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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked a push by Sen. Ted Cruz to pass legislation that would block refugees from countries with "terrorist controlled territory" from entering the United States.

The Texas Republican and presidential candidate tried to get unanimous consent to pass his legislation, which he introduced on Wednesday. The legislation would specifically block refugees from Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, while also allowing the State Department to block additional countries that have significant portions of their territory controlled by terrorist groups.

But, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) objected to Cruz's request, on behalf of himself and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)

Cruz ripped the senators for their objection, suggesting they were putting their loyalty to President Obama over national security in the wake of the Paris attacks.

"[This] legislation would stop President Obama and Hillary Clinton's plan to bring in tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees to the United States," Cruz said. "The Democratic senators in this body have chosen to stand with President Obama and his absurd political correctness, his unwillingness even to utter the words 'radical islamic terrorism.''


Trump with the build up to the final solution, holy shit. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was performance art.

If anything was going to tank him it would be this, right? I mean, he's going full Hitler. You never go full Hitler!

This is for Donald Elizabeth Trump:

We need fan-fiction where Bill calls Trump every week and tells him the next crazy thing to say. In the story, Bill and Trump would be convinced that Trump will eventually bomb.. but his candidacy ends-up being a hit!
Trump with the build up to the final solution, holy shit. If I didn't know any better I'd say this was performance art.

If anything was going to tank him it would be this, right? I mean, he's going full Hitler. You never go full Hitler!
This is how it starts. It's all fun and games until minorities are told to carry identification. This is what happens when people both on left (Maher, Harris, Fedora brigade) and right (everyone) demonize Muslims and Islam.


No Scrubs
This is for Donald Elizabeth Trump:

We need fan-fiction where Bill calls Trump every week and tells him the next crazy thing to say. In the story, Bill and Trump would be convinced that Trump will eventually bomb.. but his candidacy ends-up being a hit!

Basically the producers, only for an election. Holy shit, that's actually really good. I'm totally going to steal that. That would make an amazing book, maybe end it with a speech like from the dictator.

This is really good...I totally want to start writing this right now but I have to write about boring shit instead for work... :(


Agree with all of you. Cruz is the least electable candidate they have... and that is saying a lot. If I were a US citizen I would actually donate to his campaign.

Agreed. My dad is a die hard Republican of the "I'd nuke the middle East" variety and even he said that he'd vote for Hillary over Cruz because he is such an asshole and still has the government shutdown on his hands.
Agreed. My dad is a die hard Republican of the "I'd nuke the middle East" variety and even he said that he'd vote for Hillary over Cruz because he is such an asshole and still has the government shutdown on his hands.

Heh, my dad's the same way.

Though he had this plan about turning Mecca into a volcano...

User 406

Since we were talking about Primary voting so much...

I intend to vote Bernie in the primary. Not because I think he'd be a better President than Clinton, or that he's more electable-- but to send a message that there's a desire for more progressive politicians.

I would not do this if I thought he might be nominated and that my vote would matter.

That probably makes me the flip side of disastermouse (although I'll enthusiastically vote and maybe campaign for Bernie if he's nominated).

That was pretty much my plan the minute Bernie threw his hat into the ring. I'm pretty sure that was Bernie's plan too. :p That's what primaries are for, voting your principles. The general election is just a QTE event. I switched to Hillary after the Benghazi hearing, because I realized that that message was one I wanted to send more.

After the last two elections, you kept hearing far-right Republicans moan that they lost because their candidate wasn't conservative enough.

Cruz getting destroyed puts to rest that argument forever. Because you really can't get more conservative than that asshole.

I can't agree with this. I think they're behind their own purity event horizon so that an election loss by any candidate makes them by definition not conservative enough, no matter how crazy right wing they are. The fact the rabid right have been repeatedly shitting on long time staunch conservatives for this reason makes it clear that no matter how unrealistic their expectations, results trump bonafides, excuse the classy and luxurious pun.

