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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Carly Fiorina campaign manager informs staff that they will not be paid:


All that PAC money and can't even pay their staff. GOP eating Totinos Pizza and washing it down with Great Value Zero Cola for lunch just to make it through the day
Not buying the idea that the Iowa or New Hampshire polls are the slightest bit predictive.

Not when the GE polls show her leading or tied. States that have been consistently more liberal than the nation are not going to swing 10-12 points right. GE polling + 2012 deviation from the nationwide average is far more likely to be accurate.


All that PAC money and can't even pay their staff. GOP eating Totinos Pizza and washing it down with Great Value Zero Cola for lunch just to make it through the day
Super PAC money can't be used on staff. That's why Rick Perry and Scott Walker had to bow out so early. Their official campaigns were crap at raising campaign money, as opposed to PAC money.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Trump 48, Clinton 41	Trump +7
Iowa: Bush vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Bush 50, Clinton 40	Bush +10
Iowa: Fiorina vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Fiorina 52, Clinton 38	Fiorina +14

Iowa: Trump vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Sanders 48, Trump 43	Sanders +5
Iowa: Bush vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Bush 46, Sanders 44	Bush +2
Iowa: Fiorina vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Fiorina 45, Sanders 42	Fiorina +3

New Hampshire: Trump vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Clinton 48, Trump 45	Clinton +3
New Hampshire: Bush vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Bush 49, Clinton 42	Bush +7
New Hampshire: Fiorina vs. Clinton	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Fiorina 50, Clinton 42	Fiorina +8

New Hampshire: Trump vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Sanders 52, Trump 42	Sanders +10
New Hampshire: Bush vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Sanders 46, Bush 46	Tie
New Hampshire: Fiorina vs. Sanders	NBC/WSJ/Marist	Sanders 47, Fiorina 45	Sanders +2

Yep, time for Joe to step in and take her out.

I know it's a long ways out, but those numbers make me nervous. I've been counting Iowa and New Hampshire as safe blue states.
I know it's a long ways out, but those numbers make me nervous. I've been counting Iowa and New Hampshire as safe blue states.

NH numbers are worrisome but it kinda make sense since they're so high on Bernie right now. The poll results look like it's an entire state of inuhanyou's


I know it's a long ways out, but those numbers make me nervous. I've been counting Iowa and New Hampshire as safe blue states.

I don't believe there's any scenario in which Carly Fiorina would win Iowa by 14 points against a Democratic candidate.

That's not to say that there isn't some value in that polling, but early state polling against two potential competitors isn't really a great indicator of who will eventually win the race.
There's no way Hillary is up double digits in Wisconsin and down double digits in Iowa. One of the polls is junk, and it's not Marquette.

Unless the midterms weren't a fluke and Iowa really is becoming red :/
Bernie Sanders to pit his bulldog debate style against Clinton
Sanders, a Brooklyn native and self-styled socialist, can be argumentative, confrontational and quick to anger, according to political foes who have butted heads with him. He has come a long way from his first nervous debate performance during a U.S. Senate run more than 40 years ago, when microphones picked up the sound of his shaking knees knocking against the table.

The Vermont senator faces the biggest test of his campaign when he steps firmly into the national spotlight at the first Democratic debate with Clinton, a former first lady and secretary of state who is one of the party's most experienced debaters. A win over Clinton, who has been bleeding support, would be a major coup for Sanders and his insurgent campaign, giving him more momentum and boosting fundraising efforts.

Ahead of the encounter, Sanders is eschewing the mock debates that presidential candidates often use for preparation, his spokesman, Michael Briggs, told Reuters.

Briggs said Sanders was comfortable with his message and views the debate as an “opportunity to talk about the issues he's been talking about for decades."

Clinton and Sanders have kept to a polite tone on the campaign trail, avoiding direct criticism of each other. But Briggs said he expected questions about their differences on issues such as campaign finance and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, which would liberalize trade in a region stretching from Vietnam to Canada.

"He won't talk about emails," Briggs said, referring to the controversy over Clinton's use of a private email server rather than a government account while she was secretary of state. "He thinks there are more important things to talk about." Sanders has narrowed the gap with Clinton in opinion polls and has been leading her in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, according to a CBS poll conducted in September, in part by galvanizing the party's liberal wing with his calls for economic equality and reining in Wall Street.

