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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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People really hate Jeb Bush.


User 406

By Supporters you mean his wife, right? Pretty sure it's his only supporter..

You got it backwards, Retromelon isn't Jindal's wife, Jindal is Retromelon's waifu.

So, basically, the only people who aren't corporate shrills are the people who have endorsed Bernie Sanders. Everyone else is part of the problem.

When Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary he will prove himself a corporate shill for not endorsing Bernie Sanders. :p

But, again, that's not what I asked you. What I asked you was that when the election is over, and IF Hillary wins will you admit that Democrats did not agree that Bernie Sanders was the best choice for President? Will you admit that they just didn't Feel the Bern.

You'll note that every time someone has directly asked him a question like this, he has never even once answered, and instead just turned the question around. It's just not worth it.

in the south, poor whites vote for social issues or don't vote at all. Even issues that who they vote for has no control over.

The notion that the 'moocher" is a single black woman with 8 kids is incorrect. The average poor southerner is a white family with 2-3 children struggling to pay their bills despite working 1 or 2 jobs each. And they harm themselves with these votes.

It's definitely the conclusion I would have guessed, just not quite to that extent. I didn't think the correlation would hold quite as much.

I belabor this point way too much, but people really, really don't seem to grasp just how momentous the changes that followed the CRA/Southern Strategy were, and how clear it makes just how deeply people prioritize their bigotry. An entire generation of poor whites threw away all the progressive gains they had made over half a century because they'd have to share with black people. Can you think of any other motivator in our politics with that kind of power?

We need to stop dancing around the issue and face the facts.

Welp, my totally not joke bet candidate dropped out. I will take any shameful avatar for the next three months that the community bestows upon me.

I vote for a version of Retromelon's avatar that faces to the left. :d
Kinda surprised Jindal was the next to go. I was expecting somebody like Santorum or Pataki, but whatever.

Why are these guys hanging on so long? Were they expecting to outlast the Donald Trump craze? Well that time has passed.
I don't use the FaceBook or the Twitter, but looking at my SO's FaceBook wall, all of the Conservatives are only "liking" the Governors refusing refugees while keeping quiet. All of the Liberals have pretty good zingers. "I thought #AllLivesMatter!" lmao

Sucks that my Governor is on that list.
proof voters are morons:

edit: This should be a lesson to Dems.

1. Medicaid/Obamacare is not driving these votes.

2. What is driving these votes are the social policies of this country moving left and it's a protest vote.

Another way to look at it is Darwinism In Action.

Game Over Aaron and Retro. You are the first casualties of the game.
Ignoring the Walker stans that died before the thing even started.
I don't use the FaceBook or the Twitter, but looking at my SO's FaceBook wall, all of the Conservatives are only "liking" the Governors refusing refugees while keeping quiet. All of the Liberals have pretty good zingers. "I thought #AllLivesMatter!" lmao

Sucks that my Governor is on that list.

Links pls.


I don't use the FaceBook or the Twitter, but looking at my SO's FaceBook wall, all of the Conservatives are only "liking" the Governors refusing refugees while keeping quiet. All of the Liberals have pretty good zingers. "I thought #AllLivesMatter!" lmao

Sucks that my Governor is on that list.

The asshole conservatives on my list are sharing shitty things and loudly being assholes on the issue.
It's ok, you can confess that you were the one that sent in that confession now :p

I posted way too many news stories about the jindal campaign when no one else cared for that to be true.
and aaron shouldn't change anything. Nobody wanted to bet avatars so there will be no humiliation, unless it's complicit

Now if you'll excuse me

So the people who voted for McCain and Romney will turn out for Bernie too? Cuz that is what is required for "droves."

Haven't you heard? There are indeed some moderate Republican voters, who are just as fed up with crony-capitalism etc as progressives and would indeed vote for Bernie, if he were the nominee.

The issue isn't whether long time democrats will vote for him. They will. Everyone here that is a Democrat will. The problem is he won't bring in as many swing voters and soft voters. And swing voters are generally morons, so don't act like Bernie can magically convince them.

And yes, a huge chunk of our population are against granting free college education regardless of income. For fuck suck's, many Republicans think Obama is a Muslim. Do you not realize how illiterate our voters are?

