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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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All I know is they gotta Chafee out of there soon because he's not just making himself look bad out there. You can see the headline already "DEMOCRAT chafee says hard working coal miners are his enemies"

Because the Republicans platform is pretty much crap outside of being Pro-2A. There are a lot of people who have Gun Rights as their sole deciding issue, and would love to vote for a Democrat but they keep going more left on Gun Control, and it's a losing battle. The second amendment isn't going anywhere and the Gun Control laws we currently have don't exactly help. Hillary saying "We need to take on the NRA" really turns people off.

What Centrist issues does Clinton have that I have scoffed at?

Most Sanders supporters vilify Clinton for being too moderate. It's pretty much the core difference between the two in the eyes of his supporters.
Bernie was the winner. After watching the debate again I can clearly say he made the best points. Backed up his positions quite well. Gave clear detailed answers as to why he doesn't support things and why he supports others. Hillary on the other hand.

Hillary's response to Iraq was "Obama wanted me as SoS so I know what I'm doing in foreign affairs." Really? That's pretty weak. Bernie and Lincoln both said they looked at the facts and could easily see right through the Bush Administration bullshit...Hillary offered no explanation for her vote and no apology for her part in America's biggest foreign blunder(yeah, probably more than Vietnam).

Hillary's response to Wall St. was that she told them in 2007 before the collapse "To cut it out" as she must have recently watched a rerun of Full House. Yeah, that worked real well. She should of went with "How rude!" instead.

Hillary's response to the TPP is wrong according to some fact checkers. She said it was "The Gold Standard" a few years not that she hoped it would be as she claimed in the debate. Sure, I'm sure it changed somewhat over the years but the starting point which I assumed it never changed too much was "Gold." GOLD!

Hillary's take on Keystone was she did not have a position(she said she'd tell an audience member who asked her once as she has campaigned this year, she'll tell her when she's President), at least publicly. As SoS I'm sure she was in favor of pushing that project along with her Canadian allies. As SoS she must have been highly involved getting it to where it is today.

Hillary mentioned she was a woman on multiple occasions. We get it. If elected this cycle you'd be the first female President in this nation's history? What's your point? Telling me at least 3 times you're a lady is quite annoying. I barely noticed her saying woman until the interwebs reminded me. All I could hear was Bernie saying Jewish. First Jew. Jesus' people. And his funny story about his bar mitzvah. So I guess hearing first woman president. Woman. I'm a lady over and over again wasn't too bad.

Hillary's college plan is a muddled mess. Work 10 hours a week for free college. 10 hours less studying. 10 hours less working a real job where you are getting paid. A bunch of red-tape bureaucracy/paper work. Where are all these jobs coming from(private/public?). What if you hate the job you are assigned can you work somewhere else? Who is making sure you do your job/show up or you just aren't creating some fake company your friend made up and say you're for them? Seems far too complicated compared to Bernie's plan which actually is paid for in full with money left over.

Hillary still defending the Patriot Act and government spying/collecting your data. No sympathy or any kind words for Snowden who is open to returning to the USA and making a fair plea deal. Claims Snowden put lives in danger but refuses to name who's life. No sympathy. Throw the book at him.

Claims she is toughest on banks. Provides no evidence to support the claim even after two of her closest challengers in Bernie and Martin call her out on Glass-Stegall

More research needs to be done on cannabis, really? Way to throw away votes Hillary because of all the one-issue voters out there Cannabis certainly isn't one of them. Oh yes, we're all supposed to vote for her because of Supreme Court justices. Cannabis doesn't matter. Oh and the city and state police need to fix their laws regarding cannabis sentencing...the Federal Government has no responsibility...riiiiight. Oh but she's for medicinal marijuana but half the states don't even allow that! And some that do really provide no benefit whatsoever like mine in Minnesota.

There's more but let's get real, Hillary did not win the debate. Her points were flimsy. She dodged many questions. She wasn't very forthcoming. But remember folks she and Bill were both poor as kids. They worked hard and that's all it takes in America. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Hillary was good at attacking the Republicans, but then who isn't?

Hillary is not progressive. I think she claimed that too early in the debate.
Bernie was the winner. After watching the debate again I can clearly say he made the best points. Backed up his positions quite well. Gave clear detailed answers as to why he doesn't support things and why he supports others. Hillary on the other hand.

Hillary's response to Iraq was "Obama wanted me as SoS so I know what I'm doing in foreign affairs." Really? That's pretty weak. Bernie and Lincoln both said they looked at the facts and could easily see right through the Bush Administration bullshit...Hillary offered no explanation for her vote and no apology for her part in America's biggest foreign blunder(yeah, probably more than Vietnam).

