whoops, I just did that. Compared accidental gun deaths per year vs deaths to terrorism on us soil per year.I wish people, left and right, would quit comparing Syrian refugees with gun rights. I see this from liberal and conservative friends.
Those two things are not similar in any way.
Maybe somebody wanted to exclude the only blue block.lol how does that even happen? it's not like they're drawing the map themselves
Maybe somebody wanted to exclude the only blue block.
It's funny how kneejerk the GOP is about refugees. Do I see a potential threat? Sure. I certainly think we should require a lot of extra discretion when it comes to who we are and are not allowing to come here particularly in light of recent events.
But frankly I'm just as afraid of getting shot by a fellow American who has lost their mind and has access to a firearm. It happens everywhere now. It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what you're doing.
Nearly 300 if not more people have been murdered in Baltimore so far this year. That's more than in Paris, and I realize the circumstances are different as it is more confined per se, but let's stop acting like we never had to worry about succumbing to senseless violence before these attacks.
France proving it's more accepting and civil than the GOP.
France proving it's more accepting and civil than the GOP.
I couldn't agree more. The disconnect between the GOP's "LETS BURN THE MIDDLE EAST TO THE GROUND!" and their "lol, shit happens" response to domestic shootings is simply infuriating.
France proving it's more accepting and civil than the GOP.
mission civilisatrice?When was this ever not the case?
I know, I know..one poll...Quinnipac...Colorado...a year out.Hot Quinnipac Colorado Action:
whoops, I just did that. Compared accidental gun deaths per year vs deaths to terrorism on us soil per year.
Maybe somebody wanted to exclude the only blue block.
As we commend France for their civility, let's not overlook how insane the FN is and how they're undoubtedly going to get a huge boost in support from last week's attack.
The French far-right could make some pretty massive gains in 2017.
Cruz was responding to Obama's recent criticism of Republicans suggesting there be a religious test for Syrian refugees seeking entrance to the country, a plan he called "shameful" and "not American" while in Turkey for the Group of 20 summit.
"If you want to insult me, you can do it overseas, you can do it in Turkey, you can do it in foreign countries. But I would encourage you, Mr. President, come back and insult me to my face," Cruz said, staring directly into the camera.
Cruz got even more schoolyard, challenging the President to a debate any place, any time.
"Let's have a debate on Syrian refugees, right now. We can do it anywhere you want. I would prefer it in the United States and not overseas," the Republican presidential candidate said. "We'll do it on any station."
Cruz also called Obama's remarks "utterly unfitting of a President."
If Obama were to engage him it would give him a veneer of legitimacy, and if he doesn't he gets to crow about Obama being too weak to engage him. It's a great strategy.Does Cruz want to get his ass beat? He's sounding a lot like that short, weak kid on the block who always talks shit and eventually gets his ass beat when someone gets sick of his shit.
I merely used it for perspective.It's useful as an attention getter, but my FB feed is full of people calling out the supposed hypocrisy of the left *and* right using that example. As if the proposed policies on either are that binary or simple.
Despite predictions of his collapse, Donald Trump is getting stronger in Floridas Republican primary, a new poll shows.
The overall share of the GOP vote Trump now earns stands at 36 percent, according to a new Florida Atlantic University poll. Trumps lead has increased by about 4 percentage points since FAU last polled the race in September.
Its the opposite story with former governor Jeb Bush, who is pulling just 9 percent and is in fourth place for the fourth straight Florida poll. He has lost 2 percentage points since FAUs September survey. The primary is March 15.
Despite conjecture that Donald Trump has plateaued, his support in Florida remains very strong and could be growing, FAUs associate political science professor Kevin Wagner said in a news release.
Aside from Trump, U.S. Sen. Rubio has consistently started to eclipse Bush, his former mentor, at home.
Rubio is in a distant second in the GOP race with just 18 percent support half of Trumps lead and a decrease of about 1 percentage point since September. Dr. Ben Carson is catching up to Rubio and received about 15 percent support (a roughly 5-point increase) and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas nearly doubled his support since September, with 10 percent.
