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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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No Scrubs



And apparently Jason Chaffetz might be jumping in to the House Speaker race. Whee!

Another loon. Please don't go Boehner, I promise I'll stop calling you Orange-kun and pronouncing your name Boner.

OK, I don't promise but I'll try to do it less.

OK, I'm totally still going to do it but still, I'm begging you please don't leave us with those nutbags.
You seriously think Clinton can run on foreign policy? Her SoS tenure was largely a mirage, and since then the world has fallen apart. Republicans have the advantage on foreign policy.

Rubio can attempt to make her a candidate of a past era but he'd need outside help, specifically more international turmoil and an economic downturn. Russia's actions in Syria and today's weak jobs report suggest that this could come to fruition.

We wouldn't be in this situation if not for the complete dismantling of the democrat party under Obama. Hillary is a weak candidate who could clearly be beaten by a talented governor. But that candidate doesn't exist, nor is the "bench" adequate after 7-8 years of democrats taking losses with no accomplishments to take to voters.

The world was doing fine when she left, and embassies or consulates have been attacked under every administration. Hillary will win this debate easily. When it comes down to it, Rubio's policy prescription of military intervention everywhere isn't going to resonate with most voters. If Syria is still in a state of civil war a year from now, you think you're going to sell the American public on another land war?


Unconfirmed Member



And apparently Jason Chaffetz might be jumping in to the House Speaker race. Whee!
Did his impressive usage of misleading charts bump up his profile among republicans?
Lizza asked Bush later if he made a mistake. "No, it wasn't a mistake. Things happen all the time - things - is that better?"
Holy shit.

Last chance to get on Trump yacht boys

Edit: Obama reacted to Jeb's comments. This is gonna blow up very soon. I'm willing to bet the donors are talking to Marco people right about now.


No Scrubs

Holy shit.

Last chance to get on Trump yacht boys

It's the biggest, classiest, most luxurious yacht in the world. It's huge, there's enough room for everyone--except the Mexicans because they're rapists and murders, and some, I assume, are good people, but they still can't come because this yacht is super exclusive and gold plated with all the finest caviars you could imagine.
It's the biggest, classiest, most luxurious yacht in the world. It's huge, there's enough room for everyone--except the Mexicans because they're rapists and murders, and some, I assume, are good people, but they still can't come because this yacht is super exclusive and gold plated with all the finest caviars you could imagine.
yes yes YES


Erick Erickson is such a gaping twat.

But the president did not politicize the shooting in Virginia when it was a black, gay man who killed the reporters.

The president did not politicize the shooting in Chattanooga when it was a Muslim radical who did the shooting.

The president did not politicize the shooting of the Muslim family in North Carolina when it turned out the shooter was a gay-rights supporting atheist Obama voter. No, he and the political left ran from those stories as quickly as possible. “Look over there!!!” the media demanded. “Look at this story,” they declared as soon as the shooter did not mean the demographics that allowed them to press for gun control or talk about racism.

They moved on from those stories as quickly as they moved on from the story of the gunman at the Discovery Channel offices who was killing liberals for not doing enough to stop global warming.

They moved on from those stories as quickly as they moved on from the gunman at the Family Research Council who was a gay rights activist intent on killing Christians.

Before the identity of the shooter was public this time, however, the president rushed as quickly as possible to make the case for gun control. He wanted to get out the gun control story as quickly as possible, just in case the facts became inconvenient to his politics and the left had to again move on quickly.

What is so outrageous is that this time the president decided to politicize the situation after we already knew that the shooter had demanded the victims declare their religion before gunning them down. But the president never mentioned that. He never mentioned religious tolerance.

I mean, the basic idea that "doing nothing is something the best idea" would be a relatively good foreign policy idea for the GOP so at least there's that.

Jesus fucking Christ and you think Jeb Bush can't say anything more retarded.

Could we cut out using "retarded" please?

It's the biggest, classiest, most luxurious yacht in the world. It's huge, there's enough room for everyone--except the Mexicans because they're rapists and murders, and some, I assume, are good people, but they still can't come because this yacht is super exclusive and gold plated with all the finest caviars you could imagine.

