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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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As the religious right weakens we'll be able to take harder stances on Israel. Maybe by the time I am old, gray and dying we'll be able to do those things you listed.

I know, right? Just reading through Walt and Mearsheimer's The Israel Lobby is truly eye opening. It will definitely take one of the largest reversals of national opinion before anything of substance can be done.


No Scrubs
I know, right? Just reading through Walt and Mearsheimer's The Israel Lobby is truly eye opening. It will definitely take one of the largest reversals of national opinion before anything of substance can be done.

Maybe we'll get lucky and Israel will change first. You never know.
Agreed. She has more or less the same view as Obama on Israel/Palestine and is on record in her emails and in Robert Gate's book as despising Netanyahu (just like my boy Barry-O). I'd love for any president to strike a harder line with Israel (no more military aid, stop blocking votes for them at the UN, allow Palestinian state to come up for a vote) but it just won't happen now. Congress is far to pro-Israel to allow any of that to take place without committing political suicide and running to the left on this issue is opening up Hilldawg's flank in the general.

It sucks, but that's politics. Big picture yo.
To be fair, there is not a single world leader that does not despise Bibi Netanyahu. Hell even Natalie Portman hates him. He is just a big, sweaty walking dildo in more ways than one.


Sex scandal is definitely coming.


Maybe we'll get lucky and Israel will change first. You never know.
Peace Process was assassinated along with Yitzhak Rabin. He was a terrible dude that said terrible things, but as a pragmatic leader understood that a 2-state solution is the only path forward. Unless Chichikov corrects me, there is simply no goodwill left for the pro-peace wing of the knesset for any forseeable future, and Bibi will be our eternal Israeli PM.


No Scrubs
Peace Process was assassinated along with Yitzhak Rabin. He was a terrible dude that said terrible things, but as a pragmatic leader understood that a 2-state solution is the only path forward. Unless Chichikov corrects me, there is simply no goodwill left for the pro-peace wing of the knesset for any forseeable future, and Bibi will be our eternal Israeli PM.

I was reading about Rabin this week. The whole region got royally screwed on that one.

I remember reading something a poll that said most Israelis want a two state solution but all assume everyone else wants a one state solution, so they all vote for hardliners.
Hypothetical Trump: "Listen, I love Ben, he's a great guy-one of the best, I'd let him do surgery on me no problem-if he drank we'd have a beer together, but hey, America is weak right now, we're not winning anymore-China's humiliating us, Mexico is sending over all these bad people-and America doesn't need a guy who couldn't even kill his mother. I mean, if it was me-and I wouldn't be in that situation, I love my mother, I love all mothers-I mean, if it was me and I had a hammer-a real serious hammer like Ben had-then I would have killed her dead. It would have been very quick, very high energy, not at all like Ben."
I'm curious why the establishment doesn't want Carson to win? His flat tax idea is the establishment's wet dream and he seems to be towing the line everywhere else but his more muted stance on foreign policy. Is it because they're worried he's actually religious and not just a lip service one?


I'm curious why the establishment doesn't want Carson to win? His flat tax idea is the establishment's wet dream and he seems to be towing the line everywhere else but his more muted stance on foreign policy. Is it because they're worried he's actually religious and not just a lip service one?

They're not completely stupid and they want to win. Carson isn't winning shit. You could find a new crazy quote from him every damned week during a general election it seems.


No Scrubs
Or there will be a cold case where a key witness was found in an apparent "self-lobotomy"

This wouldn't entirely surprise me.

I'm curious why the establishment doesn't want Carson to win? His flat tax idea is the establishment's wet dream and he seems to be towing the line everywhere else but his more muted stance on foreign policy. Is it because they're worried he's actually religious and not just a lip service one?

That and he'd never make it through a general, dude is too straight up with his crazy.
"I'm going to win New Hampshire, I just feel it," Bush told donors on a conference call Wednesday, phoning in from his campaign bus in between stops in the Granite State.

"I know in my heart that we're on the right track," he added, according to an audio recording of the call obtained by NBC News.

