Daniel B·;186099263 said:My :") [post=185920193]reaction[/post] to Nina Turner's, Cleveland, Ohio rally speech (video link below), was not an exaggeration; by the end of the video I was blubbing, with abandon, and Bronx-Man's follow up "The political revolution is finally near" [post=185920532]post[/post] had me going again (the last time I did that, in a very long time, was that touching scene in St. Vincent, where the incorrigible Vincent character, played to perfection by Bill Murray, was proclaimed "Saint Vincent of sheeps Head Bay", by his new young friend, Oliver). If your immediate thought is, "Oh man, this lamb is so ripe for the slaughter, I have my mint sauce already open!"
, you must be a PoliGAF newbie and you'll momentarily be witnessing my resolve.
I think the video invoked such a powerful reaction in me, because, although I believe in Bernie, our champion for all Americans, I wasn't entirely convinced that we could get our message through to enough people, especially when pitted against the billions of the 1% and the establishment controlled media, etc, etc.
For the record, although quite a few have said I still look in my twenties, and I may never lose my young outlook on life, I am actually a 45 year old straight white guy, and have followed politics, with great interest (shout out to Jon Snow (Ch4 News) and Jeremy Paxman (BBC Newsnight)), since my twenties, with the fall of Apartheid and the Berlin Wall being some of my greatest memories. The all nighter I pulled on the day New Labour booted the Conservatives out of office, was also a wonderful day, even if the euphoria didn't take long to wear off, after discovering that Blair and his master spin doctor, Alastair Campbell, were not a whole lot better than the Tory government. Wait a minute; can anyone see the parallels here, with Barack TPP (read Corporatist) Obama (more similarities, shortly)?
Despite being born in the UK, I've always held an American passport, as my Mom is from Massachusetts, and we visited my Grandparents a few times (RIP; my Gran lived to the grand old age of 103 and I have her framed card of "100th Birthday Congratulations" from President Obama and Michele, in pride of place, above my desk). I have always leaned towards American culture (primarily movies and TV) and my first computers were a Commodore Vic-20 and Atari 400. After retiring to Virginia in the fall of 07, I rediscovered politics, with Obama, having given up on them, with Blair's reign, and what does Obama go and do? In some regards, he does a remarkable impression of New Labour, and no one will ever be able to convince me that Hillary is not cut from the very same, corporate infused cloth.
So what has Obama been up to now? As I posted [post=183798149]previously[/post] (and I must say, I owe a debt of gratitude to Mike M, that led to my discovery of this; you have done your country a great service), he's only topped his Larry Summers nomination (for Fed chair; withdrawn), by nominating the "ultimate industry insider" for the FDA Commissioner position,.. Luckily, Bernie is on the case and guess from the following photo (video link), who's fairing better in the exchange:
Thanks to Reagan thoroughly fucking the FDA, with his immediate appointment of Dr. Arthur Hayes as commissioner, it has been decades since the agency has primarily looked out for the American people, and not the industries it is supposed to be regulating, and to give you one very straightforward example, the agency has known for many years of the dangers of Trans Fat, that it is not fit for human consumption, in any quantity, and yet, they have been moving at a snails pace, to withdraw their coveted GRAS status (a joke, at this stage), only recently doing so, whilst giving the industry a further three years to clean up their act (seeing the prevaling wind, some companies have gotten ahead of this).
And, if you think this corruption of our government agencies (funded with our tax dollars...) is restricted to the FDA, you would be sadly mistaken, as the "revolving door" is very much alive at, for example, the CDC, where, will you look at that, a day after the mandatory one year grace period (over industries they've been regulating), the previous head, Dr. Julie Gerberding, becomes the president of Merck's Vaccine division, one of the Worlds leading pharmaceutical corporations...
The time is now, for a long overdue overhaul in the way our democracy operates, and Bernie, with the support of the American people, can bring about that change, and to anyone who sais change can and should only happen gradually, you just have to look at America's history, to see that is patently false.
Has anyone actually read one of Daniels rambling love notes? I assume all of us just scroll through all of it at this point.
Has anyone actually read one of Daniels rambling love notes? I assume all of us just scroll through all of it at this point.
All Bernie supporter posts read like babby's first election. Give them some time. They'll become jaded fucks like us soon.
I can't wait for Daniels first post when Bernie goes down in flames early next year. I really hope he doesn't just disappear.All Bernie supporter posts read like babby's first election. Give them some time. They'll become jaded fucks like us soon.
All Bernie supporter posts read like babby's first election. Give them some time. They'll become jaded fucks like us soon.
Yes. We've had a very conservative country for decades already. The sooner we withdraw from the failure of the Democratic Party, the sooner we can start working on pretty much anything other than the failed strategy of 'just go along' that we've had for 30 years. Chances are also pretty good that if the left abandoned the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party would pursue people on the left. They really can't win anything without us.
We've been going backwards for 30 years, not forward. We're re-litigating birth control, for fuck's sake. Your. Strategy. Isn't. Working. (*pro-tip: It's not supposed to work. It designed to fail.)
Matthew 6:5-6 said:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Falling in love with a politician as your personal savior to all your problems and woes in the world is a young mans game.
Every Bernie supporter will look back in 10 years and cringe. Just like us Dean types do now.
"You know your a 2010s kid when you remember you supported Bernie Sanders for a few months" and all that
I'd love Dean as Hillary's VP. I doubt it's a viable option though.Falling in love with a politician as your personal savior to all your problems and woes in the world is a young mans game.