Hillary's response to Wall St. was that she told them in 2007 before the collapse "To cut it out" as she must have recently watched a rerun of Full House. Yeah, that worked real well. She should of went with "How rude!" instead.

Hillary's response to the TPP is wrong according to some fact checkers. She said it was "The Gold Standard" a few years not that she hoped it would be as she claimed in the debate. Sure, I'm sure it changed somewhat over the years but the starting point which I assumed it never changed too much was "Gold." GOLD!

Hillary's take on Keystone was she did not have a position(she said she'd tell an audience member who asked her once as she has campaigned this year, she'll tell her when she's President), at least publicly. As SoS I'm sure she was in favor of pushing that project along with her Canadian allies. As SoS she must have been highly involved getting it to where it is today.

Hillary mentioned she was a woman on multiple occasions. We get it. If elected this cycle you'd be the first female President in this nation's history? What's your point? Telling me at least 3 times you're a lady is quite annoying. I barely noticed her saying woman until the interwebs reminded me. All I could hear was Bernie saying Jewish. First Jew. Jesus' people. And his funny story about his bar mitzvah. So I guess hearing first woman president. Woman. I'm a lady over and over again wasn't too bad.

Hillary's college plan is a muddled mess. Work 10 hours a week for free college. 10 hours less studying. 10 hours less working a real job where you are getting paid. A bunch of red-tape bureaucracy/paper work. Where are all these jobs coming from(private/public?). What if you hate the job you are assigned can you work somewhere else? Who is making sure you do your job/show up or you just aren't creating some fake company your friend made up and say you're for them? Seems far too complicated compared to Bernie's plan which actually is paid for in full with money left over.

Hillary still defending the Patriot Act and government spying/collecting your data. No sympathy or any kind words for Snowden who is open to returning to the USA and making a fair plea deal. Claims Snowden put lives in danger but refuses to name who's life. No sympathy. Throw the book at him.

Claims she is toughest on banks. Provides no evidence to support the claim even after two of her closest challengers in Bernie and Martin call her out on Glass-Stegall

More research needs to be done on cannabis, really? Way to throw away votes Hillary because of all the one-issue voters out there Cannabis certainly isn't one of them. Oh yes, we're all supposed to vote for her because of Supreme Court justices. Cannabis doesn't matter. Oh and the city and state police need to fix their laws regarding cannabis sentencing...the Federal Government has no responsibility...riiiiight. Oh but she's for medicinal marijuana but half the states don't even allow that! And some that do really provide no benefit whatsoever like mine in Minnesota.

There's more but let's get real, Hillary did not win the debate. Her points were flimsy. She dodged many questions. She wasn't very forthcoming. But remember folks she and Bill were both poor as kids. They worked hard and that's all it takes in America. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Hillary was good at attacking the Republicans, but then who isn't?

Hillary is not progressive. I think she claimed that too early in the debate.

There's gotta be a Dennis Kucinich version of this post somewhere in this users post history. There has to be.


Hillary's response to the TPP is wrong according to some fact checkers. She said it was "The Gold Standard" a few years not that she hoped it would be as she claimed in the debate. Sure, I'm sure it changed somewhat over the years but the starting point which I assumed it never changed too much was "Gold." GOLD!
What Hillary should have done here was say something like "You're right, I said it was the Gold Standard, and just like the Gold Standard we should abandon it!"


No one tell Eraser all the major papers and cable news outlets are heaping praise on Hillary for dominating the debate and winning it with ease this morning. And barely acknowledging Bernie was even there.

We all managed after Kucinich flamed out, I'm sure I'll be OK
He gave the exact same spiel in 2008 in a topic how Kucinich was going to win and if not the country would be a disaster and Obama is a corporate asshole and all that. Nearly word for word of what he says about Bernie and Clinton.


No one tell Eraser all the major papers and cable news outlets are heaping praise on Hillary for dominating the debate and winning it with ease this morning. And barely acknowledging Bernie was even there.
I'll repost my favorite one from the debate thread:
Hillary Clinton towers over her debate rivals
Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley was preachy and self-righteous.

Former Virginia senator Jim Webb kept complaining that he wasn’t getting enough time to talk.

Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee was more quirky spectator than participant.

And Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont shouted as if he were unaware that he had a microphone.

Then there was Clinton, fluid, steady and calm.