My distant hope is that these foaming at the mouth AM radio Dixiecrat nutbars eventually even tire of this and reject the Republican party altogether as too left wing, either not voting at all or forming some truly nightmarish right wing Green party equivalent, which would leave the actual Republican party free to start pursuing Democratic moderates harder, which would leave the Democratic party free to start pushing leftward for those few remaining percentage points on the left. It seems like there's a potential for a lot more of them to reach that breaking point than any overhyped Democratic defection.


Stars are pretty noticeable and easy to draw so maybe we could go with those.

That's offensive. They should totally be little crescent moon badges.


Some thoughts on how the GOP's reaction to the Paris attacks differed from the Dems' response to the Madrid attacks in 2004.


MM is ridiculously left-leaning, but it might be mildly interesting to go back and compare.

I don't think it matters whether or not they're left-leaning here. This should be obvious to any thinking person not consumed with hatred for Obama.

While I believe some people make this argument facetiously entirely for political gain, I don't think all people making the argument are facetious; I think it's a mix. For example, the Wall Street Journal has run at least one op-ed criticizing or outright blaming Obama for the Paris attack every single day since it happened. I'd say about half are Republican political machine spinning (WSJ is basically part of the Republican establishment at this point), while half are rooted in genuine conviction based on the neocon ideology. But to seriously blame Obama for the attack and the current refugee crisis requires the following assumptions (assumptions in bold):

1) A robust ground campaign in Syria and Iraq would have prevented the attack. Historical evidence proves this false - in 2004 we had near-total occupation of Iraq, and we still had that in 2008, and that occupation did nothing to prevent the Madrid and Mumbai attacks. Terrorist cells' ability to operate is not contingent on whether ISIL or al-Qaeda controls Mosul or any other city

2) A ground campaign would result in quick and decisive victory. Our experience in Iraq was that the campaign against the enemy's structured military was won very quickly, but was followed by a years-long insurgency with a very heavy human and monetary cost. Insurgent forces still had the operational capability to carry out terrorist attacks. There's no reason to believe Syria would be different.

3) The Iraq withdrawal was a huge strategic blunder that should have been foreseen. Iraq wanted us out and refused us a new Status of Forces Agreement. The argument I've seen here is that Obama should have made a Trump-like deal to get SOFA renewed, but it's not clear that was an option.

4) Iraq was stable in 2011, and Obama ruined that. I think this comes from the existential need to defend Bush's signature foreign policy as having accomplished something worthwhile. (Aside, I have seen many right-wingers talk about how Obama squandered "hard-won blood and treasure" in Iraq. What treasure? We did get waste lots of blood, but it's foolish to throw good blood after bad. It's unfortunate for the families of soldiers who died or the soldiers who were disabled for life in a war that didn't lead to any lasting benefit, but the blame for that is entirely on Bush and his advisers). Back to the main issue, a country that falls apart as soon as foreign troops leave was never stable. It's like a bridge that collapses as soon as all the construction supports are removed. It's really a shame that the Iraqi president overestimated his own military's capability to defend the country even remotely competently or even to not turn tail and run at the first sign of battle, but that's entirely his fault.

Hillary Clinton's plan on combating Daesh.

after listening to that, I don't know how any Republican candidate could debate here next Fall. She is way too strong
Compared to Obama's cool, calm demeanor Hillary seems downright ferocious. I have to imagine she'll be more effective at selling her policies/initiatives to the American people, versus Obama who tends to put more trust in the policy to sell itself (which to his detriment ignores the Republican efforts to slander what he's doing, driving approval ratings down across the board as there's no effort to counteract that).
I like how much stronger her delineated strategy is compared to Carly, who has a strange fixation on "rebuilding" our Sixth Fleet (I think this is a tactical word choice to make it appear as if she has comprehensive knowledge of our military assets).


Paul trying to steal that Trump mojo

Paul Holding Up Spending Bill Over Refugee Welfare

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he won’t allow a transportation and housing spending bill through quickly without a vote about Syrian refugees, likely halting final passage until after Thanksgiving.

In a statement, Paul called it “an outrage” that Senate leadership filed cloture on the bill without his amendment regarding welfare for new refugees, and he promised he “will not back down.”

“I will use all available Senate rules and procedures to force them to use all possible time,” Paul said in a statement.

