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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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As long as Trump remains Joker I'm ok.

Also, I really think Carson should be one villain...having a composite of more than one takes away the fun of it. But your call.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Great ad. Would have been better if he mentioned the diaper though.

I'm of the mindset that Carson's lies will hurt him this time. Firstly, the GOP doesn't like lying about the military. Jesus himself created the US Military in 1776, so to lie about it in any capacity) should hurt you with that base. Plus, the Evangelicals do have other bat shit crazy options, mainly Cruz (or Frothy....or Huckabee). For those that supported Carson because he seemed like a reasonable fellow, I don't think they'd stand by him after this. Of course "reasonable" and "GOP Primary voters" are mutually exclusive, so maybe....I think Carson's numbers were on their way down anyway.


The GOP doesn't give a shit about lying in regards to the military as long as it's a Republican that's doing the lying. Dubya lied about hiss service in the air force, and not a single Republican gave a shit. John Kerry was a decorated Vietnam Vet, yet was considered indistinguishable from an Al Qaeda operative in their eyes.

In other words, as with everything in life, IOIYAR.

Bad news for Chris Christie :(

He was going to prosecute her.

Who says he can't still do that? :O


Arggggggh Fiorina's campaign coverage is still based on The View talking about her face and her replying to them talking about her face. If people would stop talking about her she would disappear.


Arggggggh Fiorina's campaign coverage is still based on The View talking about her face and her replying to them talking about her face. If people would stop talking about her she would disappear.
Then why are you talking about her?

AGH, now you've got me talking about her!
I so badly want to go imaginary young Ben Carson on two dudes who keep trying to sabotage and stalk my girlfriend, but that's not right and I don't know what to do. They're even in Canada so I have no idea what the U.S. legal system could do if it cared about women being assaulted and stalked and smeared...
I so badly want to go imaginary young Ben Carson on two dudes who keep trying to sabotage and stalk my girlfriend, but that's not right and I don't know what to do. They're even in Canada so I have no idea what the U.S. legal system could do if it cared about women being assaulted and stalked and smeared...

Just go real Ben Carson and ask God to make them disappear.
I will be fair to Vitter in that sex workers are usually almost as moral as soldiers.

Of course, requesting sex work after skipping a meeting honoring dead government officials is bad.

Just go real Ben Carson and ask God to make them disappear.

People are so awful that there's certainly not a God though.

And I can't black out and "do God's work" through disappearing them either.


John Kerry was a [falsely] decorated Vietnam Vet
Who threw somebody else's medals over the White House fence.

And was taking orders from Richard Nixon to engage in illegal actions before Nixon was elected to any office.

And said he should be President because he was so stupid he was tricked by Republicans

I hope Kerry runs for the Democratic nomination in 2020, it might be his for the sacrificial taking if we keep having economic numbers like these that President-elect Trump is producing.

Unless Hillary tries some kind of Debs run-from-the-jailhouse redemption campaign.
Ya'll are probably right about it not hurting Carson as much as I think it should. I come from a place of rationality, and most GOP caucus/primary voters do not. I do think, should he make it to the General, shit like this would hurt him. So, I guess that's something, at least.

Anyone look into those CNN Iowa crosstabs? Bernie has way more problems than just people of color. His numbers among women are really shit. Plus, if you look at the "Who can handle....best" he loses on all of them, including the economy. That's like the entire thing he's built his campaign around, and he cannot win on that metric? He also gets decimated on foreign policy.


Ya'll are probably right about it not hurting Carson as much as I think it should. I come from a place of rationality, and most GOP caucus/primary voters do not. I do think, should he make it to the General, shit like this would hurt him. So, I guess that's something, at least.
He's done. I'd bet the farm on it. He's going to get obliterated at the debate.


"@realDonaldTrump So sad that Obama rejected Keystone Pipeline. Thousands of jobs, good for the environment, no downside!"


Yes, but then they'd get impeached for sure.
But would they be convicted?

Say for hypothetical sake, Hillary gets hit with a bunch of charges but still wins the election, picked up a few more seats in the House and Senate for the Democrats but they're still in GOP control.

She's sworn in and pardons herself.

Would enough Democrats in the Senate vote to convict? If it was 52 R - 48 D in the Senate that means 15 D's would have to defect.

Bill's two charges fell 45-55 (10 R's) and 50-50 (5 R's).

The late Fred Thompson interestingly voted against the perjury charge.


Convict. The House impeaches, the Senate convicts.

The House impeached him 228-206 and 221-212. They failed to impeach him on a second charge of perjury (205-229) and on a charge of abuse of power (148-285).

Five Democrats (Virgil Goode of Virginia, Ralph Hall of Texas, Paul McHale of Pennsylvania, Charles Stenholm of Texas, and Gene Taylor of Mississippi) voted in favor of three of the four articles of impeachment, but only Taylor voted for the abuse of power charge. Five Republicans (Amo Houghton of New York, Peter King of New York, Connie Morella of Maryland, Chris Shays of Connecticut, and Mark Souder of Indiana) voted against the first perjury charge. Eight more Republicans (Sherwood Boehlert of New York, Michael Castle of Delaware, Phil English of Pennsylvania, Nancy Johnson of Connecticut, Jay Kim of California, Jim Leach of Iowa, John McHugh of New York, and Ralph Regula of Ohio), but not Souder, voted against the obstruction charge. Twenty-eight Republicans voted against the second perjury charge, sending it to defeat, and eighty-one voted against the abuse of power charge.
The five Republican senators who voted against conviction on both charges were John Chafee of Rhode Island, Susan Collins of Maine, Jim Jeffords of Vermont, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. The additional five Republican senators who voted "not guilty" only on the perjury charge were Slade Gorton of Washington, Richard Shelby of Alabama, Ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia.
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania voted "not proven," which was considered by the Chief Justice Rehnquist as a vote of "not guilty."
Ya'll are probably right about it not hurting Carson as much as I think it should. I come from a place of rationality, and most GOP caucus/primary voters do not. I do think, should he make it to the General, shit like this would hurt him. So, I guess that's something, at least.