She was, in short, a man among boys. And that’s why the debate was so important to Clinton. She may have had a rough time as the Democrats’ presidential front-runner, but her advantages in experience and composure were clear when she shared a stage with her rivals for the first time. Vice President Biden, if he was still pondering a run while watching the debate on television, would find the rationale for his candidacy diminishing.

A month ago she was in “free fall” and “plunging” in the polls, giving those who watched her campaign collapse in 2008 a sense of déjà vu. Sanders was closing in, the draft-Biden movement was in full force, and Republicans were giddy with anticipation of her upcoming grilling by the House Benghazi committee.

But a mass shooting in Oregon put the gun-friendly Sanders on the defensive. The Obama administration’s completion of a Pacific trade deal, deeply unpopular on the left, puts Biden on the wrong side of the Democratic electorate on an issue that should be prominent in the headlines over the coming months. And the House Benghazi panel has been discredited by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s incautious admission that the committee was created to damage Clinton politically. Now polls show Clinton recovering and expanding her lead — and if the Tuesday debate is any indication, this will likely continue.

Sanders, her nearest rival in the polls, gesticulated wildly through the night and shouted in his Brooklyn accent about the wrongs of millionayuhs and billionayuhs.

Cooper captured the problem with the Sanders candidacy when he said: “The Republican attack ad against you in a general election — it writes itself. You supported the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. You honeymooned in the Soviet Union. And just this weekend, you said you’re not a capitalist.”

Sanders did not help himself by talking about the economic example of Denmark and proclaiming that he’s “going to win because we’re going to explain what Democratic socialism is.”

Replied Clinton: “We are not Denmark. . . . We are the United States of America. And it’s our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn’t run amok and doesn’t cause the kind of inequities we’re seeing in our economic system. But we would be making a grave mistake to turn our backs on what built the greatest middle class in the history of the world.”

He defended socialism; she defended the middle class. Sanders, and the other men on the stage, didn’t look presidential; she did.
Most Sanders supporters vilify Clinton for being too moderate. It's pretty much the core difference between the two in the eyes of his supporters.

I definitely do see that, but I would consider them the vocal minority. I think Clinton would make an above average president, and whether it's Clinton or Sanders I think it's a win-win for the American people. That being said, it's hard to avoid Clinton's adapting to popular opinion similar to Mitt Romney in 2012. It wasn't until DOMA was struck down that she supported equal marriage rights, it wasn't until the economy fell apart that she thought we needed to reign in Wall St., hell, it wasn't until Sanders encroached on her numbers in the polls that she started airing commercials about attacking income inequality. In the 90's Clinton was a Conservative Democrat for the most part, then made her way to Moderate, and under Obama was more Liberal--since she's been warming up for a 2016 run she has become substantially more liberal.

Sanders alternatively has stuck with the same narrative and as time goes on it seems like his consistency will pay off.
Mark Halperin's debate report card:

Clinton: A
Sanders: B-
O'Malley: C+
Webb: D

Halperin is saying that Sanders's people acknowledged he wasn't prepared.


IIn the 90's Clinton was a Conservative Democrat for the most part
There is no way you we're old enough in the 90s to follow politics if you say this with a straight face. Her entire image in the 90s was vilified by the right as being a hard left extremist. With her scary socialist socialized medical plan. She was consistently seen as the more liberal of two Clintons in the 90s by just about everyone.


ISideWith begs benji to stop taking their quiz and creating outliers in their database:
Holy shit, Mark Halperin just said that Sanders's people have told him Bernie flubbed the e-mail line. It was supposed to be an attack, not him absolving her


Holy shit, Mark Halperin just said that Sanders's people have told him Bernie flubbed the e-mail line. It was supposed to be an attack, not him absolving her
Regardless if his staff wanted him to attack her on emails, it would have backfired if he tried to attack her on it.

He was wise to defend her.
Nearly word for word of what he says about Bernie and Clinton.

The country isn't a disaster? I guess we should stop with all the black lives topics. We should all embrace the corporate monopolies. We should continue to do jack squat about the environment. We should embrace our bootstraps. No laws need to be changed for we are living in paradise. Right?


The country isn't a disaster? I guess we should stop with all the black lives topics. We should all embrace the corporate monopolies. We should continue to do jack squat about the environment. We should embrace our bootstraps. No laws need to be changed for we are living in paradise. Right?
No it isn't a disaster. Country is far better than it was 8 years ago under Bush. Ignore all the things Obama did to better this country all you want but Obamacare giving health care to millions of Americans who did not have it before, vastly improved diplomatic relations (look at Cuba for example), far more stable economy than 8 years ago, and the big one. Gay marriage. A 5-4 decision that would have went the other way if Obama lost in 2008 and did not get to name two SC judges.

