The televised MSNBC Democratic Forum, in Southern Carolina (almost full Vimeo
video, with Bernie's section starting at 25:44) was an unexpected surprise (until that GAF [thread=1136414]thread[/thread], I hadn't even heard of it; didn't watch it live as was going to see Spectre - a quite stylish 7/10).
I could start with, "Fuck me! Why isn't this guy [Bernie] President already?", but, that would be too predictable (for me), so I will actually start with: despite his light hearted response to Rachel Maddow's "What is the biggest public misconcepion about you?" question, he did, in part, look grumpy and a little too serious,
but only if you didn't see the complete segment, as overall, he totally manages to dispell that misconception. However, some might only get to see snippets of him, so he might want to work on that.
On the gun question, he did fine, but I thought he could have explained his Amtrak vote better. His position,
which is perfectly reasonable, in a nation that allows gun ownership, is that you are permitted to transport a gun, on an Amtrak train,
in your "checked-in" baggage, unloaded, and in a locked gun case, therefore denying you access, during your journey. This would, for example, allow someone to travel to an, otherwise unreachable, shooting tournament, which as far as I know, is still a respected Olympic sport. For full details on the Amtrak regulations, see
Taken as a whole, I thought Hillary's performance was o.k. (better than her wooden speech at the Democratic dinner, although, hardly great), but, as pointed out in the thread, I can't believe she drove right into the gaping Wall Street pot hole, by essentialy repeating her debate response, on her being too close to Wall Street:
I went to Wall Street. I went to the NASDAQ, in December of 2007, and basically said, "You guys have to stop it!"
Bernie's response to the "Dream job, that you would like to have right now, If you couldn't be a politician", was epic:
President of CNN [Hearty laughter and applause from audience]. And, if I was president of CNN, trust me, the way media deals with politics would radically change.