But Bush also acknowledged the drubbing he's taken in the press after his performance in the last Republican debate, and he addressed concerns among his campaign's financial backers.

"I promise you I'll do better," Bush said. "All the nervous nellies on the call, chill out. We're going to do better, I promise you. And this is going to be a fun campaign."
Jeb Bush to Donors: 'Chill Out'


I hope Jeb!'s Right to Rise PAC crashes and burns. He has been putting so much ad time here in SC and he is doing absolute shit in the polls. He deserves to lose all of his moneyh.



All of the disparagement of the campaign... makes people discomforted," he added. "If you follow all that stuff, my suggestion is don't follow it, stop reading Politico! Stop reading the clips!"

He continued: "It doesn't matter. A week from now they're going to be writing about something else."

Because you won't be in the race a week from now?

Also "discomforted", another mangled attempt at English. He's as bad as his brother.


I think that's exactly what it is. A girl I went to high school with refuses to shut up about all the horrible shit she did when I knew her, and I know for a fact she never did half of it, and then there's all the praise jesus stuff. She praises him for literally everything, everything out of her mouth is either how bad a sinner she was or praising jesus for the nickle she found between her sofa cushions (I am not even kidding about that one).
So.. She's like Sally Field from this old SNL sketch?

If so, that's hysterical.


Because you won't be in the race a week from now?

Also "discomforted", another mangled attempt at English. He's as bad as his brother.
He's different from his brother. Discomforted is a real word, but it's the kind only a snobby elite would use. W would say "makes people uncomfortable."


He's different from his brother. Discomforted is a real word, but it's the kind only a snobby elite would use. W would say "makes people uncomfortable."

No, I think he was looking for "discomfited". To be fair, the reporter may have mistranscribed it wrong (sic). But still, not a day goes by without a syntactical error from Jeb¡.

e: jeb's been making synstrategic errors too


No, I think he was looking for "discomfited". To be fair, the reporter may have mistranscribed it wrong (sic). But still, not a day goes by without a syntactical error from Jeb¡.
Wow, you buried the lead:

"I promise you I'll do better," Bush said. "All the nervous nellies on the call, chill out. We're going to do better, I promise you. And this is going to be a fun campaign."

Someone give this dork a swirly.
Hypothetical Trump: "Listen, I love Ben, he's a great guy-one of the best, I'd let him do surgery on me no problem-if he drank we'd have a beer together, but hey, America is weak right now, we're not winning anymore-China's humiliating us, Mexico is sending over all these bad people-and America doesn't need a guy who couldn't even kill his mother. I mean, if it was me-and I wouldn't be in that situation, I love my mother, I love all mothers-I mean, if it was me and I had a hammer-a real serious hammer like Ben had-then I would have killed her dead. It would have been very quick, very high energy, not at all like Ben."

I thought I did okay at this Trump impression :(

I'm not benji, but no one is.
No one can be better than no fucks Obama, and Bernie was never any good on the issue but gets a pass just like Hillary because everyone but no fucks Obama is horrible on it.

A damn shame. The US will probably never get a president as ballsy as Obama in regards to Israel. Not in the next decade, at least.
Damn the Democrats are really blowing it big time with the gun issue. No one gives a shit about gun control outside of the Democratic base other than psychotic gun nuts.

Bernie is the only sensible Democrat on guns.

Russ Feingold was pretty good on guns too when he was in the Senate.

And the worst part is the Hillary supporters who somehow attack Bernie as not being "left wing" enough because of the gun issue.


A damn shame. The US will probably never get a president as ballsy as Obama in regards to Israel. Not in the next decade, at least.

I don't even think Obama has been too ballsy here. The US is still very much controlled by Israel and every time I think the administration is finally going to flex its muscle, we usually end up with the same shit like "We like you Palestine and sympathize, but also fuck you. "


Damn the Democrats are really blowing it big time with the gun issue. No one gives a shit about gun control outside of the Democratic base other than psychotic gun nuts.

Bernie is the only sensible Democrat on guns.

Russ Feingold was pretty good on guns too when he was in the Senate.

