You have got to be fucking kidding me.Christ on a stick, the GOP got a victory over the ACA in courts again.
We have yet to see where it goes. And it will be repealed. And if the SCOTUS takes it...god...
There's no way this makes it to the SCOTUS. King v. Burwell was legitimately scary, but I can't see how this has a chance in hell.
So if this guy really knows what he's saying, then it seems like even if this lawsuit somehow 'wins', it would do fuck all.Review of Collyer's decision goes first to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which could easily disagree -- and may even reach the Supreme Court on the standing question alone.
In other words, it's early days yet in the case. Even if the House ultimately succeeds in its lawsuit, a health care expert who has followed the case closely notes that insurers are still legally entitled to reimbursements from the federal government. There might just have to be a lengthier, more onerous process.
"Even without an appropriation, health plans still have a statutory entitlement to cost-sharing payments," University of Michigan law professor Nicholas Bagley wrote in a legal blog. "What that means in non-legalese is that Congress has promised to pay them money -- whether or not there's an appropriation."
"So the question isn't whether the government will pay the cost-sharing reductions," Bagley wrote. "It's when."