favorable (worked for joe last time, he probably wouldn't be VP without entering the 2008 race)

given his situation he can do that without actually entering the race. that isn't to say he genuinely hasn't been considering it to some degree though

No way dude, if he wanted a roll he'd just ask for it behind the scenes. If he jumps in then he wants the top job. If he's really going to run he's probably trying to ride the hype wave to it's peak so he gets the most out of it--and the 5-10 point bump he's going to see by announcing.
I'd say the same. A lot of the "will biden run" discussion completely glosses over the man's age. If he ran and won he'd be 74 when being sworn in, and eighty-fucking-two if completing two full terms. if he did run the chances he'd die in office are astronomical. Let him leave office and enjoy retirement. he's earned it.

Citation needed.

Life expectancy goes up all the time. Dude remains (apparently) lucid af. Unless he has a history of health problems, i've no idea why one would think that.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Not only that, but he appears extremely healthy from a physical aspect. The older you are, the longer out your life expectancy... Weird, right? :p



I picked Ben Carson first, who will snooze himself into the Presidency. Carson would be at zero if Trump didn't run.
Nobody's really gone after him, except Trump calling him an "okay doctor." The attacks are coming if he pulls away from the pack. I don't know if he'll survive as well as Trump.
McCain and Grassly are 86 and 88 if they win/complete another term.
I doubt the Senate is nearly as stressful as being the president. On the other hand

Citation needed.

Life expectancy goes up all the time. Dude remains (apparently) lucid af. Unless he has a history of health problems, i've no idea why one would think that.
I agree with this - there's no indication that Biden isn't doing well and he'd have access to the best medical care in the world.

I picked Ben Carson first, who will snooze himself into the Presidency. Carson would be at zero if Trump didn't run.
Someone said that whenever carson talks publicly he sounds like he's speaking from another plane of existence and only briefly cares about this one. That always makes me grin when i remember it


Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary Bernie Sanders
How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year.

Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without the right to vote—may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal immigrants and other noncitizens here legally may enable them to swing the election from Republicans to Democrats


This is why counting illegal immigrants and noncitizens significantly reduces the chances of the GOP winning the presidency. Given Obama’s winning margins last time in Florida, Ohio and Virginia, a GOP path to winning 27 states is credible at this point in the presidential cycle. But due to the Electoral College math, this only gives Republican’s 266 electoral votes, not 270.

We understand counting illegal immigrants and noncitizens in the census. Accurate population counts are essential to sound decision-making. Census numbers are used to allocate governmental resources. But we fail to find any persuasive reason to allow the presence of illegal immigrants, unlawfully in the country, or noncitizens generally, to play such a potentially crucial role in picking a President. Choosing a nation’s leader should be a privilege reserved for her citizens.


If the United States elected its chief executive as it is done in Mexico—direct election by those citizens eligible to vote—then the inclusion of noncitizens in the census wouldn’t result in any impact on the presidential winner. In Mexico, a U.S. non-citizen illegally or legally in the country isn’t counted in the presidential election math. Any other result would create an uproar among Mexican citizens. And rightly so. If counting illegal immigrants and noncitizens in the Electoral College decides the presidency next year here in America, there would rightly be an uproar on this side of the border as well.
Is there any evidence that illegal immigrants vote in any significant number? Article didn't seem to link any.

Granted I only read the first paragraph but I don't think the point is about them voting. It's about them inflating state populations, thus increasing Electoral College tallies. Pretty good troll article IMO.
Granted I only read the first paragraph but I don't think the point is about them voting. It's about them inflating state populations, thus increasing Electoral College tallies. Pretty good troll article IMO.

Indeed. It's just odd when, y'know, the solution mentioned in the final paragraph
If the United States elected its chief executive as it is done in Mexico—direct election by those citizens eligible to vote—then the inclusion of noncitizens in the census wouldn’t result in any impact on the presidential winner.
would also kinda destroy them.


Already prepping the narrative to show that Democrats won the election illegally, I see. Shit's only going to get worse next cycle, isn't it.

As Republicans continue to lose during the general elections, yes. They are going to get even more desperate in their tactics and rhetoric about the Democratic party stealing elections and voter fraud.


I have a feeling with the recent bombing of the Doctors without Borders facilities, that the right is going to rail against Obama hard for his use of drones. Even though they don't give two shits about what happens to brown people in the middle east.
I have a feeling with the recent bombing of the Doctors without Borders facilities, that the right is going to rail against Obama hard for his use of drones. Even though they don't give two shits about what happens to brown people in the middle east.

Unlikely. They didn't when he bombed a wedding. Nor when he murdered an american child. Why start now?
As Republicans continue to lose during the general elections, yes. They are going to get even more desperate in their tactics and rhetoric about the Democratic party stealing elections and voter fraud.


I have a feeling with the recent bombing of the Doctors without Borders facilities, that the right is going to rail against Obama hard for his use of drones. Even though they don't give two shits about what happens to brown people in the middle east.

Nah, the far-right was praising this bombing run two days ago and they've said nothing about the attacks today.
So if Biden gets in the race are you guys doing picks? Could do it without him but most of you think Clinton will win from what Ive seen. Either way I'm saying Bernie wins. Would be interesting to see how many of you thinking Hillary will win jump ship to thinking Joe wins.
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