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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Probably best that Heitkamp stays where she is. There's not much a governor of such a small state can really do. Iirc they already have the Medicaid expansion. And if she lost it would just make her look weak for reelection.
there don't seem to be any appreciable differences between this and Obama's current foreign policy, besides maybe a bit more Israeli ballwashing

I don't see any change in the rhetoric to israel. Obama says the same things

She was Obama's chief diplomat for 4 years! Why are we pretending she's radically different? (besides the clearly preconcived notions about things like this, her authenticity and "corporatists!")

This is the media trying to create a story out of nothing.
Vox has an article today about Boehner's gavel being in danger -- the "vacate the chair" discussion I brought up last thread.


I still think this would be a disaster for the GOP. Boehner's a very effective speaker in terms of managing what is essentially a divided coalition in a political system that doesn't allow coalitions, and I just don't think there's another figure in the GOP coalition who could get 218 votes. It would be very exciting politics, though.

I'm not sure what would be more interesting. Boehner keeping his seat via votes from the Dems or all out insane gridlock exposing the extreme nature of the tea party faction.


Probably best that Heitkamp stays where she is. There's not much a governor of such a small state can really do. Iirc they already have the Medicaid expansion. And if she lost it would just make her look weak for reelection.

It's the same as McCaskill or Manchin. How much do you love having your veto overridden?
I'm not sure what would be more interesting. Boehner keeping his seat via votes from the Dems or all out insane gridlock exposing the extreme nature of the tea party faction.
I'd kind of want to see Pelosi try and extract some sort of deal out of Boehner for Democrats voting to keep him as Speaker - want to stay Speaker? Bring immigration reform to the floor. That sort of thing.

Of course with an R Senate who knows how likely that is. Although it could probably pass the Senate again. Hell I doubt McConnell would be too thrilled about seeing Boehner dumped for a teabagger so maybe they could rope him into it as well.
I'd kind of want to see Pelosi try and extract some sort of deal out of Boehner for Democrats voting to keep him as Speaker - want to stay Speaker? Bring immigration reform to the floor. That sort of thing.

Of course with an R Senate who knows how likely that is. Although it could probably pass the Senate again. Hell I doubt McConnell would be too thrilled about seeing Boehner dumped for a teabagger so maybe they could rope him into it as well.

I was thinking along similar lines. Pelosi and Boehner striking a deal to save his seat would royally piss of the tea party faction.
I don't think I ever quite understood this: how is there still a Benghazi investigation going on in the House? Wasn't there an investigation that released a report last year exonerating the administration? How is there another one?


I don't think I ever quite understood this: how is there still a Benghazi investigation going on in the House? Wasn't there an investigation that released a report last year exonerating the administration? How is there another one?

I believe this is the 8th. Everyone thinks they will do it "right".


I forgot that Lindsey Graham was running for president.

Speaking to a few dozen people at a “No Nukes for Iran” town hall meeting in his home state, Graham also said Monday that he plans to block the transfer of $88 million in U.S. funds to the International Atomic Energy Agency until Congress gets access to so-called “side agreements” related to the Iranian nuclear agreement.


this fucking guy


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) would not say on Tuesday whether he believes the U.S. should accept more Syrian refugees as Europe is increasingly overwhelmed by people fleeing the nation's bloody conflict.

"I'm not president today and I can't be president today," Walker said when asked by ABC News about how he would address the refugee crisis. "Everybody wants to talk about hypotheticals; there is no such thing as a hypothetical."

When asked again about Syrian refugees, Walker said that as president he would work to defeat the Islamic State, according to ABC News.


Unconfirmed Member
So there might not even be an iran vote because of Republican antics... Lol

They'll probably turn it into a symbolic vote to approve, so the media can say that the approval vote failed in congress, instead of saying the disapproval vote failed in congress.




LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Former U.S. Attorney Conner Eldridge announced his bid Wednesday to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. John Boozman next year in Arkansas, launching an uphill challenge in a state where Democrats have suffered heavy losses in recent years.

Eldridge, 38, is the first Democratic candidate to announce he's running for Boozman's seat. Boozman, a former congressman, was first elected to the Senate in 2010, and announced last year he would seek a second term in 2016.

"Washington is broken," Eldridge said in a statement released by his campaign. "I'm running for the Senate because I'm committed to doing everything I can to fix it for Arkansas and for our country."