On the floor, Paul blocked consideration of amendments unless he could get a vote on an amendment designed to block federal benefits for any arriving refugees. Paul said his amendment is germane to the underlying spending bill pertaining to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.


No Scrubs
Cant believe there are posts in the trump thread that say ban all religion institutions...Soviet Union much?

People are crazy, what can I tell you.

There was a guy who defended Trump's final solution.

What a shitheel. I have no idea how anyone likes this guy. He's a snake. People say Hillary changes position with every gust of wind, but that's more true about Rand than anyone else. I still remember when he held 4 distinct views on the same issue in the span of a week.
If the left abandons the Democrat party, you're going to be stuck with a very conservative country for decades to come.

You're looking at this backwards, IMHO. This isn't Europe. Our electorate and our political process is very different. It intentionally hamstrings quick change. You have to build a coalition to get anything done. Take the route you describe and you'll destroy the left.

The far left and far right have the same problem, in this regard. They think they can go around the system. But you can't. it sucks, but that's the truth. Accept it and work with it.
Yes. We've had a very conservative country for decades already. The sooner we withdraw from the failure of the Democratic Party, the sooner we can start working on pretty much anything other than the failed strategy of 'just go along' that we've had for 30 years. Chances are also pretty good that if the left abandoned the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party would pursue people on the left. They really can't win anything without us.


Run, David, run!


Not only has this reputation endangered Mr. Vitter’s bid for governor, but it could also be a problem were he to lose and want to keep his seat in the United States Senate, where he has few close colleagues. With Senate Republicans holding a precarious four-seat majority and next year’s Senate races favoring Democrats, leading Republican strategists in Washington have quietly begun putting out word that they have little appetite to spend money rehabilitating Mr. Vitter’s image when another Republican candidate could hold the seat with little investment.

If Vitter runs, Mitch Landrieu needs to run.
Ted Cruz Announces Formation of National Prayer Team

“A Time for Prayer” Launches at Cruz for President

HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced the formation of a national prayer team, “A Time for Prayer,” scheduled to launch on December 1.

“Heidi and I are grateful for the prayers of people all over this nation,” Cruz said. “We experience the power of prayer every day. We’re organizing ‘A Time for Prayer’ to establish a direct line of communication between our campaign and the thousands of Americans who are lifting us up before the Lord. Our nation is in desperate need of God’s favor – these are dangerous days for America, but these are also days of great hope. United in prayer and in purpose, we are committed to reignite the promise of our nation.”


Isn't that exactly what your prefered candidate Bernie Sanders is doing? And guess what? He is losing. This destroys this theory of yours.

America isn't a hard left country. At all. If we want left leaning change we have to do it slowly and through whatever means we can. Like we have been doing this past 8 years.

We've been going backwards for 30 years, not forward. We're re-litigating birth control, for fuck's sake. Your. Strategy. Isn't. Working. (*pro-tip: It's not supposed to work. It designed to fail.)

If the country was waiting for a politician or party much farther to the left than the Democrats Bernie would be getting a lot more support than he is. Your theory is flawed and does not match the actual nation you live in.

Again this is playing out RIGHT NOW with Bernie vs Hillary, and Bernie is losing. This group of people you claim to exist and could make up a winning majority do not exist, if they did Bernie could win a Democratic Primary.
In this magical country where >60% voting is considered a high turnout, you want to argue that more people are in the center? The left has been getting the shit kicked out of it for 30 years from all sides.

Also, I don't think your argument that Bernie would be winning if the left existed has much merit. He's not exactly getting a fair shake and he may not even be the ideal left candidate.
You can't go any further without actually invading with ground forces and no one wants that.

Yes you can if you know what you are doing.

I tell you what Obama is doing in Syria regarding ISIS.

He is trying to get Turkey to close the ISIS border and there is suppose to be an offensive with US/Turkey-backed rebel forces getting control of the territory.

