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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Fidel Castro enjoying the WWE last night.


Drudge got NBC's poll leaked to him:

TRUMP +5 IA...
TRUMP +5 NH...

Ipsos/Reuters has a new one too: http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=7011
Donald Trump continues to lead among Republicans, currently with 32% of Republican support (up from 30% last week).

Ben Carson remains in 2nd at 12% among Republicans. Carson has lost some ground in the latest poll.

Jeb Bush remains in 3rd with 10%.

Carly Fiorina has held her gains from after the Republican debate, currently at 8% among Republicans, but has made no more progress.

Hillary Clinton continues to lead among Democrats nationwide, with 46% of Dems. Sanders (25%) continues to run in second with Joe Biden in third (19%) among Democrats.


Sidhe / PikPok
Trump just tweeted this beauty:

Holy hell. I wonder if Rubio'll take the bait.

Rubio is going to have to address it because the media will ask him what he thinks of it. They keep doing that to everybody he takes shots at.

Amazing that Trump's high school (middle school?) style insults and jibes are what is dominating the commentary and the back and forth between candidates.

And, presumably, helping keep him out in front.

The only thing that seemingly seems to rise above the noise of that is when Bush makes another stupid remark.
Trump just tweeted this beauty:

Holy hell. I wonder if Rubio'll take the bait.
He wont. Rino Rube's campaign is playing it smart. They know that they should not attack Trump, lest they get a beatdown by him. Just focus on campaign, do your own thing, and be an inconspicious potted plant.


He wont. Rino Rube's campaign is playing it smart. They know that they should not attack Trump, lest they get a beatdown by him. Just focus on campaign, do your own thing, and be an inconspicious potted plant.
It was Rubio's staffer that punched Rand Paul's tho


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I've been really surprised at how well Trump's campaign has been run. Any time an establishment guy starts to rise, they take a shot at them and start to drive their numbers down. Did it to Walker, Jeb, and now Rubio.

I'm still puzzled as to why no shots at Carson. Perhaps they're counting on Carson to eventually fall and will want his supporters? He and Rubio are the only guys with a real shot to take down Trump at this point.


I didn't notice this until now, so I suppose if I'm late to the party I'm late.

[Vox] The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, explained.
The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act would reduce sentences of some current federal prisoners, and allow future prisoners to get shorter sentences. It's not the first bipartisan criminal justice reform bill to be introduced in Congress, but it's the first one with a clear path to passage in the Senate. That's thanks to an important ally: Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
The article summarizes the key points of the bill as
  • Reducing mandatory minimums
  • Killing the federal three-strikes law
  • New mandatory minimum sentences for domestic violence and 'export control'
  • Reducing the sentences of current prisoners
  • Removing disparity between drug sentences
  • And some things for juvenile and elderly prisoners
It's a start, and it miiiiight pass...

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
He wont. Rino Rube's campaign is playing it smart. They know that they should not attack Trump, lest they get a beatdown by him. Just focus on campaign, do your own thing, and be an inconspicious potted plant.

I thought conventional wisdom was that if you let attacks go unchallenged for too long it shapes public opinion. Isn't that why Jeb! started fighting back?


I didn't notice this until now, so I suppose if I'm late to the party I'm late.

[Vox] The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, explained.

The article summarizes the key points of the bill as
  • Reducing mandatory minimums
  • Killing the federal three-strikes law
  • New mandatory minimum sentences for domestic violence and 'export control'
  • Reducing the sentences of current prisoners
  • Removing disparity between drug sentences
  • And some things for juvenile and elderly prisoners
It's a start, and it miiiiight pass...

The article also says that even though the time of the mandatory sentences would be decreased, it would apply in more cases. I don't know how that works exactly. It also creates new mandatory minimums for domestic abusers.

It also doesn't address the issue of parole for federal prisoners.

It's beyond mild and even then I don't know why it would pass.


Kasich is finished if he can't even break the top 5 in New Hampshire.

I don't think he was ever a serious candidate. He just barely got into that first debate and much like Carly Fiorina, the media wants people to think that these candidates were doing better than they actually were.
Important detail left out of that Iowa poll: Bobby Jindal is polling at 6, tied with Marco Rubio. All you Rubio waterboys are looking pretty silly right now. #piyushcomestoshove

How is the GOP currently hostile to vegetarians?
Think of the average asshole who walks around saying "Lol, VEGETARIANS? I'm gonna eat three times as much meat to make up for the meat they're not eating!"

Then guess what party they identify with


Important detail left out of that Iowa poll: Bobby Jindal is polling at 6, tied with Marco Rubio. All you Rubio waterboys are looking pretty silly right now. #piyushcomestoshove

Think of the average asshole who walks around saying "Lol, VEGETARIANS? I'm gonna eat three times as much meat to make up for the meat they're not eating!"