This isn't going to be terribly interesting. Although 5 people with a focus on 2-3 should be much better than 11. Hope CNN doesn't make it too long.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Electoral college doesn't care about your primary states.

For sure. I'm not Diablosing right now. It's just that if Iowa and New Hampshire aren't safe, then Virginia really starts to seem like a long shot. Again, we're more than a year out and we don't even have a nominee on either side, so it's all super premature. It was just a bit sobering.
Chafee's been highlighting Hillary's scandals and warmongering all year.

“It’s a long list of ethical misjudgments on behalf of Mrs. Clinton starting back from her time as First Lady and the Rose Law Firm records that were lost and then found. It just seems to never stop. Now, as Secretary of State, the email servers and the Clinton Foundation … it is just a long litany of ethical missteps in my view. And the American people support what I am saying. All of the polls show that there is a lack of trust with Secretary Clinton.”
“Absolutely. Ever since I announced I was exploring a run for president I have talked about her hawkish approach to the world … based on that same unilateralism, muscular approach that I have compared to the ‘neocons.’ Yes, it a huge a difference between her and I and our approach to the world. Her approach to Iran as to the secretary of state, her approach to Syria, Libya, Russia, Venezuela, it is all very close to the ‘neocon’ approach: muscular, unilateral. I don’t think that is in our long-term best interest. We need a new approach.”

Hillz better be ready to be explain her cattle futures and missing Rose Law Firm billing records on stage in front of millions because he's coming for blood.
I told you guys weeks ago to ignore general election polling right now. 4 years ago, people like Bachman were beating Obama.

GE polls mean nothing now. One base is currently enthused about the primary (and in addition others are amused) and the other sees a foregone conclusion. The result will be more right leaning people giving responses.

Notice how every pollster when polling both primaries together have a lot more GOP [leaning] people in their sample sets? It's very hard to find Dem primary voters.

The primary polls matter (to an extent). The GE ones are junk. And they're not junk because of the pollsters. I don't believe any pollster can accurately capture the GE right now, nationally or in any single state.
Unless your a CEO of course. Then you complain until you get paid as you walk out the door

Asked by the board of directors to step down in 2005, Fiorina left with $21 million in cash, plus stock and pension benefits worth another $19 million. According to HP executive compensation rules, departing executives are entitled to no more than 2.99 times their base salary; anything more requires stockholder approval. Fiorina's parachute was more than that, so the stockholders filed a class action suit (a federal judge dismissed it in April 2008

Get paid if you win, unless you're me and then I get all the moneyz.


Trump Holding Steady Nationally

PPP's newest national Republican poll actually finds the top of the field in a pretty similar place to where it was in late August. Donald Trump leads the field with 27%, similar to the 29% he had on our last survey. Ben Carson is in second place with 17%, also similar to the 15% he had last time around. Marco Rubio at 13%, Jeb Bush at 10%, Ted Cruz at 7%, Carly Fiorina at 6%, and Mike Huckabee and John Kasich each at 4% round out the list of candidates with decent levels of support. Chris Christie, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum are all at 2%, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and George Pataki each get 1%, and in last place with less than 1% is Jim Gilmore.

Trump is still not imploding...yet.
Bernie Sanders to pit his bulldog debate style against Clinton

This isn't going to be terribly interesting. Although 5 people with a focus on 2-3 should be much better than 11. Hope CNN doesn't make it too long.

ROFL... Using Bernie's first Senate debate performance, a whole four decades ago, as a reference point, for the up coming debate with Hillary Clinton is hilarious. Talk about desperation.

EDIT: Oops. Given that Bernie has few vocal supporters on GAF, I jumped to the wrong conclusion and obviously didn't read that post carefully enough...


No Scrubs
I told you guys weeks ago to ignore general election polling right now. 4 years ago, people like Bachman were beating Obama.

GE polls mean nothing now. One base is currently enthused about the primary (and in addition others are amused) and the other sees a foregone conclusion. The result will be more right leaning people giving responses.

Notice how every pollster when polling both primaries together have a lot more GOP [leaning] people in their sample sets? It's very hard to find Dem primary voters.

The primary polls matter (to an extent). The GE ones are junk. And they're not junk because of the pollsters. I don't believe any pollster can accurately capture the GE right now, nationally or in any single state.

You're talking too much sense here! You have to panic more! Be more like Diablos!

