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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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You guys keep bellyaching about the next 4-8 years. I'm worried about the next 20 or 30 years if there isn't a legitimate left response to the problems we are going to confront in the first half of this century. The left has been bound and crippled by its involvement in the Democratic Party over the last 30 years. We can't afford another 30 years of this.
I think it's the opposite. The one who wants instant gratification is you. You complain that you have to vote for Republican lite and that you won't this time because you're tired of having to, which is an indication of childish impatience. You handwave away the accomplishments painstakingly made by the people who did get in government and enacted incremental changes, building slowly to the future. The typical person who complains about not having enough, who wants to have the house before building the foundation.

And on top of that you assume you have a majority opinion and that makes you righteous. When the data shows the opposite.

I asked you before how Hillary is Republican lite when it comes to women's issues, and you never gave an answer. I would like that answer now, please.


Isn't that exactly what your prefered candidate Bernie Sanders is doing? And guess what? He is losing. This destroys this theory of yours.

America isn't a hard left country. At all. If we want left leaning change we have to do it slowly and through whatever means we can. Like we have been doing this past 8 years.

If the country was waiting for a politician or party much farther to the left than the Democrats Bernie would be getting a lot more support than he is. Your theory is flawed and does not match the actual nation you live in.

Again this is playing out RIGHT NOW with Bernie vs Hillary, and Bernie is losing. This group of people you claim to exist and could make up a winning majority do not exist, if they did Bernie could win a Democratic Primary.

The reason Sanders is losing has nothing to do with what belief the electorate has, it's deeply naive on your part to belief such nonsense.

A Socialist is over 30% nation wide when he has had no widespread attention and polling in single digits barely 6 months ago. He has been making it a close contest in the two earliest states where most of his resources have been put to use. In less than 6 months he has been able to fundraise millions more than any Republican rival - despite the DNC Debate structure and television refusing to cover him on prime time TV in any positive way. He has done so with small individual contributions instead of having the majority of contributions come from those giving the maximum $2700 amount.

You can spin it this anyway you want but there is reasons Clinton is winning at the moment. She has been running for President ever since Bill left the White House, thus she has the needed financing and organizational capacity. She was leading Obama with minorities, woman and overall percentage until the primary season began.


Colbert did his Hungry for Power Games sendoff for Jindal last night. Delicious!


And O'Malley's days are numbered, it seems..

O’Malley’s presidential campaign is perilously close to financial collapse

With barely 10 weeks before Democrats start picking their presidential nominee, former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley’s campaign is perilously close to financial collapse.

The Democratic hopeful this week began asking the roughly 30 staffers at his Baltimore headquarters to redeploy to Iowa and elsewhere, a tacit acknowledgment that he will need a surprisingly strong showing in the first caucus state to stay in the race.

And the campaign is now planning to seek public matching funds, a move that could help pay bills in the short term but undercut the candidate’s ability to compete once the voting begins. In recent cycles, major candidates have opted out of the antiquated matching system because it imposes state-by-state spending caps now considered impractical.

“You might get the plane off the ground, but then you quickly run out of gas,” said Joe Trippi, a veteran Democratic operative who served as the co-manager of the 2008 campaign of John Edwards, the last major Democratic candidate to accept matching funds and the accompanying spending limits.

Given the meager amount O’Malley has raised to this point, “it’s not a dumb thing” to seek matching funds, Trippi said. But, he added: “You die now or die later. Either way, it’s not going to end well.”


I'd give anything for Cruz to be the nominee. I know a lot of people who think Trump is actually a moderate and reasonable and he is just faking it for the primaries. No one can say that of Cruz.




and Sea Manky is right


PPP has the Cruz missile fully in flight!

Our new national poll: Trump 26, Carson 19, Cruz 14, Rubio 13. Very clear top 4- no one else over 5%

I like their head-to-head numbers. If he wins three of the first four contests (NH/SC/NV), the small bump he gets would be enough to give him a good shot in one-on-one contests. He'd be sitting pretty going into Super Tuesday.

