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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I really hope Bush just savages Rubio at the debate tomorrow and manages to pull a huge upset/comeback. His medicare stances and constant gaffes make him a dream candidate for the general election. I used to be slightly concerned about Bush in the general, but he is honestly more brutalized than Mitt Romney was by this point. It is unbelievable.
I really hope Bush just savages Rubio at the debate tomorrow and manages to pull a huge upset/comeback. His medicare stances and constant gaffes make him a dream candidate for the general election. I used to be slightly concerned about Bush in the general, but he is honestly more brutalized than Mitt Romney was by this point. It is unbelievable.

I agree, Trump or Bush would be the best.
This is after the first debate but before Benghazi.

Three is a .....................

A blessing from heaven.

I'm seriously wondering if Bernie's people on the ground are sensing something shift under him in Iowa. It would explain some of the more out of character things his campaign has been saying lately. I'm sure his pollster hasn't had a chance to get anything going, though. So maybe it's just the stars aligning for Hillary.
I really hope Bush just savages Rubio at the debate tomorrow and manages to pull a huge upset/comeback. His medicare stances and constant gaffes make him a dream candidate for the general election. I used to be slightly concerned about Bush in the general, but he is honestly more brutalized than Mitt Romney was by this point. It is unbelievable.
I also want Trump to send Jeb crying over "my brother kept us safe" garbage. Shit's just asinine and needs a complete obliteration, because the media obviously does not want to touch the issue for fear of looking unpatriotic, partisan or whatever the fuck. Trump needs to air the dirty laundry in full beastmode.



Now it's two Iowa polls with Hillary opening a giant lead in Iowa. Loras College:
Clinton 62%
Sanders 24
O'Malley 3


Is this a Benghazi Bump?
Incredible. Hillary is a goddess.
The German public going after Merkel hard for recognizing that Syrian refugees are people is depressing.

The human race is still largely ruled by fear.
I hope one day people can move past that. But it'll be a long time from now, at best.


Unconfirmed Member
The one two punch of destroying Bernie in the debate and destroying the GOP in the hearings ended this primary. It's done and over.

Yep. You could erase those polls and it'd still be obvious. Bernie's only hope was to skyrocket from the debates and it clearly didn't happen.

Still, mission accomplished on pushing young democrats towards being social democrats. Hopefully that'll stick as they get older.


Sherrod Brown endorses Clinton

Dylan Matthews thinks that Sherrod is a potential VP pick for Clinton, which is fucking absurd.

No chance of it happening. Your boy Kasich gets to appoint his replacement(Republican)should he win putting the incumbent in a good position in 2018(low turnout)

I doubt they'll even remember who Bernie Sanders was or what he stood for in a week.

You were 18-24 once Bam. Let them dream big.

A blessing from heaven.

It came.

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 41s41 seconds ago
Our new NC poll finds Hillary Clinton w/ her best standing since May- Clinton 61, Sanders 24, O'Malley 5, Lessig 2:



Yep. You could erase those polls and it'd still be obvious. Bernie's only hope was to skyrocket from the debates and it clearly didn't happen.

Still, mission accomplished on pushing young democrats towards being social democrats. Hopefully that'll stick as they get older.

It's not actually that shocking. The combo of removing biden and the good debate and Benghazi performance.


Updated polls to reflect Trump's impending doom.




PPP's new North Carolina poll finds Hillary Clinton with her largest lead in the state since May. 61% of Democrats in the state support Clinton to 24% for Bernie Sanders, 5% for Martin O'Malley, and 2% for Lawrence Lessig. A month ago Clinton led 51/23 in a Joe Biden-less field and these numbers suggest that pretty much everyone who's made up their mind since then has gone into her camp.

North Carolina provides more evidence of Clinton's favorability numbers improving over the last month. She's gone up a net 9 points from +34 (63/29) in September to now +43 (67/24). Her lead is pretty steady across the board- she gets 74% with African Americans, 66% with seniors, 65% with liberals, 62% with women, 60% with men, 58% with moderates, and 57% with whites. The group where Sanders come closest is with younger voters, but even there Clinton still has a 50/34 advantage.

Donald Trump may be on the down swing with Republican primary voters some places, but not North Carolina. He leads the field in the state with 31% to 23% for Ben Carson and 11% for Marco Rubio. None of the other GOP hopefuls in the state even get more than 6%- Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina all tie for 4th place at that mark, followed by Mike Huckabee and John Kasich in a tie for 7th place at 5%. Chris Christie in 9th at 3% and Rand Paul and Rick Santorum tied for 10th at 2% round out the field of candidates with any measurable support. Kids table debate contestants Jim Gilmore, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, and George Pataki all register at less than 1%.

In addition to her improved numbers in the primary, Hillary Clinton's doing an average of 4 points better in general election match ups against Republicans in North Carolina than she was a month ago. It's still not a great picture for her there- she trails 6 out of 8 of the GOP hopefuls we tested- but the margins are at least closer than they were a month ago.