The US is using the SDF, an alliance of Arabs and Kurds to take control of territory in eastern Syria. The Syrian Arab coalition is the arab part of that group and the US is using that group to arm the arabs/rebels/kurds as a front so Turkey won't get bitchy. Now they are trying to take over the rest of Hasakah province after getting all their main objectives and assisting the Iraqi kurds in taking Singar, which cut off ISIS routes between Mousol and Raqqa.


Go here to watch the briefings https://www.dvidshub.net/tags/video/steven-warren
Here's some reddit posts related to the current briefing.

They will also attack Raqqa at one point.

The airstrikes destroyed assets outside of the battlefields near allied ground forces.

The ground forces aspect is already have been covered. Hillary is just doing what Obama is doing but with a little more force, I guess.


The Draw of the Death Cult: A piece from Foreign Policy that has its own interpretation of how to fight the influence of Daesh at home. Probably nothing new, but I felt this paragraph was oddly relatable:
Grand causes have always had an appeal to young people: They offer a sense of power, of meaning, a feeling of community, and a means to escape from the frustrations of life. The attraction of the Islamic State’s holy war, promoted on countless websites, through tweets, and other social media, should be easy to understand. Many young admirers of “Carlos the Jackal” also thought they were fighting “the West,” “imperialism,” “fascism,” or whatever else, for the sake of something higher.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Your feel good story of the day:

Lisa Botner, 36, belongs to both camps. A Kynector – a state agent representing Kynect in the field – recently helped Botner sign up for a Wellcare Medicaid card for herself and her 7-year-old son. Without that, Botner said, she couldn’t afford the regular doctor’s visits and blood tests needed to keep her hyperthyroidism in check.

“If anything changed with our insurance to make it more expensive for us, that would be a big problem,” Botner, a community college student, said Friday at the Owsley County Public Library, where she works. “Just with the blood tests, you’re talking maybe $1,000 a year without insurance.”

Botner just happens to be a Republican, though with such an important issue at stake, you'd figure that despite her political affiliation, she would put self preservation before party right? Haha, of course not! But she did provide an excellent reason why she still voted for the guy who will probably wind up killing her (and her son):

So why in the world would she support Bevin and vote to undermine her own interests? “I’m just a die-hard Republican,” the woman said.

And to that, I say:


Sorry if this makes me sound like an asshole, but I have zero compassion for people who willing and knowingly vote against their self interest. If some goober Republican thinks it's more important for the gay guy from Will and Grace to not get married, than it is for her to, you know, live, well have at it, hoss.

But there is one problem that this story brings to light. While this chick's a moron, and voted for someone who hates medicaid, she herself doesn't hate medicaid. Yet that didn't make a difference whatsoever cause she happened to hate Starbucks for their red Christmas cups even more.

My point is that one of the reasons Obamacare was supposed to be safe after it was implemented was that people who are Republicans, who wind up enjoying and benefiting from the program, would at the very least vote to preserve their own plans that they're benefiting from, even if they may be hardcore Republican in other areas (teabaggers are among the people who don't want any changes to their medicare, for example).

But as we've just seen, that's clearly not the case.


I highly doubt the GOP is noticing the deja vu it is bringing back up with their push back against the refugees.

These people never learn history. They're too busy revising it.


Yes you can if you know what you are doing.

I tell you what Obama is doing in Syria regarding ISIS.

He is trying to get Turkey to close the ISIS border and there is suppose to be an offensive with US/Turkey-backed rebel forces getting control of the territory.

The US is using the SDF, an alliance of Arabs and Kurds to take control of territory in eastern Syria. The Syrian Arab coalition is the arab part of that group and the US is using that group to arm the arabs/rebels/kurds as a front so Turkey won't get bitchy. Now they are trying to take over the rest of Hasakah province after getting all their main objectives and assisting the Iraqi kurds in taking Singar, which cut off ISIS routes between Mousol and Raqqa.


Go here to watch the briefings https://www.dvidshub.net/tags/video/steven-warren
Here's some reddit posts related to the current briefing.

They will also attack Raqqa at one point.

The airstrikes destroyed assets outside of the battlefields near allied ground forces.