Then guess what party they identify with

water boys have nothing on the dynasty warriors lead by king jeb. Once he conquers Fiorina and Trump in NH he will be top dawg.
It would be funny if every establishment candidate (Walker, Bush, Kasich, Rubio, Christie) faltered and the establishment tried to throw their weight behind Jindal.


Is the sanders surge over? The numbers don't lie.

Numbers will not drastically change until the debates or more Clinton related negative press. Sanders has consolidated 25% of possible voters, Clinton is holding steady at around 45%. Debates will be the next opportunity for Bernie to surge beyond that 30% Nation wide which would send the DNC into a tailspin.

That's down to Putin, he saw an opportunity and moved in - taking advantage of the situation, there was no way for the US to do something about it while Russia was able to deploy man on the ground under the pretense of international assistance to a still legitimate regime. Simply put in this situation Russia was able to be one step ahead of NATO and the US moving in and "helping" their ally consolidate power and pretty much nullifying all the investment into the Syrian opposition. The situation would have been different if ISIS was not part of the whole conflict but the fact that they are also bombing terrorists has given them the needed international legitimacy to the operation. Especially while civilian casualties were one of the huge tolls of the Libyan, Iraqi and Afghanistani conflicts - there is simply not too much ground for the Obama's Administration to stand. They could impose more sanctions on Russia but right now they hold less cards and it doesn't appear this to be an effective tactic considering Putin and his cronies control the Russian economy and it seems he is able to sell any conflict to the populace.

To beat him over this is another diversion tactic - I don't think anyone was expecting Russian Troops in Syria a few months ago.


No Scrubs
Seems like you guys really have it out for him. And Joe Biden isn't just some guy.

No, but he's being edged out by a candidate who hasn't even announced yet. Biden's going to get a 5-10 point bump just for jumping in, and its going to pull from both Hillary and Bernie.

It's not so much having it out for him as being realistic in regards to what is actually going on.


No, but he's being edged out by a candidate who hasn't even announced yet. Biden's going to get a 5-10 point bump just for jumping in, and its going to pull from both Hillary and Bernie.

It's not so much having it out for him as being realistic in regards to what is actually going on.

Numbers don't support this, unless Hillary drops out Biden stepping in would be benifical for Sanders:

An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll earlier this week gave Clinton a 15-point lead over Sanders, 53 percent to 38 percent, without Biden in the race. With Biden in, her lead shrank to 7 points. Under the second scenario, Clinton took 42 percent, Sanders 35 percent and Biden 17 percent.

A CBS News poll earlier in September had better figures for Clinton overall but a similar pattern. It found that Sanders’ support would decline by just a single percentage point, from 28 percent to 27 percent, if the vice president ran; Clinton’s would fall by 11 points, from 58 percent to 47 percent.

The support for Sanders at this time is consolidated, it would take a train wreck of a performance in the debates or some other negative publicity to change that.
Numbers don't support this, unless Hillary drops out Biden stepping in would be benifical for Sanders:

I've seen other polls that do support it. It's not beneficial to Sanders for Biden to gain ground. It's also not going to be a 3 person race all the way to the end so when one of the two drop out, Sanders still loses.

Basically, every realistic scenario shows Sanders having a bad time in the end.
That's down to Putin, he saw an opportunity and moved in - taking advantage of the situation, there was no way for the US to do something about it while Russia was able to deploy man on the ground under the pretense of international assistance to a still legitimate regime. Simply put in this situation Russia was able to be one step ahead of NATO and the US moving in and "helping" their ally consolidate power and pretty much nullifying all the investment into the Syrian opposition. The situation would have been different if ISIS was not part of the whole conflict but the fact that they are also bombing terrorists has given them the needed international legitimacy to the operation. Especially while civilian casualties were one of the huge tolls of the Libyan, Iraqi and Afghanistani conflicts - there is simply not too much ground for the US to stand. They could impose more sanctions on Russia but right now they hold less cards and it doesn't appear this to be an effective tactic considering Putin and his cronies control the Russian economy and it seems he is able to sell any conflict to the populace.
Indeed. The whole "we'll train and arm them" strategy is so fucking bad, I have absolutely no clue how it even got approved. The idiots, including Obama, who orchestrated this strategy were living in the 1960s. They planned on training 4000 rebels. Instead they only trained 53, half of which ran away at the first sight of the enemy and the other half gave away all the US gear to Nusra front in return for safe passage. What the hell were they expecting?


No Scrubs
Numbers don't support this, unless Hillary drops out Biden stepping in would be benifical for Sanders:

You mind actually linking that poll? Also, you need to be looking at registered Democrats. Independent voters can't vote in most primaries so their support is useless right now.

Also, most polls do support this.
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