There's no room for the Syrian refugees either.
Well I was gonna go with bush in NeoChaos' contest thingy, but after this latest gaffe I just can't believe there's enough money to sustain him til the primaries.

Put me down for water boy.
Well I was gonna go with bush in NeoChaos' contest thingy, but after this latest gaffe I just can't believe there's enough money to sustain him til the primaries.

Put me down for water boy.

One of the only things I like about Trump is that he does use cheap, message board taunts against his political opponents with how much he's criticizing Rubio for constantly needing water.
Criticizing Jeb for that remark is pretty cheap. He probably should have said "tragedies happen", but it's clear what his point was.

I don't think it matters to people.

If he was smart enough he would have said it another way. After all the missteps he said; he still said something crazy...again. At this point he should know better; I'm starting to think his brother might be the smart one.
I always love when gun nuts/conservatives bring up Chicago every time there's a mass shooting. Like they even give a fuck about Chicago.

Obama is from there. So I guess there's maybe an element of physician, heal thyself in there.

Republicans care about Chicago, DC, and New York because they can show them as examples of what happens when you have gun control. "If we ban guns in America, every town will look like Chicago."

Since Obama is from Chicago, where he supports the gun ban, and thus wants to ban guns throughout the country.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Job report sucked. Particularly the revisions.

Guess the job creators finally realized Obama raised taxes on them nearly 3 years ago.

Also, the Jeb report ain't doing too hot either lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump kinda said the same thing that Bush said.

"First of all, you have very strong laws on the books, but you're always going to have problems. We have millions and millions of people, we have millions and millions of sick people all over the world. It can happen all over the world and it does happen all over the world, by the way. But this is sort of unique to this country, the school shootings. And you're going to have difficulty no matter what," Trump said in a telephone interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

It will "probably" come out, Trump predicted that the shooter was like others who have committed similar acts in that "they were loners and they were probably sick."

"You know, oftentimes this happens and the neighborhood says, you know, we sort of saw that about him, and it really looked like he could be a problem. But it's awfully hard to put somebody in an institution for the rest of their life based on the fact that he looks like he could be a problem. So it is a terrible situation. It's huge mental illness. You're going to have things happen, and it's a horrible thing to behold," he added. "Horrible."

Adding that it's not "politically correct to say" that people will slip through the cracks of the mental-health system, Trump said there will always be difficulty, "and that would be for the next million years ... people are going to slip through the cracks."

"Even if you did great mental health programs, people are going to slip through the cracks. I'm sure it's going to be found that this guy was probably, you know they seem to be loners, they have all sorts of difficulties, they call people and nobody wants to go out with them, you know, it's the same old story. But what are you going to do? Institutionalize everybody?" Trump asked. "You're going to have difficulties with many different things ... that's the way the world works, and that's the way the world has always worked."
Job report was fine all things considered. Both measures of consumer confidence that came out this week were surprisingly strong despite PD's constant insistence that everyone is suffering through their own great depression.
I'm kinda sad Jeb is flaming out so hard so fast.

Without that we're just giving Rubio or Kasich the establishment.

Jeb would have been so easy in the general
So much for Jeb's "on the offense" week. Lol

The fact is that it doesn't matter what he meant, unfortunately. He has been clarifying since start. He is just not cutout for primetime, simple as that. I almost feel sorry for him.
I remain confident that Trump will take it. I'll sodomize a chicken, live on periscope, if he doesn't gobble up that nomination.

You do you, brother.

On Jeb!: Yeah, he's done. No coming back from that. "Stuff happens," my god. It doesn't even matter what the context is, that's all anybody's gonna remember.
Jeb just doesn't deserve to be president.

There's that saying that goes "anyone that should be president doesn't want to, and anyone that wants to, shouldn't be." or something along those lines. Exceptions b mad rare and all. Goes for most elected positions.
Job report was fine all things considered. Both measures of consumer confidence that came out this week were surprisingly strong despite PD's constant insistence that everyone is suffering through their own great depression.