Every Bernie supporter will look back in 10 years and cringe. Just like us Dean types do now.
"You know your a 2010s kid when you remember you supported Bernie Sanders for a few months" and all that
Folding like wet paper. Ugh.Exactly, the main problem with democrats is that a lot of the time they are a bunch of pussies probably the more moderate ones are.
Why doesn't Obama make a televised speech on Syrian refugee policy?
Falling in love with a politician as your personal savior to all your problems and woes in the world is a young mans game.
Every Bernie supporter will look back in 10 years and cringe. Just like us Dean types do now.
"You know your a 2010s kid when you remember you supported Bernie Sanders for a few months" and all that
Falling in love with a politician as your personal savior to all your problems and woes in the world is a young mans game.
Every Bernie supporter will look back in 10 years and cringe. Just like us Dean types do now.
"You know your a 2010s kid when you remember you supported Bernie Sanders for a few months" and all that
Why doesn't Obama make a televised speech on Syrian refugee policy?
I can't wait for Daniels first post when Bernie goes down in flames early next year. I really hope he doesn't just disappear.
Don't know if Bevin will actually get off Medicaid fully. There might be some sort of adjustment but it seems like a really dumb idea and he's been backing down from it in public statements.In better news, Alabama basically voted for medicaid expansion.
And La is probably getting it too.
So that's +2 in the South, though obviously Kentucky might be -1.
But this matters a lot. Maybe this means other places will move forward with it in the coming months and year.
Regarding Trump, holy shit at his Hitler idea. Like, at first it was funny...but that shit it just fucking scary...
seeing a lot of condescension towards the sanders voters here. it ain't right I tell you hwhat. I don't lounge around making vince foster jokes all dayit's not their fault that they actually have an inspiring candidate to rally around, instead of grouchily badmouthing others for their "naivete" and being in their "twenties"like some people
tldr cease the hostilities ye jaded hilldawgs
It's best not to come into PoliGAF and if you do to put a lot of people on ignore.
seeing a lot of condescension towards the sanders voters here. it ain't right I tell you hwhat. I don't lounge around making vince foster jokes all dayit's not their fault that they actually have an inspiring candidate to rally around, instead of grouchily badmouthing others for their "naivete" and being in their "twenties"like some people
tldr cease the hostilities ye jaded hilldawgs
Because it would make things worse. Presidential speeches polarize issues.
In all serious we will all be one big happy democratic family ready for november with the anointed one at the top.
It's best not to come into PoliGAF and if you do to put a lot of people on ignore.
Yep. I am 100% positive the like of Las, Brainchild, Daniel, etc will be behind Hillary much as we are come the convention.
seeing a lot of condescension towards the sanders voters here. it ain't right I tell you hwhat. I don't lounge around making vince foster jokes all dayit's not their fault that they actually have an inspiring candidate to rally around, instead of grouchily badmouthing others for their "naivete" and being in their "twenties"like some people
tldr cease the hostilities ye jaded hilldawgs
Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell.
How can you not be inspired by a candidate with the courage to take bold actions like telling Wall Street to cut it out or proposing a bill to protect our poor defenseless flags?
How can you not be inspired by a candidate with the courage to take bold actions like telling Wall Street to cut it out or proposing a bill to protect our poor defenseless flags?
Yep. I am 100% positive the like of Las, Brainchild, Daniel, etc will be behind Hillary much as we are come the convention.
well not everyone. I can think of a few who won't.
Well, that's good since it would so far as I'm aware be illegal.After that report surfaced, Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver told CNN, “We have not started a super PAC, are not coordinating with a super PAC, and have not fundraised for a super PAC."
Bernie Sanders’ disapproval of super PACs is a stand-by theme in his stump speech, and it’s a concept that was included in the prepared remarks of his much-anticipated speech on democratic socialism on Thursday.
But the pre-written line went missing on Thursday, as Sanders — with two TelePrompTers standing before him — skipped straight from a passage about mandatory voter registration to a line-by-line explanation of the differences between his own ideology and the socialism people commonly think of.
The omission of that line went unnoticed by the 700-person audience, but it comes at a noteworthy time for Sanders: one day after the Sunlight Foundation noted that the National Nurses United union was using its affiliated super PAC to back Sanders with nearly $570,000.
That breeds hostility, especially if you can't accept there are people who might possibilty have a different opinion or candidate of choice.
lolBernie Sanders drops line attacking super PACs from speech after super PAC backs him.
So much for ideological purity. He's one of us now, Bernie fans.
Bernie Sanders drops line attacking super PACs from speech after super PAC backs him.
So much for ideological purity. He's one of us now, Bernie fans.
Would love to see this as a thread on the OT.
That breeds hostility, especially if you can't accept there are people who might possibilty have a different opinion or candidate of choice.
Trump to NBC on whether his WH would implement database tracking Muslims: "i would certainly implement that. Absolutely." Video coming...
Bernie Sanders drops line attacking super PACs from speech after super PAC backs him.
So much for ideological purity. He's one of us now, Bernie fans.
Accuse people of picking fightsThere are some people who talk issues/news in here. There are a handful of frequent posters who are just looking to start a fight with anyone who supports Bernie Sanders or any left leaning politician from the past.
I don't need to be bullied by some wanks on the internet for believing what I believe. Putting people on ignore lessens the hostility!