The 2 Republicans Clinton leads are Jeb Bush (46/43, after trailing 46/41 last month) and John Kasich (44/42, after trailing 44/40 last month). The strongest Republicans against Clinton all lead her by 6- Ben Carson at 49/43 (but he was up 51/41 last month), Marco Rubio at 48/42 (but he was up 50/40 last month), and Donald Trump at 48/42 (he was up 47/42 last month, so this is the one she hasn't tightened.) Rounding out the field Clinton trails Mike Huckabee 48/44 (compared to 48/41 a month ago), Carly Fiorina (45/43, compared to 48/41 a month ago), and Ted Cruz (46/45, compared to 46/43 a month ago.)

Bernie Sanders does an average of about 5 points worse than Clinton in head to head match ups against the same roster of Republicans. He trails Ted Cruz 45/41, Jeb Bush 46/40, Donald Trump 48/41, and Ben Carson 48/37.


PPP's new North Carolina poll finds Hillary Clinton with her largest lead in the state since May. 61% of Democrats in the state support Clinton to 24% for Bernie Sanders, 5% for Martin O'Malley, and 2% for Lawrence Lessig. A month ago Clinton led 51/23 in a Joe Biden-less field and these numbers suggest that pretty much everyone who's made up their mind since then has gone into her camp.

North Carolina provides more evidence of Clinton's favorability numbers improving over the last month. She's gone up a net 9 points from +34 (63/29) in September to now +43 (67/24). Her lead is pretty steady across the board- she gets 74% with African Americans, 66% with seniors, 65% with liberals, 62% with women, 60% with men, 58% with moderates, and 57% with whites. The group where Sanders come closest is with younger voters, but even there Clinton still has a 50/34 advantage.

PPP's new North Carolina poll finds Hillary Clinton with her largest lead in the state since May. 61% of Democrats in the state support Clinton to 24% for Bernie Sanders, 5% for Martin O'Malley, and 2% for Lawrence Lessig. A month ago Clinton led 51/23 in a Joe Biden-less field and these numbers suggest that pretty much everyone who's made up their mind since then has gone into her camp.

Hillary Clinton with her largest lead in the state since May. 61% of Democrats in the state support Clinton to 24% for Bernie Sanders, 5% for Martin O'Malley, and 2% for Lawrence Lessig.

Bernie Sanders, 5% for Martin O'Malley, and 2% for Lawrence Lessig

2% for Lawrence Lessig

No chance of it happening. Your boy Kasich gets to appoint his replacement(Republican)should he win putting the incumbent in a good position in 2018(low turnout)

That is the only time I've ever seen Brown mentioned in the VP conversation. It's totally ludicrous.

Ohio could potentially get both of our seats over to Ds in 2016. Losing Brown would be horrible, especially if we fail to unseat Portman.


What happened to ErasureAcer? I need to hear why Facebook likes prove that Bernie is the real winner of the Benghazi hearing.


I'd be worried too if I were Trump


For real though, its just one or two polls. Carson won't survive the debate.

You got the thread ready?

Fox Business Colorado Republican Debate is on November 10th. CBS Iowa Democratic Debate is November 14th. Have fun.


What happened to ErasureAcer? I need to hear why Facebook likes prove that Bernie is the real winner of the Benghazi hearing.

Facebook likes are yesterdays news bro. It's all about Youtube comments now. Did you see how many more positive Youtube comments Bernie had for his J-J Dinner speech than Hillary? Man oh man, he's surging.
That's a stretch. There's a big difference between policy criticism and negative attack ads. There's no way he changes a strategy that has always worked for him over the past 30 years over a single comment that people are trying to misrepresent.

It's not just that tweet though. Last night, on Rachel Maddow, Bernie directly attacked Hillary herself, suggesting she does not possess the leadership skills necessary to lead this country because she doesn't know how to do the right thing "when the going gets tough", as evidenced by her flip-flopping on many issues. Granted, Rachel specifically asked him to explain why he believes she's not fit for the job, but he could have easily deflected the question, yet he chose not to.

It's not a forced narrative, Bernie is changing his tactics. Now he might not do negative ads, as that hasn't been confirmed yet, but he has already started to attack Hillary without the ads. I'm just as surprised as everyone else, but it's true.

A lot of the 18-29 bracket were not old enough to caucus in 08 so they certainly would be new voters. I wonder if Bernie can expand on the 22% that came out in 08?

This too. How much of Hillary's support is of Obama's coalition? Are the mid to late 20's with Bernie or Hillary now?

It's pretty much what we all figured, but it remains to be seen if these young voters will actually get out and vote. We'll see.

Fresh round of polling with Carson leading nationally will do that.

Not to an aggregate poll, it won't.
Moderators better go hard on Carson. They've been giving him a free pass.

