I never said Walker would be a threat. Dangerous to the country? Yes. But never a threat. I said he'd melt under the national spotlight, which he is doing.
Carson, on the other hand, has favorables that are through the roof right now. People would be stupid to discount that. I still think he fades in a month or two but he would not be an easy opponent in the general election.
Nope, not a joke. Look--if the democrats had a candidate who could energize a base and was interesting, I'd feel differently. But they don't. Carson appeals to Average Joe American, sadly. "Hey, I can do that job better than that politician! You don't need political experience!" I mean, look at the guy's favorable ratings right now. Insanely high. That's AFTER he said ridiculously stupid things in the debate and voiced his opinion that racism isn't really an issue.
He's respected. I mean, let's not pretend that saying stupid things is going to cause your numbers to fall because Trump is crushing it right now. No, he wouldn't appeal to the "electorate you need to win an election." But I don't think Hillary does, either. I think we're going to see a sizable dropoff in democratic voters compared to when Obama ran, and that is trouble.
I think people on this board are really understating how apathetic people may be when it comes to voting for Hillary.