The country is by no means a perfect paradise but Obama is leaving it in a hell of a better place than it was when he entered office.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yassss Hillary my queen. What a master class. I feel better about her having watched last night. She's lost nothing in 8 years and I feel like she would be combative and aggressive during the campaign to fight back against republican talking points. Sanders did well. His only real fumble to me (other than guns, but he believes in guns) was on how lots of people are going to vote for him and cause a revolution or whatever. Ok sure.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh also that immigration question was the point at which I thought the moderators jumped the shark.

question: Bernie, why didn't you vote for this shit bill
Bernie: it was shit. Lots of liberals didn't vote for it
Moderator: liberals aren't running for president

Shut the fuck up. He just explained why he didn't vote for it. Everyone tried so hard for the GOTCHA moment that they ignored responses to some of the questions.

User 406

Just like eight years ago, I am very happy with the available choices in the Democratic presidential primary.

Also, much respect to Sen. Sanders for not taking the bait on the email stuff. I figured that's about how he'd respond to it. I hope it convinces some of his more rabid followers (ErasureAcer, cough, cough) to cut out the vitriol.



Please get Webb and Chafee off the stage next time. For fuck's sake. Why are they even there?

Hillary handled the debate like a pro and exceeded my expectations. The Bern did a fabulous job as well. O'Malley was solid but at times it seemed like he was trying to hard to look sincere.


Hillary came across well at times but every time she fucking started talking about the fact she is a lady I was like "SHUT THE FUCK UP! NO ONE CARES."
Well, I think women care, but women = no one, nobodies, right? Thanks.

I imagine you wouldn't be caught dead saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE BLACK" to Obama or Carson?
Well, I think women care, but women = no one, nobodies, right? Thanks.

I imagine you wouldn't be caught dead saying "SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE BLACK" to Obama or Carson?

If someone is saying vote for me because INSERT BLANK which you have no fucking control over I would be saying the same damn thing. I don't give a damn what you look like...all I care about is what you are going to do for the country through your policies. Yes, you may inspire people if you're the first of something so fucking what? There will never be any female presidents if Hillary Clinton is not elected? All the woman of the country will lose all hope of holding the most important job in the world? It's a horrible reason to vote for someone just because they're whatever the INSERT BLANK is. By Hillary's logic I should vote Fiorina. But if it were the two ladies then how does one decide? Actual policy positions at that point? Hillary is running a joke of a campaign when she touts this nonsense.


If someone is saying vote for me because INSERT BLANK which you have no fucking control over I would be saying the same damn thing. I don't give a damn what you look like...all I care about is what you are going to do for the country through your policies. Yes, you may inspire people if you're the first of something so fucking what? There will never be any female presidents if Hillary Clinton is not elected? All the woman of the country will lose all hope of holding the most important job in the world? It's a horrible reason to vote for someone just because they're whatever the INSERT BLANK is. By Hillary's logic I should vote Fiorina. But if it were the two ladies then how does one decide? Actual policy positions at that point? Hillary is running a joke of a campaign when she touts this nonsense.
If you don't think women care about electing the first female president and her bringing up this point being a positive, especially the middle aged women demographic that holds significant sway over the Democrstic primary you are completely wrong.

The base of the party isn't unmarried white guys. Middle aged moms and grandmas are a much much more significant portion of the base.


Webb has polled higher than or equal to O'Malley since he entered the race.
Ugh. Pure lunacy.

Chafee was embarrassingly bad. The jerky movements, awkward pauses in his sentences. Please don't come back. He's a good person and did a lot with his career and for his state but he's not presidential material.


Socialism wasn't lost to the Reagan era. It wasn't Reagan who threw Debs in prison. Hell, Reagan fought against the Hollywood blacklist as the head of the union lol. American opposition to "SOCIALISM" has always been more of a nationalistic/xenophobic thing than an ideological thing I find.
I thought we was the guy who snitched to the FBI who the communists were.


