YesPoor PD and that plane accident. It must have been some kind of strange equipment malfunction or something. I think in this time of mourning we should set aside partisan differences and come together to abolish the state forever.
YesPoor PD and that plane accident. It must have been some kind of strange equipment malfunction or something. I think in this time of mourning we should set aside partisan differences and come together to abolish the state forever.
Poor PD and that plane accident. It must have been some kind of strange equipment malfunction or something. I think in this time of mourning we should set aside partisan differences and come together to abolish the state forever.
Feels like it's not the first time reading thisI told y'all about Ted Cruz
Carson can drop to third place in any poll and you'd use that as grounds for your victory. How about if ben carson is in third place or lower on december 31st in an average of respected polls, and if it happens before but he climbs back to second by the 31st it doesn't count. If he's in third or lower on that date, then you have rights to my avatar for a month. If he is in second or first on the day of december 31st, then you will have to donate five dollars to a campaign of my choice, you know the one, and provide evidence.Anyone want to bet? I am sure Carson drops to third place this year. Keeping my avatar, but I will eat crow publicly.
Poor PD and that plane accident. It must have been some kind of strange equipment malfunction or something. I think in this time of mourning we should set aside partisan differences and come together to abolish the state forever.
HuffPo Pollster Less Smoothing. And I'll do $50 just for you.Feels like it's not the first time reading this
Carson can drop to third place in any poll and you'd use that as grounds for your victory. How about if ben carson is in third place or lower on december 31st in an average of respected polls, and if it happens before but he climbs back to second by the 31st it doesn't count. If he's in third or lower on that date, then you have rights to my avatar for a month. If he is in second or first on the day of december 31st, then you will have to donate five dollars to a campaign of my choice, you know the one, and provide evidence.
Ben isnt going anywhere
The day after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in 1968, Ben Carson’s black classmates unleashed their anger and grief on white students who were a minority at Detroit’s Southwestern High.
Mr. Carson, then a junior with a key to a biology lab where he worked part time, told The Wall Street Journal last month that he protected a few white students from the attacks by hiding them there.
It is a dramatic account of courage and kindness, and it couldn’t be confirmed in interviews with a half-dozen of Mr. Carson’s classmates and his high school physics teacher. The students all remembered the riot. None recalled hearing about white students hiding in the biology lab, and Mr. Carson couldn’t remember any names of those he sheltered.
HuffPo Pollster Less Smoothing. And I'll do $50 just for you.
Link my post when you win and I forget I made this bet.done
Okay, I need all Carson supporters to sign an affidavit that they are not being sarcastic. I don't trust anyone after thinking I finally found one with Huelen.
Carson will beat you over the head with a hammer until you believe he got a West Point scholarship while Trump beats him in the polls. I called it months ago that Carson would gaffe himself out Perry style.
You gotta understand. A lot of jokers here. I can't tell the difference between true believer and stealth troll :<unfair scrutiny against Carson supporters, it's too be expected from poligaf.
You gotta understand. A lot of jokers here. I can't tell the difference between true believer and stealth troll :<
Who's the guy with the baseball avatar. He's the real deal, right? Joey Fox?
It's like a pre-Internet chain email.From Father Brain in the Carson OT via the WSJ.
Ben Carson is one ridiculous liar.
More from the WSJ:
If and when Trump wins the nomination (and loses the general)...who even runs in 2020?
Paul Ryan's almost a given.
If and when Trump wins the nomination (and loses the general)...who even runs in 2020?
Paul Ryan's almost a given.
If and when Trump wins the nomination (and loses the general)...who even runs in 2020?
Paul Ryan's almost a given.
You gotta stop, man. I can't breathe.
What a day.
Scott Walker will last for 14 seconds in 2020.
Yeah, I had plans today and I ended up spending the whole day just reading this shit.Carson.
You gotta stop, man. I can't breathe.
What a day.
Yeah, I had plans today and I ended up spending the whole day just reading this shit.
Marco Rubio, I'd imagine, unless credit card abuse or his secret lovechild or whatever other kind of scandal really sinks him this time around.
Rubio's problem is that he's not running for re-election. By 2020 he's going to be a one-term ex-senator with no legislative accomplishments. Ted Cruz will have four more years of pissing of his colleagues during that time.
Brownback will be done razing Kansas to the ground, he'll be ready to throw his hat in.If and when Trump wins the nomination (and loses the general)...who even runs in 2020?
Paul Ryan's almost a given.
That's my problem. I'm thinking about people in legislatures. My governors Nikki Haley and Pat McCrory might do well.Brownback will be done razing Kansas to the ground, he'll be ready to throw his hat in.
What 's the difference between Hillary Clinton and Ben Carson?
Carson admitted that he tried to murder a close friend.
Enough with the John Edwards comparisons already. First he was the GOP's Obama, now this.Rubio's problem is that he's not running for re-election. By 2020 he's going to be a one-term ex-senator with no legislative accomplishments.
Who's the guy with the baseball avatar. He's the real deal, right? Joey Fox?
You got me to laugh. But no, he's gonna tank. This is the biggest gaffe of my lifetime and his handling of the whole thing has been toddler-like. Political malpractice if he isn't obliterated at the debate.Sometime soon, Ben Carson is going to come out about an affair with a braindead patient, and it won't affect him at all. Then it will turn out he lied to make himself look good, and it won't affect him at all.
I still think Cruz is in the wings, but yeah. This is Romney-Perry/Cain all over again. Except if Romney was also Gingrich and Romney never dipped below 1st place.I picked Carson because of his poll numbers against Democrats, never supported him. Road should be clear for Trump now.
That's my problem. I'm thinking about people in legislatures. My governors Nikki Haley and Pat McCrory might do well.
Don't fall for Bernie Sanders's First Worldist lies.Sanders on voting rights.
Ugh, my f*cking fave. King of everything.
Such passion, such fire, such assertiveness.
P-O-O-R Hillary.
Yes. But Trump has a far superior relationship with the media. He doesn't go on someone's show, call them stupid, then say "na na na na na"I feel like what happened today with Carson is what everyone assumed would happen to Trump months ago.
Yes. But Trump has a far superior relationship with the media. He doesn't go on someone's show, call them stupid, then say "na na na na na"