Trump trails Carson 50/41
Trump trails Cruz 46/44
Trump leads Rubio 46/44


And Hillary is absolutely dominant with Hispanics..
@ppppolls: Clinton leads Sanders just 50/36 with white voters, but 70/13 with African Americans, 84/8 with Hispanics: https://t.co/263Gg7KAtl
In the PPP numbers did anyone see that O'Malley's still not above 50% name recognition. I doubt he gets 50% approval when the only two people in the room are him and a mirror. If those Hispanic and AA numbers hold, Nevada and SC are going to be really, really bad for Bernie.


I would love a Cruz nom. He's got all the charisma of a mutant toad. I know Trump/Clinton ought to be a massacre by all accounts but his nomination would already be such a black swan event that I'd be slightly concerned shit would get super unpredictable.

Cruz is a perfect disaster choice for the GOP.


Not surprised by the PPP numbers:

18 to 45 36%
46 to 65 41%
Older than 65 22%


The other interesting thing is that there is still 43% of African Americans who don't have an opinion on Sanders and the other interesting thing about this particular poll is 29% of 18-45 polled had no opinion on him. Which leads me to belief that there is a certain overlap in this poll between these two metrics.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
PPP has the Cruz missile fully in flight!

Our new national poll: Trump 26, Carson 19, Cruz 14, Rubio 13. Very clear top 4- no one else over 5%

Of that entire group, I see Cruz as the only one being a complete disaster for the GOP. Landslide Clinton victory at that point.
Of that entire group, I see Cruz as the only one being a complete disaster for the GOP. Landslide Clinton victory at that point.

A lot of the GOP candidates scare me. Cruz is the only one who actually creeps me the hell out. There's something so...gross about that guy.

I'm fine with Trump or Cruz getting the nod, though.
Since we were talking about Primary voting so much...

I intend to vote Bernie in the primary. Not because I think he'd be a better President than Clinton, or that he's more electable-- but to send a message that there's a desire for more progressive politicians.

I would not do this if I thought he might be nominated and that my vote would matter.

That probably makes me the flip side of disastermouse (although I'll enthusiastically vote and maybe campaign for Bernie if he's nominated).
I'd give anything for Cruz to be the nominee. I know a lot of people who think Trump is actually a moderate and reasonable and he is just faking it for the primaries. No one can say that of Cruz.

Same here.

A destruction of Cruz in the general would be the ultimate repudiation of Republican extremism.


Another thing fun about a Cruz nomination: in the run-up to the Presidential debates, you all just know that the media would pump him up as a highly-educated, formidable debater - perhaps Hillary's toughest foe yet! The expectations game would swing firmly into her favor.


I'd give anything for Cruz to be the nominee. I know a lot of people who think Trump is actually a moderate and reasonable and he is just faking it for the primaries. No one can say that of Cruz.
Same here.

A destruction of Cruz in the general would be the ultimate repudiation of Republican extremism.
I would love a Cruz nom. He's got all the charisma of a mutant toad. I know Trump/Clinton ought to be a massacre by all accounts but his nomination would already be such a black swan event that I'd be slightly concerned shit would get super unpredictable.

Cruz is a perfect disaster choice for the GOP.

Agree with all of you. Cruz is the least electable candidate they have... and that is saying a lot. If I were a US citizen I would actually donate to his campaign.


aka andydumi
Same here.

A destruction of Cruz in the general would be the ultimate repudiation of Republican extremism.

I disagree. It would simply reinforce their belief that he represents the party values because he will inevitably get a lot of votes from people who vote republican no matter who it is.


Mr Speaker, here's your first land mine.
{Professor Farnsworth voice:} ENJOY!


House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan is ruling out making any cuts to Muslim immigration.

In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Ryan declared that considering an applicant’s religion would not be “appropriate” and would be fundamentally un-American— insisting “that’s not who we are.”

In his questioning of Ryan, Hannity cited populist thought leader Sen. Jeff Sessions, who chairs the Senate Immigration Subcommittee and whose office has put out a series of analyses in recent months detailing the enormous scope of immigration into the United States in general, as well as the vast scope Muslim immigration in particular. ..

By declaring that it would not be “proper” or “appropriate” for the United States to consider the religion of a visa applicant— or whether the applicant supports Sharia law or Muslim theocracy— Ryan is effectively suggesting that the United States should not be allowed to select whom we admit based on likelihood of assimilation.