If someone is saying vote for me because INSERT BLANK which you have no fucking control over I would be saying the same damn thing. I don't give a damn what you look like...all I care about is what you are going to do for the country through your policies. Yes, you may inspire people if you're the first of something so fucking what? There will never be any female presidents if Hillary Clinton is not elected? All the woman of the country will lose all hope of holding the most important job in the world? It's a horrible reason to vote for someone just because they're whatever the INSERT BLANK is. By Hillary's logic I should vote Fiorina. But if it were the two ladies then how does one decide? Actual policy positions at that point? Hillary is running a joke of a campaign when she touts this nonsense.
You don't know what "I am a woman" or "I am black" at the level of presidency means.

It means you fought harder, endured more, was acknowledged less, and waited more to climb to that position. It's certainly not something Bernie Sanders can do. It's a testament to personal character.

Regardless of what you think of Fiorina, becoming a CEO of a major tech company is indeed an accomplishment even if she didn't perform well in the job. But she didn't get a second chance after she fudged it, while a bunch of other loser guys got second chances. Because she was a woman. When her male colleagues arranged a business meeting at a strip club, Fiorina went in there and doggedly did her job as part of the meeting anyway. This is the kind of thing that you wouldn't understand or even try to understand. Among the pool of junior candidates on the Republican side, it's the same—she prepared better than the others, she clearly practiced to look good, and now she's climbed higher in the polls above half the varsity candidates. She's certainly not schmoozing by on wealth and bullying to get to the top, like Trump has. And even then you have your FreeRepublic posters saying she came off bossy and arrogant, while lauding Trump for being an ass.

Consider that Bernie will never have to endure attacks based on what he doesn't have control over, but instead attacks based on his chosen ideology. While Hillary was called a bitch by Newt Gingrich's mom on national television.

Hillary is not presenting the "I am a woman" argument for everything; she's presenting it alongside her policies. "I am a woman" is a bonus. But your virulent reaction to it speaks more of your privilege of not having giving a shit about gender, because it wouldn't matter for you. Good for you. For the older women who lived through civil rights and fought for decades, who are now donating to Planned Parenthood because they don't want to lose the rights they fought for, a woman in the White House represents an acknowledgement of women. That absolutely nothing is closed to them because they have vaginas.

"There will be female presidents in the future?" How do you know? Why do women have to wait, because you have your pet candidate? Why is that a horrible reason to vote for a female, because as females, women want something more? How long do they have to wait to get a female president, and why should they have to pick a female president that adheres to YOUR likes or dislikes about her policies?


Hillary is the only credible candidate in either party. While it's good for the short term that someone as thoughtful and experienced as her will be our next President, it's really concerning how our political system scares away most decent and smart people. It's obviously worse in the GOP, but the brain drain at the highest levels of government is a huge long term problem for this country.


Holy shit, Mark Halperin just said that Sanders's people have told him Bernie flubbed the e-mail line. It was supposed to be an attack, not him absolving her

On one hand, it's good that obviously his base instinct wasn't to do what he was being told to do. On the other, it's bad that that's what he was being told to do - especially since I'll be judging a great deal of my opinion of Bernie on what happens after Hillary cinches the nomination and how much work he puts into moving his supporters over rather than let them ride the toxic wave to either a stupendously stupid Republican vote or no vote at all.

Hillary rocked it last night, as I said in the OT. She came out and put on a great presidential show.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at this Huffpost headline:

Bernie Sanders Won the Debate, and Perhaps the Election, When He Defended Hillary Clinton
You don't know what "I am a woman" or "I am black" at the level of presidency means.

It means you fought harder, endured more, was acknowledged less, and waited more to climb to that position. It's certainly not something Bernie Sanders can do. It's a testament to personal character.

Regardless of what you think of Fiorina, becoming a CEO of a major tech company is indeed an accomplishment even if she didn't perform well in the job. But she didn't get a second chance after she fudged it, while a bunch of other loser guys got second chances. Because she was a woman. When her male colleagues arranged a business meeting at a strip club, Fiorina went in there and doggedly did her job as part of the meeting anyway. This is the kind of thing that you wouldn't understand or even try to understand. Among the pool of junior candidates on the Republican side, it's the same—she prepared better than the others, she clearly practiced to look good, and now she's climbed higher in the polls above half the varsity candidates. She's certainly not schmoozing by on wealth and bullying to get to the top, like Trump has. And even then you have your FreeRepublic posters saying she came off bossy and arrogant, while lauding Trump for being an ass.

Consider that Bernie will never have to endure attacks based on what he doesn't have control over, but instead attacks based on his chosen ideology. While Hillary was called a bitch by Newt Gingrich's mom on national television.

