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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump just attacked Carson again on Twitter about his fabricated childhood stories. Glad to see the gloves coming off.
Stump the Carson

Am I the only one who when he hears a GOP candidate try to say "wet foot/dry foot," every sphinctor in my body tightens up in anticipation of the potential racial slur (and eventual 10 point bounce for saying it)?


Stump the Carson

Am I the only one who when he hears a GOP candidate try to say "wet foot/dry foot," every sphinctor in my body tightens up in anticipation of the potential racial slur (and eventual 10 point bounce for saying it)?
Now that you mention it, yes...

"We want wet feet, not wet..."

Followed by the eventual back pedal. "I meant wet noses. They're the worst!"
(CNN)Ben Carson said Thursday that the names of two people he has previously identified as victims of his childhood violence are "fictitious."

"I don't like to generally bring them in, the names I used for instance are fictitious names because I don't want to bring people into something like this because I know what you guys do to their lives‎," Carson told reporters in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Ben Carson is honestly the strangest politician in America right now and this stabbing story may be his strangest thing yet.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Okay, the second ad sounds like something straight out of a Grand Theft Auto radio commercial.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It honestly has gotten to the point where it's hard to distinguish from parody.
Ben Carson is honestly the strangest politician in America right now and this stabbing story may be his strangest thing yet.

I mean, what in the hell has happened to us as a nation?

The dude thinks that a majority of scientists thinks that the pyramids were built by aliens. He tried to stab people that are now fictitious. He has the personality of a dry sponge soaked in Xanax. How is this man serious!?

In fact, what happened to the GOP as a whole? There is a role for a fiscal conservative, even though I, myself, am not one. These asshats, though. My lord. I mean, when I sit here and think, "You know, Nixon wasn't THAT bad...." you know you've got issues.
Ben Carson is honestly the strangest politician in America right now and this stabbing story may be his strangest thing yet.
This story has all the potential to blow up his campaign. The fact that he's now backpedaling on the names of his victims is a dead giveaway that he has clearly lied up to this point. Earlier in the day he said he only gave the first name and not the last name in order to conceal their identity. Now that the media was going around Detroit trying to find every guy named Bob that was stabbed by a Ben Carson, he says the names are made up. CNN has spent countless hours trying to contact everyone from his class with the names he gave. Lol. What a disaster.


Donald Trump ad #2 as linked on this page is easily one of the funniest political ads I've ever heard. I really cannot tell whether he's trolling at this point. What's this I'm hearing about a Ben Carson rap ad?

You know, I never thought a campaign could possibly eclipse the collective insanity of the 2012 Republican Primary, but Carson and Trump together may have done it.
Don't forget Jeb!

I am no longer yearning for the days of Reagan and HW, I am yearning for the days of the Cain Train.

User 406

Look, I don't know about you guys, but when I think about the terrible agreements we've made with the likes of Iran and Russia, I really want a President who will break those agreements just cuz. A President who is a pathological liar. A President like Dr. Ben Carson. Only he can keep us safe by tricking the shit out of all those countries out there that expect us to honor our word. Like Canada. And Hitler.


In 2012, the legendary candidate Big Loss was cloned in the Les Candiates Terribles project. Jeb got all the recessive, low energy genes. Trump got all the dominant, unstumpable genes.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Why would he even lie about that? Why?

That's the best part about this. He lied about stabbing people as a kid, and he lied about how he told an armed robber to go after the cashier, with the goal of both of these being to somehow make him look GOOD.


That's the best part about this. He lied about stabbing people as a kid, and he lied about how he told an armed robber to go after the cashier, with the goal of both of these being to somehow make him look GOOD.

Is it like a born again thing? Like I was sinful and I found God and became good?


No Scrubs
Is it like a born again thing? Like I was sinful and I found God and became good?

I think that's exactly what it is. A girl I went to high school with refuses to shut up about all the horrible shit she did when I knew her, and I know for a fact she never did half of it, and then there's all the praise jesus stuff. She praises him for literally everything, everything out of her mouth is either how bad a sinner she was or praising jesus for the nickle she found between her sofa cushions (I am not even kidding about that one).
6. God helps Ben Carson replace his secretary.

When he was a resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Carson was struggling with a secretary whose performance he found inadequate. He had already identified a potential replacement but first needed to dismiss the current staffer:

I had to address the problem of what to do about my current secretary, who, besides being incapable of doing the work, was an alcoholic. I had not told anyone else, but I knew that something had to change.