Eldridge is running in a state where Republicans have swept statewide and federal offices in recent elections by tying Democrats to President Barack Obama, who remains deeply unpopular in Arkansas. Boozman defeated two-term Democratic U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln in the 2010 election.

Eldridge distanced himself from the president, saying he opposes the Iran nuclear deal backed by the White House. Republicans have criticized the agreement, which aims to curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from international economic sanctions.

"I think the Iran deal is a bad deal for our country," Eldridge told The Associated Press. "Reaching this deal enables $100 billion or more to go to the largest state sponsor of terrorism. That's just not a good deal in my opinion."

Eldridge stopped short of saying whether he would have voted for the president's health overhaul, but said he opposes attempts to repeal the law and that he would push to improve it. Boozman and the rest of the state's all-GOP Republican delegation have called for the law's repeal.

Eldridge stepped down as the U.S. attorney for the western district of Arkansas last month, after widespread speculation he was weighing a Senate bid. Eldridge was nominated by Obama to the post in September 2010, and he was confirmed later that year.

Boozman said he planned to run for re-election after he had emergency heart surgery last year. He reported having more than $872,000 in the bank for his re-election bid last month.

Boozman vowed to continue fighting the president's "misguided agenda" on issues such as illegal immigration and the Iran deal.

"I am committed to continuing to strongly advocate for Arkansas and I look forward to the campaign next year," he said in a statement.

Eldridge didn't mention Boozman in his announcement and declined to say how he'd contrast himself with the incumbent senator.

"I'm ready to go to the senate and approach the job of a senator in that nonpartisan, result-driven way that cuts through the partisanship and problems in Washington," he told the AP.

Candidates can begin filing paperwork to officially run for office in November. Eldridge is the second Democrat to launch a 2016 bid for federal office in the state. Former Little Rock School Board member Dianne Curry last month announced she was challenging U.S. Rep. French Hill in central Arkansas' 2nd District.

State Democrats cheered Eldridge's entry in the race, calling him an energetic candidate.

"He's a conservative Democrat in a state where most Democrats are conservative Democrats, so I think he's going to do well," state Democratic Party spokesman H.L. Moody said.

Republicans were quick to try and cast Eldridge as too closely aligned with the president.

"Conner Eldridge might want to remove the line about working for President Obama on his resume, because his ties to the unpopular President make him unelectable in Arkansas," National Republican Senatorial Committee Communications Director Andrea Bozek said in a statement issued shortly after Eldridge's announcement.

He will not do well.
Ohio might have a initiative on the 2016 ballot instituting a hard, 12-year limit on state senators and representatives.

Dispatch: DeWine approves proposed language for term-limit amendment

Currently there's a limit of eight years of consecutive service in either General Assembly chamber, but members can take two years off and then start another eight-year tenure. So what happens is that the same people jump back and forth between the chambers.

This initiative would put a hard limit of 12 years of service in the Ohio General Assembly.
Conner Eldridge: because you hate Obama but not as much as that other guy hates Obama.
I dont get it. Why do they do this? Every single fucking time. Learned nothing from 2014 which proved that running away from Obama will not only make you a coward but also a loser. Maybe he thinks Bill Clinton will stump for him.
Conner Eldridge: because you hate Obama but not as much as that other guy hates Obama.

Pretty sure that guy is John Edward's long lost brother.

I dont get it. Why do they do this? Every single fucking time. Learned nothing from 2014 which proved that running away from Obama will not only make you a coward but also a loser. Maybe he thinks Bill Clinton will stump for him.

Pragmatism's darker side.
At #StopIranDeal rally.

McConnell and Boehner have terrible jobs.
Constituencies egg on conservative tea party legislators to force leadership fight

Leadership is in danger of losing their jobs

Leadership strikes deals with Democratic minorities to keep themselves in power

Deals include bringing immigration reform up for a vote

Immigration reform passes and is signed by Obama who thanks Sen. McConnell and Speaker Boehner for supporting bipartisan common sense reform

Republican base completely loses its shit and starts primarying Congresscritters left and right

Donald Trump loses presidential election, Democrats swing 40 House seats/10 Senate seats, Hillary uses mandate to pass education/energy/infrastructure reforms and a new budget that repeals the sequester and increases taxes



Is it a requirement of American politics that when standing for election you have to proclaim Washington is broken? It seems like every election campaign, by anyone, references going to Washington to fix it...
It looks like a fued broke out between GOPers in congress for a delay over Iran deal. They want Obama to give more documents over side agreements. If they dont vote on the deal by 17th, it automatically comes into effect.