The ground forces aspect is already have been covered. Hillary is just doing what Obama is doing but with a little more force, I guess.
There's no need for ground forces in Raqqa at all. The Russians will soon flatten it. Unfortunately, civilians and all. If not by airstrike, then by ground invasion.
My :") [post=185920193]reaction[/post] to Nina Turner's, Cleveland, Ohio rally speech (video link below), was not an exaggeration; by the end of the video I was blubbing, with abandon, and Bronx-Man's follow up "The political revolution is finally near" [post=185920532]post[/post] had me going again (the last time I did that, in a very long time, was that touching scene in St. Vincent, where the incorrigible Vincent character, played to perfection by Bill Murray, was proclaimed "Saint Vincent of sheeps Head Bay", by his new young friend, Oliver) :). If your immediate thought is, "Oh man, this lamb is so ripe for the slaughter, I have my mint sauce already open!" ;), you must be a PoliGAF newbie and you'll momentarily be witnessing my resolve.

I think the video invoked such a powerful reaction in me, because, although I believe in Bernie, our champion for all Americans, I wasn't entirely convinced that we could get our message through to enough people, especially when pitted against the billions of the 1% and the establishment controlled media, etc, etc.

For the record, although quite a few have said I still look in my twenties, and I may never lose my young outlook on life, I am actually a 45 year old straight white guy, and have followed politics, with great interest (shout out to Jon Snow (Ch4 News) and Jeremy Paxman (BBC Newsnight)), since my twenties, with the fall of Apartheid and the Berlin Wall being some of my greatest memories. The all nighter I pulled on the day New Labour booted the Conservatives out of office, was also a wonderful day, even if the euphoria didn't take long to wear off, after discovering that Blair and his master spin doctor, Alastair Campbell, were not a whole lot better than the Tory government. Wait a minute; can anyone see the parallels here, with Barack TPP (read Corporatist) Obama (more similarities, shortly)?

Despite being born in the UK, I've always held an American passport, as my Mom is from Massachusetts, and we visited my Grandparents a few times (RIP; my Gran lived to the grand old age of 103 and I have her framed card of "100th Birthday Congratulations" from President Obama and Michele, in pride of place, above my desk). I have always leaned towards American culture (primarily movies and TV) and my first computers were a Commodore Vic-20 and Atari 400. After retiring to Virginia in the fall of 07, I rediscovered politics, with Obama, having given up on them, with Blair's reign, and what does Obama go and do? In some regards, he does a remarkable impression of New Labour, and no one will ever be able to convince me that Hillary is not cut from the very same, corporate infused cloth.

So what has Obama been up to now? As I posted [post=183798149]previously[/post] (and I must say, I owe a debt of gratitude to Mike M, that led to my discovery of this; you have done your country a great service ;) ), he's only topped his Larry Summers nomination (for Fed chair; withdrawn), by nominating the "ultimate industry insider" for the FDA Commissioner position,.. Luckily, Bernie is on the case and guess from the following photo (video link), who's fairing better in the exchange:

Thanks to Reagan thoroughly fucking the FDA, with his immediate appointment of Dr. Arthur Hayes as commissioner, it has been decades since the agency has primarily looked out for the American people, and not the industries it is supposed to be regulating, and to give you one very straightforward example, the agency has known for many years of the dangers of Trans Fat, that it is not fit for human consumption, in any quantity, and yet, they have been moving at a snails pace, to withdraw their coveted GRAS status (a joke, at this stage), only recently doing so, whilst giving the industry a further three years to clean up their act (seeing the prevaling wind, some companies have gotten ahead of this).

And, if you think this corruption of our government agencies (funded with our tax dollars...) is restricted to the FDA, you would be sadly mistaken, as the "revolving door" is very much alive at, for example, the CDC, where, will you look at that, a day after the mandatory one year grace period (over industries they've been regulating), the previous head, Dr. Julie Gerberding, becomes the president of Merck's Vaccine division, one of the Worlds leading pharmaceutical corporations...

The time is now, for a long overdue overhaul in the way our democracy operates, and Bernie, with the support of the American people, can bring about that change, and to anyone who sais change can and should only happen gradually, you just have to look at America's history, to see that is patently false.
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