The long view is that they've been dictating the terms of economic policy since Reagan, mate.
Uh, and that's been crumbling since Obama came to office. How many states are raising minimum wages?
What's the country's overall position on raising taxes on wealthy?
How did the fiscal cliff deal end up, again?
Yeah, we're still feeling the fallout from that shit stain Reagan, but progress has been made and will continue to be made.
We are on the verge of a major economic shift in this country thanks to obama's presidency. Don't be impatient.
How many more Middle East entanglements? No public option. TPP. Sequester. Drone wars. Minimum wage. Before Obama? NAFTA. 'Workfare'. Mandatory minimums. Don't ask, don't tell.
The Middle East entanglements are a direct result of W Bush and people like you voting Nader, so thanks for that.
No public option is exactly my point. Not willing to work hard. Would I like Medicare for all? healthcare public option for all? yes. But it's not feasible. So let's play your game. Let's say you're right and that by going all in on the public option or nothing we get nothing now and 30 years from now a public option. Well, how many people died in that time because you felt entitled to only your way? The ACA was a
major step to the left that helps millions of people. And here you go whining about the lack of a public option.
Don't ask don't tell was also progress as the time. Would you prefer the alternative?
We're winning the minimum wage fight, slowly. States are the ones making that move because the GOP Congress won't go along.
Political realities matter. All the progress and none of the work, like a spoiled child.
Where would we be today with a President McCain or Romney? no ACA. more inequality. More wars. More everything you probably hate. And guess what, it wouldn't turn the country more left any quicker.