Get paid if you win, unless you're me and then I get all the moneyz.

Only winners get paid, even when they lose.

Holy shit, that's heartless.

How are people still willing to work for her? It's a miserable experience, and you get no money.

Daniel B·;180893870 said:
ROFL... Using Bernie's first Senate debate performance, a whole four decades ago, as a reference point, for the up coming debate with Hillary Clinton is hilarious. Talk about desperation.

You should try reading the posts you respond to a little more carefully, it'd do wonders.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I told you guys weeks ago to ignore general election polling right now. 4 years ago, people like Bachman were beating Obama.

GE polls mean nothing now. One base is currently enthused about the primary (and in addition others are amused) and the other sees a foregone conclusion. The result will be more right leaning people giving responses.

Notice how every pollster when polling both primaries together have a lot more GOP [leaning] people in their sample sets? It's very hard to find Dem primary voters.

The primary polls matter (to an extent). The GE ones are junk. And they're not junk because of the pollsters. I don't believe any pollster can accurately capture the GE right now, nationally or in any single state.

Totally. As much as anything, it just took a few preconceived ideas about 2016 and shook them up a bit. At this point 2016 is pretty unpredictable and I need to stop using 2012's results as a guideline for what 2016 will be.


No Scrubs
Daniel B·;180893870 said:
ROFL... Using Bernie's first Senate debate performance, a whole four decades ago, as a reference point, for the up coming debate with Hillary Clinton is hilarious. Talk about desperation.

The whole point of that reference was to show how far he's come, it's a nice image. A guy who was once so nervous at a debate you could hear his knees shaking is now debating for his party's nomination. It's an endearing anecdote that makes him more human, not everything is an attack on Bernie.

Rubio in double digits worries me. I want him no where near the nomination.

That's the panic I was talking about!
You my friend just figured out Multi-Level Marketing. It's called a pyramid scheme.

But multi-level marketing schemes promise you money, they just don't give you any. This is like an MLM, but they're straightforward about "oh, and at this end of this, your dumb ass isn't getting paid shit."
General election match ups are close. Hillary Clinton trails Ben Carson 48/44 and Jeb Bush 43/42. She ties Donald Trump at 44 and Marco Rubio at 43. And she leads Carly Fiorina 44/43, John Kasich 42/39, Ted Cruz 46/42, and Mike Huckabee 46/39.

Joe Biden does an average of about 5 points better than Clinton in the general election match ups he's included in, although as has been pointed out many times it's a lot easier to be a non-candidate than a candidate. He trails Carson 45/42 but leads Trump 48/40, Fiorina 46/40, and Rubio 45/40.

Bernie Sanders on the other hand does an average of about 5 points worse than Clinton in the general election match ups. He trails Carson 46/35, Rubio 42/38, and Fiorina 44/38 while tying Trump at 44.

Carson is by far the strongest GOP candidate and also the only candidate on either side with a positive favorability rating among the overall electorate- 43/35.

Looking past the matchups, none of these GE numbers would indicate losing NH by double digits like in the Marist polls. That would take a huge loss nationwide. Also, Sanders still does worst.


Unconfirmed Member
It probably doesn't help that the GOP has had all of the attention the last two months thanks to the stupidly short democratic debate schedule. It's still not good to let the other party have all that airtime mostly alone to spout their nonsense, because no matter how crazy that stuff might sound to the average person, it'll still start to sound normal when it's the only viewpoint people keep hearing.

Maybe things will change now that democrats are finally starting their debates.
It probably doesn't help that the GOP has had all of the attention the last two months thanks to the stupidly short democratic debate schedule. It's still not good to let the other party have all that airtime mostly alone to spout their nonsense, because no matter how crazy that stuff might sound to the average person, it'll still start to sound normal when it's the only viewpoint people keep hearing.

Maybe things will change now that democrats are finally starting their debates.

Democratic debates would still only get a tiny fraction of what the god Trump pulls in. Though I think less and less people will tune in to each one.


It probably doesn't help that the GOP has had all of the attention the last two months thanks to the stupidly short democratic debate schedule. It's still not good to let the other party have all that airtime mostly alone to spout their nonsense, because no matter how crazy that stuff might sound to the average person, it'll still start to sound normal when it's the only viewpoint people keep hearing.

Maybe things will change now that democrats are finally starting their debates.

I was wondering the same thing as well, but geez.
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