I'm happy to say that if the Republican voters end up nominating the clown, that is Donald Trump, or they go ultra-right, with Ben Carson, it will likely be the easiest Presidential win, for Bernie, in living memory (money won't be an issue; the American people, collectively, have deep pockets). If Hillary gets the nomination, all bets are off, and Trump could swing it (if he isn't Hillary's plant ;) ). I think she could comfortably beat Carson.
Daniel B·;185867597 said:
Haven't you heard? There are indeed some moderate Republican voters, who are just as fed up with crony-capitalism etc as progressives and would indeed vote for Bernie, if he were the nominee.

I'm happy to say that if the Republican voters end up nominating the clown, that is Donald Trump, or they go ultra-right, with Ben Carson, it will likely be the easiest Presidential win, for Bernie, in living memory (money won't be an issue; the American people, collectively, have deep pockets). If Hillary gets the nomination, all bets are off, and Trump could swing it. I think she could comfortably beat Carson.

That's an amazing world in which you live, sir.
Daniel B·;185867597 said:
Haven't you heard? There are indeed some moderate Republican voters, who are just as fed up with crony-capitalism etc as progressives and would indeed vote for Bernie, if he were the nominee.

Of course we've heard it, but it's always from delusional Bernie supporters.


Daniel B·;185867597 said:
Haven't you heard? There are indeed some moderate Republican voters, who are just as fed up with crony-capitalism etc as progressives and would indeed vote for Bernie, if he were the nominee.

I'm happy to say that if the Republican voters end up nominating the clown, that is Donald Trump, or they go ultra-right, with Ben Carson, it will likely be the easiest Presidential win, for Bernie, in living memory (money won't be an issue; the American people, collectively, have deep pockets). If Hillary gets the nomination, all bets are off, and Trump could swing it (if he isn't Hillary's plant ;) ). I think she could comfortably beat Carson.

I usually say this to that guy with the crazy looking head avatar from the infamous Hillary/Bernie threads but you need to come to grips with the current political reality.
Daniel B·;185867597 said:
Haven't you heard? There are indeed some moderate Republican voters, who are just as fed up with crony-capitalism etc as progressives and would indeed vote for Bernie, if he were the nominee.

I'm happy to say that if the Republican voters end up nominating the clown, that is Donald Trump, or they go ultra-right, with Ben Carson, it will likely be the easiest Presidential win, for Bernie, in living memory (money won't be an issue; the American people, collectively, have deep pockets). If Hillary gets the nomination, all bets are off, and Trump could swing it (if he isn't Hillary's plant ;) ). I think she could comfortably beat Carson.

I'd love to live in your head for a day.

Avatarize that



No they don't. Let them dream.

And make bets while you can.

No. They need a crash course in reality. Stakes are very high this time. We could be looking at worse case 35+ Governorships with up to 28 unified Republican controlled states plus a unified Republican federal government and Supreme Court. Brownback will look sane in comparison to what a President Cruz could do with that kind of power.

*Lose MT, MO, WV Govs. Fail to pickup NC & LA. Lose KY state Senate.


Bobby Jindal is currently trending on Twitter; it's nice to see his campaign finally go somewhere.
No. They need a crash course in reality. Stakes are very high this time. We could be looking at worse case 35+ Governorships with up to 28 unified Republican controlled states plus a unified Republican federal government and Supreme Court. Brownback will look sane in comparison to what a President Cruz could do with that kind of power.

*Lose MT, MO, WV Govs. Fail to pickup NC

If they were really going to vote at all, they'll still vote for Hillary. At best, Bernie got people invested in politics; at worst, people who weren't interested still aren't.


Lamar White, Jr ‏@CenLamar 5m

From a trusted source: 24 elected officials in Jefferson Parish will endorse John Bel Edwards tomorrow. 13 Republicans. Vitter's home.

This is a great headline for running-out the clock. If the pacing of these announcements is the Edwards campaign's handiwork, they're doing a great job at making positive headlines every few news cycles.


No. They need a crash course in reality. Stakes are very high this time. We could be looking at worse case 35+ Governorships with up to 28 unified Republican controlled states plus a unified Republican federal government and Supreme Court. Brownback will look sane in comparison to what a President Cruz could do with that kind of power.

*Lose MT, MO, WV Govs. Fail to pickup NC & LA. Lose KY state Senate.

There will be plenty of time for them to reflect on reality after the primary.


This is a great headline for running-out the clock. If the pacing of these announcements is the Edwards campaign's handiwork, they're doing a great job at making positive headlines every few news cycles.