Nah, Kelly and the rest of Fox actually went in super hard on Carson in the first debate. They asked him a question about what to do in Syria (the hardest question in the primary most likely) and grilled him on how little he knew about the government and foreign policy.


Nah, Kelly and the rest of Fox actually went in super hard on Carson in the first debate. They asked him a question about what to do in Syria (the hardest question in the primary most likely) and grilled him on how little he knew about the government and foreign policy.
He just said, "We need smart intelligence and I have a brain."

Need some Anderson Cooper followups.
NC is one of the largest beneficiaries of In-migration from NE and the Out-migration from NC is to places like Georgia, Texas, Florida.

Between this and minority growth if the votes comes down in '16 the way it did in '12 NC will be super close. The Republicans would probably win by like .5% or something. Definitely not out of the question.
Kasich is fucking mad at everyone:

Kasich unplugged here: "What has happened to our party?" He just slammed several candidates without naming names.

Kasich on the GOP field: "I’m fed up. I am sick and tired of listening to this nonsense. And I’m going to have to tell it like it is."

Have to think Kasich will drop out pretty quickly after Jeb does if he doesn't get a bump.
He just said, "We need smart intelligence and I have a brain."

Need some Anderson Cooper followups.
Chris Wallace actually went after Carson's throat for his HSA vs Medicare thing over the weekend. He also made Rufio squirm earlier about his flip flopping on W's decision about Iraq. He deserves a better network in my opinion.


You reap what you sow, Kasich. This was always the natural road for the Republicans to end up on. You can't sow hate, fear & distrust, and complete FYGM selfishness in your base for 45 goddamn years and expect not to reap this current insanity.
Kasich is fucking mad at everyone:

Have to think Kasich will drop out pretty quickly after Jeb does if he doesn't get a bump.

At this point I think Kasich has given up and is probably just going to use his candidacy to try to talk some sense back into the party.

Dude is an asshole, but I think he's a totally sincere asshole.


No Scrubs
He just said, "We need smart intelligence and I have a brain."

Need some Anderson Cooper followups.

Yep, there's no point in asking a hard question if you don't try and force a real answer after. Any moron can ask a hard question, the trick is holding their feet to the fire after.
Kasich is fucking mad at everyone:

Have to think Kasich will drop out pretty quickly after Jeb does if he doesn't get a bump.

We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare," Kasich said, an apparent reference to Carson, who has suggested replacing both programs with private savings accounts. "You ever heard of anything so crazy as that?"


"We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars. ... Why don't we have no taxes? Just get rid of them all, and then a chicken in every pot on top of it."


"We got one guy," Kasich said, "who says we ought to take 10 or 11 million people ... we're gonna pick them up and we're gonna take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country? That's just crazy."


But Kasich reserved perhaps his most scathing critique for Bush, who often brags that, while governor of Florida, he was known as Veto Corleone because of all the spending requests he sent back.

"One of the candidates says he's known as Veto Corleone," Kasich said. "He's so proud of the fact that he vetoes everything. You know what vetoes are? Vetoes are a sign that you can't get what you want."

I don't know if I want him to point out how crazy his rivals are just yet.
Every time I see jeb news lately i cant get these lyrics out of my thoughts

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning, I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

You were 18-24 once Bam. Let them dream big.
That yoshida smugness. I cant


Every time I see jeb news lately i cant get these lyrics out of my thoughts

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning, I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

That yoshida smugness. I cant

Lmao, I've been getting that song stuck in my head too. Jeb's comments on Saturday about the state of the race made him sound petulant and angry that he wasn't winning "his" race.


Former Ohio Sen. George Voinovich: Rubio Lacks Experience To Be President

George Voinovich, the former two-term Republican senator from Ohio, told BuzzFeed News in an interview on Monday that he believes Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who some in the media have deemed the real frontrunner in the Republican race, lacks the management experience to be president.

“The only reason why I discount him, from my experience, is that he hadn’t had any management experience,” Voinovich, who also was governor of Ohio for two terms, said. “And I think our president has been a disaster because of the fact that he hasn’t had any management experience.”

“I was a county auditor, a county commissioner, lieutenant governor, mayor, and governor. And I can tell you that when I became mayor I thanked god that I had been a county commissioner. I’d learned things through that experience. And when I became governor, I said, ‘Oh, thank god, I was a mayor, a county commissioner.’ There’s a big difference between being an executive, an administrator, and being a legislator. And some people can rise above that, but darn few do,” he said. (Rubio, it should be noted, was city commissioner for West Miami prior to his election to the Florida statehouse.)

The 79-year-old Republican declined to make an endorsement on Monday, despite a heavy overlap between John Kasich’s staff and his own teams from his days in office, including Kasich’s campaign manager, Beth Hansen, who was Voinovich’s state director for 12 years and ran his first senate campaign.

Ha. That's a nice quote for ads in Ohio should Rubio be the nominee..
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