Hillary is not presenting the "I am a woman" argument for everything; she's presenting it alongside her policies. "I am a woman" is a bonus. But your virulent reaction to it speaks more of your privilege of not having giving a shit about gender, because it wouldn't matter for you. Good for you. For the older women who lived through civil rights and fought for decades, who are now donating to Planned Parenthood because they don't want to lose the rights they fought for, a woman in the White House represents an acknowledgement of women. That absolutely nothing is closed to them because they have vaginas.

"There will be female presidents in the future?" How do you know? Why do women have to wait, because you have your pet candidate? Why is that a horrible reason to vote for a female, because as females, women want something more? How long do they have to wait to get a female president, and why should they have to pick a female president that adheres to YOUR likes or dislikes about her policies?

Women have had the right to vote for nearly 100 years in this country. Don't blame me for women not electing a female President.

As I tell all the other Bernie haters...vote for whomever the hell you want. I don't give a damn. This is a forum. People give their opinions at the forum(since the days of ancient Greece!) Some are swayed, some are not. Bring your A game and you better have better reasons for me to vote for you or your candidate other than you are a woman, a man, a hermaphrodite, black, white, native or even a NeoGAF member.


Women have had the right to vote for nearly 100 years in this country. Don't blame me for women not electing a female President.

Oh this is rich, let's blame women,and hell, let's throw black people on there too since it's the same argument, for us not having a female President and just now having had our first black President. Obviously, it's all the female and black voters' fault. Get out of here with your BS.
Women have had the right to vote for nearly 100 years in this country. Don't blame me for women not electing a female President.

This is kind of bypassing his point that women and blacks have to work harder for the same status, the same pay, the same respect.

As I tell all the other Bernie haters...

I think like myself, a lot of other Dems are not "Bernie haters", but tend to believe that Hillary will provide a better margin of error. I like Bernie and I like what he stands for, I just don't think America is mature and educated enough on the issues to elect him.


Women have had the right to vote for nearly 100 years in this country. Don't blame me for women not electing a female President.

Yet another example from ErasureAcer of how just because somebody claims to support Bernie Sanders doesn't mean that they're actually liberal at all.
Oh this is rich, let's blame women,and hell, let's throw black people on there too since it's the same argument, for us not having a female President and just now having had our first black President. Obviously, it's all the female and black voters' fault. Get out of here with your BS.

Great way to put words in my mouth. The female population has been roughly equivalent with males. The black population has been and continues to be a significant minority clocking in around 12% of the population(maybe more or less in the past). Not even two comparable things but you went there and tried to compare it anyways while trying to smear me in the process. Get a life.
This is kind of bypassing his point that women and blacks have to work harder for the same status, the same pay, the same respect.

I think like myself, a lot of other Dems are not "Bernie haters", but tend to believe that Hillary will provide a better margin of error. I like Bernie and I like what he stands for, I just don't think America is mature and educated enough on the issues to elect him.

Yet the polls say Bernie is better in the General Election than Hillary.
Yet the polls say Bernie is better in the General Election than Hillary.

The "socialist" attack ads have not started to rain down on him.

If he were to get to the general, he'd take a big hit once the right pulls that card.

You have too much faith in the intelligence and awareness of the average American voter.



Can someone explain why O'Malley isn't being taken seriously?

He's a proven progressive without any scandals and has plenty of job experience. Not seeing why everyone has been counting him out since the beginning.
Can someone explain why O'Malley isn't being taken seriously?

He's a proven progressive without any scandals and has plenty of job experience. Not seeing why everyone has been counting him out since the beginning.

- He has no presence; would get absolutely smashed by someone like Trump in a debate

- He was not that great on stage; tried to force green energy into every topic

- Terrible speaker; not enough political experience and skill to stand out in a debate. This is the opposite of Obama who did not have the political experience in 2008, but had excellent stage presence and was an excellent debater.

Unfortunately, the reality is that at this stage, you're not only look at a person's policy positions and ethics, but also their charisma and ability to win in a general election.

If you look at it in that lens, you'd have to rank it like:

Hill >>>> Sanders >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O'Malley​

I like many of Sanders's positions and I believe that he's genuinely out there for the middle class, but I think that in a general election, it will get ugly.

Quite frankly, Biden would be my guy since I think he would be even less of a liability in the general than Hill (Benghazi, Email, "establishment", Wall Street ties)

I'd rank it like this with Biden in terms of how he would perform in a general:

Biden > Hill >>>> Sanders >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O'Malley​

His smackdown of Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin in the debates is the stuff of legends. He would absolutely crush Trump, Cruz, or Rubio in a debate.
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