I don't get it. He had these problems years ago. Why are they sinking him now when they did not in 2007 & 2010? These same people likely reelected him.
People have gotten too used to Obama being able to build a competitve coalition in numerous states and they think any Dem could just breeze into the same path to victory.

You guys need to wake up and realize the stakes at play. Especially the infighting Dems. People talking about Clinton and Republicans are the same have a front row seat to how wrong they are right now.


I don't get it. He had these problems years ago. Why are they sinking him now when they did not in 2007 & 2010? These same people likely reelected him.
To be honest, I'm not really sure why it took so long. It's lingered in the background.

It does seem like Edwards is much less hesitant to outright attack along this line of approach - and his public image as an all-american military guy makes him the perfect guy to make these kinds of attacks. Vitter's last election was for Senate in 2010 - the year that the GOP freaked-out about losing to Obama in 2008 - and his opponent wasn't able to mount such on-target attacks.

Bobby Jindal also hadn't weighed-down the GOP brand statewide either. The environment just seems really different.. a perfect storm, really.


To be honest, I'm not really sure why it took so long. It's lingered in the background.

It does seem like Edwards is much less hesitant to outright attack along this line of approach - and his public image as an all-american military guy makes him the perfect guy to make these kinds of attacks. Vitter's last election was for Senate in 2010 - the year that the GOP freaked-out about losing to Obama in 2008 - and his opponent wasn't able to mount such on-target attacks.

Bobby Jindal also hadn't weighed-down the GOP brand statewide either. The environment just seems really different.. a perfect storm, really.

I would say there's definitely the Jindal effect at work, but also that JBE is just a good candidate.
I would say there's definitely the Jindal effect at work, but also that JBE is just a good candidate.
It's a combination of everything, I think. Jindal being terrible, Vitter being terrible, Edwards being great, (very) slight turn blue, Obama derangement syndrome probably cooling off, decent economy/Obamacare situation.
Holllly....So, now Unions who don't endorse Bernie Sanders are part of the corporate, neo-liberal wing of the Democratic Party!? Unions? We've now reached the point where Unions are part of the problem. In a Democratic Primary. Is this real life? Is this just fantasy?

So, basically, the only people who aren't corporate shrills are the people who have endorsed Bernie Sanders. Everyone else is part of the problem. If Bernie has this huge majority of people supporting him....how come he doesn't have a majority of the Progressives in Congress? How about a single governor? A single Senator? A single state party chair? A majority of unions?

Based on peer reviewed, scientific data, as I haven't received a single friendly toot, from a passing motorist, clearly Bernie doesn't yet "have a huge majority of people supporting him" (your words), but we have months left yet, to spread the good word ;).

Seriously though, don't you think it's a problem, when a union unilaterally decides to endorse a Presidential candidate, without conducting a national ballot and also, doing so long before its members have had a chance to become fully acquainted with all the candidates? Is that too much to ask from ones union, in this day and age?

I have never seen anyone question Bernie's integrity. However, an election isn't a "Lets all hold hands and love each other" thing. If you think any criticisms of Sanders are attacks on his integrity....you're in for a world of hurt should he make it into the General. Pointing out that Bernie is wrong on something is not an attack on him as a person. It's showing that, and I know this may be surprising.....he's human. It's totally possible he's completely wrong on something. And it's okay! Hillary's wrong on things sometimes, too.

And, no, I don't think the Democratic party will be fully behind him.Will I vote for him? Absolutely. I also think it's funny that you think Bernie Sanders could "do" anything to someone in the party. He caucuses with us because we want him to. He has no power or say within the party at all. Zero. (Which is part of the reason he has so many issues trying to win.)

My point was that, I don't see Democrats having any trouble voting for Bernie, the happily maried, for 28 years, father and grandfather of seven (oh, I'm good ;) ), a man of unquestionable character, who has dedicated a good part of his life to the betterment of his fellow American.

It's not Bernie who will show the door to someone in the party, who would vote against significant parts of his proposals, it's the American people!

But, again, that's not what I asked you. What I asked you was that when the election is over, and IF Hillary wins will you admit that Democrats did not agree that Bernie Sanders was the best choice for President? Will you admit that they just didn't Feel the Bern.

If Bernie's supporters, me included, do everything that is asked of us (I draw the line at donating a kidney) and the American people reject the chance to put our once great nation, back on the right course, then I will live in hope, that in my lifetime, another champion emerges, who seeks the high office of President of the United States, for merely the chance to faithfully serve all Americans, our precious planet and all future generations.