And the worst part is the Hillary supporters who somehow attack Bernie as not being "left wing" enough because of the gun issue.

Yeah, I never got the logic of having people like Mike Bloomberg run ads in places like Arkansas and rural Virginia that promote Democratic candidates and attack Republicans over their positions on gun control.

Even if some people in those places are willing to answer on polls that they support something like background checks, those individuals don't seem to care enough about their positions on the issue to come out and support candidates that agree with them.

The gun nuts, on the other hand, always vote.


GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson suggested creating separate public bathrooms for transgender people in an interview with Fusion's Jorge Ramos Thursday.

When Ramos asked Carson if transgender men and women should be able to use any public bathroom they choose, Carson responded, "How about we have a transgender bathroom?"

"It is not fair for them to make everybody else uncomfortable," Carson added. "It's one of the things that I don't particularly like about the movement."



If no one in America outside of the Democratic party base and quote-unquote "psychotic gun nuts" cares about mass shootings ending in the deaths of dozens of innocents, then maybe that's an American problem rather than a Democratic party problem.

I used to be fairly neutral and lukewarm on this issue, too, until - emotional appeal incoming - twenty fucking children were shot dead in an elementary school and the response by the NRA and the "gun nuts" was to whine and whinge over the possibility that someone might take away their murder toys. I'm sorry, but sometimes doing the right thing takes precedence over disgustingly pragmatic soul-selling political expediency. (So insist the Sanders supporters on pretty much every issue but this one, mind you.)

And? So do pro-lifers, and any other sufficiently dedicated single-issue voting bloc. Is the answer to lie down and give up your principles in the face of opposition?

No, I still think the Democrats should persue gun control. I just don't think it's a good idea to use it as a way of differentiating themselves from Republicans in rural areas.
There are situations in which domestic abuse is so violent and dangerous that nothing short of a total separation from the abuser is the only way of assuring the physical and emotional safety of the victim(s). But there are situations, especially where there is strong spiritual and community support, in which the best option may be counseling or mediation or other less drastic measures. This does not in any way excuse the act itself, but it may help prevent further harm: the harm caused by children growing up without a parent; the harm of losing economic opportunities that would help to strengthen the family; the harm to the community of destroying a family unit. While I firmly believe that individual freedom is essential to a healthy democracy, I also believe that a strong family is the foundational unit of a healthy society.

Man, fuck you too, Doctor. Eat shit and die.
My lord. I mean, when I sit here and think, "You know, Nixon wasn't bad...." you know you've got issues.
Nixon was the best republican president of the last 50 years
Aint no shame

Furthermore he is a very loveable and sympathetic figure once you get to know him


Jeb Bush, on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, spoke in emotional terms and revealed new insights about a painful period when his daughter, Noelle, struggled with a drug addiction that landed her behind bars.

"I visited her in jail. Never expected to see my beautiful daughter in jail," the Republican presidential candidate said in an interview with The Huffington Post, adding, "She went through hell." "When I travel and do my regular job I can just look in someone's eyes and I can just tell, you can just see it."

Noelle was arrested in 2002 at the age of 24 for trying to fill a false prescription and was sentenced 10 days in jail for contempt of court after she was found with crack cocaine in a drug rehabilitation center. Bush was Florida governor at the time, and Noelle's addiction was thrust into the full public spotlight. Her uncle, George W. Bush, was also president.


I guess Jeb wants to wait until New Hampshire to drop out. That's what it sounds like when he says he can feel a New Hampshire win in his bones.


I guess Jeb wants to wait until New Hampshire to drop out. That's what it sounds like when he says he can feel a New Hampshire win in his bones.
I hope he stays in until Florida. Split the establishment vote with Rubio, tear that ass wide open for Trump. I think it's Winner-Take-All too. Delicious.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess Jeb wants to wait until New Hampshire to drop out. That's what it sounds like when he says he can feel a New Hampshire win in his bones.

The Citizens United was basically custom made for him. He can't give up in this early.

Even before Citizens United it was legal for them advertise for a certain candidate this early on, mainly because advertisements this early on mean very little.
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