This view is consistent with Ryan’s two decade long history of pushing open borders immigration policies. As NumbersUSA President Roy Beck has said, “[Ryan] has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA… Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being… It’s just who he is.”

God, this is good fodder. For extra fun, check-out the comments! And the reactions on FreeRepublic!
Ted Cruz Last Year: We Should Welcome Syrian Refugees, And We Can Do It Safely

Interviewed in February 2014, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz declared that Syrian refugees should be permitted into the United States and argued that this could be done without jeopardizing national security.

"We have welcomed refugees -- the tired, huddled masses -- for centuries. That’s been the history of the United States," he told Fox News in a video featured on Cruz's website. "We should continue to do so." He added: "We have to continue to be vigilant to make sure those coming are not affiliated with the terrorists, but we can do that."

Clinton advising US troops on the ground to assist locals but leaving the securing of their own borders to them.

Not sure what that does. We already know there's no healthy foundation in place from which the people can build up a healthy society without threats from extremists, corruption, etc.

It's certainly better than doing nothing, but idk.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mr Speaker, here's your first land mine.
{Professor Farnsworth voice:} ENJOY!

God, this is good fodder. For extra fun, check-out the comments! And the reactions on FreeRepublic!

I actually feel bad for Ryan. His economic plans are terribly weighted toward the rich but he seems like a decent guy overall. He's going to take a beating as Speaker.
I actually feel bad for Ryan. His economic plans are terribly weighted toward the rich but he seems like a decent guy overall. He's going to take a beating as Speaker.

Ryan seems like the type of guy who if he would've been in a slightly poorer family, or had a different Economics 101 teacher, or been born five years later so he wasn't growing up in the height of Reagan, Fuck Yeah, he likely would've become a liberal or at least a centrist Democrat, especially in Wisconsin. Because he wants to solve problems, but has been so brainwashed into the conservative orthodoxy.
I disagree. It would simply reinforce their belief that he represents the party values because he will inevitably get a lot of votes from people who vote republican no matter who it is.

After the last two elections, you kept hearing far-right Republicans moan that they lost because their candidate wasn't conservative enough.

Cruz getting destroyed puts to rest that argument forever. Because you really can't get more conservative than that asshole.
After the last two elections, you kept hearing far-right Republicans moan that they lost because their candidate wasn't conservative enough.

Cruz getting destroyed puts to rest that argument forever. Because you really can't get more conservative than that asshole.

They'll find something quasi-moderate in his positions to justify going further right.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
After the last two elections, you kept hearing far-right Republicans moan that they lost because their candidate wasn't conservative enough.

Cruz getting destroyed puts to rest that argument forever. Because you really can't get more conservative than that asshole.

I'd rather they not figure out the truth, though, to be quite honest.

This is going to ruin Cruz's chances, by the way.

Yahoo News asked Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldn’t rule it out.

“We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said when presented with the idea. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

Stars are pretty noticeable and easy to draw so maybe we could go with those.
Clinton advising US troops on the ground to assist locals but leaving the securing of their own borders to them.

Not sure what that does. We already know there's no healthy foundation in place from which the people can build up a healthy society without threats from extremists, corruption, etc.

It's certainly better than doing nothing, but idk.

That's already been happening since last year.

Also, I sometimes thought certain group of the Republican party was slightly on the fascist side.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
At some point the country needs Republicans to be somewhat sane and functional again.

I think we all need to realize that this isn't going to happen as long as Fox News and people like Rush Limbaugh are as popular as they are. If you think about the timing of how quickly this country has become incredibly polarized, it coincides with the rise of popularity in Fox News et al. It's not going away any time soon.

If a guy like Ryan or Paul gets power, they'll criticize him over the airwaves and the public who listens/watches will eat it up. It's a terrible cycle we're in right now.


Paul RINO - Obamanazi collaborator.

Someone actually wrote this. I mean, is he a Nazi? Socialist? Muslim? Quantum superposition of them all?


No Scrubs
Trump with the build up to the final solution, holy shit. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was performance art.

If anything was going to tank him it would be this, right? I mean, he's going full Hitler. You never go full Hitler!
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