Anyone look into those CNN Iowa crosstabs? Bernie has way more problems than just people of color. His numbers among women are really shit. Plus, if you look at the "Who can handle....best" he loses on all of them, including the economy. That's like the entire thing he's built his campaign around, and he cannot win on that metric? He also gets decimated on foreign policy.

It won't hurt him. His favourables will remain high. And his honest and trustworthy ratings will increase. Because he's being smeared by the liberal media.

On your second point, that Vox article was an interesting women's take on the "shouting" comment, interpreting it as Clinton calling out implicit biases in general, not overt sexism at him. That may resonate with women who have experienced the same and the campaign's poor response probably amplified that. On the who can handle, I imagine that's part of the reason why 1) people who prefer her do, and 2) he won't beat her, because none of those numbers are going to flip.


Polls conducted during 1998 and early 1999 showed that only about one-third of Americans supported Clinton's impeachment or conviction. However, one year later, when it was clear that House impeachment would not lead to the ousting of the President, half of Americans said in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll that they supported impeachment but 57% approved of the Senate's decision to keep him in office and two thirds of those polled said the impeachment was harmful to the country.
lol, nothing more American. Oh, there won't be any real consequences to him? Then I changed my mind, impeach the bastard!

As a result, "moral character" and "honesty" weighed heavily in the next presidential election. According to The Daily Princetonian, after the 2000 presidential election, "post-election polls found that, in the wake of Clinton-era scandals, the single most significant reason people voted for Bush was for his moral character."
Al Gore reportedly confronted Clinton after the election, and "tried to explain that keeping Clinton under wraps [during the campaign] was a rational response to polls showing swing voters were still mad as hell over the Year of Monica." According to the AP, "during the one-on-one meeting at the White House, which lasted more than an hour, Gore used uncommonly blunt language to tell Clinton that his sex scandal and low personal approval ratings were a hurdle he could not surmount in his campaign...[with] the core of the dispute was Clinton's lies to Gore and the nation about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky."


Impeachment tickets here, get yer impeachment tickets here:
Next debate is hosted by Fox Business. He's getting clobbered.
Fox went in on Trump, and it backfired and helped Trump.

Carson will just mumble incomprehensible answers. If pressed for follow ups, he'll continue to do so. The audience will sympathize with his inability to form coherent audible sentences.


Courageous Conservatives take sole credit for things other people did.

See, also, the CNBC debate:
CRUZ: When millions of Americans rose up against Obamacare, I was proud to lead that fight. When millions of Americans rose up against amnesty, I was proud to lead that fight. When millions of Americans rose up against Planned Parenthood, I was proud to lead that fight.


Fox went in on Trump, and it backfired and helped Trump.

Carson will just mumble incomprehensible answers. If pressed for follow ups, he'll continue to do so. The audience will sympathize with his inability to form coherent audible sentences.
Then they turn to Trump and ask him if Carson should be president.

"Hey, I like Ben. He's a really great guy. He's a nice guy and a pretty good doctor. He's a great guy, too. But he's not ready to be president."
On your second point, that Vox article was an interesting women's take on the "shouting" comment, interpreting it as Clinton calling out implicit biases in general, not overt sexism at him. That may resonate with women who have experienced the same and the campaign's poor response probably amplified that. On the who can handle, I imagine that's part of the reason why 1) people who prefer her do, and 2) he won't beat her, because none of those numbers are going to flip.
I mentioned my mom earlier. In the late 90s, she probably wasn't a big Hillary fan. In 2008 she supported Clinton because she thought Obama wasn't ready. (Although she voted for him in the General, in no small part because she freaking loathed Sarah Palin). As she watched that exchange, she immediately latched onto the "Of course she's yelling, she's a woman thing." She's actually going to volunteer with me once Clinton's office opens locally. (Provided she doesn't have to talk to actual voters....)

I think so many liberals just can't fathom the idea that we live in a society in which even we are guilty of societal bias. There's no way around it. We have to check each and every privilege we have each and every time it comes up. If it makes us feel uncomfortable....good. There's a reason for that. Bernie is not immune from society anymore than the rest of us. I would think he and his campaign would take the opportunity to learn from it and check their privilege. Or, they'll just double down on it and play the victim.

And that's one of the things that just blows my mind about his campaign. Every time someone calls you on something or doesn't agree with you, it's not at attack on Bernie Sanders. They need to get way thicker skin if they want to run a successful national campaign. I guarantee you the GOP (if given the chance) wouldn't play nice with Sanders.

There's also something interesting in that Iowa poll. Bernie does best with men (which we all knew). If you look at the poll numbers for who do you think will win, both men and women think Clinton will win. However, more women think Bernie will win than men. (It's only within a few points, so it's probably not significant at all.) Also, women are less likely to have an opinion on who will win. I think this is evidence of that damn glass ceiling again. Just as AA voters had reservations that President Obama could win, I feel like there are some women out there who doubt that we would nominate a woman to lead the party and the country. I would love to see what will happen with Hillary's numbers among women once we prove that this is who we want, gender be damned.

On the flip side, I also like that Hillary is embracing her gender this time around. In 2008, she seemed terrified of being a woman candidate. She's leveraging that so much better this time around. Hell, she's just a lot better at this than she was in 2008. I don't know if it's her age, getting to that "Fuck it" point in life or what. It's refreshing to see.


Anyone want to bet? I am sure Carson drops to third place this year. Keeping my avatar, but I will eat crow publicly.
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