I don't like liberal snobbery and neither does the American public. Lots of people are struggling right now and the economy is tepidly good.

I'd imagine things will pick up during the holiday retail period, plus the lowered gas prices will help...but after that we'll be back to the sad reality of stagnating wages and a struggling middle class. I saw a poll a few days ago that showed that folks making 70k and up are feeling great about things, whereas those making <40k are feeling pretty bad.


There's that saying that goes "anyone that should be president doesn't want to, and anyone that wants to, shouldn't be." or something along those lines. Exceptions b mad rare and all. Goes for most elected positions.
Implicit in that saying might be that reluctant leaders haven't had their skeletons dragged out for display. I remember a lot of people wishing Jeb would jump into the 2012 primary to save everyone from Mitt. Now we get to see the real Jeb and it sucks.


No Scrubs
I saw a poll a few days ago that showed that folks making 70k and up are feeling great about things, whereas those making <40k are feeling pretty bad.

No shit, you'd probably get that same result during a boom. Being poor sucks Donkey balls, regardless of how the economy is doing.
I don't like liberal snobbery and neither does the American public. Lots of people are struggling right now and the economy is tepidly good.

I'd imagine things will pick up during the holiday retail period, plus the lowered gas prices will help...but after that we'll be back to the sad reality of stagnating wages and a struggling middle class. I saw a poll a few days ago that showed that folks making 70k and up are feeling great about things, whereas those making <40k are feeling pretty bad.

You know what doesn't help the economy? Negative sentiment. Part of the reason things got so bad in 2008 was because of the psychology of fear, panic, and negativity exasperated the situation.


Unconfirmed Member
Job report was fine all things considered. Both measures of consumer confidence that came out this week were surprisingly strong despite PD's constant insistence that everyone is suffering through their own great depression.

I wouldn't say that. We've had our rates at 0% for how long now? At some point we need to do better than just ok, but these numbers show that there is still no room for raising rates right now. They're only surprisingly strong if your expectation is to keep rates at 0% forever.

How much longer do we have to wait to raise the rates? Are we just never planning on raising rates ever again?

I wonder what would happen if the economy crashed again even with these low rates.
I wouldn't say that. We've had our rates at 0% for how long now? At some point we need to do better than just ok, but these numbers show that there is still no room for raising rates right now.

How much longer do we have to wait to raise the rates? Are we just never planning on raising rates ever again?

They will raise them soon, doesn't have anything to do with just one month numbers. It's big picture stuff.


Put me down for Trump. He is the embodiment of the current Republican party - while nominating Rubio would be more prudent, do you really think the Republicans so widely in support of the classiest, most luxurious wall will vote for "Amnesty Rubio"?


There's that saying that goes "anyone that should be president doesn't want to, and anyone that wants to, shouldn't be." or something along those lines. Exceptions b mad rare and all. Goes for most elected positions.

Ahh. The disinterestedness of republicanism. Too bad very few believe in or strive for that anymore.


Unconfirmed Member
They will raise them soon, doesn't have anything to do with just one month numbers. It's big picture stuff.

And the big picture stuff is what spooked them out of raising it last month. And we're not really getting much better news this month.
Man, i'm straight creepin' on artoo.

Ahh. The disinterestedness of republicanism. Too bad very few believe in or strive for that anymore.

When crowdfunding started getting popular, dan carlin did a whole segment on how maybe we were getting closer to a day where people could just pool money and give it to a candidate that can't be bothered with all the backroom deals and politicking required for one to become a viable candidate under the current model. Then people like university teachers, fulla culture and education could seek high office!

It's nice to want things.


Man, i'm straight creepin' on artoo.

When crowdfunding started getting popular, dan carlin did a whole segment on how maybe we were getting closer to a day where people could just pool money and give it to a candidate that can't be bothered with all the backroom deals and politicking required for one to become a viable candidate under the current model. Then people like university teachers, fulla culture and education could seek high office!

It's nice to want things.

Was it just a regular Hardcore History episode? Might just have to take a listen to that.
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