All Obama has to do is say fuck off. Rest is comedy.
Constituencies egg on conservative tea party legislators to force leadership fight

Leadership is in danger of losing their jobs

Leadership strikes deals with Democratic minorities to keep themselves in power

Deals include bringing immigration reform up for a vote

Immigration reform passes and is signed by Obama who thanks Sen. McConnell and Speaker Boehner for supporting bipartisan common sense reform

Republican base completely loses its shit and starts primarying Congresscritters left and right

Donald Trump loses presidential election, Democrats swing 40 House seats/10 Senate seats, Hillary uses mandate to pass education/energy/infrastructure reforms and a new budget that repeals the sequester and increases taxes

I could tell you who wrote this w/o looking at the avatar
Is it a requirement of American politics that when standing for election you have to proclaim Washington is broken? It seems like every election campaign, by anyone, references going to Washington to fix it...

It's only a requirement when your opponent is an incumbent; there rest of the time it's just a nice bonus.


Didn't knew Ted Cruz was such a diabolical maniac. My god how can a man like this be elected to the Senate? Trump falls short.


In other news:


Tuesday night’s special election win for Democrats did little to tip the state’s political scoreboard. But as a hundred supporters shouted inside a Western Avenue bar, it felt like one of the biggest victories for Oklahoma’s minority party in a long time.

“Each time I heard it was an uphill battle I got more strength,” said Democrat Cyndi Munson, moments after winning the open seat in House District 85. “This is amazing.”

For years Democratic candidates and campaign organizers pointed to Oklahoma City’s inner ring suburbs as a winnable battlefield. Changing demographics were seen as an open door for a party that holds no statewide office or majority power in the House or Senate. But in recent years Democrats were unsuccessful in when it came to wresting away a Republican seat, including in House District 85, where Munson lost to incumbent David Dank last year.

Following Dank’s death earlier this year, Munson announced her second campaign and found momentum as four Republicans battled in a primary race this summer.

Chip Carter, a vice president of corporate communications at Jones Public Relations, emerged from the summer primary and took a long list of political and corporate endorsements into Tuesday’s special election.

Munson took home a 8-point win according to unofficial results from the Oklahoma Election Board.


Oklahoma House Democratic Leader Scott Inman released a statement regarding Cyndi Munson's election.

"Cyndi Munson succeeded Tuesday where so many other have failed in the past. She was elected to represent a district that the Republican Party has held for at least 50 consecutive years."

"We House Democrats are exceedingly happy and proud to welcome Cyndi Ann Munson to our caucus. We congratulate her on a hard-fought campaign that resulted in a well-deserved victory."

"Her election success is evidence that a high-quality candidate focused on improving public education, health care, and Oklahoma's infrastructure - and presenting that message in a thoughtful manner, and not by hyperpartisan rhetoric - can in fact resonate with voters."

"With the Legislature facing a budget shortfall next year of perhaps a billion dollars, we have our work cut out for us. I am confident that the good people of House District 85, in choosing to send Representative-elect Munson to the State Capitol, made the right choice Tuesday."

Democrats only hold 29 seats in the 101-member Oklahoma State House. This seat was also Mary Fallin's old seat.


aka andydumi
It looks like a fued broke out between GOPers in congress for a delay over Iran deal. They want Obama to give more documents over side agreements. If they dont vote on the deal by 17th, it automatically comes into effect.

All Obama has to do is say fuck off. Rest is comedy.

I read that the documents are between the IAEA and Iran, so the WH probably has nothing to hand over.

In reality it might be a ploy by Republicans to say the 90 day period never started, because they didn't get all documents, so they will paint the agreement as an "illegal powergrab" or something like much of what Obama's administration has done.
I dont get it. Why do they do this? Every single fucking time. Learned nothing from 2014 which proved that running away from Obama will not only make you a coward but also a loser. Maybe he thinks Bill Clinton will stump for him.

Because the democratic party in Arkansas is different than the party in Virginia or NY?

Do people really think he'd be doing better if he fully embraced Obamacare and the Iran deal?


In other news:



Democrats only hold 29 seats in the 101-member Oklahoma State House. This seat was also Mary Fallin's old seat.
Good stuff. Munson is extremely well-liked and is the kind of politician we should be putting in the house.

Hopefully this is the start of a trend, at least in the major metro areas. I live in central OKC and even my state senator is a Republican (a decent one, but still a Republican).
Because the democratic party in Arkansas is different than the party in Virginia or NY?

