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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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The Berniebro, though steadfastly a Berniebro now, will not always be such. You can sense this. Soon, maybe already, the Berniebro will become a Schoolboardbro. Or a Municipalparkingbro. Or, heaven help us, a Localhistoricaldistrictzoningrestrictionsbro

Historic district BernieBro?

Oh dear Nayru - NO.

I can hear it already, him pleading with me about how every turd of an old building needs to be preserved. And that my specific choice of fence picket agling isn't quite historically accurate..


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jeb absolutely needs to stay in the race as long as possible. He's not going after anybody but Rubio.


NeoGAF.com is an endless spin machine for the Hillary shills. Most of them I suspect to be paid by the campaign. Or sockpuppets of Hillary herself.

Hillary's polling makes no sense when you compare it to actual signs of support like Facebook and Twitter user growth.

Hillary doesn't even want to chop up the banks and flush them down the toilets. She probably even supports banks keeping their pens chained to the desks.


An additional 268 emails are now deemed classified at the lowest level as part of the latest release, according to State Department spokesman John Kirby, who said that none of these emails "were marked classified at the time they were sent or received." There are now between 600 and 700 emails newly marked as classified since the releases began in May.
The day after her appearance, the State Department said it was unaware of any basis for her claim that the agency "had between 90 and 95 percent of all [her] work-related emails" even before she turned over 54,000 pages of records last December.
Time to end this doomed campaign so Bernie can get the support he needs for the general.




An April 2012 email to top staffer Philippe Reines released by the State Department on Friday showed that the former secretary of State had a little bit of trouble typing out emoji — or, as she called them, “smiley faces” — when she switched to a new BlackBerry.

“Here’s my question: on this new berry can I get smiley faces?” Clinton asked Reines.
“For email, no, I don’t think so,” Reines responded. “[Y]our need to type them out manually like :) for happy, or :-|| if you want to express anger at my tardiness.

“For text messaging, the chart might be there in the lower right, next to where you type the message,” he added. “If it’s not, I THINK that if you type :) it MIGHT automatically convert it into a symbol. Try it.”

And we want to give her the nuclear codes?

Time to end this doomed campaign so Bernie can get the support he needs for the general.
I was wondering where she got that 90-95 number. Has nothing to do with Benghazi though. Whole thing is an exercise in showing how normal people work inside a normal government. Oh she said something to her family and something else to the public? Come on. All the government posts will be vacated by now if we made that a litmus test for the officials. I wonder what the Bush cabinet said to their families about 9/11...hmmm.
I was wondering where she got that 90-95 number. Has nothing to do with Benghazi though. Whole thing is an exercise in showing how normal people work inside a normal government. Oh she said something to her family and something else to the public? Come on. All the government posts will be vacated by now if we made that a litmus test for the officials. I wonder what the Bush cabinet said to their families about 9/11...hmmm.
90-95% of her work related e-mails were sent or received from .gov addresses so they should have been captured within the system.

They weren't, because the State email system is useless. She would have had more privacy if she'd have just used a government email account. Total backfire.




Thanks benji, for linking to a meh article that led to a much better one in the sidebar.

How 1994 Explains 2016
When Jeb Bush told his father he was going to run for governor of Florida, his father said, “Go for it.”

When George W. Bush told his mother he was going to run for governor of Texas, his mother said, “You can’t win.”

The younger brother had announced he was running in February 1993; the older brother hadn’t said the same until November.

It figured.
The next day in Seattle, because “local and national radio hosts had been inciting protesters all week,” she would write in her memoir, Living History, she gave a speech wearing a bulletproof vest. In a loud, roiling crowd of about 4,500, people hissed and jeered.

“Go home, Hillary!” they chanted.

“Whitewater! Whitewater! Whitewater!”

“Heil Hillary,” said a sign stamped with swastikas.

“There’s an old saying that I always like,” she said in her drowned-out speech. “‘If you don’t have the facts on your side, yell.’ And there’s a lot of yelling going on in America.” After she finished, people jostled toward her limousine, she would write, mostly men in their 20s and 30s. “I’ll never forget the look in their eyes and their twisted mouths.”

Many people, though, were paying limited attention to it, or even to the Whitewater hearings, which continued on Capitol Hill. “It’s no O.J.,” a man from Richmond, Virginia, told the New York Times.

Clinton sat down for interviews with health care reporters. To debrief? To vent?

She talked about “the amount of hatred … being injected into our political process.” And those “encouraging it,” she said, “should think long and hard about the consequences of such encouragement.”


“There’s an old saying that I always like,” she said in her drowned-out speech. “‘If you don’t have the facts on your side, yell.’ And there’s a lot of yelling going on in America.”
Wow, who knew $hrillary was so sexist?


Almost missed it:
Donald Trump: Trump Organization chairman, age 48. One of Trump’s earliest admirers—Richard Nixon, who in 1981 told Trump he should run for office—died in 1994.
I'm not sure if we should commend or curse Nixon for this.


Cafe.com is actually much worse than it should be considering the talent behind it, but that video was funny at least.

Carson is “even more authentically African-American than Barack Obama, given that Obama’s mother was white and he was raised in part by his white grandparents.”

I am glad that Jonah Goldberg is here to talk about how Obama is fake-black.
New NBC/Survey Monkey Poll Click me to Run Unskew.exe

Bernie wins 18-29 year olds, and loses every other demographic you can come up with. She's running 61 points ahead of him among AA voters.

Hillary at 50%
Bernie at 30%

(Bernie's support has stayed between 25-30% since July).
Correlation != Causation

I understand the point of what Bernie is doing (and I believe it's a valid point), so please understand my point. There may be racist/bigoted motivations behind some people's islamophobic actions, but that does not make Islam a race. Now, if anyone has any actual evidence to the contrary, I'm definitely open to considering it, but all the evidence I'm aware of seems to suggest that Islam is a religion/culture that any race can become a part of.

I believe Bernie could have addressed the issue without alluding to Islam being a race, and (in most cases) spreading misinformation does more harm than good.

He never alluded to islam being a race, but that the hate agaisnt islamic people comes from racism, because surprise,Islam even while being an Abrahamic religion, is foreign to white people . This isnt hard to understand. I got so mad at your obtuseness that I replied 6 pages later, omg.
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