I will, right now, unequivocally say that if Hillary loses, then I was wrong. I was completely wrong.
For the sake of planet Earth and all its inhabitants, I am hoping, with every fibre of my being, that you are utterly wrong.

Powered by PS3 (Slim - my Phat got the YLOD's) ;).


Daniel B·;185877347 said:
Based on peer reviewed, scientific data, as I haven't received a single friendly toot, from a passing motorist, clearly Bernie doesn't yet "have a huge majority of people supporting him" (your words), but we have months left yet, to spread the good word ;).

Seriously though, don't you think it's a problem, when a union unilaterally decides to endorse a Presidential candidate, without conducting a national ballot and also, doing so long before its members have had a chance to become fully acquainted with all the candidates? Is that too much to ask from ones union, is this day and age?

My point was that, I don't see Democrats having any trouble voting for Bernie, the happily maried, for 28 years, father and grandfather of seven (oh, I'm good ;) ), a man of unquestionable character, who has dedicated a good part of his life to the betterment of his fellow American.

It's not Bernie who will show the door to someone in the party, who would vote against significant parts of his proposals, it's the American people!

If Bernie's supporters, me included, do everything that is asked of us (I draw the line at donating a kidney) and the American people reject the chance to put our once great nation, back on the right course, then I will live in hope, that in my lifetime, another champion emerges, who seeks the high office of President of the United States, for merely the chance to faithfully serve all Americans, our precious planet and all future generations.

For the sake of planet Earth and all its inhabitants, I am hoping, with every fibre of my being, that you are utterly wrong.

Powered by PS3 (Slim - my Phat got the YLOD's) ;).

and Obama was not the champion? Who is the "American" people you speak of? He is running in a democratic primary where the nomination will be decided by mostly Americans affiliated with the Democratic Party.
No. They need a crash course in reality. Stakes are very high this time. We could be looking at worse case 35+ Governorships with up to 28 unified Republican controlled states plus a unified Republican federal government and Supreme Court. Brownback will look sane in comparison to what a President Cruz could do with that kind of power.

*Lose MT, MO, WV Govs. Fail to pickup NC & LA. Lose KY state Senate.

One thing to remember is that most Bernie supporters will have their come to Jesus moment should he lose. They'll be upset for a while, but then they'll come back into the fold--assuming they're long-time voters. If they're new voters, it just depends. Bernie (or Hillary to be fair) will campaign for whomever the nominee happens to be. If these supporters really care about the issues, they'll vote Democratic in November.

The only thing that gets me is that we Democrats used to pride ourselves as being based in the "reality based community." That baby's done been thrown out the bathwater. We've see people unskew polls, ignore everything because of this one candidate. It's all the things we used to ridicule the die hard Ron Paul/Rmoneybots for doing. Now some of us do it. (And I'm not calling anyone out here. I see it on a lot of progressive blogs.)
Daniel B·;185877347 said:
Based on peer reviewed, scientific data, as I haven't received a single friendly toot, from a passing motorist, clearly Bernie doesn't yet "have a huge majority of people supporting him" (your words), but we have months left yet, to spread the good word ;).

Seriously though, don't you think it's a problem, when a union unilaterally decides to endorse a Presidential candidate, without conducting a national ballot and also, doing so long before its members have had a chance to become fully acquainted with all the candidates? Is that too much to ask from ones union, in this day and age?

My point was that, I don't see Democrats having any trouble voting for Bernie, the happily maried, for 28 years, father and grandfather of seven (oh, I'm good ;) ), a man of unquestionable character, who has dedicated a good part of his life to the betterment of his fellow American.

It's not Bernie who will show the door to someone in the party, who would vote against significant parts of his proposals, it's the American people!

If Bernie's supporters, me included, do everything that is asked of us (I draw the line at donating a kidney) and the American people reject the chance to put our once great nation, back on the right course, then I will live in hope, that in my lifetime, another champion emerges, who seeks the high office of President of the United States, for merely the chance to faithfully serve all Americans, our precious planet and all future generations.

For the sake of planet Earth and all its inhabitants, I am hoping, with every fibre of my being, that you are utterly wrong.

Powered by PS3 (Slim - my Phat got the YLOD's) ;).

This is now performance art.
Muslim students at my university seem to be avoiding class this week.

So everything's fine, no fear from hate speech here.

Fucking hell, even the Jewish refugee hate tropes in the 1930s were exactly the same as the Syrian refugee hate tropes today:

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