How do I handle this situation? The woman really needs help. My firing her might add one more disaster to her life. But I can’t have this kind of gross inefficiency, I thought. At the same time, I’m softhearted. I always feel sad when I have to do something unpleasant even if necessary, and it is especially hard for me to fire somebody. I was beside myself, not knowing what to do.

I walked back into my office, shut the door, and prayed quietly, Lord, how am I going to resolve this dilemma without having to hurt anyone? I want to be kind to her, but I can’t let this go on.

I did not get an instant answer, but I felt better.

Two weeks later, my then-secretary did not show up on a Monday morning. We called her apartment and got no response then or later. For days we kept trying to locate her, including checking with all the local hospitals. We never did find out what happened to her. She simply disappeared. I regret that the depth of this woman’s problems leading to her dismal situation was not more apparent to me and that I did not have more time to try to help her resolve her problems.

I am thankful that this problem was resolved without any unpleasantness on my part.

–Ben Carson, “Think Big”

This is kind of creepy as fuck...



it is odd how the conversation is about Carson saying those previous attacks are 100% true and how dare someone say i didn't go after my mother with a hammer. How dare they!


No Scrubs

That sounds less like she disappeared and more like...well...you know...

it is odd how the conversation is about Carson saying those previous attacks are 100% true and how dare someone say i didn't go after my mother with a hammer. How dare they!

It's something to do with making his "come to jesus" moment even more miraculous. Like you play up how big a shithead you were to make jesus look better.


Professional Schmuck
This story has all the potential to blow up his campaign. The fact that he's now backpedaling on the names of his victims is a dead giveaway that he has clearly lied up to this point. Earlier in the day he said he only gave the first name and not the last name in order to conceal their identity. Now that the media was going around Detroit trying to find every guy named Bob that was stabbed by a Ben Carson, he says the names are made up. CNN has spent countless hours trying to contact everyone from his class with the names he gave. Lol. What a disaster.

IMAGINE an entire identity as a born again built on a hilarious lie about stabbing someone! LOLOL


That's just US politics unfortunately, if she didn't do this she'd be attacked from all sides. The sad thing is, even with this, she'll probably be the best on the issue out of the whole field.

Agreed. She has more or less the same view as Obama on Israel/Palestine and is on record in her emails and in Robert Gate's book as despising Netanyahu (just like my boy Barry-O). I'd love for any president to strike a harder line with Israel (no more military aid, stop blocking votes for them at the UN, allow Palestinian state to come up for a vote) but it just won't happen now. Congress is far to pro-Israel to allow any of that to take place without committing political suicide and running to the left on this issue is opening up Hilldawg's flank in the general.

It sucks, but that's politics. Big picture yo.

User 406

"From that day forward I knew I needed to help our great nation by praying the bad men into the cornfield. And by pray, I mean enhanced interrogation."


No Scrubs
Agreed. She has more or less the same view as Obama on Israel/Palestine and is on record in her emails and in Robert Gate's book as despising Netanyahu (just like my boy Barry-O). I'd love for any president to strike a harder line with Israel (no more military aid, stop blocking votes for them at the UN, allow Palestinian state to come up for a vote) but it just won't happen now. Congress is far to pro-Israel to allow any of that to take place without committing political suicide and running to the left on this issue is opening up Hilldawg's flank in the general.

It sucks, but that's politics. Big picture yo.

As the religious right weakens we'll be able to take harder stances on Israel. Maybe by the time I am old, gray and dying we'll be able to do those things you listed.

this guy prayed to god, and god killed his secretary in return

Yea, he "prayed to god." I'm sure that's what....some people...have called it.
I'm still waiting on PD's prediction of a Ben sex scandal.

I mean, everything seems to be coming out now that the media is actually paying attention to him so we'll see.

Media research is what ended Cain, but Trump survived every attack, we'll see what happens to Carson now that the media is looking at him.


That's such a fucking strange "God works in my life" story. Shouldn't he be able to identify some people in his life that turned things around and did better or something and not latch onto a secretary that disappeared because he prayed to god? Seriously, how self centered do you have to be to believe god disappeared your secretary so you wouldn't have to have an awkward conversation with her or possibly even help her with her shit.
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