Do people really think he'd be doing better if he fully embraced Obamacare and the Iran deal?

And why should voters care about a democrat that is republican lite, instead of voting for a bona fide republican?

Do people really think that voters, when presented with a fake and a legitimate article, won't go for the legitimate article? Dude ain't no Trump, after all.
Jeb! responded to Trump's attack where he showed a picture of someone sleeping at his rally. Jeb! says the sleeping person was an overworked mom, and took a picture with her and shared it on twitter.

Problem is nobody cares. Trump is defining Jeb!'s campaign since the start.
And why should voters care about a democrat that is republican lite, instead of voting for a bona fide republican?

Do people really think that voters, when presented with a fake and a legitimate article, won't go for the legitimate article? Dude ain't no Trump, after all.
Because they want the "Republican lite" (which is a stupid term, there are differences, clear ones) ?

The two candidates are different, he doesn't support repealing obamacare boozman does. He's likely to support gay marriage, boozman isn't, etc. Etc.

I seriously don't understand why any voter would follow the thought process you set up and why if that was true how dems could win by running left.

Why do people choose diet coke over regular coke? Because there's a difference. And one fits them better
Because they want the "Republican lite" (which is a stupid term, there are differences, clear ones) ?

The two candidates are different, he doesn't support repealing obamacare boozman does. He's likely to support gay marriage, boozman isn't, etc. Etc.

I seriously don't understand why any voter would follow the thought process you set up and why if that was true how dems could win by running left.

Why do people choose diet coke over regular coke? Because there's a difference. And one fits them better

No, they don't. They objectively don't. Not only do they do not want it, they don't even bother to turn up for election when all they have to choose from is Shitty Candidate vs Less Shitty Candidate. As we've just seen.

You will not get the seat by running on their terms. You will lose. Badly. As we've just seen.

Change the strat, find a way to increase attendance. Or do what you've always done, and get the same results you always get.


No, they don't. They objectively don't. Not only do they do not want it, they don't even bother to turn up for election when all they have to choose from is Shitty Candidate vs Less Shitty Candidate. As we've just seen.

You will not get the seat by running on their terms. You will lose. Badly. As we've just seen.

Change the strat, find a way to increase attendance. Or do what you've always done, and get the same results you always get.

Give me an example of a Democrat running far left and winning in hostile territory such as the South or a Republican winning in the northeast running far right?

The state parties vary from region to region and have always differed from their national counterparts. It's how they distinguished themselves from the national brand in order to get elected or reelected as the years go by.
Give me an example of a Democrat running far left and winning in hostile territory such as the South or a Republican winning in the northeast running far right?

The state parties vary from region to region have always differed from their national counterparts. Its how they distinguished themselves from the national brand in order to get elected or reelected as the years go by.

Strawman. I am not defending a far left approach. I am defending an approach focussed on increasing attendance, not on coopting rethoric.

Ironically, radical rethoric does seem to have an impact on attendance, given that republicans seem to have an easier time getting their people to vote. Don't particularly care which approach you use, so long as you manage to increase it.
Democrats shouldn't run conservative candidates everywhere but you need to pick your battles. A Liz Warren type that would turn out the base in a blue state is going to do jack shit in Arkansas, where the Democrat will only have a chance at winning if the Republican is a complete fuck-up. And that chance diminishes if the Democrat is also unpalatable to the electorate, because they'll win on the backs of Republican-leaning voters changing their minds.

There are certain lines to be drawn, sure, but I'm far more forgiving of a Democratic candidate in Arkansas opposing the Iran deal than say, oh for a random example, Florida (*COUGHALANGRAYSONCOUGH*)
Because they want the "Republican lite" (which is a stupid term, there are differences, clear ones) ?

The two candidates are different, he doesn't support repealing obamacare boozman does. He's likely to support gay marriage, boozman isn't, etc. Etc.

I seriously don't understand why any voter would follow the thought process you set up and why if that was true how dems could win by running left.

Why do people choose diet coke over regular coke? Because there's a difference. And one fits them better
If people want to vote republican, they will vote for one with an R next to his name. Running a fake Republican campaign will end up in tears for him when his opponent ties him to the Obama-Pelosi-Reid liberal agenda in TV ad after TV ad. Why not explain why Obamacare and the Iran deal is good instead of shitting on it. Its not like he has a shot at winning anyway. 2014 taught me that.
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