They were already looking to be significant.As we commend France for their civility, let's not overlook how insane the FN is and how they're undoubtedly going to get a huge boost in support from last week's attack.
The French far-right could make some pretty massive gains in 2017.
no one can beat cruz's ass. he is a master of rhetoric. the only one on the republican side who could potentially best him intellectually is Rand Paul
But it says Trump, Rubio, Carson and Cruz are ahead of Bush. So he should actually be in fifth place.
They were already looking to be significant.
Le Pen's only polling into the run-off for the last two years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_French_presidential_election,_2017
Also, while you're there check out how well that Hollande-Le Pen run-off was going for him.
This was from back in March, black is FN:
They only finished first in the European elections too.
No shot for Juppe getting the nom?Tbh, as the polling indicates, Sarkozy most likely has the next election in the bag.
Unless Hollande stops being oh so very droll.
Polling from last election to the next.Benji, why is that graph so big when the lines barely go anywhere? What's the point in having it go to 2018?
Those are two or three years away like France, but the European landscape is becoming interesting.
No shot for Juppe getting the nom?
Their neighbor is pretty fun too:
Europe is trending towards non-traditional right-wing, populist, Le Pen-esque politics on the whole. It's all protectionism and nationalism that's driving this in the face of immigration.
The Trump/Michael Savage wing of politics.Europe is trending towards non-traditional right-wing, populist, Le Pen-esque politics on the whole. It's all protectionism and nationalism that's driving this in the face of immigration.
The Trump/Michael Savage wing of politics.
Not entirely. The countries that haven been hit by austerity the hardest seem to be receiving increasing levels of support for leftist movements.
Spain's just imploded before they took power, is all.
I'd be curious to see if any others outside of Greece are able to actually win an election. Podemos was a sad trombone sound.
It's almost like these are all different places with their own issues and situations. Which is nuts I know, but hear me out and work with me on theory here.
I merely used it for perspective.
France announcing they're still taking in refugees blows the door off the matter.
Edit: sorry for the dp
I wish policymakers, including the president, would start explicitly referring to perpetrators of mass shootings as terrorists.
Because that's exactly what they are. We deal with numerous instances of domestic terrorism every single year and we need to start calling a spade a spade.
pls printhttp://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2015/11/18/3723348/indiana-lgbt-road-map-to-discrimination/
Indiana gonna Indiana. Can't copy and paste much because I am on mobile, but the GOP gonna GOP against LGBT.
The bill, which will be known as Senate Bill 100, does add sexual orientation and gender identity to the states nondiscrimination laws as it claims to. However, it expends far more words to limit the extent of those protections, making them all but worthless to most plaintiffs. Here are some of the many religious liberty compromises the bill demands:
Religious organizations are free to discriminate.
All religious or religious-affiliated organizations are exempt from the bills provisions related to sexual orientation and gender identity only.
Small businesses are free to discriminate.
Further enabling special discrimination against LGBT people, the Indiana bill contains special exemptions for businesses with fewer than four full-time employees to refuse to serve same-sex couples.
Bathroom discrimination may still be allowed.
The bills exemption for bathrooms is unclear, but seems to favor the profiling of transgender people to refuse them access.
Businesses may maintain separate restrooms and locker rooms, and may also establish, use, and enforce rules and policies related to their usage.
Cities are prohibited from extending their own LGBT protections.
Borrowing from yet another anti-LGBT policy established in Arkansas earlier this year and Tennessee in 2011, the Indiana bill prohibits local municipalities from passing any protections that extend beyond the states limitations.
Victims of discrimination are disincentivized from filing a complaint.
In a novel addition to the other tricks that help enable anti-LGBT discrimination, two different provisions in the bill actually attempts to scare and disincentivize individuals out of filing complaints.
If a complaint is found to be frivolous or intended to harm the subject of the complaint terms that are not defined elsewhere the complainant could be subjected to a $1,000 penalty.